xuan shou

Chapter 196 Xuanshoudao VS Five Poisons

"Ah! I pedal... I flip... I pedal..."

A very strange pair appeared on the path that was not difficult to walk in the Beast Forest! An old man was drinking wine leisurely, and next to him was a young man who kept flipping forward. Every time your hands or feet touch the ground, you will shout...

"No, that's not right! Your hands are useless! We also need to strengthen the practice! In this way, I dare not teach you the explosive steps! If I teach you how to walk, I can guarantee that your baby will break his hands and feet in less than three days!" The god of wine took a sip and said with a smile on his face. Although I'm not very satisfied, I'm still happy from his expression! After all, Tang Feng has learned to step, and these ten steps of ascension can be said to be half completed.

"Hmm! Teacher, I will practice hard!" Tang Feng felt the magic of this martial art, and he was completely addicted to these ten steps of ascension.


The god of wine clapped his hands and said, "Well, I'm happy to see you work so hard!" However, since you are so determined, then..."

"Boom! Ah!"

Tang Feng let out a scream, and the iron ring in his hand suddenly increased its weight. It seemed that the Dior didn't want Tang Feng to practice so leisurely.


"Yes! Not only did I know that he was in the real world, but I also sent someone to kill him?

Tang Meng said with a sinister face, in her heart, she couldn't wait for Tang Feng to die now!

"But...but! You know that he didn't put the poison-feeding weapon!"

Tang Liuru was very excited. It seemed that they knew the answer to the disfigurement at the original ring competition.

"Hmm, so what if you know! If the son doesn't kill Bole, Bole will die. Who is to blame? Who do you think I blame!? Blame my father? Yes, I do hate him, but I hate Tang Feng even more. That hidden weapon came from his hand! Do you know? Do you know how I feel now? Do you know why I searched for death repeatedly at that time?

Tang Meng was aggressive, and one question after another popped out of her bottom, making Tang Liuru retreat repeatedly!

The two of them seem to have forgotten the current scene and their mission, and the conflict between words seems to intensify.

"I...I don't know!"

Tang Liuru is born with a weak personality, so now she is completely oppressed by the strength of Tang Meng. She had to close her eyes, calm herself down, and relieve the oppression of Tang Meng!

"Do she have a deep hatred with Brother Tang Feng?" Wencheng asked in his heart that the elites of their elites have not officially started the war yet, so they have enough leisure to observe the battles around them, and the battle between Tang Liuru and Tang Meng is their focus.

"Does Ru Ru know Tang Feng? Oh, yes... I remember that when Brother Tang Feng jumped out of Nuwa Ding, Tang Liuru had already confirmed the identity of Brother Tang Feng. Are they brother and sister? Who is the saint of the five poisons? Ru Ru called her sister just now. Is she also Tang Feng's sister?

The more difficult it is to understand, the more attention it is, so Jian Fuyi is also distracted by the situation of Tang Liuru when fighting!

"Tang Feng? It's that bastard again. Why do you always hear his name every time something big happens!"

If she hadn't known that Tang Liuru was Tang Feng's sister, Jianlan would have thought that the saint of the Five Poisons Palace had also been Tang Feng, so she hated him so much.

"This is fun!"

The Beast Lord also looked at the place where the two women confronted each other with great interest, accompanied by the beast Lord's self-spoken words. Tang Meng and Tang Liuru also became the focus of a group of disciples of Hehuanzong.

"Sister, let the past pass! You know, maybe only three of us are real relatives in the world of cultivation!"

Tang Liuru's words once again dropped a blockbuster in the crowd that paid attention to them!

"Hmm, relatives! Show me what I look like now! Yes, you are beautiful, you are beautiful, so you will never understand my pain!" Tang Meng suddenly pulled off the veil on her face...

Everyone was shocked... What kind of face is that? Judging from the shape of the face, it is quite perfect! Moreover, the left half of the face is white and clean, like a pure lychee, and the right half of the face!

The black scar formed after decay covers two-thirds of the area on the right! Disfigured, absolutely disfigured! It will never be born, but as if it has been corroded by something.


The defense line in Tang Liuru's heart was defeated again. Since that ring battle, she has never seen the face under Tang Meng's black veil! Therefore, she never knew... It turned out that the poison was so violent!

Tears can't stop flowing down. A woman who was originally charming was disfigured by an accident. Who can understand this feeling?

"You can't beat me, so you'd better step back! There is no hatred between you and me, and I still regard you as my sister! If you have to fight, I won't show mercy, after all! We are in a different position now!"

Under the sympathetic eyes of everyone, Tang Meng put on the black veil again and set up the starting style of Jiuyingong.

"Suck...yes...suck, we are in a different position now. I know I can't beat you! But I will do my best to stop you!"

Tang Liuru was awakened by Tang Meng's words. Now she wants to protect Yao Wangzong! If Tang Meng's people break through the right wing, it doesn't matter for one or two people.

"Good! This is the people of Tangmen! Look at it... Jiuyin Gong, broken soul palm!"

Broken soul palm is the starting move of Jiuyin Gong in the Tangmen Poison Sutra. Jiuyin Gong is very vicious and vicious, and it is divided into seven types! They are broken soul palm, locked throat antelope, yin and yang fall, heart-promoting fingers, five-finger soul sealing, six yang nine destruction, and nine claws to kill!

In addition to the broken soul palm, the other six types must use the five poisons true gas. If there is no five poisons in the technique, it is not even comparable to ordinary martial arts! Their biggest feature is that they can exert 200 percent of the five poisons.

And this five poisons of true gas is very special. Unlike the true gas cultivated by other skills, it can be released with just one idea. Therefore, the broken soul palm gradually condenses the five poisons and true gas when attacking. Therefore, the disciples of Tangmen who practice poison skills often fight in the later stage when fighting! The later they get, the more five poisons they gather, and the stronger they become.

Seeing the close poison palm, Tang Liuru did not dare to take it. She directly used Tangmen's exclusive light skills and floated back across the river overnight! And Tang Meng's poisonous palm did not return without success. This palm slapped on a disciple of the Wuji sect!

The latter suddenly screamed, and a black line rose rapidly from his chest to his brain.

"Wow! What a powerful poison! I guess even the five poisons are not so powerful!? No wonder she can cultivate ten thousand poisons to the extreme in a year.

There was a burst of feeling in the heart of the Five Poisons Lady, and at the same time, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"A hundred steps through Yang!"

Tang Liuru, who flew back, was not idle and had already shot two flying knives in the air! These two flying knives are extremely fierce, and the speed seems to cut through the space in front of them.


Tang Meng easily blocked these two flying knives, making those disciples of the Wuji Sect stunned! They know Liu Ru's hidden weapon! The person who can take over the senior sister's flying knife so easily is absolutely extraordinary! And the disciples of the Five Poisons Palace also had such an idea, so their ideas coincided and gradually deviated from the center of Tang Meng and Tang Liuru in the fight! Protecting the disciples of Yaowangzong, they went closer to the center of the eight sects.

Is that right? Then you are picking up! Tang Hua is in full bloom!"

The five-handled flying knives spread in the air in the shape of a crescent and constantly changing the formation! Strangely, the flying knife that has obviously deviated from the target can actually hit the enemy's back in the air! This is an attack method that can only be achieved by practicing more than three levels.

"Oh, it seems to be getting more and more wonderful now! I'm looking forward to wondering why the vague area on the heavenly path is? The beast looked up and then gathered his eyes again in the battle between the two women.