xuan shou

Chapter 185 Beast Swallowing Clouds

"Wow, I'm angry, I'm angry! What should I do on the days when there is no alcohol..."

The god of wine and Tang Feng have become farther and farther away from the demon city. After changing some wine in a small village a few days ago, the god of wine couldn't help drinking it in two or three days! Now there are three... hours that I haven't met a small village, and the god of wine has completely collapsed.

"Well, you can live if you do evil, but you can't live if you do evil!"

Since he strengthened his belief in his heart, Tang Feng is now energetic every day. The weight of the shackles has been added, and he has also broken through again...


said something wrong... Hearing Tang Feng's sarcasm, the god of wine stared at him with angry eyes and moved his mind at the same time! The shackles locked in Tang Feng's body immediately increased ten times in weight and directly overwhelmed the latter to the ground! I can't get up anymore...

"Uh... it seems to be a little too much!" The god of wine whispered to himself, but he did not stop, as if he had forgotten Tang Feng behind.


Tang Feng woke up leisurely, felt the condition of her body, and found that the shackle had changed back to the same weight as usual. However, the figure of Dionysus has disappeared...

"Well, where's the old man?"

I hurriedly looked around and found that there was no old man. I felt a little strange! Did he leave when he was in a coma? Why? Born? It's impossible. After getting along with each other for so many days, Tang Feng is still very clear about the temper of Dionysus. He is not that kind of narrow-minded person. He must have gone somewhere to look for wine.

"Oh, that's strange! The weather here is still so sunny, but the human race has been shrouded in dark clouds for more than three months. It seems that something is going to happen!"

At this time, the sun is already setting, the sun is sinking in the west pavilion, and the clouds in the sky are reflected in the sunset, reflecting the color of the blood cloud of Tianmo Gate! It felt very solemn... Looking at this beautiful scene, Tang Feng couldn't help thinking of the continuous rainstorm of the human race in March.

In the forest in the distance, a fierce beast is looking at Tang Feng, who has a leisurely view, and a longing light flashes in his yellow pupils! It turned its head to one side and looked into the forest farther away! A scarlet light flashed in the darkness, and a flaming hoof was lifted up, and then fell down fiercely! The strange thing is that the ground has not been hurt at all...

"Roar!" Seeing this scene, the beast rushed out and went straight to Tang Feng, who was resting.


Tang Feng originally wanted to have a good rest during the period when the old man went out to find wine, but the nerves that had just relaxed were immediately nervous! Turning his head, he saw a beast the size of ten adult elephants rushing towards him.

This beast has white tiger-like beautiful fur, cow-like tail, and leopard's sharp claws! The most important thing is that it is very fast, but a slight jump is dozens of meters! The distance of thousands of meters has flashed by with only a few gentle jumps.



The strange beast raised its claws when it hit it and took Tang Feng's head! Soon after that, Tang Feng suddenly raised the boxer, crossed his head, hummed and pushed forward! Repuls it...


The beast was pushed back several times by Tang Feng. When it landed, its four powerful claws cut out 20 deep marks on the ground, and the squeak violently stimulated Tang Feng's eardrums.

"Wow, squeak!"

The beast did not delay at all. Once it stood firmly, it launched a new offensive again. This blow was more fierce than the previous move!

"Well, it seems that this guy is physically aggressive! Humph, just so, I can take this opportunity to see my recent cultivation effect!" Tang Feng thought to himself and put on a posture at the same time! This is the standard Sanda posture, which is some of the fighting skills he learned from Ding Xiaosan when he was in the National Security Bureau.

Sanda is also called Sanshou. In ancient times, it was called fighting, hand fighting, skill fighting, etc. Simply put, two people fight face to face with bare hands. Sanda is a major manifestation of the national standard martial arts, with four major offensive techniques: kicking, beating, falling and taking. In addition, there are defense, footwork and other technologies.

He has never used this scattering, because it has always been ten-strike daggers, Yufengjue and hidden weapons as the main attack moves! Now he is imprisoned because of his cultivation, and the divine soldiers are confiscated. There is nothing he can do! Only close combat...


Tang Feng raised his right leg and kicked it sideways! With a bang, the beast was kicked away by this purely physical attack! He rolled several times in the air and couldn't balance the gems at all, so he fell down directly.


There was a doubtful moan in the depths of the forest, and the flaming hoof just now nodded twice on the ground again!



Two beasts like the same as in front jumped out of the woods, forming a triangle to surround Tang Feng!


It's better to do it first, and then suffer. Tang Feng did not give the first beast a chance to react! He rushed straight over and hit his little whip leg on its stomach!


Sure enough, the beast that was shaken by the swing kick just now and injured the bone had no chance to resist at all. This heavy blow pumped it away and could no longer get up after falling to the ground! Seeing that his companion was beaten to the ground, the yellow pupil immediately tightened like a spotlight, and a murderous spirit loomed in the air!


After fighting with the beast just now, Tang Feng found that the beast is not very strong. He is more than ten times confident that he can win against less than five. Judging from their current number, this kind of beast does not live in groups, so Tang Feng is now confident.


The two beasts bowed their heads and roared, but those two eyes could stare at Tang Feng! If someone who knows this kind of beast is present, he will definitely say, "Oh, the cloud swallowing beast is furious!"

Swallow cloud beast, a kind of spirit beast that is not very high-level! They practice very slowly, so they have been in a lower position in the forest of beasts! However, God is fair. After depriving them of their cultivation talent, he gave them a stronger and more perverted talent - rage!!

If it is said earlier that the cloud swallowing beast has been in a lower position in the beast forest, then the violent cloud swallowing beast can reach the top ten of the beast forest! Because once they are furious, they will explode ten times more powerful than their own strength! No one can fight with the violent swallowing beast! After the rage, their defense and attack have been enhanced too much!

It is actually easy to identify whether they are rageous, as long as they lower their heads, hide their pupils in their eyelids and look at their prey with white eyes! Without extraordinary cultivation, then - run!

Unfortunately, Tang Feng not only did not know about the cloud swallowing beast, but also thought that the cloud swallowing beast was quite bad!



Two cloud swallowing beasts roared at the same time and kicked out a big hole on the hard ground with their hind legs!


Tang Feng couldn't believe that the two flood beasts in front of him were of the same kind as the beast he had just abused! There are too many powerful things. Now he regrets that he didn't learn Taijiquan and Xingyiquan from Ding Xiaosan in the National Security Bureau, or he could practice Sanda better!

Now this situation is in a state of passive beating with your own half-hearted beating! Damn...!!


The whole body cultivation has been locked, and the recent exercise is too ordinary. Now all parts of the body have not returned to the best state, so it is impossible to play the strongest battle at all! In front of two violent beasts, he felt that he was like a boat floating in the sea and could capsized at any time! Only by harboring in time can we survive!

Where is your own port? In this situation, we can only delay the time and wait until the old man comes back to be saved!

"Damn it!"

The beast fell into the air again and broke a large area of the trees behind him. Tang Feng could only avoid it for a short time in the attack of the two swallowing beasts!