xuan shou

Chapter 33 Fight the White Tiger and Join the Dragon Group

BJ underground base, headquarters of the National Security Bureau. At this time, a computer-synthesized portrait appeared on the conference table. Ding Xiaosan sat at the table of the oval meeting and gently tapped the sandalwood table with his right hand.

For a long time, he spit out a sentence: "What do you think!?"

"I think this person is at least a natural master! Pull in to serve the country!"

There was silence. Half a minute later, a man with a Korean version of the flowing sea expressed his opinion, and the sea-blue hair glowed in the light.

Ding Xiaosan listened to Bai Hu's words and thought thoughtfully: "Well, but the information obtained from Tangmen shows that this person has been discarded from martial arts when he was expelled from Tangmen, but he has become a congenital master in just five years!!"

The court was silent again. "Well, well, white tiger and rosefinch, go and catch him back. If you are willing to work for the country, pull him over. If you don't want to..." Ding Xiaosan made a neck wipe

"Yes, sir!"

In the afternoon, "White Tiger, there are footprints here!"

I don't know whether Tang Feng is unlucky or the white tiger rosefinch is lucky. The place where the white tiger and the rosefinch entered Wutong Mountain is actually Tang Feng's position.

"Eh? This...and animal footprints, wolf's! This way...chasing!"


Tang Feng walked with light work for a day, when he was already in the depths of the mountain. The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the wind is an orc and has the innate ability to predict danger. At this moment, it vaguely feels wrong. Stop walking...

Tang Feng turned his head: "Wind, how..."

My ears moved and I heard the sound of 'spin' in the distance. His eyes were cold, his left hand pulled out a dagger, and his right hand held a few poker cards...

Suddenly, two figures emerged from the grass. Tang Feng didn't think about it and waved his right hand directly... A few playing cards flew to them.

"Yo, Flame Shield!"

With a delicate shout, a shield made of flames blocked several pokers and burned them to ashes.

Tang Feng's heart jumped suddenly, squinted, and said coldly, "Who are you!?"

The corners of Baihu's mouth were upturned, revealing a**-ssing smile: "Hey, my name is Baihu, her name is Suzaku, and she is responsible for arresting you..."

"Well, that depends on whether you have the ability!"

The wind next to "woo" also roared...

"Yo, the kid's tone is not small, but I'd like to see how many pounds you have!" Then he turned his head and said to the rosefinch, "Zouque, don't interfere, so as not to burn the mountain later."

Answering him was a cold hum, Tang Feng took out a dagger from nowhere and held it in his right hand. Tang Feng knew that the hidden weapon that was too close could not exert much lethality, so he was ready to use the ten-strike dagger of the Thief Sect to fight.

The dagger of the left hand is held straight, and the dagger blade is held forward; the dagger of the right hand is held back, and the dagger blade is backward. Standard ten-strike dagger starting style...

The enemy doesn't move, and I don't move. Both of them fully understand this truth, so they are observing the opponent.

The white tiger kicked his right leg and made a hook straight to Tang Feng's cheek. It seems that Bai Hu doesn't know the reason of 'smashing people in the face'. Tang Feng bent his leg a little and avoided it to the right side. At the same time, he pulled his right hand and scratched the white tiger's waist.

"Hey, it's a little interesting!"

After the two tried to separate with a blow, Baihu came up with such a sentence. Then I don't know where to take out a pair of gold hollow gloves and put them on my hands. Then he closed his fists and shouted, "Ah, the black tiger took out his heart!"


Tang Feng hurriedly floated back and avoided it. However, the clothes on the chest were torn a big hole.

"Tiger tail whip!"

Within no time for Tang Feng to sigh, Bai Hu swept his leg and whipped Tang Feng's head. Tang Feng rolled forward and raised his dagger to stab! Bai Hu was terrped, hurriedly closed his legs, twisted his waist, and kicked Tang Feng's left leg on Tang Feng's wrist. Beat Tang Feng's dagger and nail it to the tree branch.

Tang Feng had suffered heart-eating pain, so he didn't feel any pain. He flew backwards with strength, then continued to retreat gently on the tree, and pulled out the dagger. Then he turned his right hand and waved it, and more than a dozen poker cards rotated and flew to the white tiger.


The white tiger shouted loudly, rotated his hands, and shot down all of them. When I was about to chase, I suddenly felt a chill on my forehead, and my hands closed in front of my forehead like patting mosquitoes. The smell of blood emanated. A drop of dark red blood dripped on the tip of his nose. Suddenly, there was a chill all over his body. It turned out that the cold iron in his hand was the dagger thrown by Tang Feng. The tip of the dagger had been stabbed into his forehead. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have no doubted that the dagger would have harvested his life.

Tang Feng, who squatted on the tree branch, said a pity secretly, and then shook his head: "The technique is wrong, I can't exert all my strength! Otherwise, hum..."

In fact, Tangmen's hidden weapon has very high requirements on the technique. However, Tang Feng's orchid Buddha jade hand is suitable for chip-shaped hidden weapons, and naturally cannot play the full lethality of dagger-type hidden weapons. Without waiting for Bai Hu's reaction, Tang Feng made his first shout in this duel!

"Wind and remnant clouds"

Suddenly, nine poker cards were shot from Tang Feng's hand and shot at the White Tiger, split into two when approaching. At the same time, a three-inch dagger shot at his forehead again.

The white tiger shot him down again, raised his fist, and was ready to shoot down the dagger. As a result, his back shoulder hurt, his hands were numb, and he lost control in an instant. Hurry back to avoid it. I only heard a 'cry' sound. The dagger blade of the dagger pierced into the rock behind him, leaving only the handle still trembling slightly. For a moment, he broke out in a cold sweat and said to himself, "I underestimate the enemy!"

However, Tang Feng did not give him time to reflect. During the wave, the poker cards hit the white tiger like rain. Unfortunately, due to the limited lethality, the most left a blood stain on the white tiger.

Suddenly, the white tiger roared: "Ah... Tiger King Fist!"

Between the white tiger punched the void, and the big tree where Tang Feng was held by two people was smashed with a 'bang'. Tang Feng hurriedly bounced back and shot at the White Tiger with three darts in nine poker cards.

"Flame Shield!"

The rosefinch next to it knows that the white tiger has lost in a sense! He underestimated the enemy. If he had attacked with all his strength at the beginning, Tang Feng would have been defeated long ago.

The dart turned into iron water in the flame shield, and the wind next to it rushed to the rosefinch with a 'woke' sound! Jifeng knew that it was a duel between the two just now, and now it is a melee, so it restrained the rosefinch for the first time.

"Open Smart Monster!!" The rosefinch was surprised and then avoided the blow of the wind. Release a spell to blow the wind away. Then brew a new spell again...


With the shout of the white tiger, the rosefinch stopped. However, the wind is still not pursued otherwise.

"Wind, come back!"

It was not until Tang Feng shouted that the wind roared vigilantly and retreated to Tang Feng's side and licked the burned hair with his tongue. Staring straight at the rosefinch...

Seeing that everyone stopped, Bai Hu said the purpose of this time: "Tang Feng, it's very good! Now there are two ways to choose... First, they are chased by the National Security Bureau Dragon Group, Phoenix Group, Tiger Group and Leopard Group in turn! Never die! Second, join the Dragon Group of the National Security Bureau to serve the country! From now on, we will no longer be hunted down and served deliciously. Only when we encounter difficulties that ordinary people can't solve, we need to solve them? Which one do you choose..."