xuan shou

Chapter 78 The river flows north, crying without tears

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Under the tying and throwing of a group of cunning tycophants who have collected money without eliminating disasters, our protagonist Tang Feng and Tang senior officials experienced the feeling of falling from high altitude again for free! However, the feeling didn't last long, just... "bang" splashed a few feet high.

"The danger of the sun, the real sun in the true world! A group of monkeys can even play official voice and accept benefits and fail to fulfill their promises! When I practice Mahayana one day, I will definitely move your whole monkey mountain!" However, now he is more regretful. Xuantian faction can set up a sign there to warn everyone to be careful of monkeys. Sure enough, it is not a false reputation. If it were in China, who could believe that this monkey was so treacherous?

The gravity generated by the high-altitude fall smashed Tang Feng into the bottom of the river, but fortunately, the vines used by the monkeys had good buoyancy. Tang Feng suddenly floated up, but Tang Feng's whole body was wrapped in vines at this time and could not move at all.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold. How can it be safe to go with the waves? Looking up, I saw that the lewd was overjoyed... I guess no one can understand Tang Feng's current psychological feelings. Floating with the waves in this unknown river, if you encounter any fierce beast, there is no way to resist at all. Perhaps, his life will draw an imperfect end here.

"Hey..." Fortunately, Tang Feng's posture at this time was good, at least his face was facing up. You can also see the beautiful blue sky...

"Boom, boom, boom!" A sound like thunder broke Tang Feng's ease floating on the water.

Worse!! It's a waterfall! Do you want to come again? I hope there are no big stones below... Tang Feng has closed his eyes at this moment, giving people the feeling that X woman took off her clothes and closed her eyes to wait for the invasion of the X wolf.

Close to...

It's very close...

very close...

Go down!

Another fall. This time, Tang Feng's luck was not so good, and the rapid flow fell from the cliff. Press it to the bottom of the water and can't float it! He was so suffothed that he was about to cramp... It's a real cup. Because of the extreme lack of oxygen, Tang Feng's head was a little dizzy. At this moment, a wind aura suddenly appeared in his heart, forming a cocoon outside. Surround it, inside, under this water, you can actually breathe! A new noun came to his brain: Fengyan Mask!

Surprise! It's really a surprise. From the wind spell to the whirlwind spell to the current wind shield, the wind formula has brought him three spells. This is only the primary stage of the second layer of the wind formula like bathing in the spring breeze! I don't know how many spells there are in the back! Think about it and look forward to it...

The wind shield blocked the entry of water, causing a vacuum state, which made Tang Feng very happy. However, after being very happy, I began to worry again. Because the loss of wind aura in the body proves one thing. Hurry up to the surface, or you will still be suffothed.

It's okay, just when the wind is about to run out. Tang Feng's head had come out of the water. After taking a few deep breaths, he laughed at himself and fainted! The sun was speechless... First, he was despised by a group of wolves. Then he was despised by a group of monkeys and was tied up and thrown into the river. If this is said, you really don't have to fool around in the world of cultivation in the future.

"Hey! Oh, that's right!" Tang Feng suddenly remembered something. Just now, he didn't make any gestures, and the wind mask came out by himself! Is that proof that there is no need to make any gestures when releasing spells? An idea is enough!?

When he thought of doing it, Tang Feng immediately closed his eyes and felt the wind aura in his heart. Then, control them with your mind and release the whirlwind spell! Failed... No, how can it be? Are you still not familiar with the control of Fengling?

"Ah... old man, old man! The group of moles threw down another one!"

Where? Where?!"

When Tang Feng was still thinking, he heard a voice from afar. Sweat, why use it again? Have those moles been thrown away before? I don't know if the man was cheated out of the spirit stone.

"Little doll, bite!"

A black stick appeared in front of Tang Feng, and there seemed to be many tooth marks on his face. Tang Feng had a nausea...

"Hey, you doll, do you hear me? Hurry up, there is a bigger waterfall ahead!"

Hearing this, Tang Feng ignored three seven two one and bit the disgusting stick in one bite. Then he was dragged to the shore by two old people... There was a simple thatched hut on the shore and a table and chair outside. It looks very comfortable... very harmonious and coordinated.

"Old lady, come here with a machete! Let's cut it off!"

Tang Feng's heart is thumping! I said, is it true that these two are specialized in this business? Is it human flesh or money! What should I do?

"Don't worry, little doll, can you talk? Don't be afraid. If you go down with a knife, you will be free!"

Tang Feng couldn't help it anymore: "Old man, I have no grudge against you, and I can't use a knife or a gun. Besides, now that I'm like this, do you still have to take advantage of the fire?"

"Oh!" Now the old man was puzzled: "Young man, what did you say? I kindly rescued you. How can you say that?

"Old man, the knife is coming!"

The old man took the knife with an unhappy face, banged down a few knives, and cut off the vines. Tang Feng understood the meaning of the old man's words, touched his nose awkwardly and apologized embarrassedly.

However, the two old people were also kind people and invited Tang Feng into the room for tea. One of the two is Long, and his name is Longjia. A man whose surname is Mo Zhen is Mo Zhen. Both of them can't break through after practicing until the innate late stage. Therefore, build a small house here to nourish the heavenly years, feel the way of heaven, and hope that one day we can break through.

Speaking of the monkey mountain upstream, the old couple couldn't help laughing: "Haha, that's called Green Ape Peak and Green Ape Mountain, because it's the territory of green ape. Those monkeys are very tight. You must have tasted the good wine! In fact, they are not bad by nature. Even if the wine is stolen, they don't kill them. They just tie people up and throw them down. I don't know how much to throw every year. However, some unlucky people hit a stone when they fell from the waterfall and died like this. Hey..."

Tang Feng was embarrassed again, and the two old people laughed. After resting for about half an hour, Tang Feng asked the old man the direction to the edge town. Set out for Bianfeng Town. Before that, he left two old people a top-grade spiritual stone. The old couple dared not take it. At least, after taking it, they gave Tang Feng a pile of dry food. This made Tang Feng feel the long-lost emotion in the world of cultivation for the first time.

**Xiaoxi really wants to be on the list, even if it is a classified new book. Thank you for your support. Three update a day, never too much **