Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 74 Wild Bloody Killing

Chapter 74 Furious and Bloody Killing

The deep cave is a little fluorescent, and a three-meter-high body stands there, like a mountain, surrounded by tens of thousands of spider crabs.

However, at this moment, all the spider crabs are trembling and crawling at Ren Tianchen's feet.


Ren Tianchen, who has turned into a warcraft-like, roared at the sky, raised his fists high, his eyes were blood red, and there was no emotion. He was all endless murderous. His long hair danced like a dragon and snake, an invincible bloody domineering spirit suppressed the world.


Ren Tianchen punched down, and the land within 100 meters collapsed in an instant. All the spider crabs disappeared in an instant, the rock layer was lifted, and the rocks were pierced through the air.

After that, Ren Tianchen began to kill the spider crab crazily. His eyes were red. No matter what it was, he killed him without mercy.

His combat power is unparalleled, fierce and invincible, and unstoppable. He punched out, dozens of spider crabs were killed, stepped on one foot, the earth broke, and a roar shattered more than a dozen spider crabs.

On the other hand, Yang Wenchen is also in a state of rage, killing crazily, killing whatever he sees. Whether it is adult or underage spider crabs, they will be killed without mercy.

There are so many spider crabs in this underground kingdom, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of spider crabs. However, Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen have completely lost human reason and become two monsters who only know how to kill. They are completely instinctive and endlessly killing and destroy everything in front of them.


They looked up to the sky and roared, and their corpses were like mountains and blood flowed into rivers.

Five days.

They killed for five days.

For five days, they didn't stop for a while and killed tirelessly.

In the face of being surrounded by tens of thousands of spider crabs, they did not retreat and fought directly. The killing was dark. The bodies of spider crabs were piled up with nests, and their blood converged into a river, soaking their bodies and flowing in the cave.

The violent killing was staged all the time in this underground kingdom. Later, the spider crabs were afraid and dared not resist, and all of them hid.

In the face of spider crabs that escaped or hid, Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen chased them mercilessly, and then killed them ruthlessly.

They have completely lost their human nature and become two pure killing machines, ruthlessly crushing everything.


In the past five days, Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen did not kill together, but on one side.

Now, the spider crabs in the cave have almost been killed by them, but their violent and bloody murderous spirit has not diminished, but are more violent and bloody than before.

When they couldn't find the target to kill, they sensed each other's existence and slowly approached each other step by step.

Finally, in the cave where the previous decisive battle against the Spider Crab King, two humanoid monsters met.


Compared with five days ago, their eyes were more blood red and more violent than before, and their whole body was stained with green animal blood, which was left by the five days of violent killing and had solidified.

The two humanoid warcrafts were thousands of meters apart and looked at each other. Their long hair danced like dragons and snakes, their blood-eyed fangs, and their faces were very horrible and ugly. However, they did not kill each other directly, but quietly observed.

Although they no longer have human reason and rely on killing to support their behavior, this instinctive alert cannot be extinguished.

It's like two lions fighting for life and death. They will test first, see the depth of the other party, and finally make a killing move.

However, these two humanoid monsters have long lost their ability to think and have no patience at all.


At the same time, they roared, stepped on their feet, stamped the earth under their feet, and killed each other like cannonballs, with extreme speed.


Without any skills at all, he punched the other party's chest directly, and the two humanoid monsters were blown away at the same time, opening their mouths and spitting out red blood.

However, they were unconscious. As soon as they landed, they rushed to each other again and fought fiercely together.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom,,"

This is a bloody battle. The two humanoid monsters fought crazily. The more they killed, the crazier they became. They hit the sky from the ground. Their fists, elbows, feet, teeth were all used as weapons by them. The battle was extremely fierce, making the sky and the earth cracked and dark. The cave was almost fragmented, and large pieces of rocks It fell from the top of the cave endlessly.


Ren Tianchen punched Yang Wenchen from the sky and smashed him into the earth. However, after a while, Yang Wenchen rushed up again and directly hit Ren Tianchen into the rock wall. The rock hundreds of meters thick was broken, and they came to another cave.


Ren Tianchen roared at the sky. A piece of meat on his chest was torn off by Yang Wenchen. He could almost see the ribs and beating internal organs, and the meat was also caught by Yang Wenchen in his hand. It was bloody and the scene was extremely horrible.

The heartbreaking pain made Ren Tianchen crazy and his breath more violent.


This time, Yang Wenchen roared sadly. One wing of his back was pulled off by Ren Tianchen, and blood gushed and dyed the sky red.

Then, he waved his left pliers and hit Ren Tianchen's face. He suddenly smashed his face and swollen, and his teeth were mixed with blood and spewed out.

Ren Tianchen counterattacked in an instant and violently attacked with his left hand, tearing off a piece of blood on Yang Wenchen's chest, making him roar with pain. Then, Ren Tianchen punched Yang Wenchen with his right hand and flew hundreds of meters.

However, Yang Wenchen didn't seem to feel pain. The more he fought, the more brave he became. Even if his whole body was scarred and bloody, he did not retreat. He stamped the earth with his big feet and killed Ren Tianchen again.

Two humanoid monsters fight fiercely together. You punch me one punch, you fight one foot and me hard, there is no skill to say. Their strength is very similar, the same horror, almost can split the world and break the mountains and rivers with their feet.

Such a move is a way of playing, completely hurting the enemy 1,000 and self-damaged 800. However, at this moment, they have lost their human reason and have no ability to think. They only know how to kill, kill crazily, and kill everything in front of them.


Two humanoid monsters collided violently, and their huge fists hit each other in the face at the same time, and then were knocked away at the same time.

After flying back hundreds of meters, they fell to the ground.

At this time, the two of them were scarred, and some places even exposed white bones, bloody and extremely frighten.

They were all extremely seriously injured and were very tired. They fell to the ground and did not stand up. But their eyes were more bloody and violent, and they looked straight at each other.

At this moment, they have completely lost their humanity. They don't know who they are or who they are. They only know how to kill and kill everything.

They lay quietly on the ground. If it hadn't been for the undulating chests, they would have thought they were two dead bodies.

The dead silence here, time is slowly passing, as if it has stopped.

Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen, who were warcrafted, not only increased their strength, but also strengthened their bodies as never before, especially their ability to recover, which became extremely horrible. After only ten minutes, most of their wounds had recovered, and some wounds were even completely healed.

However, they obviously didn't have the patience to wait for the injury to recover. When the injury was just better, they wanted to stand up again. However, their injuries were too serious to stand up immediately.

After some efforts, although their bodies were still a little shaken, they still stood up slowly but resolutely.


They looked up to the sky and roared, which was earth-shaking, and the mountains collapsed and cracked, which was extremely sad.

At the top of the rock wall, the five-colored pearls were shining brightly, and the two five-color lights shone down and fell into the eyebrows of Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen respectively.


A red beam of light and a green column of light rose to the sky, and a hegemony breath swept everywhere and crushed everything. The land around them was flattened in an instant, and the bodies of piles of spider crabs were extinguished in an instant.

In the light, their wounds recovered extremely quickly and returned to the peak state. Their breath was still soaring, and the light became more shining and more terrible.

They were madly absorbing the energy contained in the five-colored pearl. Such a whale swallowed the sea, and soon the light of the five-colored pearl faded and gradually darkened. Finally, it completely turned into a black stone, and the cracks covered the whole pearl.

When the last trace of energy was absorbed, the treasure of the spider crab clan was instantly broken and turned into a crystal black snowflake, spilling down.

At the same time, the breath of Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen soared to the peak. The world was trembling, and the red light and green were intertwined and biting. The whole cave was submerged by light, which was more dazzling than ten suns.

However, after a while, the red light and green light converged, and only drowned Ren Tianchen and Yang Wenchen. They were in the eternal divine light, which made people unable to see the truth.

Their breath became more horrible, as if they could suppress heaven and earth. The earth under their feet and the surrounding rock walls slowly cracked. They incarnated into the invincible ancient gods of war. Under their power, heaven and earth were trembling.


This roar dominates the world, the mountains and rivers are broken, the sky and the earth are trembling, and the invincible pressure crushes everything.

The two of them stamped down at the same time. In an instant, the earth under their feet sank ten meters, and it collapsed within 500 meters in an instant. From the sky, it seemed that two big circles were intertwined together.

They rushed to each other without any skills, so they rushed straight over.


The bloody red light collided fiercely with the bright green, like a planet colliding and destroying the world. The light shone more than dozens of suns. The earth under its feet and the stone walls around the cave collapsed at this moment, and the power did not weaken much. They continued to sweep and crush them, destroying five or six connected caves around one after another.

At this moment, in the outside world, the nearest federal military base suddenly vibrated violently, and the land under its feet cracked for no reason. Everyone in the base was scared. They couldn't figure out how such a strong earthquake suddenly happened?! Did you go to Jinan for a volcanic eruption?! Or did a large meteorite hit it?!

When the light fades and the smoke dissipates, everything returns to calm.

Let's look at the situation of the Death Rift Valley. The three or four unconnected rock caves separated by the rock walls have been completely smashed in the devastating collision just now. Now they have become a whole, forming a depth of more than 3,000 meters in the ground nine kilometers from the surface. A super-large underground world with a length of more than 1,000 meters.