Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 270 Tiangong

Chapter 270 Heaven

The judge went all the way to the northwest and came to a place called Shaanxi. In this era, the earth is unified as a federation, and there are no previous national restrictions, but many of the previous things have been retained. This place called Shaanxi is a provincial administrative region that used to be an extremely powerful country. .

This country was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time, and the unified federation of the earth was also promoted by it. It can be said that without this country, there would be no current federation. To this day, the influence of this country still exists. She has a great name, called China!

In Shaanxi, there is a world-famous monument, which represents the glorious history of this ancient oriental civilization.

To the south of the Mausoleum, there are layers of mountains and lush mountains, and to the north is the shore of Weishui, which is like a silver snake lying across. The tall tomb is surrounded by lofty peaks and integrated with Lishan Mountain. The scenery is beautiful, the environment is unique, and the mausoleum is grand and magnificent.

Ren Tianchen drove the judge to this place. It was dark and the night covered the world.

When he looked from afar, he seemed to see a faint atmosphere of the emperor slowly rising from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

"It's really extraordinary!" Ren Tianchen couldn't help nodding and was shocked by the scene here.

The greatest mausoleum in the world is buried by the First Emperor of Qin more than 2,000 years ago, known as the first emperor in ancient times!

Now more than 2,000 years have passed, but there is still a trace of imperial spirit condensing here. If the speculation is correct, the First Emperor may be a very powerful divine practicer, so even if he died for thousands of years, his spirit has not dissipated.

After Ren Tianchen closed his eyes and felt it, two lights came out of his eyes and looked directly at the tomb of the First Emperor.

"There's nothing wrong with that. That thing is inside, and I feel its breath."

After that, Ren Tianchen landed on the ground and put the judge away.

The Mausoleum was discovered hundreds of years ago. At the beginning, people couldn't even find it at all, and they couldn't even find the entrance. However, with the progress of science and technology, people gradually unveiled its mysterious veil. Now, people have thoroughly detected the imperial mausoleum and even built it into a museum, attracting countless people every year. People come from afar to watch.

The defense of the Imperial Mausoleum Museum at night is extremely strict, but this is not enough for Ren Tianchen. He quietly dived in, avoided heavy defense, and finally came to the main tomb of the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

It is extremely empty, comparable to several football fields.

In the main tomb, there are several majestic palaces, which shows how wide it is.

Here, there is a divine platform with a coffin on it. The ancient coffin is engraved with many runes and rare beasts. You can know at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing. This is the coffin of the First Emperor.

But that is not the goal of Ren Tianchen.

There are many statues of rare beasts, or terracotta warriors and horses around. Although they are dead, they are vivid, as if they really have vitality.

Ren Tianchen was forbidden to walk to the center of the main tomb. There is a fairly large pool. The water in the pool is clear to the bottom, and the sleep is floating with many refinements. It is very beautiful and smoky, as if it were a fairy pool, containing infinite vitality.

This pool is very extraordinary. It is said that it was personally ordered by the First Emperor to build a pool that will never dry up, just like a fairy pool, which always maintains a special aura.

"Is it down here?" Ren Tianchen stood by the pool and stared at the pool water.

After that, he released his mental strength and injected it into the pool.

After a while, the pool water suddenly lit up, like a screen, and layers of ripples spread around, looking very magical.

"Dong!" With a sound, he jumped into the pool.

The pool suddenly burst into light, and then suddenly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Ren Tianchen fell all the way. Although the pool seemed to see the bottom at a glance, it contained a very mysterious and powerful space law, as if it was a bottomless hole. He fell all the way and was still bottomless.

In the end, he came to a whole new world.

This is a vast world, with beautiful mountains and rivers, mountains, rivers, lakes, plains, and all kinds of terrain.

There are sun, moon and stars in the sky, and the four-hour scene changes alternately. At this moment, it is night, the bright moon is hanging high and the stars are shining.

At this moment, what is displayed in front of Ren Tianchen is an extremely vast scene.

Looking around, there are boundless armies, including infantry, cavalry, chariots, and various ancient arms. They are all carved from bronze, lifelike and powerful. The weapons in their hands are still sharp and shining cold, and an inexplicable force makes them neatly arranged in the sky.

"Are these the armies of the First Emperor to unify the world? The First Emperor was sure enough to open up such a large and independent small world. Ren Tianchen muttered softly that there seemed to be no gravity here. He floated quietly in the air and watched all this.

He saw that in the center of this small world, there is a majestic palace standing in the clouds, exuding vast heavenly power like the heavenly court. It is the center of the world, where all the general trends are gathered, and the vast heavenly soldiers are guarding there.

"After death, he ascended to the sky and cast the heavenly palace. Hundreds of millions of soldiers will guard it day and night. Do you think you are the supreme god?" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly and said, "This first emperor is really not simple. Most of the heavenly palace is the place where his coffin is placed."

After that, he summoned the judge and flew directly to the heavenly palace. All he saw along the way were applied warriors in armor.

When he approached, he saw a tall and magnificent gate with the words 'South Tianmen', and nine dragons were engraved on the facade.

"This row is really big!" Ren Tianchen smiled coldly.

The judge landed in front of the Nantian Gate. After such a close observation, he felt the majestic and vast atmosphere of Tiangong more deeply.

In front of the Nantian Gate stood a two-meter-high statue, an armored warrior, with a shield in his left hand and a sharp sword in his right hand, like the God of War, the guardian of the heavenly palace.

"Let me see what is magical about the tomb of the first emperor through the ages." Ren Tianchen smiled coldly and was about to drive the judge into the heavenly palace.

"Breaking into the Heavenly Palace, disturbing the Sleeper of the First Emperor, die!"

Suddenly, a majestic shout sounded, as if it had crossed the long river of history and spread from the past to the present.

Ren Tianchen was shocked. More than 2,000 years have passed, and there are still living people in this tomb?!


Suddenly, the tall statue in front of Nantian Gate exploded, metal fragments splashed, and the judge took several steps back.

A two-meter-tall warrior appeared on the field. He was wearing armor and holding a sword. His body was full of blood, and his skin was as crystal as jade, shining with brilliance.

His eyes are as deep as a black hole, but there are vicissitudes of life, like the vicissitudes of life at a glance.

"What? How can human beings live so long when they are still alive? Ren Tiancheng stared at the warrior in front of him in surprise. There is no doubt that this is a living human being, absolutely not a monster.

"Yes, according to ancient books, the first emperor devoted all his power to the world to refine the medicine of immortality. Is there really such a medicine in the world?" Ren Tianchen's eyes are full of fanaticism, immortality, who doesn't want it.

Even in the distant past, in the era when the devil was in, the physical practitioners who practiced the source sea cultivated to the extreme and had a terrible body, but they only had a lifespan of 1,000 years, and the divine practitioners who majored in the divine realm were even more unbearable. Even if they practiced to the extreme, they could only live 500 years, because of divine cultivation People's bodies are generally very fragile.

In the universe, only after cultivating the source sea and the divine realm to the extreme state at the same time, can we further sublimate the supreme existence of the immortal god of war to achieve eternity and be with heaven and earth.

If the news of the medicine that can achieve immortality spread in that era, it will certainly cause a large number of practitioners to loot it, because it is really precious.

"Is there an elixir of immortality in this heavenly palace?" Ren Tianchen stared at the Heavenly Palace with burning eyes, with incomparable desire. If he takes the elixir of immortality, he can live all the time and practice constantly. Maybe he can reach the realm of the immortal god of war in the future and achieve true immortality.

However, it doesn't seem to be so easy to get in!