Blood under the starry sky

Chapter 490 72

Chapter 49 72

In my life, I can stay with my beloved, have children, and then watch my children grow up day by day. Even if I grow old, it is a great happiness.

Ren Tianchen's life can be said to have reached a peak that ordinary people can't reach. He has countless wealth, his beloved wife, children and grandchildren, a harmonious family, and the owner's almost perfect happiness. For him, this life is enough.

However, the more you have, the more you care about it. When you lose it, you are destined to be more painful.

When he was 89 years old, Nina, who accompanied him all his life, lay sick**, pale and old-fashioned, without the peerless glory of those years.

And Ren Tianchen, who accompanied the hospital bed, has also become an old man, and his old face is no longer as handsome as before.

"Honey, you must get better. I can't live without you." Ren Tianchen held Nina's hand and his eyes were moist.

"I'm 70 or 80 years old, and I'm still talking about these dirty words. Aren't you afraid of children's jokes?" Nina's tone was weak, but there was a happy smile on her face.

"I don't care so much. I just want you to be fine. After this life, we will be together for the next life." Ren Tianchen held back his tears and his hands trembled.

"Well, we will be together in the next life." Nina nodded slightly.

Ren Tianchen spent a lot of money and invited the best doctor in the world to take care of Nina, but in the end, she was still unable to return to heaven. Her vitality was weakening day by day. Finally, on a sunny morning, after seeing the last ray of sunshine of her life, she slowly closed her eyes.

When she left, there was a kind smile on her face. She walked at ease and had no regrets.

Ren Tianchen, who had been in front of the hospital bed, cried. A 70 or 80 man cried like a three-year-old child. Although it was a little absurd, he couldn't help it.

The love of a lifetime has left.

After Nina's death, Ren Tianchen was completely frustrated and just wanted to end his life quickly so that he could go to heaven to find Nina.

Maybe in order to take a last look at the world, he went alone and went to the place where he had walked with Nina to review the memories of the past. The past is vivid. Under the sunset, on the street at dusk, it seems that he can still see the virtual shadow of the two who walked together when they were young.

Finally, he went to the edge of the sea cliff.

There is still no change here. The blue sky and white clouds, the waves are rolling, and the wind is blowing gently.

Ren Tianchen sat alone in the place where they snuggled up to each other when they were 17 years old, facing the sea.

He couldn't help recalling the night 72 years ago. Thinking of the greenness and happiness at that time, he would smile.

But when I thought that she was no longer there, I suddenly fell down, involuntarily bowed my head and curled together.

Suddenly, he saw a small yellow flower gently swaying on the edge of the cliff, like a dancer dancing.

He was stunned, and then the memories in his mind flashed quickly. The little yellow flower 72 years ago was exactly the same as the one in front of him. Then every time he came here with Nina, he would see this little yellow flower. He didn't care about it before, but now, looking carefully, the little yellow flower he saw every year in the past 72 years Yellow flowers, regardless of height, petal shape, leaf color, are almost exactly the same and have not changed.

A little yellow flower has not changed at all after 72 years? This is impossible!

His memories are flashing, crossing and mixing quickly, and the people and things they used to be turned upside down.

Then, as if he had been struck by lightning, he stared at the little yellow flower with great panic in his eyes.

"It's all fake..."

Suddenly, he jumped up, as if he had regained his youthful vitality and directly crushed the little yellow flower with one foot.

"It's all fake! This is not a parallel universe at all! It's all fake!!!" Ren Tianchen looked up to the sky and roared, tears surged, and there was great pain in his heart.

He always thought that he lived in the parallel universe. The world gave him the happiness he had always wanted. He gave his sincere feelings, but in the end, he found that all this was false and did not exist at all. That kind of pain was absolutely unbearable.


Suddenly, the whole world was trembling, as if there had been a terrible earthquake.

Ren Tianchen saw that the tourists who were playing on the beach suddenly stiffened, then cracked and finally burst directly.


After that, the whole world was broken, as if it were made of glass.

At the same time, Ren Tianchen's body is also changing, gradually returning to youth, his muscles slowly bulging, and the long-lost destructive power reappeared, becoming the heroic young man in his early 20s.

His eyes are no longer cloudy, but as sharp as a sword.


Ren Tianchen roared up to the sky, shaking the fragmented world directly into powder and completely disappearing.

After that, he appeared in a desolate world, full of sand and stone, and the sky was dark, full of suppressed gray.

"Damn it, who the hell is playing with me? Let me spend 72 years in vain!" Ren Tianchen was furious, murderous, blood-lighting, and extremely terrible.

He remembered that he had spent 72 years in that illusory world, so Nina, who was in the solar system, waited for 72 years, 72 years! It's already a person's life!

"Do you want to know the answer?" Then a voice came.

Ren Tianchen looked at the sound and saw a man. He was immediately stunned and said, "Phoenix! Is that you?! Aren't you dead?!"

"I'm dead." Phoenix smiled coldly.

"But the world has brought us back to life again." At this time, another figure appeared. He was majestic, walking and domineering. He was the Holy Dragon Prince.

"Yes, welcome to the world of demons!" Another person came from the darkness, like the supreme hegemony between heaven and earth, emitting a terrible atmosphere. It was the demon prince.

Ren Tianchen was completely shocked and stared at these three people. Obviously, they had been killed by him, and the three people who erased their divine consciousness appeared in front of him alive again. All this was incredible.

"What's going on? Is it a hallucination again? Ren Tianchendao.

"No! This is not an illusion! It's a real existence." The demon prince smiled gently.

"This is the world of heart demons. What you have experienced before is the perfect world tailored for you. It's really amazing that you can crack it." The Holy Dragon Prince said.

"And we have appeared in this world again thanks to your heart demon, and we have become your heart demon." Phoenix Road.

"That is to say, you must defeat us as demons to leave the world and continue the ultimate trial." The demon prince smiled faintly.

"This is the trial content of the ultimate trial of the seventh world." The Holy Dragon Prince sneered.

"So it is." Ren Tianchen's eyes were cold. He finally knew why he knew that he could not break it in the fantasy at first. Because in his heart, he was still willing to stay in that world, so he had been addicted to it, so that he later believed that he was in another parallel world.

Now that the dream is broken and everything is restored, we will face the cruel reality here.

"You have made me waste 72 years. If I don't kill you, I won't be a human." Ren Tianchen was furious. Seventy-two years have passed, and Nina in the solar system is already in her 90s. He remembered the ending in that illusory world. Maybe Nina is no longer alive.

How can he not be angry by playing with his life like this?!

"Oh! I'm so scared!" Phoenix pretended to be afraid, but he didn't think so at all.

"Do you think you can defeat us with your current strength?" Prince Shenglong was condescending and sneered proudly.

"Well, it's just a defeated general in the past. I can kill you once, and naturally I can kill you again!" Ren Tianchen said coldly, domineering and murderous, and he was about to control himself.

"Ha ha, is that really the case?" The demon prince was gently scared, and his eyes narrowed into a gap, staring at Ren Tianchen, shooting out his cold eyes.

"Let me move my muscles and bones first and collect my previous debts by the way!"

Phoenix sneered and strode out, staring coldly at Ren Tianchen.


He shot like thunder, and Ren Tianchen was caught off guard and was punched a few steps back by him.


The two figures flashed, and their fists and palms crossed, making a terrible aftershock.

The two of them fought hundreds of times in a blink of an eye.


After a strong blow, both of them retreated, but Phoenix retreated more elegantly.

"I told you that you are no longer our opponent now." Phoenix smiled coldly and pulled out the phoenix feather knife to the sky, like the god of war, which was terribly strong.