xuan shou

Chapter 1017 Goodbye Wencheng [Collection]

When it comes to Wencheng, looking at the whole demon clan, you may not know who the head of your sect is, but you must know Wencheng. It can be said that Wencheng is known to everyone in the demon clan, and its reputation has even surpassed that of the heads and elders of various sects.

However, the leaders and elders did not envy and hate this matter. On the contrary, they have always regarded Wencheng as the pride of their demon clan.


Wencheng is a genius, a genius among geniuses, and Lv Bu in Lv Bu! The two major skills of the Heavenly Demon Gate, the disintegration of the Heavenly Demon and the Blood Demon Secret, are recognized as the most difficult skills to practice by the demon clan. However, Wencheng, who began to practice the blood magic formula at the age of ten, cultivated the blood magic formula to the peak of seven layers in just ten years and broke through to the peak of the sky. At the age of 20, he began to practice the disintegration of the heavenly demons, and in just 100 years, he has broken through the peak period and reached the realm of heaven!

At the same time, he is handsome, with jade trees in the wind, and his words are bold and unrestrained. Most importantly, he is a man of promise. A hundred years ago, he made an appointment with a young master of the human race, but during the war, the other party did not appear. He has been waiting there for a hundred years...

Life, for a few hundred years, even if there is a realm of defeat, there are only 10,000 years. Perhaps ten thousand years is simply out of reach for ordinary people. However, for a practicing person, perhaps thousands of years have passed since a retreat.

The people waiting in Wencheng have not appeared for a long time, which makes others also have a great interest in the mysterious young master! People who can make Wencheng wait for a hundred years should not be much worse...

However, this person woke up in an antique room...


Tang Feng stretched out in **, and his mind was still a little dizzy. He used Zhenyuan to force the remaining wine power out and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

It's strange, very strange... The pink veil tent, the strong fragrance of flowers comes to my nose!

"This should be a girl's boudoir, right? Why am I here? I'm not drinking with... Oh, by the way, I'm drinking with Wen Xin. This should be her boudoir, right? Tang Feng secretly guessed... However, he was not wrong. This was indeed Wen Xin's boudoir. At that time, after he got drunk, Wen Xin brought him back...

At this time, a voice came in from outside the house: "Brother! Hurry up, I didn't lie to you, he just came to find you! What did you say? You know about his memory loss!"

A cold and depressive voice came from outside the house: "What are you doing? Who is so boring? How can I know about his memory loss?"

"Oh, you're here! Take a look and don't lose anything?"

Wencheng was pulled in by Wen Xinla. Tang Feng just came down from ** and looked at each other, oh no, it was six eyes!

Tang Feng said tentatively, "Brother Wencheng, I haven't seen you for a hundred years and you are handsome again! How can people live!"

"Puff!" When Wen Xin heard this joke, she couldn't help laughing and burst into a beautiful smile like a peony.

Wencheng looked at the strange face in front of him and said warily, "I don't know, are you?"

"Ha, it's been a hundred years! When I broke the appointment of Jianshan, I broke it!"

When Wencheng heard this, he immediately widened his eyes and said, "Tang Feng! I knew you would come to me? The first feeling you gave me at that time was trust, you know?"

Wen Xin couldn't help covering her mouth in surprise when she saw this scene: "Ah... Are you the one who has been waiting for a hundred years?"

Tang Feng nodded to him with a smile, making the latter obsessed again.

Wencheng didn't seem to like the decoration here. He said to Tang Feng, "Brother Tang, why don't you go to my humble house to talk about wine? Let me tell you something I know!"

Before Tang Feng answered, Wenxin clapped her hands and said, "Oh... That's great, that's great... I'm going too!"


Compared with Wenxin's boudoir, this house in Wencheng confirms his words. The humble house is indeed a humble house... A simple bed with a thick layer of dust on it, which seems to have been idle for a long time. Then, a simple table with a pot of wine on it!

"Brother Wen, I want to ask what has happened to me in the past hundred years? Why don't I remember at all?" Tang Feng asked bluntly, with a trace of doubt between his eyebrows.

Wencheng also thought for a moment and said, "I don't know where your last memory is?"

"I remember that I was taken into Xuanding by Zhao Lingxiao, and then I don't remember! Originally, I wanted to find Brother Jian, but when I woke up, I found that the human race was wanted all over the world. It seemed that I had offended the eight sects!" Tang Feng was a little aggrieved. He didn't know anything and was chased by overwhelming people.

"Well, in fact, this sword Fuyi knows more than I do! However, he also told me what happened to you after you left that day! But it's a long story!" Wencheng took a leisurely sip of wine...

Wen Xin hurriedly interrupted, "Then you can make a long story short!"

"Huh...cough!" Wencheng didn't swallow it in one breath and choked... He put down his glass and looked at Tang Feng and said, "However, it's really wonderful! I also yearn for your life like that... But I can't find it!"

"Oh, what is this? You will follow Tang Feng in the future. Can you find it soon..." Wen Xin looked at Wencheng with contemptuous face and said.

Wencheng was a little impatient and stared at Wenxin and said, "I think, are you talking too much?"

Wen Xin hurriedly didn't cover her mouth and said a sentence from her fingers: "Well... You say it, you say it! Hee!"

Wencheng continued: "At that time, after you were accepted into Xuanding, I don't know why you suddenly became possessed! Oh, it's not about us, but what your human race often says is crazy! You came out of Xuanding and became magical. You kidnapped Jianfuyi's sister Jianlan. Later, you caught it and threw it into Nuwa Ding!"

"Ah... Nuwading!? So, isn't he the strong man of the brain Xuantian Sect, the eight leaders? Wen Xin's eyes widened and was surprised.

Wencheng stared at her again, signaling that she had said too much...

"Originally, you were thrown into the Nuwa tripod, and the head of Pu Geng personally took charge of the fire. It is impossible for you to come back to life. You should be extinguished and your soul should be scattered! However, I don't know why, you have been thrown into it for a hundred years, but you have not been dissipated, and you jumped out of the tripod! He defeated the eight leaders with his own strength, and even kidnapped Zhao Yaya, the daughter of the Xuantian patriarch, and..."

Wencheng wanted to stop talking, and the warmth next to him also looked at him strangely! This undoubtedly caused a trace of badness in his heart...