xuan shou

Chapter 26 Snake Turtles Fight, Tang Feng Get Profit

There is no armor in the mountains, and I don't know how old it is. It has been five years!

Two years have passed since the time was charged, and Tang Feng has been at the bottom of this damn cliff for five years.

At this time, a wolf sat quietly by the stream and listened carefully to the jingle of running water. The whole world seems to be still... Only the small insects in the distance have leisurely wandered among the flowers.

Tang Feng hummed a song that he didn't know where to hear: the thick fog blew away but it didn't open, and he was still there.

There is a lot of helplessness, and I have already understood it.

Why... can't you leave? Do you still have to wait...


Maybe he was tired of sitting, or tired of the century-old scenery in front of him, Tang Feng stood up and patted his buttocks: "Jifeng, do you think we will be locked up here like this all our lives?"

The wind put his head on the stone helplessly: "Wow..."

Tang Feng looked at the white one on his head: "Oh, how high is it on the thick fog!" Isn't there an exit in this damn place?"


The night sky darkened, and the insects stopped being busy. Only some fireflies bloom in the flowers with fascinating green light... If you want to say romance, this is undoubtedly the dream place of countless girls.

Tang Feng lay on ** with his hands on his head. There is a straw in his mouth... with his legs crossed. The wind curled up under the bed and closed its eyes to recuperate...


"Wow..." The wind suddenly stood up and stared out vigilantly.

Tang Feng jumped down from ** and waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go and have a look!"

Out of the hut, Tang Feng took a breath of cold air.



With Tang Feng's eyesight, he saw a huge turtle confronting a giant python with a small triangular horn on its head from afar. Two pairs of copper bell big eyes stared at each other closely.

The diameter of the turtle is more than five meters, and there are dozens of spitting spikes on the turtle shell. And the snake circled, and its head was two meters long... The two giants stared at each other vigilantly and moved slowly.

Maybe both sides know that the other party is not a vegetarian, and there has been no follow-up for a whole hour. And Tang Feng did not dare to act rashly. The smell of which two giant beasts gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.


Speaking of patience, no one can compare with the turtle. After all, people have never been in a hurry, and they can't come in a hurry. Therefore, the python first opened its blood basin and bit the turtle's head. The giant turtle shrank its head slowly...


A spark came out, and the python wrapped around it and squeezed the turtle shell tightly with its thick waist. There are generally two kinds of snake attacks. The first is poison, and the second is entanglement.

At the end, entanglement is the strongest attack of snakes. With their own advantages and strong bodies, they squeeze their prey and let it suffocate to death. Finally, I swallowed it. A small snake with a thick thumb can strangle a wolf dog.


However, the giant turtle is not a small dish. It seized the opportunity to poke out the turtle's head and pulled a bite of snake meat fiercely. It caused a scream from the python. Double the strength... However, it is obviously doing useless work. The giant turtle still poked out its head and pulled a piece of snake meat from time to time. It seemed that the powerful strangle force was not ordinary at all.

However, it only took a while. The python found its little trick, propped up its torso, and raised its heavy body into the air. At this time, it panicked. The turtle's head stretches quickly and can pull a large piece of snake meat every time.

In fact, this turtle has a trace of Xuanwu blood. As long as its body touches the ground, it can transmit the power of its body to the ground.


Suddenly spit out a yellow bead from the turtle's mouth and hit the python entangled it crazily, and every blow can be seen deeply. The python ate the pain, let go of the turtle's body, fled to one side, and spit out a cyan bead.

" Nedan!! Monster..."

At first, Tang Feng thought that it was just two intelligent beasts in the innate realm fighting, but he didn't expect that they were two monsters that had been bone-refined! Especially as soon as the cyan beads of the python appeared, his heart began to beat wildly!


"Wow... hiss, hiss!"

The two beasts gathered the aura around crazily. End this battle with the strongest blow...

The inner elixir of the python smashed the turtle's chest armor fiercely, leaving a strong poison in its body. However, it was also bombarded by the inner elixir of the turtle, and the uncontrolled cyan inner elixir rolled to Tang Feng's feet.


The turtle raised its head and howled a few times like a king. Then there is no breath...

End together, irreversibly end up together. The poison in the python elixir penetrates deep into the heart, unless it has Tang Feng, an invulnerable heart. Otherwise, there is only one way to die!

It is natural for fishermen to compete with each other, and the wind is the first to react. In one bite, the golden elixir of the black turtle swallowed into his stomach. However, Tang Feng was hesitant to hold the highly poisonous elixir.

While thinking, "Eidan, if you swallow it, you will definitely increase your power!"

The other side thought, "No, no, what if this heart can't stand it?"

Looking at the golden aura light from the wind that swallowed the inner elixir of the black turtle, he was cruel: "Anyway, I can't get out. Fight!"

After the entrance of Neidan, he regretted: "I, I... Since they can come in, there will naturally be an exit..."

Then when his eyes darkened, he didn't know anything.

At this time, Tang Feng's body changed from black to white, and then from white to red. Repeated again and again, the chest's 'dong...dong...dong' beat faster than once. In the end, it even reached a speed of thousands of beats per second...

Tang Feng regained consciousness, but he couldn't control his body. I only felt that a kind of blue black ** rushed through his veins and burned. The tendons were burned inch by inch, but they were repaired by the blood that followed. In this way, it goes back and forth, as if it were playing hide-and-seek.

I don't know how long it took, the black ** seemed to be tired, paused, and was pushed into the heart by the blood behind. Tang Feng fell into a coma again.

And the wind not far away, the golden light on the body restrained. All put into the body... It stood up and shook the golden fluff. There is a pure light in his eyes, which is full of cunning and wisdom. It jumped on the giant snake and gnawed, leaving only a fist-sized snake gallbladder. It picked up the snake, carefully put it on a pile of golden orchid grass, quietly lay aside, and looked at the sleeping Tang Feng.