xuan shou

Chapter 214 Demons

"Haha! Do you think our demons are fools? If there is no certainty of victory, our demon kings will send troops without the command of the demon king to attack!?"

What Jianlan said is indeed Kun's most fearful, but he has also seen the means of gold coins and the power of the wind! The five demon kings are 100% confident that the situation of the five demon kings of the demon clan will definitely become the seven demon kings in charge of the overall situation within a thousand years! And this battle is the growth battle of the two demon kings in the future! It is also a battle that they volaggered their ambitions!

Compared with gold coins, Kunhe, Hua Po, Bai Yue, Xiao Yueshan and Huangpao's five ancestors are ashamed of themselves and feel that they can't compare with them! In terms of cultivation, the wind after practicing the Xiaoyue Sirius is also unmatched by them. The only thing worth celebrating is that they are both demons.

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Xuantianzong may now suffer the disaster of extinction! If the enemy did not enter the mountain gate, it was absolutely impossible for my disciples of Xuantianzong to ring the bell! And he just wanted to delay talking so much to us! Otherwise, do you think he will expose his foundation? Besides, his words were made by him. How do you know whether it's true or not?" Park Geng has completely lost his mind and shouted angrily to several other leaders!


It seems that Xuan Tianzong is indeed the time to burn his eyebrows! Otherwise, Park Geng, who has always been calm, would not be so gaffe!

Such a sentence came out in the hearts of the seven elders at the same time! At the same time, the attack on the hand increased a little again.

"Huh, do you want to go out? After my pass, I'm talking about it! Ha...absolute defense!"

Kun and his strategy of procrastinating time were seen through, so he used the strongest move of their Xuanwu descendants!

As the name implies, this absolute defense is a strong defense skill. He wants to shrink his whole body into the turtle shell after transforming the cost! You know, Xuanwu is known as the strongest person in the history of defense, and the strength of this turtle shell has far exceeded the industrial attack of long-lived people! Because his turtle shell is covered with a Xuanwu shield!

At this time, the battle between the three demon kings and the two statues on the second floor was also coming to an end, under the strong attack of the three demon kings! The two statues eventually turned into dust! However, they left nothing, and nothing happened.

"Let's go to the third floor!!"


In the dark night, I saw a pair of red and black eyes shining! These two are the god of wine and Tang Feng!

Ji Jie! Awesome, awesome!"

The god of wine suddenly stopped, turned his head in the direction of the human race, and kept repeating this sentence.

"What's wrong?"

The words of Divinity made Tang Feng very puzzled. He didn't know why Di Dioxide said these inexplicable words at this time.

"I said that the leader of the demon clan is very powerful! In just one day, it has entered the mountain gate of Xuantianzong!"

The god of wine has a smile on his face, as if he is expecting something.

"Teacher, is your trace that the demon clan wants to launch a war against the human race?"

"Uh-huh, in fact, it has already begun! The mountain protection bell of Xuantianzong rang just now, do you hear it?

Awesome, this wine god is really powerful. Xuantian Sect is separated from the entire demon clan from the orc! At such a long distance, not to mention that Tang Feng opened his ears, even if he opened more or two tricks for him, he could not hear it, but the old Diur could actually hear it.

"Well, disciple, I didn't hear anything just now!"

Tang Feng also honestly admitted the fact that he didn't hear. What did he not feel just now?

"Teacher, if I remember correctly, this demon clan is the farthest from Xuantianzong in the whole human race, right? Why did they sacrifice their proximity and far to attack Xuantianzong? If the attack failed, how could they escape?

At this moment, Tang Feng also analyzed the geographical layout and war strategy of this cultivation world! No matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out whether the demon was squeezed by the door.

"No, no! That's why I said that the leader this time is awesome. If I guess correctly, there are two reasons!" The wine god brushed his beard as if he knew everything.

Seeing the obviously happy look of the god of wine, Tang Feng thought in his heart undeniably! Does he feel that this old wine god is a war maniac?


Tang Feng had to be silent about what he didn't know! There is no way. Who wants him not to know?

"What is the deep hatred between this leading demon king and Xuantianzong, so his goal is Xuantianzong! And the second point is that Xuantianzong is actually the best sect to attack, especially on moonless nights!"

Tang Feng knew on Moonless Night. After all, he has been here to practice the real world for so long, and he is still very clear about these basic common sense! However, he was very puzzled when the god of wine said that Xuantianzong was the best sect to attack! Isn't the Xuanding and formation of Xuantianzong very powerful?

"Hey, you don't know about this, let me tell you!"

This Dior sometimes makes Tang Feng feel like a funny old child!

"This is, Kunlun is the closest to the demon clan, and generally attacks are mainly Kunlun! Unfortunately, Kunlun has Haotian Mirror, and as long as any demon orcs enter their territory, they will be found! Although on a moonless night, the function of Haotian Mirror will also decline a lot! However, Haotian Mirror is undoubtedly Kunlun's third eye. It is impossible to sneak attack! And Penglai, they are surrounded by water. If you want to attack, you can only take waterways and air strikes! However, the air troops and underwater troops of the demon clan are relatively weak, and even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to guarantee the chance of winning! And Yao Wangzong... I don't think it's a sneak attack. Even if it's a blatant attack, the demon clan dares not attack rashly, because Yao Wangzong is surrounded by their soul-eating swamp, a highly toxic array, which specializes in restraining demons and demons! As long as they touch it, if they don't get the antidote in the time of incense, they will disappear!"

"What, Wangzong's poisonous medicine?"

The god of wine said that Tang Feng couldn't help it. It was the first time he heard that Yao Wangzong could actually use poison!

"What, strange? But then again! When Yao Wangzong was in charge of the previous generations of leaders, this poison was indeed a ban! However, since the appearance of that genius disciple, all this has changed!"

When the god of wine said this, his eyes showed a very admiration.

"Who is this talented disciple?"

Tang Feng also wants to know who this genius disciple who broke the ban is. You should know that this kind of pioneer is not so easy to succeed! It must be a person with extraordinary ability to be recognized by the whole clan.

"Qi Shen's heritage! It was that boy who saw Duhun study poisons every day and carried it with him for many years! Although he disdained Du Hun's poison, he secretly appreciated it! He has always believed that Yao Wangzong's attack ability and defense ability are too weak, in case the war breaks out one day! One's own sect can only go to others. Therefore, he secretly developed a poison according to Duhun's method, which is called demons!"


is another new noun, which confuses Tang Feng. I don't know how many times he has been with Dionyus for so long! After each time, he can always know what he didn't know before.

"Well, demons, a poison that is only useful for races other than human races! If human beings are poisoned, they can completely recover after sleeping for an hour, but if the demons and demons are poisoned, there is only one way to die without an antidote! Even Du Soul is not completely sure that he can save his life under this poison! From now on, it can be seen that Qi Shenqi is a character!"


Tang Feng didn't think so. He didn't think that the old man who relied on the test medicine to blackmail was so powerful that his mysterious teacher gave such a high evaluation! It seems that Wen Xin doesn't have to worry about him.

"!! Teacher, next to Xuantianzong is the Red Snow City! Shouldn't the war spread there!?