Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 205 Romantic Night

Chapter 105 Romantic Night

Mrs. Hua once imagined which big family Nina's boyfriend might be, and the most powerful one may be after a marshal. She believes in Nina's vision, how can the person who can win her heart be a general person.

However, she didn't expect that the person who won Nina's heart was a moon knight.

The Knight of the Moon is on an equal footing with the nine marshals. Above 10,000 people under one person, the whole Elant family will look up to the noble existence.

"You're not lying to your mother, are you?" Mrs. Hua was still not sure, so she asked again.

"Why did I lie to you? He is indeed a lunar knight!" Nina answered seriously.

Mrs Hua stared at Ren Tianchen and looked up and down, inside and outside. Ren Tianchen was furious when she saw that.

"Are you really the Knight of the New Moon?" Mrs. Hua asked again.

"At present, it can only be said to be a quasi-moon knight, but Your Majesty said that he would be the official lunar knight after the canonization ceremony for a few days." Ren Tianchen smiled and said that since the other party is Nina's mother, she is the future mother-in-law, and she has to greet her with a smile.

Mrs. Hua took a deep breath and felt that it was too exciting today. Her heart couldn't stand it. Her future son-in-law turned out to be a lunar knight. If Nina marries Ren Tianchen, then there is no surprise that the Elant family will be successful, with a bright future and unlimited achievements in the future.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hua couldn't help laughing and laughing happily.

"Mother, are you all right?" Nina asked.

"Of course it's okay. I'm happy!" Mrs. Hua couldn't close her mouth with a smile and looked at Ren Tianchen as kind as her son: "My precious daughter is really capable. It's amazing to find a new moon knight as a boyfriend!"

Nina blushed with great embarrassment and looked quite embarrassed. Seeing Ren Tianchen smiling secretly, she gave him a fierce white look.

"Aunmother, I want to take Nina to a place, but I don't know if you agree?" Ren Tianchen asked.

"Hehe, of course I agree. You can take her anywhere!" Mrs. Hua smiled happily.

"Mother, are you watching your baby daughter being abducted like this? Are you so willing? Nina looked at Mrs. Hua in surprise. Her poor appearance was cute and touching.

"Of course, there is no reluctance. There will always be such a day, daughter, just accept your fate!" Mrs. Hua said very simply.

Ren Tianchen couldn't help laughing and felt that this future mother-in-law was so interesting, and then he took Nina's hand and walked out of the gazebo.

Nina looked at her mother sadly, then at Ren Tianchen, and asked, "What did you give to my mother? Did she help you so?"

"I didn't do anything. This is the first time I've met my aunt." Ren Tianchen said helplessly, but he did nothing. He could only say that his identity was too shocking.

Then, he summoned the judge, and the tall mecha appeared out of thin air, which made Mrs. Hua feel extremely amazing. At the same time, she was even more convinced that Ren Tianchen was a lunar knight.

Ren Tianchen took Nina into the judge's cockpit. They waved goodbye to Mrs. Hua, but heard her say, "Have fun!" It doesn't matter if you don't come back at night!"

Nina suddenly hung three black lines on her forehead, feeling abandoned by her mother.

"Ha ha, aunt is really humorous." Ren Tianchen smiled.

Nina hummed and turned her head. Although she was angry on the surface, she was very happy in her heart.

Then, the judge unfolded ten gorgeous blood-colored wings, rose to the sky, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Mrs Hua waved to the night sky on the edge of the pavilion and slowly stopped until she couldn't see the judge.

At this time, Yan Qing appeared, also looking up at the night sky and the direction of the judge's departure.

"I didn't expect that he was a lunar knight. If there is no accident, he will be the youngest lunar knight in the history of the empire." Yan Qing sighed.

"As long as he is good to Nina." Mrs. Hua smiled slightly, exuding a noble temperament.

"Don't worry, I can see that he really loves Nina. The two of them will be very happy together." Yanqing Road.

"I hope it will be as you said."

As a mother, her greatest hope is to see her children find their own happiness. She saw Nina's happiness, so she accepted Ren Tianchen so quickly, which has nothing to do with his identity.


The judge cut through the night sky like a meteor and flew towards the sea.

"Where are you going to take me?" Nina sat on Ren Tianchen's lap with her back against his arms.

"You will know when you arrive." Ren Tianchen smiled faintly.

Nina suddenly turned her head, put her hand around Ren Tianchen's neck, and smiled enchantingly: "Do you have any unspeakable secrets?"

Ren Tianchen smiled and said nothing, but looked at Nina with bad eyes.

This made Nina feel a little fright and shrink back, looking fearful and lovely.

The judge came to the ocean and flew close to the sea. Waves of dozens of meters high on both sides splashed hundreds of meters, like two wide wings of water. The sea under the moonlit night was particularly beautiful, which made Nina couldn't help sighing.

"Are you ready?" Ren Tianchen suddenly hugged Nina and whispered in her ear.

When Nina was still wondering what he was going to do, Ren Tianchen put away the judge, and the two fell directly into the sea from the air, causing Nina's scream.

However, after a while, Nina opened her eyes and found that they were in the sea, but the sea was blocked. She saw what the world was like at the bottom of the sea at night.

She looked up and saw the projection of the moon in the water, floating with the waves.

"Are you scared to death?" Nina pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Ha ha, I'll be fine." Ren Tianchen smiled. He formed a protective cover around him and blocked the sea, so that they could talk and breathe like in the air.

Ren Tianchen took Nina's hand, blocked the sea with his spirit, and began to swim around. He enjoyed the underwater world at night. All kinds of fish passed in front of them. Beautiful corals and rugged reefs made Nina surprised and happy.

Looking at Nina's happy appearance, Ren Tianchen is also relieved. At least now, they have basically reconciled.

"It's time to appear."

Ren Tianchen's eyes flashed with a faint golden light, and a soft spiritual power emanated.

It wasn't long before I heard Nina's exclamation: "That's a fluorescent fish!" Oh my God! There are so many!"

I saw that hundreds of blue light spots slowly rose from the deep seabed. If you look carefully, it was actually a small fish as long as a palm. This fish emits a blue light all over its body, with a pair of long pectoral fins, like wings, which is very beautiful.

This is a very strange marine creature called fluorescent fish. The body can emit blue light and is of great ornamental value. They usually live in the deep sea and rarely surface the sea.

I didn't expect to see so many things here, which made Nina feel very amazing.

Hundreds of fluorescent fish rose from the bottom of the sea, surrounded Ren Tianchen and Nina, circled around the spiritual power, and the soft blue light illuminated the sea.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Nina's eyes reflected a blue light, which was almost dreamy.

They moved forward all the way, and the fluorescent fish also followed all the way. Nina admired and smiled.

But she also found a question and asked, "It's really strange. Why do these fluorescent fish follow us all the time?"

Ren Tianchen smiled and said nothing, but gently hugged her.

At this time, hundreds of fluorescent fish formed a big word in order. Nina was stunned, and then her heart was in full bloom, and a huge happiness surrounded her.

At the bottom of the deep sea, a group of fluorescent fish formed a few big blue characters: Nina, I love you!

"Did you do this?" Nina asked, and her eyes were full of unconcealed excitement.

"Do you like it?" Ren Tianchen smiled gently.

Nina nodded desperately, smiled very brightly, and asked, "How did you sit there?" Do you use mental power?"

She knows that even people can control their spiritual power, so it is certainly not a problem to control these fluorescent fish with little wisdom.

"Of course not. It took a lot of time to communicate with them today and made a lot of favorable conditions before they agreed to help me." This is the reason why Ren Tianchen went out early this morning. He dived into the deep sea, found a group of fluorescent fish, communicated with them with his spirit, and asked them for help. It took Ren Tianchen a lot of strength to do this.

"You are so kind to me. I'm so touched." Nina stretched out her hand around Ren Tianchen's neck. The two almost stuck together, gently rubbed the tip of their nose, looked at each other affectionately, and were completely immersed in romance. At this moment, after this world, the two of them and everything else became nothing.

They kissed affectionately.

Outside the protective cover, the blue fluorescent fish swim around them. From afar, they are actually formed by a heart-shaped aperture. Ren Tianchen and Nina are in the middle, like a pair of fairy couples. This picture is almost dreamy.