Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 218 Overnight, the city is full of wind and rain

Chapter 218 Overnight, the city was full of wind and rain

Ren Tianchen found a hotel to stay. In the middle of the night, he sat alone on the window sill drinking and looked at the bustling urban night scene, which gave people a sad feeling.

With a bang, Concubine Luo appeared. Seeing Ren Tianchen like this, she couldn't help sighing, "There is too much burden in your heart. You shouldn't come back here at all."

Ren Tianchen shook his head gently and said, "It's useless to escape. It's always something to face. Now I can only learn to adapt."

He looked into the distance, showing a sense of sadness.

Luo Fei shook her head and sighed, and then disappeared silently.

After a while, Ren Tianchen picked up his mobile phone and pressed Nina's number.

When he heard Nina's voice again, he felt that he was not lonely, but relieved and warm. He liked this feeling very much.

The two chatted for a long time and talked about each other's thoughts. Finally, they were too sleepy to hang up the phone.


The next day, the morning sun was no longer there, and the gray clouds covered the whole sky. It was time to rain again, and the world was full of a depressing breath.

Ren Tianchen woke up early in the morning, looked at the drizzle outside the window and couldn't help sighing.

After some preparations, he drove out in the Hongxi sports car.

The sports car went all the way and finally stopped at the gate of the martyrs' cemetery on the outskirts of Lanyue City.

As in the past, the mountains are full of tombstones, no people are seen, dead peace, the air is filled with a depressing breath, and the sound of rain has become very heavy.

After half a year, Ren Tianchen came here again. He hesitated at the door for a long time before stepping in.

He walked slowly, just like his mood at this moment. Every step was extremely heavy. He did not hold an umbrella and let the rain fall on his body, soaking his hair and clothes.

No matter how unwilling he was, he finally came to Ruoxue's tomb.

Like half a year ago, on the cold tombstone, there is a photo of the two of them and engraved with their names.

He put the bouquet of white flowers in front of the tombstone, and then stood quietly and stared at the tombstone. The memories hidden in his heart were suddenly opened, and his thoughts went uncontrollably.

"I'm coming." In the end, he turned thousands of words into such a simple sentence, and at the same time, he shed tears.

"How are you doing in another world? Have you seen your brother? Have you met Brother Wang Ye? Did they take good care of you? He whispered to himself, but unfortunately, no one could answer him. A cold tombstone separated him from her.

"I miss you. I really miss you." He gently stroked the tombstone, and the cold temperature stung his heart, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Then, he began to tell his story over the past six months, and he wanted to tell Ruoxue everything about himself.

"Do you know? I have killed a soldier of the Saint Cavalry Regiment, which is part of my revenge for you, and I will continue this road until I kill them all and avenge you completely.


He also talked about meeting Mina.

"I really didn't expect that someone in the world looked exactly like you, which made me think you were still alive." He laughed at himself and was indescribably lonely.


"Do you know? I fell in love with another girl. Her name is Nina. I think you should know her. Ren Tianchen muttered softly, "I know you may not be happy. I once said that I would only love you in my life. I lost my faith. I'm sorry. But didn't you also say you would be with me for the rest of your life? Why did you leave me? Let me be alone in this world and give me a chance to lose my faith!"

He cried, and the rain poured down, and he couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain.

There is too much helplessness in the world. As Luo said, they can kill all the people in the world, but they can't protect their favorite people and leave a lifetime of regret.

"Although I fell in love with Nina, my love for you will not change. I know it may be unfair to her, but I can't go against my heart!" He put his cheek on the cold tombstone and whispered that tears fell with rain.

Luo Fei looked at Ren Tianchen's sadness and couldn't help sighing.

"What an infatuation. Does this mean that a teacher must have a disciple?"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind roared, the thunder flashed, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Ren Tianchen was next to the tombstone, allowing the heavy rain to wet him, immersed in sadness, and quietly recalling the beautiful years.

The staff of the Martyrs' Cemetery handed him an umbrella, and he declined.

Six months ago, Ren Tianchen came here and knelt down for three days and nights, leaving a deep impression on the staff here. Now he is drenched in the rain here, which makes them think this person is really strange.

However, they still put an umbrella beside Ren Tianchen to shield him from the rain.

It rained all morning. Near noon, when a staff member of the cemetery came here and found that there was only an umbrella and a bunch of flowers left in front of Ruoxue's tomb, and Ren Tianchen had long disappeared.

He looked at the photo on the tombstone and thought, what is the relationship between this person and the two people in the photo?

However, after careful observation, he found that the brunette teenager in the photo was surprisingly similar to the man just now.

This really shocked him.


Ren Tianchen left the cemetery and drove a Hongxi sports car on the highway in the suburbs.

At this time, it has stopped. After a heavy rain, the sky and the earth were full of a fresh breath, and the sun shone through the gray sky and shone down.

Vorificing Ruoxue is also a matter on his mind, which only evokes his deepest memory, and now his mood is quite heavy.

"Do you have to be so sad every time you come to worship Ruoxue?" Concubine Luo suddenly appeared and asked.

"I don't know." Ren Tianchen muttered, "But I can't stop missing A Xue in my heart, and I can't hide that unforgettable sadness."

Luo Fei sighed and didn't say anything. She was about to disappear. Suddenly, her face became solemn.

"Tianchen, ten unknown objects in the sky behind are approaching at high speed."


More than a dozen * cut through the sky and bombarded it directly, blowing up Hongxi's sports car directly, disintegrating in the sky and becoming a pile of fragments.

Ren Tianchen jumped out in time without any damage.

He looked up and saw the distant sky, and ten small mechas flew over.

This small mecha is generally used for engineering construction. It is small, only three meters high, and very bulky. However, these ten mechas in front of us have obviously been modified and equipped with rocket guns and heavy machine guns.

Ren Tianchen didn't expect that someone dared to attack him so blatantly.

"I'm in a bad mood today. Why do you want to provoke me at this time!" Ren Tianchen let out a sound, and the shining red light surrounded him, and the judge appeared.

Ten light wings stretched out, and it flew to the sky, standing proudly in the void and overlooking the world.

"Go to hell!"

The judge swept with a sword and sent out a powerful bloody sword wave, which shredded the earth. The ten small mechas were extinguished into ashes in an instant. Finally, the bloody sword wave flattened a mountain and raised a black mushroom cloud.

Within thousands of meters nearby, everyone who saw this scene was stunned and deeply shocked.

"Are you too ruthless? Why don't you leave a living space?" Concubine Luo frowned.

"It's not necessary. I already know who did it." Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold and there was a wisp of murder. Not long after he arrived in Lanyue City, and no one knew his whereabouts. It's just that he married the young master of the Li family. According to the temperament of the young master Li family, he will definitely not give up after being humiliated like that. So there is no doubt that these people must have been sent by the young master of the Li family.

"Since you want to play, I'll play you to death!" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly.

Then he contacted the intelligence department of the Shuoyue Knight Logistics Base.


At the military headquarters in Lanyue City, the commander who commands all the troops in Lanyue City is reviewing documents.

Suddenly, a fluorescent screen popped up in front of him, which turned out to be the flag of the Moon Knight, which really scared him and quickly answered the phone.

Ren Tianchen's figure appeared on the screen. The commander was shocked and quickly asked Ren Tianchen to say good to him. A few days ago, he had seen Ren Tianchen at the acceptance ceremony of the Knight of the New Moon.

It's just that he doesn't know why Ren Tianchen came to him so suddenly.

"Are you the commander of the Lanyue Garrison? I have something to tell you!" Ren Tianchendao.

"Please make it clear."

"There is a family surnamed Li in Lanyue City. I want it to disappear overnight." Ren Tianchen said coldly.

The commander of the Lanyue Garrison was stunned, but he didn't expect Ren Tianchen to give such an order.

"I don't know where the Li family offended the adult?" He still asked, after all, this is a big deal.

"This is an order. You don't need to ask so much, just execute it." Ren Tianchen's tone became serious.


Then the communication was over, and he found that he had sweated coldly. Even through the screen, he still felt a heavy pressure and couldn't help thrilling and Ren Tianchen's terror.

"It can only be regarded as your Li family's bad luck, but it has offended the lunar knight." His garrison commander shook his head and sighed, and then issued an order.

That night, a large number of soldiers surrounded the Li family in armored vehicles, while dozens of mechas guarded.

The Li family was stunned and didn't know what had happened.

An officer stood in front of Li Gang, the head of the family, and read a military order loudly. It was roughly that the Li family had an affair with foreign enemies and leaked state secrets, so they wanted to confisipate the family property.

Li Gang was immediately dumbfounded and watched fierce soldiers break into his house and move things away one by one.

He tried his best to ask for help from his usual friends, but those friends who usually call him brothers turned a blind eye to his help and looked on coldly, which made him completely chill.

In the end, the Li family's mansion was copied, and then bombarded into ruins by mecha.

Before the ruins, Li Gang was completely stunned, and many relatives burst into tears. The original glorious big family turned into a ruin overnight.

"Who can tell me why?" Li Gang looked up to the sky and roared. He knew that the Li family, which was painstakingly beaten down by his ancestors, was over.

It is not only the big house of the Li family, but also all the industries related to the Li family were sealed overnight.

Overnight, the city was full of wind and rain, and the streets and alleys were talking about this matter and speculating about what had happened.

Most people think that the Li family must have offended some great people, so they were raided.

"You are really fierce." Luo Fei said.

"Since you dare to attack me, you should be prepared to be killed by me. I will never be kind to the enemy." Ren Tianchen stood in front of the window, and he was on the highest floor of the hotel, like a high god.

(Please forgive me for coming to Zhang Chang's apology.)