Blood God Laugh

Chapter 23 Independent Building

Chapter 23, Independent Building

After the report, the sloppy old man shamelessly asked for credit for himself, "Hey, these five children are good, aren't they? I worked hard to find them!"

After listening to the sloppy old man's words, the dean also had a little surprise on his face. He looked at the five people with admiration, and then said, "My dean often Chongtian, welcome you to Dayan Martial Arts Academy to study!"

When Feng Yang heard the name Chang Chongtian, he couldn't help thinking, Chang Chongtian, you think you can really fly, be careful not to rush too high and fall to death. Of course, on the surface, it still salutes respectfully.

The dean nodded and continued, "Being able to enter the Dayan Academy by strength shows that you are all geniuses. But Dayan Wuyuan doesn't ask where he is born or where he comes from!

All the students who entered the Dayan Martial Arts Academy are just a student. Whether you are royal relatives or precious geniuses in the clan, since you have chosen to study in the Dayan Martial Arts Academy, you must abide by the rules of the Martial Arts Academy!

You can follow Vice President Kong first. He will tell you about the rules of the hospital, then arrange your residence and come to see me tomorrow!"

Feng Yang and others thanked the dean and followed the sloppy old man to leave the dean's room. Along the way, the sloppy old man walked while explaining the rules and distribution of the Great Yanwu Academy.

Dayan Martial Arts Academy does not belong to the Dayan Empire and does not serve any empire. The Martial Arts Academy does not ask the identity, status of the students and where they come from. They are equal in the Martial Arts Academy.

The founder of the Dayan Martial Arts Academy was a founding elder of the Dayan Empire. After the successful establishment of the imperial system in the Dayan Empire, he left the government and created the Dayan Martial Arts Academy, but refused to train talents for the Dayan Empire, and even left a 'never participate in politics'.

It is said that the founder has actually reached the legendary domain level, and even his descendants have the lowest achievement is a heavenly strong man!

And the founder is also an interesting person. His name is Chang Yutian, and his son's name is Chang Shengtian. Since then, his name has been passed down from generation to generation. His name has been Chang Feitian, Chang Dengtian, Chang Killing Tian and so on.

All the way to the contemporary dean Chang Chongtian, and the dean's son is called Chang scolding Tian. Even his unborn grandson has prepared his name, often making trouble!

The Great Yanwu Academy is a closed management. Only the south gate and the side doors on both sides of the gate can be entered and exited. The other three sides are high walls. If anyone tries to climb over the wall, they will be fired as soon as they are found. However, during their study in the Martial Arts Academy, they will have two days of vacation every month!

The martial arts academy will not manage the conflicts, disputes and right and wrong between the students, but they cannot fight at will in the martial arts academy. There is a duel arena in the martial arts academy. The two agree to come to the stage to compete, but they cannot lead to disability and death. It can be seen that the protection policy of the martial arts academy is still good.

The north of Wuyuan is the student dormitory area, and there are canteens and some small shops in the dormitory area.

On the left side of the southern gate is the faculty area, which is the place where teachers and other staff of the martial arts academy work. The dean's room just now is in the faculty area, and on the right side of the gate is the faculty dormitory area.

The middle area is the Wujiao District, which is a place for students to learn. There are martial arts rooms, martial arts fields, arenas, magic measuring rooms, etc.

There are more than 12,000 students in Dayan Martial Arts Academy, more than 11,000 martial artists and nearly 900 magicians.

Warriors are divided into human-level classes, prefecture-level classes and sky-level classes.

Magicians are also divided into human-level classes, prefecture-level classes, and sky-level classes, and each class is divided by attributes!

In addition, there are military-level classes, team-level classes and general-level classes to learn military tactics.

The martial arts class is full of human-level students, with more than 7,600 people, divided into 76 small classes according to strength, with more than 100 people in each class. When the strength reaches the prefecture-level, you can enter the prefecture-level class.

The prefecture-level class is a prefecture-level force, with more than 2,500 people. According to the strength, it is divided into more than 50 small classes, with 50 people per class. When the strength reaches the sky level, you can enter the sky class.

There are only 12 people in the heavenly class, which is also a part-time martial arts teacher in the martial arts academy.

There are 690 people in the magician-level class and 181 people in the prefecture-level class. They are divided into several small classes such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth and wind according to different magic elements.

There are 5 people in the master class, and at the same time, they work part-time as the magic religion of the martial arts academy.

In the three classes of military tactics, each student in the military class must learn, mainly to learn basic military tactics such as ordering, military regulations, terrain survey, tracking, and team cooperation.

The team-level class learns military and tribal management, formation, tactics, team cooperation, small and medium-sized battlefield analysis, etc.

General class learns the deployment of troops, tactics, military cooperation, large-scale battlefield analysis, etc.

Team-level classes and general-level classes are classes that train middle and senior officers, and do not require students to study, but students can apply to enter the team-level class after completing the military class. Similarly, they can also apply to enter the general class after completing the team-level class.

The sloppy old man said a lot and finally took them to the dormitory.

Then he turned around and looked at Feng Yang and others and asked, "Hey, the conditions in this dormitory area are also good and bad. Do you want a good one or the same as ordinary students?"

"How about ordinary students and what about good conditions?" Feng Yang asked rhetorical.

"Ordinary students, three people in one room, one room for one person in better conditions, the best is a few people in an independent small building!"

The sloppy old man once again made up his mind and blackmailed, "I think you must want a small building. That's not easy. It's almost full. Hey! Besides, you have no money, so it seems that you can only spread out and live with other students!"

Fengyang has convinced this sloppy vice president who looks at money. Is the vice president of the martial arts academy still short of this money? Forget it, people under the eaves can't but bow their heads!

"Let's say, how much filial piety is needed, but we are really poor. We have to save some living expenses!" Feng Yang said bitterly.

"No, no, no, since you are really poor, let's get 10,000 gold coins a year!" The sloppy old man pretended to be generous and robbed the road.

"Damn it, why don't you become a robber!" Feng Yang jumped up, and 10,000 gold coins were just like cutting his meat.

Feng Yang divided 50,000 gold coins in the Style Rida competition and gave two bags to his family, but later the old man only left 2,000 gold coins, and the rest were all brought by Feng Yang.

There are also 50,000 gold coins from the best friends. In the end, only 2,000 were left by one person, and the remaining 40,000 yuan was also given to Feng Yang.

In addition to the 3,000 gold coins snatched by the bearded man of the mountain thief and the treasure that robbed Long Yingying in the cabin, he now has more than 100,000 gold coins and some gems.

But a lot of money doesn't cost so much. In the future, it will be used to support my wife. I have to raise a lot!

"You think 10,000 yuan is too much. For other noble children, I received 30,000 yuan. Oh, forget it. For the sake of you are all geniuses, give me 8,000!" The sloppy old man sighed and lowered the price.

5 thousand! Don't give me one more!" Feng Yang bargained and looked firm.

"Okay, deal, pay!" The sloppy old man's eyes lit up and quickly agreed.

Feng Yang felt that he had been completely deceived and deceived! From the space ring, he took out a bag of gold coins and threw them to the sloppy old man, contemptuously, "Take the way!"


The next day, Feng Yang came to the dean's room in the unified white martial arts uniform of the martial arts academy.

"Have you arranged your accommodation? How much money have you been blackmailed?" The dean asked with a smile.

"Well, 5,000 gold coins rented a small building, but why did the dean say it was extortion?" Feng Yang asked rhetorical and felt a little strange.

The dean's smile remained unchanged, "Answer me first why you paid 5,000 gold coins to rent a small building!"

"Oh, well, we have asked someone about the price of houses in Dayan City. For a small building with good conditions like this, you can live in a year with only a hundred gold coins in the outer city!

But in different inner urban areas, the price is very different, about 2,000 to 5,000 yuan, so I think it should be reasonable to be a small building in Wuyuan for 5,000 a year!"

The dean explained, "Hahaha, it's good, it's good, it's good, it knows how to investigate and analyze. In fact, with their own strength, the students who enter the martial arts academy enjoy the best conditions!

The small building was originally arranged for you. As for Vice President Kong's collection of money from you, that's the first lesson for you!

Starting from 30,000 gold coins, if you pay 30,000 yuan directly, it only means that you are stupid, or you have too much money. Wuyuan will not make money for nothing!

If you don't hand in a sentence, it also means that you are stupid, or don't know how to negotiate, bargain, don't know the world, etc., then you really have to go to the ordinary dormitory area to exercise first!

If you can rent a small building at a reasonable price according to your financial resources, intelligence, bargaining, analysis ability, etc., it will prove that you are smart, know how to negotiate, know how to adapt to changes, etc., and your understanding will be relatively high, and you will be assigned to better classes!"

Feng Yang opened his mouth and said, "So, we can live in it even if we pay 1,000 gold coins?"

The dean laughed, "Haha! As long as you have the ability to get Vice President Kong's consent at that time, you can live in it with 1 gold coin, haha!"

Feng Yang shrugged his eyes and said depressedly, "Well, as for all his virtues of money, I am his own grandson, and I have to be pulled out by him!"

"Haha, you really guessed. A few years ago, his own grandson also entered the Dayan Martial Arts Academy by his own strength. Guess how much his grandson paid in the end? 30,000 gold coins, a lot of copper coins, hahahaha!" The dean laughed wildly.

Feng Yang and others are collectively speechless. Dare to love this sloppy vice president is still a master who doesn't recognize six feelings and only recognizes money!

"Today, I asked you to come here to divide your classes. Your bishop will come to lead you later," the dean looked at several people and continued:

"Feng Yang and Silly Er, you go to Class 4 at the prefecture level. Vernina went to the prefecture-level water class, and Long Yingying went to the human-level gold class. Orion is more special. There are two classes of prefecture-level wind department and prefecture-level Class 4. You can choose one!"

"Dean, Orion chooses the prefecture-level Class 4!" Orion replied, this is in the Great Fire Academy, and the princess can't be in danger, so she doesn't have to follow closely.

Soon after, teachers came to pick up Feng Yang and others.

Feng Yang's three prefecture-level class 4 bishops, named Cao Shi, are 45 years old, 1.8 meters tall, and slender. They look very elegant. They are just a member of the sky-level class!

In fact, everyone in the heavenly class is self-cultivated and holds the position of teacher. If they have reached the level and have not left the martial arts academy, they either have deep feelings for the martial arts academy, or they want to break through the legendary domain level with the resources and experience of the martial arts academy!

Of course, it is a legend for others, but in the martial arts Academy, there are several legends who have reached the domain level!

Venina's bishop's name is Hu Qingling, female, 52 years old, the first-class magician of the water system.

At the age of 30, Jin Qingling broke through the first level of the magician, which can be called a genius, but since then, she has never improved, so she later put all her mental strength on the research and teaching of water magic.

Water magic and ice magic absorb the same water elements. Ice magicians are born to automatically convert water elements into ice elements!

Although water magicians can also perform ice magic, they need to convert water elements into ice first, so that there is no direct ice magicians. The ice magic cast by ice magic is faster. Similarly, the ice cast water system also needs to be converted.

Long Yingying's bishop is a gold magician, seventh-level, 75 years old, named Jin Duoduo!

Although Jin Duoduo is 75 years old and has only reached the seventh level of the prefecture level, he does not teach students that the higher their strength, the better. Elderly magicians like Jin Duoduo can be said to be a living textbook for their experience and understanding of middle and low-level magic!

Of course, the name of this teacher Jin Duoduo is also the same as the name of the dean Chang Chongtian, which makes Feng Yang quite despise!

Fengyang and the three followed Cao Shi to the 4th class of the martial arts room, which is 10 meters high and 30 meters long and 30 meters wide. There are more than 200 martial arts in the Dayan Martial Arts Academy like this.

Entering the martial arts room, there are already more than 40 people in it. You can either practice martial arts alone or wait and see.

Seeing Cao Shi coming in with Feng Yang, everyone stopped and shouted in unison with their fists, "Cao Wujiao!"

Cao Shi walked to the middle of the martial arts room and said loudly, "Today, we have three new students who have joined the prefecture-level Class 4. They have entered the martial arts academy by their own strength. Fengyang, the sixth level, the stupid second level, the sixth level of the prefecture, Orion, and the fifth-level wind demon warriors at the prefecture level."

Cao Shi briefly introduced Fengyang and the three, and then continued, "Now let's see what strength they have to enter the martial arts academy and enter our prefecture-level Class 4!"

Then Cao Wujiao shouted again, "Mo Bai!"


A tall young man came out. He was quite tall and powerful, but he had a baby face. When he replied, Feng Yang also saw that Mo Bai's front tooth was missing. I really don't know how to describe this image!

"Mo Bai, 22 years old, entered the martial arts academy with the same strength as you two years ago. Now the strength is the sixth level of the prefecture. Feng Yang, you and Mo Bai have a try!"

After Cao Shi finished speaking, everyone took the initiative to disperse and empty the middle venue!

Feng Yang had no choice but to walk to the scene, and Cao Shi dared to give them a majesty!

"Mo Bai, please give me some advice!"

After saying that, Mo Bai turned over a 1.8-meter thick iron bar in his hand, and stationed on the ground waiting for Fengyang's preparation!

"Feng Yang, please give me some advice!"

Fengyang took off the sword, made a good offensive posture, and immediately stepped out to attack. It's better to do it first!

The big sword is split, Mo Bai's stick tail is blocked, and then sinks down, removing most of Feng Yang's strength, picking up the big sword, and then sweeping!

Fengyang's sword stood up and resisted the end of the stick. While blocking the end of the stick, he wanted to give Mo Bai a leg swing, but the terrible power swept over by the stick end is definitely not an attack that can be achieved by the sixth-level strength!

The strength has reached more than the ninth level. Even if Mo Bai has 1,000 pounds of physical strength, it can only reach the eighth level of the prefecture level!

Feng Yang's arm was for a while, and the sword almost left his hand. He retreated a few steps awkwardly before he stabilized his figure.

With a refreshed look, Feng Yang recalled that the boxing battle with Long Tiandu in the individual competition was the same, and the power could break out!

Even Orion was very surprised to see it. He knew that Feng Yang's strength was definitely much higher than Mo Bai's. Unexpectedly, Feng Yang was shocked by a person who was not as strong as him!

Mo Bai did not take the opportunity to attack, but waited for Feng Yang to stabilize his figure!

The shock in Feng Yang's heart is also a lot. He used his strength to dispel the numbness on his arm, and his eyes gradually became dignified!

No longer look down on Mo Bai, Feng Yang's physical strength is fully open, holds the sword in both hands, raises the momentum to the maximum, and fiercely cuts Mo Bai with one move!

Mo Bai waved his stick up, but Feng Yang's power also shocked him, forcing him to remove part of his strength in every blow!

Both of them were masters. They made 20 moves in an instant, but they didn't hit the other party. Feng Yang took a step forward with his right foot, and the sword split diagonally to the right. At the same time, he pulled back with his left foot on one side of his body, bent, and swept away his legs back.

"Dang!" Mo Bai's left side stick blocked, but the other party's strength was too heavy for him to jump over and sweep his legs, but Feng Yang's low body was also flawed, so his right hand became a palm and split straight down to Feng Yang's back, ready to exchange his injury!

However, Feng Yang did not finish sweeping back. He suddenly stopped his left foot, loosened his sword with his left hand, tilted his body and turned again, and chopped one and a half circles with his backhand!

"Bang!" Feng Yang's left hand hit Mo Bai's left back shoulder, but Mo Bai's right palm was empty, but Mo Bai's left arm was still holding a long stick, which just hit Feng Yang's left leg!

The two rolled away at the same time. Feng Yang shook his left leg, Mo Bai shrugged his right shoulder, and couldn't help admiring each other's actual combat ability!

Two shouts, the sword and the long stick fought together again. The continuous clash, the fast flashing sword light and stick shadow, waved a hot-blooded momentum!

Although Feng Yang doesn't know how to make his power explode, Mo Bai's method of unloading power is not difficult!

From the beginning, Mo Bai burst out from time to time and forced back a few steps. Later, they gradually learned the method of unloading the force. The two fought forward and retreated, and even Cao Shi, who was watching from the side, couldn't help nodding!

"Okay, stop!" Cao Shi shouted.

The two of them returned the salute and stood aside!

(the prequel is unfinished)