Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 394 Horrible Battle

Chapter 394 Horrible Battle

Chu Tianjie and the elders of Tianyi launched a shocking duel. Their battle surpassed everything and could not be accommodated by the world.

They opened up a small empty world, in which they fought.

Ren Tianchen and others looked at the appearance. The empty small world was confused and illusory. They didn't know what the situation was inside. They could not see the shocking war. They could only feel the terrible power of the two top strong men through a wisp of aftershocks.

It is this empty world that narrows the scope of the battle. Otherwise, the battle between Chu Tianjie and the elders of Tianyi must destroy the moon, and it is not a force that can be tolerated in the world at all.

On the battlefield in the direction of the earth.

Zhang Han stood alone on the deck of the 10,000-meter ship, looking at the whole battlefield and looking at the two sides fighting crazily. The explosion was as bright as fireworks, briefly blooming and then withering.

"Your Highness, it's dangerous outside, let's go back to the warship!" Lucia came to him.

"People who are afraid of danger are not qualified to stand on the battlefield." Zhang Han said lightly, "Death is actually not terrible. I am now listening to the voices of the dead on the whole battlefield. Their sacrifices are really magnificent. Death on the battlefield is the posture that real soldiers should have."

The divine light bloomed in his eyes, which seemed to be extremely excited.

Lucia was stunned. After following Zhang Han for so long, she really couldn't grasp the thoughts in his highness's heart. He was like a fog, which was unpredictable.

"What does Your Highness mean?" She asked.

Zhang Han smiled faintly and said, "The moment of death is the ultimate sublimation of life. It is more beautiful than anything else. I am deeply infatuated with the glory of that moment. Only God can die in this world. I want to witness this beauty all the time, then I will become a god!"

Lucia was stunned. She felt that her brain could not keep up with the man in front of her and become a god? What a shocking idea?!

"But our ancestors said that there are no gods in this universe." Lucia whispered.

"No!" Zhang Han shook his head gently and said with a slight smile, "I will become a god and will always witness the most beautiful death in the world!"

His smile is as naive as a child, but it makes Lucia feel creepy.


In the battlefield where Ren Tianchen and others are located, Chu Tianjie and the elder Tianyi are still fighting in the empty world. The details are not clear, but the power fluctuation Ren Tianchen senses is getting stronger and stronger, and it is obvious that the battle inside is becoming more and more fierce.

"Yang Wenchen, retreat from the army. We met for a time and fought side by side. I don't seem to kill you with my own hands." Ren Tianchendao.

"Are you pitiful of me?" Yang Wenchen laughed softly and suffered repeated wounds to make his face as pale as paper.

"If you want to think so, there's nothing I can do." Ren Tianchen said lightly.

"Ha ha, we are not friends from the beginning, but destined enemies." Yang Wenchen said with his mouth up and a smile.

"So it is." Ren Tianchen nodded.

"Ha ha, I'm so sorry, I didn't intend to let him go." Yuchen smiled coldly and said, "His head is a stepping stone on my strongest road."

"Well, it depends on whether you have the ability to take my head." Yang Wenchen snorted coldly, and the murderous spirit and fighting spirit in his eyes soared to the air.

"Well, I'll kill you now." Yuchen said coldly.

The savior's energy exploded, the purple light shone everywhere, and the breath of terror made people tremble, and then it killed the Holy King of War.

Yuchen is determined to kill Yang Wenchen and achieve his strongest road.

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?" Yang Wenchen shouted angrily.

At the same time, the Holy King of Fighting also broke out, and the black energy surged, rendering it like a demon god. The horrible and cold breath dominated the world, making the void tremble.

The Holy King of Fighting opened his hand, and a golden stick appeared in his hand. This was his weapon, and there were several spares in the space bracelet.


The Holy King of War and the savior bombarded together, and then the fierce fighting turned into a ball. The black and purple light were entangled, and the shocking bombardment in the absolute field shocked the terrible fluctuations, shattered the universe and collapsed the world.

Yang Wenchen and Yuchen were injured in the previous battle, but at this moment, they completely ignored the injury and tried their best to fight, fighting very fiercely.

"Puff!" The Holy King of Fighting was cut off with a sword, and the huge force hit, which shocked Yang Wenchen again and made him spit blood.

But Yang Wenchen did not suffer a loss. The Holy King kicked out and hit the savior's chest. The huge power made the savior fly backwards, and at the same time made Yuchen spit blood.

The strength of the two is very similar, and even if they fight to the death, they will only end up in both sides.

"How can I be the strongest without defeating you?" The golden light in Yuchen's eyes burned, and the unyielding fighting spirit surged.

"If I want to be a supreme emperor, how can I defeat you?" Yang Wenchen persisted from afar, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his fighting spirit was surging.

Both of them have a strong reason not to lose. They don't let anyone, treat each other as a stepping stone to a higher level, vowing to defeat and kill each other.

Ren Tianchen has been watching all this indifferently, watching the two fight with each other.

Yang Wenchen is his enemy and his former friend. He doesn't want him to die, so now his heart is quite contradictory.

"I still can't be completely ruthless with the enemy." Ren Tianchen shook his head and sighed. In the past, when Luo Fei taught him, she had been instilling him the idea of being ruthless to treat the enemy. No matter who he used to be, as long as he became an enemy, he would ruthlessly kill him. This is the correct way for soldiers to survive. Indecisive people will never become real. The strong man.

Yang Wenchen and Yuchen are planning to fight again. At this time, the fluctuations in the small world of the void are getting stronger and stronger. Even the outer wall of the small world of the void will shake violently, and even several small cracks appear. Obviously, the battle inside has reached its peak and is about to be divided into winners.


Suddenly, the empty small world was broken, and the fierce energy storm swept around, cutting the sky like a blade, completely smashing the surrounding space.

Ren Tianchen and others opened their absolute defense and were almost torn apart. This power is really terrible.

"Ah! My hand!" A sound of anger sounded, which made the whole world tremble.

Yang Wenchen's heart sank, and he heard that it was the voice of the elders of God.

A figure cut through the void and rushed out of the broken empty world to the front of Ren Tianchen and Yuchen.

Chu Tianjie's breath is fierce, and his clothes are broken and stained with blood. This blood has his own, but most of them are the elders of God.

At this moment, Elder Tianyi covered his left shoulder. His left arm had been broken and was torn off by Chu Tianjie. His clothes were stained with blood, and the cut off hand was also caught by Chu Tianjie.

"Chu Tianjie!" The voice of the elder of God was as cold as a knife, and the horrible bloody evil spirit permeated the world, making Ren Tianchen feel a tremor from his soul.

In the battle just now, he lost and was torn off an arm by Chu Tianjie, which was definitely a great humiliation for him.

"I have made concessions, Elder Tianyi." Chu Tianjie said lightly, and then returned the truncated hand to the elder Tianyi at will.

Such a naked insult made the elder Tianyi even more angry, and his whole body was about to burn.

"I'm going to kill you." The elder Tianyi's eyes were as cold as a knife, staring at Chu Tianjie.

"It's not easy to practice to this point. Don't easily kill your life. Decades of practice have become empty in the end." Chu Tianjie said lightly.

"Do you mean that I'm not your opponent at all?" The elder Tianyi was completely angry, and a terrible momentum rose from his body. The space within 100,000 kilometers around him trembled under this momentum. Ren Tianchen felt that his back was cold. Such a power was terrible.

"You were defeated by me 50 years ago. What else do you want to say?! If you don't leave, you will die here today!" Chu Tianjie shouted coldly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and his momentum was surging like a tsunami. As the most powerful moon knight, even if he is now in old age and his mentality has restrained a lot, the invincible strength still exists. Once it breaks out, it will be the most terrible in the world.

"Then give it a try!" The elder Tianyi laughed angrily, and his face became extremely ferocious and terrible.

The two top strong men are tit-for-tat. Once the war starts, it will be earth-shaking. Maybe it will blow up the moon and turn into a terrible disaster.