Blood God Laugh

Chapter 14 Relying the Silly II--jin gang guo

Chapter 14, Relying the Silly II - King Kong Fruit

"Receive your head, rush up, kill the man, and leave the woman for me!" The bearded man waved his hand and shouted.

The mountain thieves on both sides of the mountain road shouted and waved all kinds of messy weapons in their hands and rushed down, but what was waiting for them was the super hail that hit head-on. Several unlucky guys rushed in front of them were immediately smashed into meat cakes!

The big man on the left urged, "My God, what a big hail, boss, the clothes are wet. Go back and collect your clothes!"

However, this time the bearded man did not scold the fool, but hurriedly waved his hand and shouted, "Brothers, withdraw!" Because he has looked up and saw the anger of the ice god above his head!

Then the fool on the left also shouted excitedly, "Brothers, go home and collect your clothes!" This is the first time the boss has adopted his opinion!

"Well, I want to go late now. I'm driving this mountain now. You can all stay for me!" Vernina controlled the anger of the ice god and greeted them one by one.

More than 40 people turned upside down, and half of them became meat patties in a while. Because of the protection of mountains and rocks, although they did not become meat patties, they also rolled on the ground and shouted. Obviously, they were hit by crushed ice cubes.

And the bearded man has fled far away with the fool and five others and went home to collect his clothes!

The anger of the ice god is really worthy of the name. The misery of the place made Feng Yang beat in his heart. If he was really controlled like this in the ring that day, all the icebergs would have eyes on him, and he would be buried alive if he did not die!

Looking at the shocked Fengyang, Vernina said proudly, "Hee hee, now you know the princess's experience. If you don't obey, I will reward you with the anger of the ice god!"

This time, the anger of the ice god is very easy to cast, because this time the magic is provided by two five-level ice-water magic crystals, plus the elements of heaven and earth cited by chanting, and its own consumption is very small!

Venina came out this time and brought a lot of treasures with the consent of her father. The ice-based water magic crystals and magic gems did not have a space ring. Urmu, the chief magician of the court, was full of eyebrows, heartache and prodigal!

Of course, Vernina is indispensable as a princess space ring. In fact, she carries several in her hand, even Orion's hand is one by one!

Only wild people like Feng Yang are really hidden as babies. Of course, for ordinary people, space rings are really precious!

Looking at the bearded man running farther and farther, Feng Yang and the other three are not in a hurry at all. With Feng Yang, a hunter, it is easy to track down several clowns!

Their target is a thief's nest, just deliberately letting them go, otherwise they would have turned into meat pie long ago!

The three followed the direction of the bearded man's escape and followed slowly all the way, not looking at the mountain thieves who cried on the ground, died, and their father.

The bearded man's strength to escape is far ahead like a race, and the five accomplices behind him!

"Big, wait for us, you haven't taken a shower for days, and you haven't changed your clothes to hang clothes. What are you doing in such a hurry!" The fool shouted loudly.

"Fool, after I go back, I must take off your skin to make a human leather coat. I know how to eat it every day. My brain looks like a pig!" The bearded man scolded angrily.

After turning over the whole mountain, a group of fleeing mountain thieves stopped breathlessly.

The mountain thief who used to stand on the right side of the mountain road finally spoke, " boss, I paid attention to it when I ran all the way. They didn't chase it down. And I just removed the traces we left behind. Even the hunting gods couldn't find us!"

"Well, let's go back and pay attention to removing the traces. This time it should be more thorough. After such a long detour, it would be even more impossible for them to find our stockade if they caught up with it.

Then, the bearded man laughed and said, "A lot of brothers were killed and injured this time. Gaga, the big deal I made the day before yesterday, and when the goods are sold, I can get a lot of money less!" Obviously, he didn't care about the death and injury of his accomplices.

But can't Fengyang and the others really catch up with them? The bearded man is right. If Fengyang and the three of them chase after them all the way, it will be really difficult to find them!

But in fact, Fengyang and the three of them did not chase down all the way, and crossed the road to another hidden mountain road halfway up the mountain.

The traces of the escape of the bearded men were removed, but the traces of coming were clearly displayed in front of the three people!

Even if it has been cleaned up, there will always be some traces of the mountain road that can't be cleaned up after many times!

For example, vegetation on the ground, damaged branches and leaves, such as small pieces of rocks, traces of goods hitting or scratching, such as some rocks and big trees with the smell of urine!

"Haha, I'm finally back, brothers, open the door for me!" The bearded man shouted at the door of the cottage.

"Do you think it's better for us to open the door and let the dog in, and then close the door to beat the dog, or close the door to thank the guests and let them throw their bodies directly into the wilderness?" In the cottage, Vernina looked embarrassed.

"Alas, if you rob other people's hill, you have to close the door and beat the dog. How can you close the door to thank the guests? As a landlord, you still have to be polite!"

Feng Yang said that nearly 20 mountain thieves were tied not far away and gagged with their own stinky socks, and several of them were fainted!

"Let's go to the village platform to have a look first. Anyway, they are also the former owners. It's up to them to decide whether to come in and lie down or crawl outside!"

Orion was still washing his hands, because he took off the stinky socks of the thieves and stuffed them! Of course, poor Orion was forced to do this by the princess!

The bearded man shouted twice, but no one responded to him for a day. Just as he was about to ask the fool to smash the door, three people slowly appeared on the platform, which shocked them that their chins fell to the ground.

"You, how did you find it?"

"How did you go? How did we get here? Is it possible to run around behind your buttocks!"

Verina stretched out on the platform and then said, "Now this stockade is ours. Are you ready to buy road money?"

"The two eldest brothers and this eldest sister just had a misunderstanding. If you like this stockade, I'll give it to you. We won't bother you. Let's go, let's go!"

The bearded man is afraid. These three evil stars are more cruel than his many years of murder. Just now, his accomplice were smashed into meat pie on the mountain road. He doesn't want to try!

"Leave the money you bought. We haven't found any money in the stockade. Where is your treasure hidden?" Vernina is very excited and energetic about the robbery.

The bearded man's eyes turned around, and then his face turned black, and suddenly became fierce. "Stupid Er, go up and split them. Shameless. Do you think I'm really afraid of you? They can't put another magic just now. Brothers, let's fight together!"

With that, the five accomplices around him rushed up with weapons, while the bearded man himself retreated secretly.

Feng Yang and Orion jumped off the fortress to fight. After a while, four of the five mountain thieves climbed on the ground. Only the big man named Silly Er fought with Feng Yang. What a terrible appearance!

Silly two can compete with Feng Yang's physical strength. He really has a little ability to compete with the sixth level of comprehensive strength. Such a master is a talent recruited by major forces everywhere. He really should not be reduced to a mountain thief's follower!

Feng Yang blocked the head-on and said to Orion, "Orion, the one who ran away is handed over to you. If you want to live, I'll deal with this fool." Then he fought with Silly II again.

Vernina watched it with relish on the stage and kept shouting cheering, but she didn't know who she was cheering for.

Silly Er's figure looks stronger than Feng Yang, and the two are also equal in height. The moves are more and more fierce. They waved a bronze-level knife and cut with Feng Yang's sword more than a hundred times. They are completely fighting for strength.

Fengyang was also very happy to cut. He was still a little unfamiliar with the use of the sword. In this battle, he became more and more skilled and brave. Slowly, the sword should have opened and closed, and he also waved it out completely in the slashing with the stupid two.

Feng Yang suddenly felt that this fool was very good, and it could be said that he was the best choice to practice swords with swords.

"Stupid two, stop!" Feng Yang shouted.

What I didn't expect was that this fool really stopped. He looked at Feng Yang and asked, "Don't fight anymore?" Then I'll go back to eat. I'm starving to death!"

Fengyang met his opponent this time. He usually pretended to be stupid and stupid, but he didn't expect to meet a living person this time.

"Well, well, you follow us to eat in the city. You can choose the spicy food. How about eating well?" Fengyang** Dao.

"The boss said that outsiders are all bad people, and what they say is deceptive. If you are fierce to bad people, you must be cruel. If you want to lie to me, I will kill you!" The fool has to face the knife again.

Feng Yang has a headache. It seems that the bearded man is very good at it and has poured a lot of bad thoughts into this fool.

Vernina laughed and turned back when she heard the conversation between the two on the fortress platform, then turned over in her hand, took out a bag of fragrant crisp cakes, and threw them at the idiot.

The fool reached out and took it, opened the bag and smelled it. The saliva flowed straight down. But he resisted ** and said, "The boss said that the things given by others are poisonous and can't be eaten!"

This time it's Vernina's turn turned blue, "Fool, don't be shameless. That's the shortbread brought by the princess from the palace. I'm reluctant to give it to you. If you don't eat it, throw it back to me!"

"The boss said that if you robbed other people's things, it's your own. There's no reason to return them back!" Silly Er's words almost made Verina run away, and Feng Yang hurriedly stopped her.

"If you are afraid of poison, give me a piece first. How about I eat it for you?" Feng Yang said.

As soon as he heard this, he patted himself on the head, thought hard and thought it was right, so he lost a piece of crisp cake to Feng Yang.

Feng Yang then took a sip, and there was a crisp sound in his mouth. He ate it juicy and deliciously. After eating, the comfortable scream was delicious. He reached out and wanted to ask the fool.

Silly Er finally couldn't hold it anymore. He ignored Feng Yang's outstretched hand, sat on the ground, grabbed a shortbread and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then the more you eat, the more delicious it became. After a while, I ate a whole bag of biscuits, and then stood up and asked, "Can I really go to the city for a big meal with you?"

"Of course, of course, you will follow us every day, eat and wear as much as you want, and wear more flowers if you want!"

In this way, Feng Yang is so excited to cheat a hitter and sandbag.

At this time, Orion came back with a beard in his hand.

After seeing the dead dog-like boss, Silly Er immediately pulled out a big knife and wanted to be fierce again.

Fengyang hurriedly stopped, took over the bearded man in Orion's hand, and forced the bearded man to order the stupid two to change his name to Feng Yang as the boss and listen to everything. In this way, the stupid two completely became Feng Yang's follower.

Behind it was a bearded man who led the way to their treasure house. After turning half of the mountain, he came to a dark cave. There were garbage knives and sticks, animal skins, piles, and there were no good things.

A large box of coins is also mostly silver coins, no more than 3,000 gold at most. Is this called treasure? However, Fengyang was not polite and took the coins directly, which made Vernina despise for a while.

"Say, what good things are there? These money can't buy your lives!" Feng Yangwei said.

"Yes, there is, there is!"

The bearded man turned out a large box in a pile of animal skins, and then handed it to Fengyang. As soon as he opened Fengyang, he saw three fruit-shaped gems in it, the size of a fist and crystal clear.

When Vernina saw it, she shouted, "King Kong!"

These three diamond fruits, exactly three days ago, a group of mountain thieves killed several long-injured warriors at the foot of the mountain, and robbed the loot. Those who don't know the goods are really regarded as ordinary gems!

Diamond fruit, diamond-like crystal clear and extremely hard, is a kind of fruit produced by a tree called King Kong.

The King Kong tree is very hard and heavy. It is used to make arrows more fiercely than the bones of ordinary ground-level monsters!

King Kong wood can be said to be copper-grade wood. Weapons such as mace made of King Kong wood are directly copper-grade weapons!

However, the King Kong tree grows very slowly. It takes at least 200 years to be considered adult wood, and it rarely bear fruit. Ten thousand trees may not be able to bear a diamond fruit. It is rare in hundreds of years and extremely rare and precious.

Once the King Kong tree has a diamond fruit, after the fruit matures, the King Kong tree will immediately wither and die, and it is not one. Dozens or even hundreds of King Kong trees around the diamond fruit will die!

Although the diamond fruit is very hard, it can be slowly melted with fire, and drinking it after diluted with water can improve physical strength.

People who have used emer to strengthen their bodies will greatly improve their physical strength and defense, and their flexibility will not be reduced, and even compare with the defense power of some first- and second-order monsters.

A diamond fruit can be divided into 200 people, but there are also shortcomings. After strengthening, the tendons and veins will become too hard, making it relatively difficult to improve strength.

It is generally given to some soldiers in the army whose strength is difficult to make a breakthrough. If one person eats a whole, then wait to become a piece of humanoid steel.

If it is given food to monsters, the role of vajna fruit will be ten times stronger!

After listening to Verney's explanation, Feng Yang immediately put King Kongguo into his space ring like a countryman.

It's a beautiful name; the Sirida Kingdom has strong soldiers and horses, so it can't be used. The style of the Rida tribe will be weak, and it should be strengthened!

When the treasure arrived, Feng Yang tied the bearded man and other more than 20 mountain thieves tightly with animal tendons and threw them into the cave. The mouth of the cave was blocked with a boulder and disappeared!

Finally, the traces outside the cave were removed, and they were not released at all to continue to harm the people. As for the stupid two, of course, they followed Feng Yang!

He doesn't know how old he is, but he seems to be only 20 years old.

The fool was a man from a small tribe. A few years ago, the tribe was destroyed, and he was the only one who rushed out.

Later, I met a bearded man. Seeing that he was an extraordinary and a fool, he coaxed him back to be a gold medal hitter. Basically, half of this cottage was fought down by a fool who helped the bearded man.

Feng Yang and others continued to go on the road, from a group of three to a group of four, crossing the mountain and marching towards the Dayan Empire!


The four people came from afar, and the outline of the city gradually became clear.

"Haha, I finally saw the first city. Wow, the gates and towers are so tall and big, almost as tall as the watchtower in our style!"

For Feng Yang, it is undoubtedly very exciting and curious to see a real human city for the first time.

"Well, ignorant guy, our royal city in Sirida is many times bigger than this!"

Vernine said contemptuously, "You two have to change your clothes, so that others will know that you two are countrymen!"

Vernina asked Orion to throw a robe to Feng Yang and Silly, and then took out a beautiful veil turban and put it on her head to cover the beautiful and charming face. Orion also put on a hat surrounded by black veil.

There are also many human beings with elf blood in the Dayan Empire, because as long as there are elf blood, they are relatively beautiful, but most of them are not very good!

The final result is that most of them will be aristocratic toys, even men, which shows how ugly human beings are!

After paying the city gate tax of one person and one silver coin, the four Fengyang finally entered the first city on their journey, Huangfeng City!

The origin of Huangfeng City is said to be that a wind magic tutor cast a wind curse here, blowing a thick layer of land for hundreds of miles. The vegetation is not there, the loess and yellow sand are exposed, and there is often a phenomenon of wind blowing yellow sand, so it is named Huangfeng City!

Entering Huangfeng City, Fengyang wandered around. Look at it. On the contrary, he kept shouting, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Eat, eat quickly!"

Vernina's crisp cakes along the way were almost consumed by the stupid two, which made the little witch really hurt. The first thing she did before entering the city was to take the stupid two to have a meal!

[The prequel is not finished. Friends who like to watch it can keep it first. When the prequel is finished, let's watch the first part together]