xuan shou

Chapter 51 Abnormal Wind and Dangerous Future

I have been driving at sea for a month! Captain Liu estimated that if nothing unexpected happened, he would arrive at his destination half a month earlier than the budget... As for whether he could find any clues, people were no longer hopeful. After all, it's already three months before you go. At that time, the yellow cauliflower was cold... Everyone had already expected that it was purely as a publicly funded tourism... Corrupt!

In the past few days, Tang Feng always feels a little restless. Every time you meditating and practicing, you can't get into the state. He knew that he had reached the edge of breaking through the innate peak... Now there was only a trace of epiphany!

It's already ten o'clock at night, and I've entered another time zone. I'm not used to it... After all, this time is usually when the sun shines on the head, and the birds say that I have a beautiful time early. Here is the time when the sky is full of stars and the moonlight shines.

The wind is lazily bathing in the moonlight on the deck, and a faint green light appears on the golden hair. As it breathes, it enters the body of the wind. It seems to be practicing, but in fact, this is just an instinctive reaction of animals. Although, I don't know how the mountain spirit beasts are cultivated. However, according to some information from the National Security Bureau. After the beasts open their wisdom, they will get a kind of blood inheritance skill, and with their cultivation, the essence will slowly sublimate! Commonly known as a monster! Tang Feng knew that the wind was just an ordinary low-level mountain wolf. I accidentally ate the thousand-year-old Zhu Guo and opened my wisdom, but there is no so-called inheritance skill. Maybe he can only be a wise beast all his life!

The wind seriously absorbs the essence of the moon, but ten * is lost. Tang Feng's arrival did not disturb it... He felt that the wind had changed, and it had become hard since it was detered by the giant whale of the Tianqi period, who didn't know whether to call it by head or a strip, that it could not move on the ground. Every night, I come to the deck to absorb the light of the moon, and the wind and rain will not change.

Relatively speaking, the 'water mouse' of the gold coin, which was born without a scripture, is unmotivated and hugged the pile of glowing stones that can be 'borrowed' from nowhere. Have a wonderful dream... Maybe, in the dream, it is sleeping on piles of gems...

Tang Feng closed his eyes and felt the wind spinning around him. I took a deep breath... The wind whirlpool in Shangdantian kept sucking the wind spirit that permeated the empty. Powerful spirits were sucked in and then assimilated into part of the whirlpool. After more than ten days of practice, the whirlpool changed from the initial pale green to dark green. And it gradually becomes sticky...

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the method - whirlwind spell!"

'Wow...' A whirlwind rose from the sea, and the sea rolled up, how high two people were. The waves caused by the rapid travel of merchant ships hit it. Dispersing the whirlwind... made Tang Feng lose his mind for a moment, and his soul was swinging... A noun jumped into his mind! - Counterattack!

It is recorded in the Yufeng formula that any spiritual method may be counterattacked. The so-called counterphagy is that when the released spiritual method has not cut off the connection with its own wind species, it will produce counterphagy if it is abruptly dispersed. Those who are light don't keep their minds, and they are out of the world. The Dan field where the heavy man stored spiritual species was destroyed, and immortality could not practice spiritual methods again.

"Is it a counterattack? It seems that I am still too weak! However, why hasn't it been eaten back at ordinary times? Is there anything special today? Tang Feng raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky, which was a little puzzled!

He closed his eyes again, ran the formula, and found that the gentle wind spirit just now had become very irritable. The desire to destroy is very strong, and it has become several times stronger than usual. A powerful wind spirit was sucked in by the whirlpool and immediately caused fierce damage to the whirlpool. Several holes were broken through the whirlpool, but in the end it was assimilated by the whirlpool. On the other hand, Tang Feng broke out in a cold sweat.

How could this happen? Why does the gentle wind become so irritable? Is something going to happen?

"...woo...wow----! Whoo----! Oh...wow!!"

The wind woke up from his recuperation and looked at the moon in the sky roaring again and again, and the roar showed desolation. It's the desolation of everything, it's expectation... It seems that there is also a trace of despair...!

What's wrong? Did you really give birth to something?

Tang Feng was distracted for a moment, and more than a dozen extremely powerful wind spirits took the opportunity to drill into the whirlpool and carried out fierce destruction.


Tang Feng felt painful and cracking in an all moment, and it seemed that he had been strangled desperately by a sharp blade in the upper Dantian. The heart beat wildly, and the wind spirit in the air kept drilling inside desperately.

"Tang Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Xiaosan and others heard Tang Feng's shouting and immediately ran over and saw Tang Feng rolling on the ground. The blue veins burst out, and the sweat soaked through the trousers. They all jumped...

"Condensed elixir!"


The magic elixir is a kind of advanced elixir of Tianji Taoist priest, which specializes in stabilizing the soul and the true spirit... It is a necessary elixir to cure the evil spirit and the true spirit!

At the entrance of Dingshen Dan, the originally dilapidated and crumbling whirlpool in the Shangdan field immediately began to counterattack like eating **. Assimilate those mutant wind spirits that have been in. The whirlpool was completely repaired again and began to absorb the mutant wind spirits in the air in an orderly manner. It was not until the whirlpool was promoted to a new level that it stopped absorbing. At this time, the whirlpool changed a lot, five times per second, with a whistling sound between the rotation... Ding Xiaosan helped Tang Feng to grasp the pulse, and when he saw that the pulse was stable, he asked Xuanwu to carry the dizzy Tang Feng back to the room.

According to reason, Tang Feng has suffered the heartache of the emperor and has great immunity to pain. However, Shangdantian mainly controls the part of the god in the spirit, and the divine consciousness and soul. This time, it is not the body that hurts, but the most mysterious soul of human beings. Fortunately, the meditation elixir came in time, otherwise the whirlpool of Tang Feng's Dantian would lead to two results. Either become an idiot, or your soul is severely damaged, and your practice has been bumpy since then. Difficult to make progress...

Everyone was finally relieved, and a very bad news came from Captain Liu!

"Zizi...Mr. Ding! Mr. Ding, the satellite radar detected that the wind direction nearby was very messy. We may have encountered a storm! This storm may be the residual energy of the last hot storm in the Silver Mud Country. If it is estimated correctly, we will be hit by the storm within three hours! At that time, you must not go out of the deck... Leave everything to us to deal with!"

Ding Xiaosan looked at everyone, and his eyes showed worry...