Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 70 Death Rift

Chapter 70 Death Rift

The Salvation and the Warlord cut through the sky and crossed the sandstorm all over the sky.

More than ten kilometers behind him, a group of mecha is chasing, clenching and has been chasing 70 kilometers.

"I didn't expect that we really rushed out." Yang Wenchen sighed that he didn't expect to break out of the siege under such an almost desperate situation.

"I can't feel at ease now. Let's get rid of the people behind first." Ren Tianchen paused and said, "We must find a place to land quickly. The mecha can't stand it, and it may fall off at any time."

Ren Tianchen's face is solemn, and nearly 70% of the savior's functions have been paralyzed. If he doesn't stop and rest, it may really fall off.

Yang Wenchen deeply believes it.

The two mechas flew another 30 kilometers, and there was a narrow rift valley on the ground in front of them, like a wound on the earth.

"Is that?" Yang Wenchen frowned and fell into thought. Suddenly, his face turned pale and he looked frightened. He shouted, "Come on, let's get around and we can't pass there."


At this time, a very powerful attraction pulled them over to the rift valley.

The Salvation and the Warlord urgently retreated and opened at full power to resist this attraction.

The rift is like a black hole, with infinite suction, and like the big mouth of a giant beast, swallowing a lot of surrounding rocks

"Damn, I'm going to be sucked in." Yang Wenchen's forehead was sweating.

"What the hell is this?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"Death Rift, once it is sucked in, we are finished." Yang Wenchen's face is extremely serious. This is a life-and-death moment.


The Salvation and the Warlord finally couldn't withstand it, and the engine died directly and emitted black smoke.

"It's over."

The almost paralyzed Salvation and the Warlord had no ability to resist at all, and were suddenly pulled over by the powerful attraction and directly submerged into the dark rift valley.

The rift is not flat, and many sharp rocks come from the cliffs on both sides.

"Boom, Boom, Boom,,"

The engines of the Warlord and the Salvation have been set on fire, and coupled with the powerful gravity from the low ground, the two mechas fell all the way, breaking many stone pillars from the cliff.

"If it goes on like this, we will definitely fall to death." Yang Wenchen said that the mecha vigorously shook, which made him restless.

"Catch the stone wall." Ren Tianchen shouted.

The Salvation held the sword in the back and directly stabbed the blue shadow sword into the rock wall, but the Salvation was still falling. After all, the fall was too strong and it was not so easy to stop it in time.

Zhanwang also hit its right fist into the rock wall to slow down the speed and strength of the decline.

The two mechas fell all the way, the Blue Shadow Sword cut the rock wall, and the Warlord smashed the rock wall. However, the speed of falling has slowly decreased.

However, because the Salvation and the King of War smashed many stone pillars, some of them fell directly on the fuselage as the two mechas fell.


A pile of stones, mixed with two mecha, fell directly to the bottom of the valley.

At this time, above the Rift Valley, more than a dozen dragon mechas stopped on a hill five kilometers away from the mouth of the Rift Valley, looking at the dark Rift Valley.

"No matter how many times you look at it, this rift of death is so frightening." The speaker was shocked. They had just seen the Savior and the King of War being sucked into the Rift Valley.

"As long as we enter the Death Rift, we will definitely die. Let's go back!"


Hundreds of kilometers away, a mecha team is walking in the raging sandstorm.

Ruoxue suddenly felt a tremor in her heart, and an inexplicable worry quickly permeated her heart.

She looked into the distance and missed Ren Tianchen in her heart.

"You must come back."


The bottom of the Death Rift is dark, and you can't reach out your fingers. It is also very quiet, without a sound, just like death.

The Salvation and the Warlord were buried in a pile of stones.

"Cough,," Ren Tianchen coughed violently, highlighting the turbidity in his chest.

He looked around and it was dark. He opened the electronic screen, but it may be because the damage was too serious, so the picture of the electronic screen jumped very hard and was not very clear, but it soon recovered.

Ren Tianchen tried to manipulate it. The left fist of the savior hit a pile of rocks. He was much relieved. At least, the savior could still move.

"Hey, Wenchen, are you still alive?" Ren Tianchen turned on the communicator.

But there was no voice to reply to him.

"Are you dead?"

"You're just dead!" As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Wenchen's voice came.

"As long as you don't die, how are you doing over there?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"It's very bad. 70% of the functions of the King of War have stopped. How about you?" Yang Wenchen tried to press a few buttons, but there was no response.

"It's about the same as you, 70% paralyzed." Ren Tianchen paused and asked, "Where the hell is this?" How can there be such a rift?!"

This rift valley is so weird that it has such a strong suction.

"This is called the Death Rift Valley. It is a strange Jedi. As long as an object approaches here, it will be sucked in and can no longer get out." Yang Wenchen paused and continued to explain: "Regarding the principle of the formation of this rift valley, some people say that there is a supergravity system under it, which produces powerful gravity; others say that there is an alien base under it to prevent human beings; others say that it is caused by the variation of the gravity field of Mars."

"There is such a place." Ren Tianchen was surprised and asked again, "Hasn't the federal army come to investigate?"

"Of course, the federal army came to investigate many times. As a result, every time the detection ship sent was swallowed up. No matter how powerful the propeller was, it was useless. They had also bombed it, and all the attacks were sucked in. Finally, they completely gave up, no longer care about this place, and did not dare to approach. This has also become a forbidden area. Yang Wenchen said.

Ren Tianchen was deeply shocked. There is such a place. The universe is really magical.

"Is there no other way out?" Ren Tianchen asked that Yang Wenchen was more familiar with the situation here than he, an outsider.

"I don't know that no one can go out after entering the Death Rift, so the situation here is an unsolved mystery." Yang Wenchen spread out his hands and said.

Ren Tianchen frowned and thought about the current situation.

"Anyway, let's go out and have a look first." Ren Tianchen Road

"You're right." Yang Wenchen nodded.

Then, the Salvation and the Warlord climbed out of the pile of rocks.

"I didn't expect that my King of War would climb on the ground one day." Yang Wenchen laughed at himself.

After the previous bloody battle, the savior's legs were gone, while the Warlord lost an arm and arm. The two mechas could not stand up. In addition, the engine was broken and they could not fly, so they could only crawl out.

Ren Tianchen left the cockpit. It was dark outside and he couldn't see his fingers. He turned on the searchlight and just shone on the head of the savior.

"Thank you for your hard work." Ren Tianchen sighed that for so long, the savior has been accompanying him to help him overcome many difficulties and defeat one powerful enemy after another. If there had been no savior, he might have died on the battlefield long ago.

At this time, Yang Wenchen jumped over and fell beside him.

"Now it's really not right to call the sky, and the earth is not working. Do you have any good way?" Yang Wenchen said that he had almost tried his best to go without any clue.

"This rift can suck things in, and there must be a strong gravity, but the gravity below is the same as usual, which is strange." Ren Tianchen frowned.

"It's really strange to say that." Yang Wenchen thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense.

The surroundings are dark, dead silence, and there is an inexplicable strangeness.

"Let's repair the mecha first. According to what you said, a lot of spacecraft have been sucked in, so there should be a lot of wreckage here. We can find some parts to repair the mecha." Ren Tianchendao.

Yang Wenchen nodded, knowing that this was the top priority.

"It's better to find some oxygen devices. We don't have much oxygen left. Once we run out of oxygen, we are doomed." Yang Wenchen's face is serious, and the current situation is very unfavorable.

So they began to work, first placing a few lights around the Salvation and the Warlord to illuminate the two mecha. Then, they went out together to look for parts.

"It's really horrible to walk in such a place." Yang Wenchen had a lingering heart. He lit up the cliffs on both sides, and the black stone pillars made people feel very gloomy.

Ren Tianchen did not speak, but concentrated his energy. He looked at the six ways and listened to all directions. In this unknown desperate situation, he must be cautious, otherwise there may be a disaster of death.


Ren Tianchen shouted loudly and pushed Yang Wenchen away. At the same time, he also flashed to one side.


A stone pillar fell from the sky and fell between the two.

Yang Wenchen looked at a boulder with lingering lingering palpitation. If it hadn't been for Tianchen's me to push him away, he might have been killed.

"Thank you." Yang Wenchen said.

"This should be affected by gravity and fell from the stone pillar above. We should be careful." Ren Tianchen looked up, it was dark, and he couldn't see the mouth of the valley at all.

Subsequently, the two continued to go on the road, but this time they paid more attention to the movement above. There was no sound in the vacuum, so they could only rely on the instinctive consciousness of the warriors cultivated for a long time as a basis for judgment.

They searched around, walked in the dark for more than half an hour, and finally found a dilapidated spaceship.

"It looks like it will be at least a hundred years." Yang Wenchen looked at the spacecraft in front of him, which was rusty and almost only a shelf left.

The two jumped up and jumped on the warship.

When they stood on the deck of the warship and shone the light forward, the scene in front of them shocked them.

In front of us, countless spaceships, mecha and warships are piled up like mountains, and they have been stretching over, at least Ren Tianchen can't see the end.

"It's simply a super-large garbage dump." Yang Wenchen sighed.

"Let's act quickly. Time is running out." Ren Tianchendao.

After that, the two began to search for parts and oxygen.

The two acted separately, one looking for one side and keeping in touch at any time.

Ren Tianchen was vigorous and sensitive. He jumped around in a pile of wreckage of the spacecraft at a very fast speed. After coming out of one spacecraft, he immediately jumped into another ship.

Time is passing and oxygen is being consumed.

At this moment, Ren Tianchen is looking around in the warehouse of the wreckage of a large transport ship, which is in a mess, and it is very old, at least 50 years old.

"This is..." Ren Tianchen uncovered a very thick iron plate and exposed a big pit.

"Hey, Tianchen, guess what I found?" At this time, Yang Wenchen's excited voice came from the communicator.

"What?" Ren Tianchen took out the things in the big pit.

"I found a construction robot. Although it was 50 years ago, it can still be used." Yang Wenchen said excitedly.

"Real, that's great." Having a construction robot will be of great help to the repair work.

"I have good news for you. I found a few bottles of oxygen." Ren Tianchen touched the oxygen bottle in his hand.

"That's great. Let's have a round now."

After the communication, Ren Tianchen found a box and moved the remaining oxygen cylinders into the box.

"I hope this is not a short-term hope."

Then he left with a box of oxygen bottles.