Blood God Laugh

Chapter 12 Departure from a New World

Chapter 12, Departure from a New World

The Dayan Empire is located in the northeast of the Sirida Tribal Kingdom, with a vast territory, a population of tens of millions and millions of troops. It is one of the three most powerful empires in the south of human territory.

The three empires, the Great Yan Empire, the Holy Demon Empire in the east of the Great Fire Empire, and the Tongtian Empire in the north of the Great Fire Empire.

Verina asked boredly, "Olion, didn't you say that the fool Feng Yang has set off? Why have we waited here for almost two days and haven't seen anyone come yet?

Look, the trap I dug has stunned more than a dozen passers-by. This is for that fool, but let others enjoy it first!"

Orion thought that this pit was obviously forced by the princess to dig by herself. The kingdom warrior with swords was forced to dig a hole to cheat people. It can be imagined that he was depressed!

"Princess, this is the only way to the Dayan Empire, and he will come!"

Vinina is a little impatient: "What if he doesn't take the road and takes the road? Let me tell you, if you lose him, you can go back. Anyway, it's useless to keep you!"

Orion promised, "He will come. Orion has found out that this is the first time that Fengyang has left the tribe and is not familiar with various paths, so he will definitely choose the road!"

Orion really wants to dig a few bigger pits now to kill that damn Feng Yang!

After the competition, she got the news that Feng Yang was going to the Dayan Martial Arts Academy. Princess Vernina, who insisted on following Feng Yang, finally couldn't stand the suicidal obstruction of everyone, so she had to go back to the Kingdom of Sirida first and ask for a hard time from her father Wang Ruan!

After listening to the story of Princess Vernina and Feng Yang, the mother, supported her decision and let her boldly pursue her love!

The elf clan is very attached to love, and Vernina, who has half elf blood, is no exception. The king has no choice but to agree and let Orion protect her!

To go to the Dayan Empire, you have to pass through the Sirida tribal kingdom, where there are dozens of small tribes in the territory of Sirida!

Fengyang didn't prepare horses. He wanted to walk all the way to the Dayan Martial Arts Academy!

Along the way, look around and slowly swim in the mountains and rivers. Fengyang will go in and mix around with curiosity about the small tribes passing by!

The upper body is wearing a vest made of King Kong tiger skin, with a huge sword on its back, and a scabbard made of black monster skin.

There is also a dagger hanging around the waist, which is another reward given to Feng Yang by Chief Rida. A silver-grade dagger, and even the black trousers are made of the thin skin of monsters, which can be said to be fully armed!

Coupled with Feng Yang's burly figure and explosive muscles, if you go to a big city, the words "I'm a savage" are written on your face!

On the day he left, Feng Linger, Xiaowanzi and other best friends, as well as Long Tiandu and other ethnic groups came to see each other off. Although Feng Yang was reluctant, he was firm in his heart. After banging three times to the tribe, he left!

The night before leaving, Feng Yang's golden armored clothes were also made, not only clothes, but also trousers and helmets.

After Feng Yang put it on, he held a bloody black knife, a living humanoid monster with golden scales!

The golden scales of this set of golden armor are as big as an egg, which does not affect your actions at all. Of course, you have to wear it and walk around.

This set, although a lot of edge materials have been removed and there are still a lot of gold scales left, but it also weighs nearly 400 kg.

General prefecture-level strongmen will not wear such heavy things, but the defense power of this golden scale armor is impossible even for the ninth-level masters to break through. Of course, the strong strike power can still hurt the body through the armor.

Fengyang has come to the main road, with tall trees on both sides, and he left the Cyrida tribal kingdom through this road.

Then pass through several independent small tribes and turn over a few small hills to become the territory of the Great Yan Empire!

"He's coming, he's coming! Orion, get ready!" Princess Vernina whispered excitedly, and then both of them covered their faces and stood in the woods!

When approaching the trap carefully prepared for him by Vernina and Orion, Feng Yang felt something wrong. Although there was no murder around him, it also gave him an invisible sense of danger!

Feng Yang has been training himself in the Nanling Mountains since he was a child. Speaking of playing traps, he is a small ancestor. He narrowed his eyes, swept around, and immediately found the problem!

Although there are trees on both sides of the road and a layer of dead leaves on the ground, it is obviously a little thicker than the dead leaves in other places more than the distance, which is not right at a glance. In addition, I feel that it must be a trap!

There is still a little flashing silver light in front of the trap, which is a small silver thread. Such an obvious trap can be seen by hunters with a little experience!

Such a bad trap is not only full of loopholes, but also needs to make a double yellow to increase exposure. Feng Yang is really convinced by this master of traps!

On both sides of the forest, Fengyang still feels the existence of two breaths, but there is no murder. He should just want to rob some money and won't want human life!

In this case, let them enjoy themselves. Feng Yang continued to walk quietly. When he was about to walk in front of the silver line, he suddenly squatted down, reached out and grabbed the silver line in front of him, and then pulled it violently!

Vernina and Orion, holding both ends of the silver thread in their hands, were pulled out of the woods by the sudden huge pulling force!

Then, Feng Yang jumped suddenly and jumped high. He was surprised to find that one of them was actually a woman's clothes, but with his face covered, he couldn't see who it was!

Feng Yang didn't think much about it. It's always right to teach her a lesson!

In this way, in the direction of the trap in mid-air, Feng Yang gently pushed the unstable Verina!

When he was about to push the other person over, the other party had stabilized himself in mid-air!

"Bang!" With a sound, he punched Feng Yang, and then turned over and fell down steadily. He was so agile!

But another person has been pushed by Feng Yang, screaming and falling into the hole he had dug, and then there was a sharper cry from the hole!

Feng Yang looked at the sound, and the sound was a little familiar. He saw a chill spread out of the pit, and a woman in white jumped out in confusion!

The woman in white stood at the mouth of the hole, and the veil on her face had fallen off. Her face was red and she was out of breath. She pointed to Fengyang and couldn't speak for a moment!

Look carefully, isn't this beautiful face with an angry expression Princess Vernina?

Fengyang's beautiful world suddenly turned over, and a few words came to his mind, "Why is this little goblin again! It's over! It's over!"

[The prequel is not finished. Friends who like to watch it can keep it first. When the prequel is finished, let's watch the first part together]