xuan shou

Chapter 181 Training Begins

The sun shines high, and the sun shines on the earth. Through the dense pages covering the sky in the forest, spots shine on the path. This path in the forest is also spacious, and it is more than enough for three carriages to drive side by side. However, because he is the only road to the forest of beasts, few people walk.

It is on this unpopular path that there is an old and a small figure walking here! Strangely, the old figure walked easily and with flying feet. On the contrary, the young figure is like a serious sick patient, with weak footsteps, and the sweat on his forehead is dripping down.

"Wow, this demon unintentionally really lives up to its reputation! It's really delicious! Don't you think so?" The old man picked up the wine gourd around his waist and took a sip of relish praise.


The teenager did not answer his words, maybe he doesn't have the strength to pay attention to the old man's question now. He walked forward step by step... It was indeed step by step, and the footprints were deeply immersed in the solid soil.

"Wow haha, let me know if it doesn't work. Shall we have a rest?" The old man glanced over.


The teenager still didn't say anything, and the firm light in his eyes has proved the idea in his heart. This is Tang Feng's character! If you say he can't do it, he must stick to it to the end, not for anything else, but for his unyielding mentality.

This is the third day. Tang Feng asked the old man's name, but the other party refused to say, asking Tang Feng to call him the god of wine! The advice of the wine god was nothing else, or imprisoned all Tang Feng's cultivation. And he took out four wrist guards, which were hands and feet.

I don't know what material this wrist guard is. It is extremely heavy but just enough to reach the maximum endurance of his body. Every time when he breaks through his own limit, these four seemingly different iron rings will increase his weight again, still crushing Tang Feng to death!


Finally, he couldn't hold on. Tang Feng knelt on the ground at the same time and knelt out a big hole in the hard soil!


The sound of tooth friction came from Tang Feng's teeth! He put his hands on the ground and tried to support himself! Unfortunately, it was incompetence, because the limit of the muscles in his hand has also reached, and there is no strength for him to stand up and walk again!

However, he still didn't give up. Finally... With a "bang", he put his right foot on the ground and knelt on one knee. After several efforts, I finally stood up again...

"Have you reached the limit?" Even if he stood up, it was in vain, because he could not take that small step at all.


It was hard to lift up the strength and take a step forward. As a result, the brain was dizzy and fell directly to the ground and fainted!


The old man took a breath and did not touch Tang Feng, but he picked it up and put it in the shade of the tree beside him.

"Well, the same stubbornness as that boy! Maybe I can teach another king!"

The Dioxide said to himself, and it can be seen from his mouth that he once taught a powerful master to make left and right people look up to. World King... World King, how many people still don't know the meaning contained in the title World King! That's the king of the world!


"Hmm!" Tang Feng woke up leisurely, and his muscles all over his body were extremely sore, but he was already used to it. In these three days, he has fainted more than 15 times! They are all tired and dizzy. It doesn't matter if you faint. Every time you wake up, the muscles of your whole body will hurt throbbing!

"Wake up? Then continue!"

Every time Tang Feng wakes up from fainting, he sees this picture and hears this sentence! From his point of view, the god of wine is a famous teacher, a strict master! However, famous teachers make high apprentices! He believes that all this that Di Dior ordered him to do is helpful to his cultivation!


Tang Feng did not say anything. He wanted to save his strength to deal with these four strange iron fists. He had to say that Tang Feng was a person who refused to admit defeat... Of course, he did not deny that running away was a disguised way to admit defeat, but he would also escape when he encountered an irresistible force. However, the premise is that there is no one he must protect.

How about it? Little doll, give up if you can't! Only Tang Yao can withstand my training!" The god of wine took a sip of wine and said to Tang Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

"!! Don't give up!!"

When Tang Feng heard this, he seemed to have taken a strong heart injection. He gritted his teeth and resisted the soreness of his muscles and got up and stepped forward step by step.

Tang Yao, Tang Yao! Every time Tang Feng had the idea of giving up, the god of wine would say the name of this person. Every time he heard the name, Tang Feng's heart was angry for no reason!

At the beginning, he didn't know why. After several experiences and thoughts, he gradually found that every time the old man mentioned this name, the emperor's true spirit in his body would break through the power of the imprisonment! Officially, this trace of energy gave Tang Feng the strength to continue!

Tang Feng has been unparalleled since he was a child. After several deliberations, it has been determined that the remnants of his cultivation must have been created by the predecessor named Tang Yao. How can you shame a book!!

"What!?" Divin said strangely, "No wonder you are still powerful!" It turned out that it was causing trouble, which puzzled me for a few days! ..."

Dioxide injected another energy into Tang Feng's body and added another imprisoned energy to his heart and wrist. This time, Tang Feng really can't rely on even a little external force.


Tang Feng, who was completely blocked from energy, took a step, and the pain of the muscle being torn off came again! It reminded him of the time when he lost his feelings. If you are still in the period of loss, you should be able to hold on longer!

"Well, that's good!" Seeing Tang Feng screaming at every step, the god of wine followed nodded and affirmed Tang Feng in front of him.

"It seems that he can be trained in one more than three days!" The old man thought to himself that Tang Feng was the second person he had seen in his life that was really recognized by him.


"Gold coins, when will we attack the human race? I can't wait!"

In the golden wind cave of Wanyao Mountain, Jifeng's face was anxious and looked at the eyes of gold coins, trying to see something from there! The result disappointed him, because the flexible eyes of the gold coin had trapped him, and there was no intention to gain insight.

"Well, don't worry! No hurry! After only three days, can't you wait?" The gold coin shook the feather fan in her hand, and now she likes this set of smart suit with great personality, although it is not high grade. And... very personal!

"Ouch! I said gold coins, how can we not be in a hurry? My hands and feet are itchy now. If I don't hit them, I'll go crazy!" The wind rubbed his palm, and it can be seen from here that he is a martial arts fanatic and war maniac!

"Humph!" The gold coin snorted, pouted and turned his head to one side, and said, "If your claws are itchy, go and grind them on the iron tree outside!" Well...like a snake protector!"

As soon as the gold coin raised its hand, the feather fan directly pointed to the outside of the cave and rubbed its body on the iron tree to protect the snake for skinning. Seeing the two kings looking over, the snake protector was a little embarrassed and wrapped his head behind the iron tree. After all, it was not too embarrassing to take off clothes in front of others.

"That...that! What the hell are you worried about?" The wind continued to rub the wolf's palm, and it seemed that he was really panicked.

"Alas, the mountain people have their own tricks. Why are they afraid of it? It's just that the world is not so easy to fight! I'd like to ask you, how many troops have been sent to Xiaoyue Mountain? What about Hua Xianzong? Swallowing the Tianhe River? Yellow robe hole? Where is the White Fox Ridge? Do you know that most people in the Xiuzhen world are watching the excitement in the Red Snow City. If we invade with great fanfare, we must take the Red Snow City first! Maybe, do you think now is the best time?"

Gold coins word by word, aggressively, and every time the wind hears a paragraph, it takes a step back! Not to mention such a complicated thing, he doesn't even understand the simple arrangement of troops...