xuan shou

Chapter 22 A gentleman on the cliff, don't fall into the golden willow

In the lounge, three men and four women were talking about something. Suddenly, one of them shouted, "Where's Tang Feng? Where is Tang Feng?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"Oh, yes, where's Tang Feng?"

Several people looked at each other in con sight, only Xin Yuqiang smiled and squeezed his lips: "I think he may not like the scenery here, right? It may have gone down the mountain! Let's wait for him at the hotel next time!"

"Yes, yes, won't you just go back to the hotel next time!"

Several people also calmed down to enjoy this magical beauty.

Xin Yuqiang thought to himself, "Ha ha, it's down the mountain, but it fell off the cliff!"

Several people were tired of playing and returned to the hotel, but were stopped by several policemen.

The leader is Ding Xiaosan, and there are two other colleagues with him. It's not Huang Qiang and Zhang Hao, but a charming woman with fiery red hair up to her waist, and a muscle pimple all over her body**.

Ding Xiaosan took a step forward: "Wait a minute!"

Xin Yuqiang's heart thumped and almost suffocated. He said, "No way, it's coming so fast?" However, in order to cover up, his mouth became arrogant: "Do you know who we are? Dare to stop us?"

"Hun" The charming woman snorted coldly: "Li Feihong, Li Na, the good granddaughter of Commander Li; Long Wei, the young owner of Tianwang Group; Do you want me to say it?" The charming woman glanced at Xin Yuqiang obliquely.

A few women were puzzled. Li Na said, "I don't know. What are you looking for?"

The woman wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ding Xiaosan. He stepped forward again: "Where's Tang Feng?"

As soon as Ding Xiaosan's words came out, several people looked at each other: "Do you know Tang Feng?"

"He is a disciple of Tangmen who was expelled from his home. We suspect that he did the case in Chongqing. I want to find him back to assist in the investigation!"

Xin Yuqiang took a deep breath: "Huh..."


The ** next to

gave him a strange look.

"Ah...no way! Nana, didn't you say he was your boyfriend?"

Li Na is about to cry now, crying with a sad face, regardless of face: "I... He saved my life, and then met him and asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend!"


Ding Xiaosan shook his head with a bitter smile: "So where is he now!?"

Li Na blushed and said, "I really don't know that he won't be seen from the top of the stone cliff scenery!"


Several people answered together, "Yes!"


And what about Tang Feng at this time? If you fall off the cliff, you have to break hundreds of bones if you don't die, right? However, if he dies, there will be no chance. The protagonists are all immortal Xiaoqiang!

The deep and wide gully of the stone cliff scenic area is filled with thick fog all year round and will not disperse for a hundred years. Even fog bombs can't be driven... Moreover, the gullies are surrounded by cliffs. Therefore, no one has seen the scene at the bottom of the cliff and gully.

On the cliff one-third of the bottom of the cliff, a golden willow grows from the arm of the cliff. The trunk is only one ordinary arm thick, but its branches are dozens of meters long, fluttering in the wind like the tentacles of a huge octopus.


"Hmm..." Tang Feng moaned and wanted to stretch. But he found that his hands were bound, and then he suddenly woke up.

The fog is full of fog, but it is strange that the thick fog only wanders 15 meters away from the center of Tang Feng. And here is a vacuum zone.

"Oh, didn't I fall off the cliff?"

Looking carefully again, Tang Feng found out why. It turned out that he hit a tree, and the soft branch just bound him so that it would not fall down. Moreover, those branches swayed in the air, and the slight, rhythmic swing was like life, just driving the thick fog away 15 meters away. There are two dry skeleton bones on the tree. Yes, yes, it's a skull. A branch passed through the hole of the two skulls and hung it up.

"Is it... a golden willow known as a gentleman on the cliff"

Tangmen has a book called Ten Thousand Greens, which is dedicated to all kinds of strange plants in the world. Tang Feng's favorite things before learning were these anecdotes, which naturally guessed from the characteristics.

According to Ten Thousand Greens, there are countless kinds of willow trees, the most amazing of which is not to fall into the golden willows. This willow is extremely picky about the conditions for growth. Be full of aura, with gods and people, and no one to disturb the top of the cliff. Like other willows, but it is golden all over. Moreover, as long as there is no dead animal or human touching any leaf of it, it will bind it. Many unfortunate but fortunate people who fall off the cliff will die because of this characteristic. Therefore, there is also a cliff mountain gentleman, known as saving people in danger... What's more strange is that where golden willows grow, there must be strange things buried or grown. This has also led many people jumping off the cliff to seek divine objects and secrets...

Tang Feng, who was excited for a while, became distressed again: "The thick fog around me does not dissipate. I don't know how deep the bottom of the inner cliff is. Sooner or later, I will starve to death and become the same skeleton bones as the one next to me..."

As if in response to Tang Feng's words, a fruit fell into Tang Feng's mouth. Regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, he took a bite and suddenly his whole body was hot. All the physical strength lost because of hunger came back at once...

Tang Feng looked at his body wrapped like a zongzi and was secretly happy: "For good, I didn't cover my head, and there is still a chance..."

In this way, the sky passed day after day.

After a few days of observation, Tang Feng found that the fruit was produced by a dragon snake tree that did not fall above the golden willow. The dragon snake tree is also a rare plant, which is very similar in shape to a dragon head, but its branches are like a snake body. The biggest feature of this plant is that it will only bear fruit in one place, that is, at the dragon's mouth. However, its results are also affected by the times. Every result cycle will have timed and fixed-point results, which will mature 24 hours a day. However, after the fruit cycle, it will take three years to blossom and bear fruit again!

Tang Feng relies on the fruit that falls at a fixed time every day to satisfy his hunger. However, he knew that the fruit would fall out one day. At that time, unless you can get to the innate realm, you will still starve to death...

However, then again, the fruit he eats every day has a little aura, and now Tang Feng feels that the turbidity in his body has been removed. I wanted to practice the Tangmen mind method, but the result was very disappointing... After the internal force of Tangmen in my body was removed by Tang Long, my body rejected this internal force! I will rule it out every time...