Blood God Laugh

Chapter 33 Failed Assassination

Chapter 33, the assassination failed (please vote, ask for everything, there is another update today)

The second prince was received by the guard of the Holy Demon Empire, endured the heartbreaking pain from his right vest, and shouted, "Huitake me and cut down the two assassins!"

But the general man ignored the order of the second prince at all and said coldly, "The eldest princess only ordered the general to take over the second prince, and I would have ignored everything else!"

The second prince gritted his teeth with hatred, but the man came from the Holy Demon Empire. He had no power to order at all. He could only shut up and return to escort the guard with the general man for treatment!

Hei Da is still fighting with the snake-striped man. Dozens of imperial guards have arrived behind him, and more are still rushing!

The snake-printed man stabbed, and many imperial guards cut wildly, and the black one cut. He cut the imperial guard into two halves, and the blood knife excitedly sucked the blood gas!

The black rotation, the blood knife ring swept, the blood blades cut out, rolled up a blood storm, and more than a dozen imperial guards were stopped and separated again!

But there were too many imperial guards, and there was a snake-striped man in front of him. On the black body, he also hit dozens of knives!

Although the blood scales and heavenly strength protect the body make the defense very powerful, the powerful blow that comes through the body still makes the blood gas in the black body surge!

On the slope next to the road, there was a dragon roar. There were several particularly tall horses standing on the slope. The war horses were riding black two, a man in black, and a woman in black!

In the clothes behind the woman in black, there is a small figure, and the sound of dragon chanting comes from the mouth of this little figure!

Hei took a big look, and another large group of imperial guards came behind him. They roared unwillingly. The blood-colored long knife cut out more than a dozen blood blades, forced the beheaded people away, and turned to the slope and fled!

The imperial guards chased after each other, and bone arrows and ice blades were shot on the slope to cover the black, followed by giant ice blocks one after another, which also fell from the sky to stop the imperial guards chasing!

Rushing up the slope, the black jumped onto an unmanned war horse, but the snake-patterned man also caught up with it. The black backhand knife split the pierced thin sword, and the war horse ran away with several people!

The snake-print man raised his thin sword, and the blood was violently input. The thin sword became more and more bloody, turned into a blood arrow and shot at the black vest!

The black blood knife stuck to the back, blocked the blood arrow, and finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood, but the horse under his body ran faster!

The snake-print man watched the black men flee far away, and the two-legged imperial guard was unable to catch up, so he could only stop and stand beside the snake-print man, and also watched the assassin go away!

The bloody hand of the snake-striped man suddenly inserted into the chest of an defenseless imperial guard beside him, sucking all the flesh and blood of the other party, and his withered body also swelled a little!

Open the blood field, grabbed another imperial guard around him, and suddenly sucked more than a dozen imperial guards to dry, and nearly half of the serpentine man's withered body was restored!

The rest of the imperial guards retreated in horror, but the snake-patterned man no longer paid attention to the remaining imperial guards and turned around in the direction of the second prince's escape!

On the slope on the other side of the road, a tall middle-aged fat man said, "Let's go, we don't need to take action to relieve the siege!"

I still underestimated this Fengyang. His own strength is not as good as the ordinary level five. His blood knife is even more powerful. It can not only absorb the blood demon's blood demon, but also ignore the blood domain of the blood demon and turn the blood demon into use. In the end, the blood scales should be fleshly scales!

This boy must have grown up in Longyan milk! Sure enough, he is the talent I like in the storm, hahahaha!"

"What the regiment leader said is that your vision has been admired by Xing Dai, but it's a pity that this wind and Yang finally collapsed. The little girl's voice of dragon singing is so realistic. Is it difficult to say that it is really a transformed dragon clan?" Xing Dai flattered the regiment leader and asked.

These two people are Storm and Xing Dai, the head of the Sifang Friends Mercenary Regiment, but Feng Yang and others thought that the storm was just the curator!


By now, the identity of the black man and others has been clear. The black man is Fengyang, and the black two is a fool. Of course, the man in black is Orion. Needless to say, the woman in black is Verina, and the little figure hidden in the clothes behind her is dragon!

When the team was about to leave the North Imperial Gate, the carriage was panicked and out of control. Feng Yang and Silji had already dressed in the imperial guard's golden clothes, disguised themselves and hid in the carriage!

When several imperial guards disembolded to control the carriage, Feng Yang and Silly Er had killed the two real imperial guards and left them in the carriage, and then handed the carriage to the people of the Sifang Friends Mercenary Regiment on both sides of the Avenue to deal with it!

After getting on the horse and just came out of the welcome team of the North Imperial Gate, there was an inquiry from Huangwei Bendan, and Fengyang had to block the doubts of Bendan with gold coins!

When they were about to welcome the noble pavilion, Feng Yang and Silly touched the horse's ears. In fact, they tried their best to deafen the war horse so that they could not hear the sound of the dragon's hair!

When other horses were shocked, Feng Yang and Silly rode forward and quickly approached the second prince!

With the sound of the dragon, the little girl ordered the second prince's red-blooded dragon horse to run forward, and the rest of the war horses ran to both slopes and then turned to join the beast tide!

As for the attack of the beast tide, it was also summoned by the little girl with the sound of dragons the day before. Because there are no mountains and hills near Dayan City, only some large and small mountains, so only a large number of pigs, horses, cattle and sheep, jackals, tigers and leopards can be summoned!

In the end, Feng Yang failed to attack the second prince at close range and was stopped by the snake-print man. Although Feng Yang and others had thought that there would be a heavenly strong guard around the second prince, they did not expect that he was one of Feng Yang's most mysterious enemies, and his strength was super strong!

Fengyang broke out with all his strength. With the power of the fifth level of ordinary heaven, coupled with the blood drinking wild black knife, he could not fight for a long time. It can be seen that the strength of the snake-striped man exceeded the expectations of Feng Yang and others!

Orion is waiting for the future. If Fengyang can't assassinate the second prince smoothly, he will attack with bone arrows!

But it was also blocked by the snake-patterned man who suddenly burst blood. Fortunately, the bloody black knife has a strong sucking power and suppressing power on blood power. Even the snake-print man's blood field can be sucked and ignored, and at the same time, it also makes Fengyang's strength rise greatly!

Otherwise, if any domain-level strong man who is not a bloody field, Feng Yang doesn't know how many times he has died!

The second prince who fled all the way was afraid that there were assassins in the imperial guard, and he did not dare to dismiss the horse and the imperial guard behind him, so he had a bloody rush all the way!

To escape his life was also protected and blocked by the serpentine man, and finally received by the escort guard of the Holy Demon Empire. He was fortune-telling!

And Vernina followed behind the slope with several horse kings provided by the Sifang mercenary regiment, ready to respond at any time!

The load capacity of these horse kings is far greater than that of ordinary war horses. They can walk more than 2,000 pounds, which can be said to be a monster horse with only physical strength. This is also the reason why the horse king is not difficult to ride a horse with a knife!

The little girl hid in Verina's back to avoid revealing her identity, because a little girl was so easy to recognize!

Unfortunately, such a good assassination opportunity and such a perfect plan failed in the end. It will be more difficult to assassinate the second prince in the future!


"Feng Yang, are you all right!" Vernina asked worriedly.

The blood-colored scales of Fengyang have receded, but the whole body is still blood red, and the chest keeps coughing up black blood!

The blood power of the snake-printed man does make Feng Yang's strength temporarily rise, but the blood power also contains a magical blood poison power, which can erode people's mind, so Fengyang is forcing poison!

"No big problem. Thank you for your help. Although I failed this time, I won't give up!" Feng Yang said hoarsely.

Although he failed to kill the second prince this time, he at least knew the identity of the snake-print man, Fengyang's strong character, and he would not be hit by a single failure!

"Let's not go back to the martial arts academy first. Now the whole city is under martial law. If we go back like this, we may be recognized!" Orion said.

They are now hiding in the martial arts store of the Sifang Friends Mercenary Regiment. When they came back, they hid in several large trucks that had been arranged for a long time to enter the city!

Soon after, the storm also came to the interior of the Wudian, comforted Feng Yang a little, and gave Feng Yang a bottle of snow elixir. It is said that it can completely remove blood poison, and then he wants to attract Feng Yang to join the Sifang mercenary regiment!

Fengyang gently refused, and the storm could only leave disappointed!


In the Southern Emperor's Hall, the wound of the second prince has been bandaged. This wound is not a big problem for the second prince in the sixth level of the prefecture. At present, he is madly smashing the items in the hall!

"Big, it must have been arranged by the boss. He wants me to die. Hahaha, at that time, I will definitely repay you a hundred times!"

The old voice of the snake-printed man came out, "Second prince, this assassination should not be arranged by the eldest prince. There can't be such a master around the eldest prince!

The strength of the man with blood scales is detached, and the blood knife is even more strange. The blood magic power, not to mention the blood magic power of the old man is just restrained to death, and he can only exert three points of strength!

I also need to change my body. When Gao Sheng's body is trained by the blood pool, it can be used, so that you don't have to be careful that the blood demon is too strong and the blood eats the flesh!"

The second prince replied with a sinister look, "In addition to the boss, who else can arrange the assassin into the imperial guard?" He doesn't have such a master around him. Is it difficult to go outside to find him?

And the sound of the dragon singing must have given the dragon singing sword to the boss! Hahaha, at that time, I will send you a journey with the Longyin Sword, and the Longyin Knife of Dayan Martial Arts Academy, it's time to return it!"


In the Eastern Palace, the seriously injured captain of the imperial guard reported the situation to the eldest prince, who was talking to himself:

The sound of dragons? Is it difficult to be the Longyin knife of Dayan Wuyuan?

It should not be. The martial arts court will definitely get the consent of the emperor, and it will not be so simple to let the second brother escape.

Who the hell is that?

Blood knife, blood scale people, and blood color strength, blood color field.

The second brother, the second brother, not only provoked such a powerful assassin, but also has a domain-level strong guard around him. No wonder he wants to plot to usurp the throne!

Is it difficult for you, a strong man in the blood domain, created by the blood of hundreds of thousands of people and millions of gold coins?

However, do you want to turn the world upside down just by a domain-level strong man?

You also underestimate the background of the Dayan Empire!"


The storm of the assassination has calmed down, and Feng Yang and others have also returned to the Wuyuan. The blood poison has been completely cleared, and the failure of this assassination is not without benefits!

After Fengyang stabilized his situation, he found that his strength and strength had increased by nearly 1,200 catties, directly breaking through the sky level and reaching double 6200 catties!

It seems that that a lot of blood power is really a super tonic for Fengyang, a freak!

However, there is also one thing that makes Feng Yang depressed, that is, the strength of ordinary heavenly strong people. Nine layers and nine are golden, and other colors are extremely rare!

And Fengyang's is actually milky white. Is this the sequelae of Longyan milk?

This is too tricky!

How to see people with milky white strength?

People saw it and thought he was a human-shaped cow, covered with white milk!

After the blood-colored scales retreated, they also returned to the original dark black. The physical strength broke through the sky level. The dark scales were completely solid and no longer transparent, but there was a faint flow of blood light, reflecting the blood-colored black light of the bloody black knife!

Sky-level dark black scales and sky-level strong protection, Fengyang's current defense power has reached an absolute defense of 12,400 pounds. Even if it is a monster, few physical forces can reach the level!

And strong strength made Feng Yang firm his heart for revenge!