Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 14 Elite Showdown

Chapter 14 Elite Showdown

The fierce war is still going on.

Lin Ya drove his mecha Sky Machine to fight against the gray mecha of the Earth Army. This enemy is very powerful. Lin Ya is not his opponent at all. He was beaten very desolately. His proud shooting method can't hit the enemy at all. The gray mecha is too strong, and the gap between the two is too big.

"What's wrong? Is that the end?!"

The gray mecha holds a lightsaber in the right hand and looks at the Sky Machine.

At this moment, the condition of the Tianji was very miserable. It saw that its left arm and right leg were gone, and it held a light sword in its right hand. The mecha was scarred all over its body, with many sword marks, and some places were cut, revealing the machine inside.

Lin Ya's expression was distorted, and his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

"I'll send you on the road!"

The gray mecha's mecha's face was cold, and he looked at the Sky Machine as if he were looking at a dead man. He has killed too many opponents at this level, and there is no challenge at all.


Suddenly, the radar sounded an alarm.

A red shadow hit the gray mecha at a very high speed.


It is shining and brilliant.

The savior hit the gray mecha with a sword, but the gray mecha was so good that it actually blocked the sword. Two lightsabers are like two beasts biting crazily.

The collision was so rapid that the gray mecha was hit hundreds of meters away, and the savior was also shaken back 100 meters away.

"Nine times the speed of sound, the top elite warrior?!" The gray mecha mecha was surprised.

The savior holds a lightsaber and stands quietly in the void. Ren Tianchen looked at the gray mecha more than 700 meters away with solemn eyes. The power of the blow just now was very strong, but the enemy actually followed and was unharmed. He was a real master, no weaker than him.

"Don't mind your own business, get out of here." The cliff roared.

Seeing Ren Tianchen coming to save him, Lin Ya was not grateful, but more angry. He hated and even hated Ren Tianchen, but now he is saved by the people he hates, which is a shame for him and nakedly trampled on his self-esteem.

"Get out of here if you don't want to die." Ren Tianchen said coldly that Ren Tianchen was not even interested in taking a look at Lin Ya. If he hadn't been in the same team, Ren Tianchen would have killed him long ago.

No longer paying attention to the forest cliff, the savior waved his sword to the gray mecha 700 meters away.

"So that's it. The top elite with nine times the speed of sound control, no wonder they can kill so many of my subordinates." A cold man's voice came from the communicator, which was the voice of the engineer opposite.

The gray mecha sword pointed to the savior and said, "Kill so many of my subordinates, you must die today, boy, report it. I, Carter, will not kill unknown people."

"If you are going to die here today, how about knowing my name?" Ren Tianchen said coldly, and his eyes were full of war. At the same time, I was also cautious. If I remember correctly, Carter should be the 13th person on the elite warrior list.

The elite warrior ranking is the most authoritative strength ranking at present. It records the elite warriors of the whole human race, including the Earth Federation and the Tianyue Empire, whose strength is under the ace warriors. This Carter can stand out among thousands of elite memeers and occupy 13 on the list. Location, absolutely strong.

Lin Ya's heart was shocked. He finally knew who his opponent was. No wonder he lost so miserably. The gap between them was too big.

"Hahaha, what arrogance! Let me see if you have the qualifications to be arrogant. Carter laughed.

After saying that, he drove his Huiming to thejiu zhe.

The jiu zhe immediately changed his speed horizontally and flashed to one side, but the gray came immediately.

"It's really powerful to keep up with my speed." Ren Tianchen's face is solemn. There is no doubt that this will be the first powerful opponent he has met since his debut, and he must deal with it carefully.

The savior waved his sword and cut at the Huiming, which avoided this piece and then kicked the savior. Ren Tianchen was not afraid to pat the steel foot of the Huiming with a shield in his left hand. At the same time, he stabbed the Huiming with a sword in his right hand and pointed straight to the cockpit.

Carter has experienced hundreds of battles, and of course he is not afraid of such a fighting battle. Huiming waved its sword to block the savior's light sword, and then picked it up and opened the savior's light sword. Then he waved his sword and cut it down to smash the savior.

Ren Tianchen's movement was not slow, and he broke out at nine times the speed of sound. The savior flew back hundreds of meters in an instant and avoided the sword. The gray number also broke out at nine times the speed of sound, and caught up with the savior in an instant.


The Salvation and the Huiming two mecha waved a lightsaber and fought fiercely. In just a few minutes, more than 50 swords were cut off.

Ren Tianchen and Carter both showed nine times the speed of sound control, and the speed of the two mechas was amazing. The battle was very fierce. The lightsaber against the lightsaber, the iron fist against the iron fist, every hit was fierce, sparks splashed everywhere, and the light shone.

In the Starry Sky, Lin Yu watched the whole battlefield. His eyes were sharp and expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Colonel, all our elite soldiers have died, and the mecha troops have suffered great losses. The White Snow has not been captured yet. The battle situation is very bad for us!" An officer said to Lin Yu.

"You mean to retreat. It's hard to get to this point. How can you give up easily?" Another officer said.

"The current situation is very unfavorable to us. We can't stay in the enemy's occupied area for too long, and we can't watch the soldiers die."

"War is doomed to death. As long as Lieutenant Carter solves the red mecha, victory will make us."

"You are too arrogant, captain."

"Shut up." Lin Yu suddenly opened his mouth and glanced at the two officers with cold and fierce eyes, which scared them.

"Carter can't even stop a move in front of Rocaon Strus. We have lost the opportunity to fight. Let's retreat!" Lin Yu's indifferent way

According to his plan, he wanted to teach Lockon a lesson, preferably to bring him out, but he didn't expect that the savior would appear, killing four elite soldiers in seconds and disrupting his plan. At this moment, he was also very unhappy.

The Starry Sky issued a retreat order, and the earth army's mecha during the battle retreated as soon as possible. There were originally more than 20 pieces, but now there are only seven left. In addition, the two warships in the battle with Snow also retreated, and the two warships were scarred and severely damaged to varying degrees.

In the White Snow.

"The enemy retreated." At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Salvation is still fighting with the enemy."

Lockeon frowned and his face was solemn. Then he left the bridge and said before leaving, "This boy is too reckless."

The battle between the Salvation and Huiming is still not over and has reached a white-hot stage. The two mechas are amazingly fast and powerful. Waving the light sword in his hand, I don't know how many swords he has cut.

Huiming waved his sword and drew a sword on the savior's chest. Ren Tianchen's eyes were awe-inspiring, and the savior instantly fought back and cut a sword on the abdomen of the Huiming.

Carter made a decision, and the Huiming kicked the savior away and flew back hundreds of meters.

"You are lucky."

Then Carter left the battlefield decisively at nine times the speed of sound.

"Can you run?!" Ren Tianchen shouted.

The savior broke out at nine times the speed of sound and caught up with it.

But the speed of the two mechas is the same, and the Huiming is one step ahead, so it is difficult for the savior to catch up.


Ren Tianchen directly raised the speed of the savior to ten times the speed of sound, which is the speed of the ace warrior. At present, he has not fully mastered it, but it is still possible to fight in a short time.

Ten times the speed of sound made the savior catch up with the gray ring in a blink of an eye.

"What?!" Carter was shocked.

The Salvation flew in an arc, protected himself with a shield, and hit the gray horn from the left.


The force of this collision was very powerful, and the Huiming was hit more than 2,000 meters.

The savior followed and instantly killed the Huiming at ten times the speed of sound.


The Huiming had not stabilized and was kicked away by the savior. This foot sank vigorously, more powerful than the previous collision. The Huiming was kicked away by more than 3,000 meters, and finally hit a Garoman-class warship that happened to pass by, which happened to hit the bridge. The whole bridge was collapsed. The end of the people inside can be imagined.

All this happened too quickly. It took only ten seconds from the savior hitting the Huiming to the warship.

The savior set up four plasma light cannons without aiming at all and fired more than a dozen shots at the warship.

hong hong。。。

The plasma cannon was powerful, and the hard armor of the warship was smashed, and the whole warship was smashed into pieces of steel.

Ren Tianchen gasped in the cockpit, and the high-intensity battle consumed him a lot of physical strength. He is plain on the surface, but he is surprised inside.

I killed five elite warriors on the battlefield for the first time, and one of them ranked 13th on the elite list, which is too shocking. Is this really done by himself? Ren Tianchen has an unreal feeling.

Di Didi...

Suddenly the radar sounded an alarm.

A green light came from a distance, and Ren Tianchen reacted quickly. The Salvation hurriedly dodged, but was still hit on the right waist by the beam, but the Salvation's armor was very hard, leaving only a circular burn mark.

Ren Tianchen was shocked. He reacted so quickly that he was still hit. How strong should the person who shot this shot be?!

He immediately looked in the direction of the beam. He saw a mecha, which was as dark as ink and the fuselage was very strong. There was a huge horn on the forehead of the mecha, as if it could pierce the sky. This mecha gave people the feeling of an invincible warrior.

Ren Tianchen's heart was extremely dignified, and he recognized that this mecha was: Douwang! He never thought that he would meet a powerful ace warrior.

At this moment, in the other direction, a mecha flew at high speed.

This mecha is as white as snow, holding a shield in the left hand, and the light can grab across the waist. The forehead of the mecha is inlaid with a remnant moon tilted to the right. It seems to be a noble knight from ancient legends.

Ren Tianchen was shocked and recognized that this was Lockon's special mecha: Moon Knight.

The blackdou wang and the white moon knight are so fast that they reach 14 times the terrible speed of sound.




The Moon Knight and the Fighting King fought three times in an instant. The speed was so horrible that Ren Tianchen could not see the moment of the two mechas fighting at all. It was too fast.

"Is this the duel of the ace warrior?" Ren Tianchen was severely shocked. He felt the gap between him and the two. At this moment, he couldn't even take a move from both of them.

After three lightning confrontations, the Douwang rushed to the wreckage of the broken warship and grabbed a mecha from it, which was the Huiming. However, at this time, the gray sound was almost disabled, leaving only the torso and the shielded left arm intact, and the rest of the parts were blown up.

Ren Tianchen was surprised. Isn't Carter dead yet?!

The mecha of elite soldiers are specially made, and the armor is very hard, and Ren Tianchen did not specifically aim at the Huiming to fire just now. It is understandable that he did not blow him up.

"I'll settle this account with you, Lockon!" After Lin Yu left such a sentence, he drove the Douwang to grab the disabled Huiming and flew to the Xingkong. But he took a look at the savior before leaving.

The moon knight is as white as snow, spotless, holding a pink light sword in his right hand and standing in front of the savior.

"Captain!" Ren Tianchen called.

The Moon Knight turned around and said, "Thank you for your hard work. The battle is over. Go back!"

The Moon Knight and the Salvation turned around and flew to the White Snow. Ren Tianchen's first battle of joining the army is over, but this is only the beginning, far from the end.