xuan shou

Chapter 103 Buddha and Demon [Ask for everything, ask for everything]

PS: I'm sorry, everyone, I went out last night and just got home now. I immediately sent all three chapters... hee hee

Time always passes inadvertently, and I don't know how long it has been since blinking! In the demon realm of the human demon forest, there is a small pool. It's more than ten meters wide, but I don't know the bottom. Somewhere at the bottom of the pool, a man was suspended in the water.

The golden light spots are particularly charming in the water. If you look carefully, you will find that the rhythm of these light spots is just like the man's breath. It's really strange that people can still breathe in the water! Taking a closer look, it turned out that the man's body was wrapped in an aura mask. This man is Tang Feng, and the aura mask wrapped outside is naturally the wind shield.

He slowly opened his eyes and his brain was in chaos. It was not easy to clear his mind and said to himself, "Where am I?"

He looked around and suddenly felt a burst of anger! He immediately opened the windshield and was a little puzzled: "Huh, why am I in the water? How long has it been? Why can't I remember? By the way, didn't I agree to fight with the devil in Wencheng? Will it be past time?"

He moved his hands and feet and was ready to swim up, but suddenly found that something was wrong and thought for a moment: "Huh? What about my clothes? Who stripped my clothes? Am I lost?"

Then he shook his head violently and threw out all the obscene thoughts in his mind! Use both hands and feet and swipe up.

As soon as he poked out his head, he heard a dialogue: "I think Tang Feng's demon must be around here!" It's not far away!"

"That's right, if we can catch him or take his head back to any of the eight sects... you know! The person who answered "hee hee" laughed very obscenely.

"I know that I can get a treasure from any of the eight sects! There is a better chance to become a Taoist couple with the beautiful women of Xuantianzong, as well as the top-quality spiritual stones piled up like hills! Wow haha..."

"Wow haha!" The two laughed presumptuously.

The first speaker slapped the man on the head behind him: "Is there poison blood in your brain? Don't you think that the devil can escape under the siege of the eight leaders? Can we both catch it?

"Ah! Then what are we doing here!"


The former slapped him again: "Nonsense, of course, I found a clue to provide to the eight factions!" Don't you know that 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones can provide clues?


Listening to the footsteps and walking away, Tang Feng poked out his head again and was very puzzled: "Tang Feng? Talk about me? Am I besieged by the eight factions? Now they want to arrest me? Why? Haven't I been taken into the Xuanding by Zhao Lingxiao? Why are you here? Damn, why can't I remember at all!"


Another burst of footsteps came with the sound of conversation, and the content was just now! It made him more and more puzzled that there was no chance to run! He had to dive to the bottom of the pool. Now he is at the peak of the sky, and the speed of Zhenyuan's recovery can completely keep up with the consumption of the wind shield. He continued to dive down, and the resistance was getting stronger and stronger.

"Well, stick to it! At the beginning, the little dragon girl found a fairyland in the bottom of the pool! Wow, haha, if there is such a fairyland at the bottom of this pool, and there is also a woman like a dragon girl in it, wow, I'm not very happy!?" Then he shook his head again and said to himself, "How can I become so obscene?"

Tang Feng went downstream while thinking about the series of questions just now... However, he still couldn't figure out why all this was? The more he swam, the more difficult he felt. In the end, he seemed to be stuck in the sticky mud.

"Ah... It's so painful. How deep is this damn pool!"

The real energy consumes a lot, but he doesn't want to give up. He still has to stick to it for the sake of the little dragon girl! It has been deadlocked for a long time...


Like breaking a paper window, Tang Feng's whole body was suddenly comfortable. I took a closer look at everything in front of me... Damn, this... This is too much!?

What you see is a golden tower! It is engraved with strange runes and strange pictures! A few words are engraved on the top of the Golden Tower - Hongmeng Fengshen Pavilion!

Tang Feng was stricated for a long time and felt that there seemed to be something in it that had a lot to do with her. He gently pushed the door, and the golden door did not move at all. He circled around the Fengshen Pavilion several times, but couldn't find a gap.

Back to the gate again, he looked at the pagoda in a loss. Suddenly, he felt that his forehead was a little itchy, and a golden light shot out of his forehead. The dusty door slowly opened, and the inside was also golden, shaking his eyes sour!

This is a space that is disproportionate to the outside, and there are two statues in the hall. The statue is full of feathers. One is a monk with eighteen jade Buddha beads hanging around his neck, barefoot and broken robes, and the other is an old man wearing a robe with long hair over his shoulders.

"Master! Devil!" These two were the demons who did not realize that the monk and the demon who fought against him.

"Strange, how can the statue of the master and the devil be here!? Well, there is another line! Let me have a look..."

There is a text in the middle of the two statues: the beginning of chaos, the difference between yin and yang. Thousands of demons and demons, thousands of gods and immortals, two opposite each other, achieve the world and control the two poles!

"Hm, what does this mean? Well, do you want to go up and have a look?"

After reading this line, Tang Feng saw a staircase at the end of the right leading to the second floor! He walked that way, but saw another line by the stairs: If you don't have the strength to destroy the sky, please don't go upstairs!

Tang Feng thought for a moment: "The period of extinction, er, I am now at the peak of the sky, and there is only one level away from the destruction of the sky. Try it!"

When he stepped on the first step, the golden gate suddenly closed. And the stairs also suddenly disappeared without a trace, and I heard a metal collision behind! He turned his head and was dumbfounded!

Damn, those two statues are actually active! First the hand, then the foot, then the head, and then shake it like this! As time went by, the two statues became more and more sensitive. Unexpectedly, you punched me, as if I were moving my body.

The devil raised his foot and kicked it on his head unconsciously. Unconsciously, the monk was short and hit the devil's chest with an elbow, making a crisp bang!

Tang Feng saw the wonderful scene and unconsciously shouted: "Okay! Good fight!"

With this shout, the two statues stopped fighting and turned their heads to look at Tang Feng! The eyes are like looking at the enemy...

Tang Feng muttered to himself, "It's over, it's fun!"

[Rolling all over the ground for everything...]