Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 115 Zhang Han

Chapter 115 Zhang Han

There is only a dead silence in the cold and dark universe.

Suddenly, the void was twisted and broken, and a big dark and deep hole appeared.

A red figure rushed out of the big hole, and then the big black hole slowly disappeared and the space returned to normal.

"Finally back!" Ren Tianchen sighed that Mars was not far from him. When she saw the familiar planet, she couldn't help sighing.

"Now we are in the cosmic space between Mars and the asteroid belt, 3,000 kilometers away from Mars." Luo Fei said.

She can change her form at will. At this moment, her virtual image is only more than ten centimeters high, like a pocket doll sitting on Ren Tianchen's shoulder.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge and directly launched 20 times the speed of sound and flew to Mars.

In the headquarters base of the pyramid war zone.

In a restaurant, Zhang Han, Carlot and Li Na gathered here, with a few cups of tea on the table.

"Three months have passed, and I don't know whether Tianchen is alive or dead." Li Na held the teacup in her hands and looked at the ripples of the tea in the cup, sighing in her heart.

"He didn't die in the battle two years ago. His life is very hard. He must still be alive." Carlos said.

"Ha ha, I also hope he is still alive." Zhang Han smiled slightly. As before, he had a delicate and beautiful appearance, a dignified and elegant look, always with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, quiet and plain eyes, and a special beauty in his every move. He is a proud son of heaven.

He picked up the tea and acted with incomparable elegance.

Suddenly, he looked stunned and looked up, casting his eyes through the glass to the distant universe.

"Are you back?" He smiled gently and was charming, which could fascinate thousands of girls.

Li Na was also stunned and didn't know what Zhang Han was talking about.

At this time, a red light fell from the sky and hovered directly above the base. It was the judge.

Everyone looked up, and the judge showed ten light wings on his back, like the legendary angel, which was very beautiful.

"Is that the judge? Wasn't it sucked away by a mysterious altar?" People in the base talked a lot. Three months ago, they saw the judge sucked away by the mysterious altar. Many people thought he was dead, but they didn't expect him to reappear today.

In the cockpit.

"Your existence can't be known to the world. Go back to the bracelet first!" Ren Tianchen said to Luo Fei.

"Of course, then I'll go to bed for a while. If there is anything, just say it directly in my heart. I can receive it." Luo Fei stretched out, and then disappeared with a swd.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge and landed in a parking garage at the base.

The return of the judge suddenly spread, and only a few minutes later, everyone in the base knew it.

In the hangar, many people gathered at the feet of the judge, waiting for Ren Tianchen to come out.

Ren Tianchen walked out of the cockpit and took the elevator down. Now in full view, it is impossible for him to put the mecha into the space bracelet, because human beings do not have such high-end technology at present.

"See you!"

The people around him worship the ceremony. Ren Tianchen's identity remains unchanged, and he is still a quasi-moon knight, far higher than them.

"It seems that you have a high status!" Luo Fei's voice sounded in Ren Tianchen's mind, which was a direct exchange of consciousness.

Although Luo Fei is in the space bracelet, he can see everything outside clearly.

"Get up." Ren Tianchen looked at these people in front of him and felt very kind. Three months ago, he seemed to live in a mythical world, which was too illusory. Now he really feels that the world really exists.

"This is the world I should live in." Ren Tianchen sighed.

At this time, he saw two people coming towards him.

Li Na and Carlot arrived here at the same time. The others made way, and the two of them went straight to Ren Tianchen.

"Long time no see!" Ren Tianchen greeted him with a smile, and he was happier when he saw his old friend.

"Is it really you? I won't go to hell, will I?!" Li Na looked at Ren Tianchen with surprised eyes.

Ren Tianchen was speechless for a moment and said helplessly, "Do I look so much like a ghost?"

"Indeed, such a handsome ghost must have been divided by a female ghost, and it is impossible to appear here." Li Na nodded seriously.

Then, she smiled cunningly and said, "Ha ha, funny, I'm teasing you!"

"I told you that you won't die so easily." Carlos's face was very cold, but there was a trace of unconcealed excitement in his eyes. He was still worried about Ren Tianchen.

"I'm sorry to worry you." Ren Tianchen laughed and said that he had few friends from childhood to adult, so he cared about his good friends very much. Although he would be more cold at ordinary times, he would be more relaxed when he was with his good friends, especially after experiencing so many things.

At this time, Ren Tianchen saw that a man in front of him walked slowly towards him, and every step seemed to step on the rhythm of music. He seemed to be the son of God walking in the world and integrated with the whole world.

"Huh? Very handsome! Not bad, not bad." The voice of Luo Fei's admiration sounded in Ren Tianchen's mind.

Li Na and Carlos consciously walked to both sides and gave way.

Zhang Han walked to Ren Tianchen and stretched out his right hand.

"Long time no see!" His smile was like a light wind and clouds, and it was like a warm current, slowly flowing through his heart.

"Long time no see!" Ren Tianchen also smiled and held Zhang Han's hand.


They came to the restaurant and sat back in their original position, but there was only one more Ren Tianchen.

"We saw you sucked in by the mysterious altar and where did you go? How did you come back? Tell us about your three months of experience. Li Na couldn't wait to ask. She wanted to know the truth of the matter.

"I'm also very interested." Zhang Han smiled faintly while drinking tea.

Carlos looked at Ren Tianchen, full of hope, and it could be seen that he also wanted to know.

"Hey, master, you absolutely can't say it." Luo Fei's voice sounded in his mind again.

"I know." Ren Tianchen replied to her in his heart.

Then he sorted out the words a little and said, "The altar is actually a space transmission array. The judge and I were sucked in. When I woke up, I found that I was transmitted between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. I didn't know where the specific coordinates were, so I couldn't ask for help, so I set the judge to self-driving, and then activated the judge's cockpit hibernation system to put myself to sleep. Unexpectedly, I slept for three months.

"So that's it!" Li Na said.

"In that case, your approach is very correct, and that's exactly what you can chat with us now." Zhang Han smiled faintly.

Ren Tianchen drank tea and thought of a question, so he said, "Have there been any major events in the three months since I left?"

"There are several major events. After you disappeared, the federal army attacked the pyramid war zone. Maybe what happened in the pyramid touched their nerves, but in the end we still fought back their attack." Li Na said.

"What happened to the Saints Cavalry?" Ren Tianchen asked again that the Saint Cavalry Regiment was the object he always paid attention to and the object he always wanted to kill.

"Shortly after your disappearance, the Saint Cavalry Regiment made a huge movement, which shocked the whole human world." Li Na's eyes sparkled strangely.

"Tell me the details." Ren Tianchen asked urgently.

"One night two months ago, a soldier of the Saint cavalry regiment sneaked into the imperial capital and entered the Royal Academy of Sciences. It is said that he wanted to steal the high secrets of the empire. Suddenly, a black mecha almost destroyed the whole academy of science, which immediately shocked the people of the whole imperial capital. The first knight Nagaro and the black mecha War, that battle really destroyed the world and almost destroyed the palace. The two mechas broke the dome and went to the universe to fight. In the end, it was a draw. The first knight failed to keep the black mecha. Li Na said.

"The battle between them is so terrible that it is said that it has smashed a 100-kilometer radius." Carlos said, his eyes were full of yearning.

"He sneaked into the imperial capital alone to make great damage. The soldiers of this holy cavalry regiment are really good, but I don't understand how he brought the huge mecha into the heavily guarded imperial capital?" Zhang Han thought for a long time.

"Well, this is the biggest doubt, but so far, there has been no progress in the investigation." Li Na spread out her hands.

Ren Tianchen's face is solemn, and the strength of the black mecha is beyond his expectations. He thinks that his strength has increased and he can fight with one. Now it seems that the gap between the two is still very big.

"The Saint cavalry regiment you are talking about is very likely to have the technology of the Dax Empire." Luo Fei's voice came to his mind.

"I think so too." Ren Tianchen nodded secretly and agreed with Luo Fei's point of view.

At this time, Ren Tianchen received a notice from the commander of the base that His Majesty Torres wanted to find him.

Ren Tianchen was a quasi-moon knight with a noble status, and the news of his return soon spread to Torres.

A virtual screen appears in the void, on which the figure of Torres appears.

"See Your Majesty!"

Everyone stood up.

Torres looked at Ren Tianchen with a faint smile and said, "Ha ha, Ren Tianchen, it's really great to see you return safely. When I learned that you were missing, I was very worried. You are an excellent talent in my Tianyue Empire. If anything happens to you, it is really a huge loss. Fortunately, you returned safely. Come on." Torres Road,

"Thank you for your concern." Ren Tianchendao.

"I believe you already know what has happened in the past three months. Now the Saint Cavalry is becoming more and more arrogant, but they are too powerful. Now we don't have enough ability to destroy them, so your strength is a must." Torres Road.

"I understand, thank you for your trust." Ren Tianchendao.

"Although you have just returned, there is a very urgent task for you to perform." Torres Road.

"Your Majesty's instructions."

"I will send another lunar knight to come to you. He will tell you the content of the task, and then you will act with him."


"I hope you and he can complete this task perfectly. I'm waiting for your good news."

"Never live up to your majesty's high expectations." Ren Tianchen saluted.

Toles nodded with a smile, and then ended the communication.

"It seems that you have to take a break." Li Na knew that the mission performed by the Moon Knight must be very thrilling.

"Another lunar knight? I don't know what kind of person he is." Carlos said.

"It must be a terrible person." Zhang Han smiled faintly.

Ren Tianchen looked out of the window and thought about what task was?! It is required to have two new moon knights to execute it.