Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 460 Untitled

Chapter 460 Untitled

Ren Tianchen's body is very weak, his face is paler than before, and his eyes are dim and almost dead. Although he tried his best to hide it, he can still make people feel that his vitality is gradually disappearing.

Timina has been accompanying him and taking good care of him. She doesn't seem to know anything and thinks that Ren Tianchen is gradually getting better.

"Tianchen, you must get better. I have to live with you for the rest of my life." Timina said seriously.

Ren Tianchen nodded, smiled and said, "I will definitely get better. I won't let you down."

"Come and have a glass of water!" Timena poured a glass of water from the kettle and handed it to Ren Tianchen.

After Ren Tianchen took over the hand, he drank it directly. Timmina smiled slightly and watched him drink all the water.


Suddenly, Ren Tianchen felt dizzy, his hands and feet were weak, and the iron water cup fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Ren Tianchen was shocked. Although his body was very weak, he could barely sit, but at this moment, his limbs were weak and he was about to fall down.

"Water? Is there something wrong with this water? Ren Tianchen suddenly thought of it and looked at Timena, as if looking for an explanation.

But what he saw was that Timina was crying, reaching out to hold him and holding him in his arms.

"Tianchen, don't blame me. I really can't watch you die." Timena's tears fell on Ren Tianchen's face, which was warm.

Ren Tianchen didn't expect that Timmina had already known about him, but at this time, his limbs were weak and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"I heard your conversation with Sister Luo Fei. I know that your injury is very serious. It's only three days. Now it's the next day. I can't do nothing. I just watch you die like this. When I hear that you want to modify my memory, let me forget you and transfer this love to others, I It's really hard. I love you, not someone else. Even if the memory is modified, my love for you will not change!"

Timena gently but trembledly stroked Ren Tianchen's face, and her tears were like a reservoir that opened the gate, and she couldn't stop.

"I'm really happy to meet you. I know what love is. I really love you and I really can't bear to part with you."

Timina began to talk about their encounter, acquaintance and love. Looking back on the past, a happy and warm smile appeared on her face. Ren Tianchen was listening quietly. He knew that Timina must have wanted to do something. He wanted to stop it, but at this moment, he was weak and didn't even have the strength to speak.

After recalling for a long time, Timina wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said firmly, "I will definitely make you better. No matter what the price is, I want you to live."

Ren Tianchen knew that Timona was going to take action.

Then Timona put him on the ground, with white light on her fingertips, and began to draw a mysterious array on the ground.

This magic array is extremely complex and looks like a bunch of messy charms, but Concubine Luo saw its extraordinary.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Fei asked.

"Save him!" Timena said resolutely.

She focuses on depicting the magic array, and from time to time takes out some materials from the space bracelet to integrate into the magic circle.

The magic array is becoming more and more mysterious and magical, and begins to release a mysterious power.

In three hours, Timona finally drew the last stroke and completed the whole magic array. She breathed a long sigh of relief, but she was already sweating profusely.

Ren Tianchen has been staring at him. He really wants to stop Timina, because he sees a kind of determination in her eyes that he can be desperate to save him.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Ren Tianchen was extremely anxious.

After completing the magic array, Timina sat down to regulate her health, restore the power consumed, and then proceed to the next steps.

"Don't worry! Tianchen! This method will definitely save you!" Timena smiled slightly, but it made people feel very sad.

After a half-hour break, Timena began to act again.

She first took out the nine nine holy lotus seeds from Ren Tianchen's space bracelet.

Nine lotus seeds bloom white, like nine small suns lying in the palm of Timena's hand, full of sacred atmosphere and the surging power of life.

"Do you want to save him with Jiuyang Shenglianzi?" Luo Fei was surprised and then said, "It's useless. His soul has been broken and is gradually disappearing. Even if there is Jiuyang Holy Lotus, it can't save him."

"Of course, the general method is useless, but my method will definitely work." Timina smiled slightly.

"Fe Concubine Luo, stop her." Ren Tianchen secretly sent a voice to Luo Fei.

Luofei just wanted to say something, but she was taken the lead by Timina.

"Sister Luofei, please don't stop me. I must save him. I hope he gets better, too!"

Suddenly, Luo Fei was speechless. Of course, she hoped that Ren Tianchen would get better. After all, he was the only heir of the master.

Then Timina took the nine-yang holy lotus seed to the center of the magic array, spread out her hands, and the nine lotus seeds scattered, hanging in the nine directions of the magic circle, emitting a bright light.


The array opened and bloomed with infinite divine light, surrounding Timena. The sacred endless breath was surging, and she became more and more sacred, like the supreme god of light.

Concubine Luo was surprised to see that the method used by Timina was very mysterious, but she felt a little familiar.


At this time, the sky outside is covered with dark clouds, the wind is surging, the wind is roaring, the thunder is flashing, and there is a feeling of doomsday.

In the magic array, Timena was solemn and sacred, with red lips gently opening, chanting ancient spells. The magic array under her feet was running crazily. The bright white light flooded the whole cave, and it also came out through the wall and rose to the sky.

"Is this the ancient secret method? It has been lost for a long time, how can it appear again? Luo Fei was shocked and finally recognized the method used by Timina.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a very horrible holy art. Even if a humanoid god is destroyed and the soul is scattered, it can be used to resurrect. In that period, this is the supreme holy art that everyone longs for. It once caused endless turmoil, and then gradually lost, although it also appeared several times later. But in Luofei's era, she completely disappeared, even if her master, the immortal God of War, wanted to see it.

She still remembers the name of this holy art: reincarnation and immortality!

Although this technique has supreme power and can bring people back to life, it has to pay a great price.

" Stop, if you continue, you will die!" Luo Fei quickly dissuaded.

Timina shook her head, smiled gently and said, "I can't stop. I must save him!"

Ren Tianchen was shocked, and Timena had to cure him at the cost of her life.

"No! Stop it! Mina!" He roared crazily in his heart, but at this moment, his limbs were weak, his soul was broken, and there was almost no power at all.

"Don't..." He exhausted all his strength and only spit out two words of weakness.

Timina looked at him, smiled and said, "I will let you live."

Then she knotted her hands, sketched the mysterious Taoist lines, and integrated them into the magic array.

Nine holy lotus seeds are in nine directions, like nine suns, becoming more and more sacred, surrounding Timena.

"With me as a bowl, accommodate all rivers, cast an immortal body, and give me endless power!"

Timina drank gently, quickly imprinted, sketched the lines, and the nine holy lotus seeds gently rotated, and then rushed into Timona's body.


Suddenly, a terrible fluctuation swept all over the world, lifting the cave and smashing the whole mountain.


At the same time, Timina also let out a painful wailing, and her body was tight and bloomed with infinite light.

"You will die!" Luo Fei was shocked. She didn't expect Timena to suck nine lotus seeds into her body.

Each lotus seed contains endless life purification energy. Although it looks meek on the surface, once it enters the body, its energy will surge out like a volcanic eruption. Now that Timona has absorbed nine lotus seeds, the violent energy can definitely boost her!

Timena's face was painful, and there was a loud noise in her body. Her body cracked, and blood splashed out of the cracks.

The crazy operation of the magic array under her feet helped her suppress and refine the power of nine lotus seeds, and the pain she suffered became greater and greater.

The breath on her body is getting more and more terrible. She climbs all the way and keeps soaring, as if there is no limit. This power can frighten the world and the gods and demons tremble.

After about an hour, her breath stabilized and the cracks in her body disappeared, and her whole body was extremely perfect.

She seems to have become the only true god in the world, with boundless power.

"Tianchen, you are patient. I will now use this supreme power to cooperate with the supreme secret method to save you." Timina smiled sadly, as if she had risen, and she was extremely beautiful.


Ren Tianchen roared crazily in his heart, but with all his strength, he could only say these two words, and his tears slipped silently.

"Fairy who falls in love with a man of other races will eventually die for this man. This is the curse of our fairy clan for thousands of years. Sure enough, there is no escape, but I will not regret it, Tianchen! I really love you and can't bear to part with you, but I'm willing to give everything to save you, even my life!" Timina also shed tears and was very reluctant to give up.

"After I leave, I must take good care of myself and complete the ultimate trial alive. I hope that when you recall the past in your later years, I still remember that there was a little fairy who loved you deeply. If there is an afterlife, I still want to be with you." Timina's words broke Ren Tianchen's heart and burst into tears.

"Don't...don't do this!" Ren Tianchen was incomparable pain. He would rather die than see Timena sacrifice himself to save him.

"Goodbye! My love!" Timina's sad smile became an eternal scene.

"Burn the soul of my fairy, use this supreme power to reshape the origin, and regenerate the art of immortality!"


Timena's whole body burned, and the infinite divine light drowned everything. A terrible force rose to the sky, and the wind and clouds surged between heaven and earth, as if ghosts and gods were crying, and all the creatures within millions of miles were trembling and feeling a breath of gods.


Timina's body gradually blurred and decomposed, and finally turned into an incurable divine light, and the vast essence of life was surging.

Luofei was frightened. This was the first time she saw the art of reincarnation and immortality. Unexpectedly, she had such a vast power, and she vaguely saw her master's figure.


Timona completely disappeared, and the countless divine light rushed directly into Ren Tianchen's body, completely submerged him, like a huge river poured into his body.

Ren Tianchen only felt that he was surrounded by endless light, and the broken soul was gradually reorganized.

The supreme power contained in the reincarnation of immortality repair his dead soul, transform his body, gradually recover his strength, and constantly exceed the limit to reach an extremely horrible state.

He accepted all this indifferently. Timona saved him at the cost of her life, but this is by no means what he wants. He just wants her to live well!

He lay motionless on the ground, his eyes were empty, as if he had lost his soul and became a puppet. The divine light enveloped him, and because his soul was so damaged that it would take a long time to repair it.

Finally, three hours later, the last divine light melted into his body, and the place gradually returned to calm, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed.

The art of reincarnation and immortality is indeed very magical, repairing the origin of his broken soul intact. At this moment, in his divine realm, the divine light is bright and exuding a terrible atmosphere.

His eyes are no longer as dull and dead as before, but vibrant but empty.

He slowly stood up and looked around, looking for Timina's figure. How he wished it was just a dream. She was just joking with him, just hiding in a corner and would come out soon.

However, there is nothing around, the sky is still gray, and she is no longer there!


He roared in pain and shed bloody tears. The mountains and rivers were broken, and the mountains and rivers around him were broken in an instant.

(I struggled with this chapter for a long time, and finally wrote it like this!)