Blood God Laugh

Chapter 35 Prince Yan Wude

Chapter 35, the Great Prince Yan Wude

It has been almost a month since the failure of the last assassination. During this period, Zhou Zhazha took Zhou Zhizhi to Fengna for dinner many times!

Zhou Zhizhi also slowly understood the character of Feng Yang and others. It's not surprising!

"Sister, who will you choose for the four princes of Dayan?" Zhou Zhazha asked.

"The eldest prince Yan Wude is calm and generous, and he is a benevolent king;

The second prince Yan Wuxuan, who is empty and narrow, must be a tyrant;

The third prince Yan Wuxin, who doesn't care about the world, just wants to be a free king;

The fourth prince Yan Wusheng, who is greedy for pleasure, is the example of the faint king!" Zhou Zhizhi analyzed.

"Does that sister mean that she has a fancy to the eldest prince?" Zhou Zhazha asked.

"There are no emotional things to see. I'm not like you, free, and you can pursue the people you like!"

Zhou Zhizhi explained in silence:

"For the stability of our Holy Demon Empire, I can only sacrifice myself and marry the politics of the Dayan Empire, so that the Tongtian Empire, which is eyeing at our country, dare not act rashly!"

"Then why is it your sister? Your father still has a lot of daughters. You just run away and don't go back, right?"

Zhou Zhazha looked at his sister with heartache. The emperor of the Holy Demon Empire had many wives and concubines, and Zhou Zha and Zhou Zhizhi were born to the same mother!

"They are not heavy enough. Only as the great princess of the Holy Demon Empire can they make each other pay attention to it! In a few days, I will ask the eldest prince to pretend to play. You can also call Fengyang. At least they won't be cold!" Zhou Zhizhi said.


Two days later, it was the holiday of the martial arts academy again. Vernina finally got rid of Chen Aier and waited for Zhou Zhizhi and the mysterious man to appear at the gate of the martial arts academy with Feng Yang and others!

Two days ago, Zhou Zhazha found Feng Yang and others and said that Zhou Zhizhi wanted to invite a friend to play. It may be her future husband and asked Feng Yang and others to help suppress it!

When Feng Yang heard this, the opportunity came. If it is the second or the fourth, it is not good to say that he should take the opportunity to make a perfect accident!

If it is the boss, the third brother can also get to know each other first, and the certainty of sneaking into the imperial city in the future is also a little bigger!

"Scum, how do you think we should deal with your future brother-in-law? Should we break two legs first and throw them to feed the wolf, or throw them to feed the wolf first, and then break two legs?" Feng Yang asked jokingly.

"Bah! If you dare to break his leg, I will give soup to your two wolves!" Zhou Zha warned viciously.

The two wolves of Feng Yang and others have been more than three months old. The little girl forced Feng Yang to take out a demon elixir, wash the muscles of the two wolves and cut their marrow, and raised their nests with seven-level fire magic crystals!

Now the two little wolves are as big as pug, and they can spit out three-level magic, big fireballs, and small claws are small fireballs, but there are many fire trouble in the dormitory area!

Zhou Zhizhi finally appeared, with a well-proportioned middle-aged man with a calm look, but very close to people. Even casual clothes can't hide the nobleness!

The two were followed by two middle-aged warriors, one of whom was the general who received the second prince that day, and the other was obviously the escort of the N prince!

Feng Yang quickly greeted him, came to Zhou Zhizhi, and said loudly, "Ah, Miss Zhizhi!" I haven't seen you for two days. I don't miss tea, and I don't want to eat. I miss you so much!"

"Bah! You are a tea bucket and a rice bowl!" Zhou Zhizhi retorted.

"This is..." Feng Yang asked, pointing to the middle-aged man beside Zhou Zhizhi.

"My surname is De, my name is Wu, just call me Brother De!" The middle-aged man replied.

"Ah, virtue, martial arts and virtue, good name, good name! The next surname is Yang, the name is Feng, ah, no, no, the next surname is Feng, the name is Yang, just call me brother Feng!" Fengyang is a scoundrel.

After the middle-aged man reported his name, Feng Yang knew the true identity of Dewu, the eldest prince of the Dayan Empire, Yan Wude, 39 years old!

This is also why Fengyang deliberately turned down his name when signing up!

"Feng Xiaodi is really good at joking. No wonder Zhizhi often said that you are very interesting!" Dewu said.

"Where, where, Brother De? I seem to have heard such a saying, Brother Xinde, you have to live forever... Is this difficult to say that you are Brother De?" Feng Yang talked.

In Dayan City, there is a successful businessman who bought dog skin plasters, who happens to be surnamed De and blows about his plasters!

The signboard is, "Shindege, Desheng, Dege brand dog skin plaster, the medicine to get rid of the disease!" What's the beauty! Stick to the whole body and live forever!"

"I've also heard such a sentence. No matter how coquettish the sheep (Yang) meat is, it can't beat (wind) coquettishness!" Dewu refuted.

Zhou Zhizhi looked at the two people who were quarreling, speechless for a while, and dared to interrupt, "Let's go to the outer city today. I have been to the inner city of Dayan City, but I haven't been to this outer city. I want to see it!"



The two big men agreed at the same time.

On the way, everyone also introduced themselves. Zhou Zhizhi's guard's surname is Leng, Mingjian, Leng Jian, and the eldest prince's escort surname is Niu, Mingbi, Niu Bi, and they are indeed Niu-cold people!

The storm taught Feng Yang a way to sense the strength of the other party with mental strength, and Feng Yang tried to feel it!

The two guards immediately reacted and looked around warily, looking for the source of mental strength.

Feng Yang quickly withdrew his spiritual strength and shouted in his heart, "My dear, these two are both masters above the third level. It's okay if they don't understand the growth rate of strength. If they understand more than twice the growth rate like Cao Wujiao, they may not be able to beat it!"

The two outer urban areas of Dayan City are generally inhabited by ordinary people. Compared with the inner urban areas, they are completely two worlds!

A group of ten people came to the eastern part of the outer city. They passed through an ordinary alley. The houses on both sides were separated by three or five, and there would be several old people sitting around a table!

Or brag, or talk about tea, bet on a little money, or gossip about dishes. Young people at home are generally doing some work in the inner city and live a peaceful life!

came to a street again. There are many stalls and shops on both sides, and pedestrians are also coming and going. Some sell sugar gourds, some sell beef skewers, some sell dog skin plasters, some are street performers, some eat wine and live in shops, and some drink tea to enjoy the cool, and a thriving small city!

Come to a large vegetable garden again, with cabbage and radish, pumpkin, green pepper and garlic!

In an orchard, there are many varieties of watermelon grapes, apples, pears, strawberries and lychees!

All the way, there is no street bully, no begging along the street, no disorder, no grievance, everything is so beautiful, everything is so natural, everything is so smooth, everything is so desirable!

Without the noise of the inner city, there is more peace; without the glitz of the inner city, there is more peace; without the glory of the inner city, there is more simplicity; without the intrigue of the inner city, there is more simplicity and trust!

Everyone sighed that the Dayan Empire ruled the country well; the Dayan Emperor, who worked hard and loved the people; the people of Dayan lived a rich life and lived and worked in peace and contentment!

Fengyang also came to the outer city for the first time. He was deeply touched by the introduction and expression of the eldest prince Yan Wude to everyone all the way!

Feng Yang knows that if this eldest prince becomes an emperor in the future, he must also be a benevolent king!

What everyone doesn't know is that the current peace of the country and the people are about to become a mess. Living and working in peace and contentment will also be replaced by rivers of blood!

After wandering around the eastern part of the outer city for a long time, Zhou Zhizhi suddenly asked, "Brother De, can you tell me about the establishment of Dayan City?"

Zhou Zhizhi is obviously very interested in the governance and urban planning and arrangements of Dayan City. If the Holy Demon Empire can also imitate, the lives of the people will certainly live and work in peace and contentment as in the outer urban areas of Dayan City!

Dewu saw Zhou Zhizhi's thoughts and told everyone a story:

More than 600 years ago, there was no Dayan Empire. At that time, there were several chaotic small countries. Several small countries fought between them for years, and the people lived an unspeakably miserable life. Princes and nobles bullied the people, made miscellaneous taxes, and luxurious!

There is a pair of brothers with different surnames. The eldest brother's name is Chang Futian, and the younger brother's name is Emperor Yan Cheng. The two brothers have traveled to various countries, the hardships of the people, the extravagance of the nobles, etc., which made the two brothers resent and killed the rich and the poor all the way, but they can't change the current situation at all!

Later, the two brothers returned to their equally hardshiped hometown and organized an uprising army. The eldest brother was brave and good, and his younger brother, Emperor Yancheng, managed the army!

In this way, the two rebels were invincible all the way, and the suffering people responded to join, and the army became bigger and bigger!

It is not without defeat. At the beginning of the uprising, the equipment was scarce, the weapons were backward, and the quality of the soldiers was low. They often needed several times the strength of the regular army of various countries, and then relied on a strong will and firm belief to win tragically!

After ten years of war, the rebel army gradually became stronger and killed all the way to today's Dayan City. At that time, the last country, the Black Devil Kingdom!

The Dark Lord has more than 300,000 powerful black demons and thousands of horrible dark magicians, and the most invincible thing is that their king, the Dark Lord, is actually a domain-level strongman!

The rebel army was defeated, and Changbaitian was also seriously injured. Emperor Yancheng, with the remnants who had been defeated all the way, fled into the Kabuda Mountains in the middle of the Dayan Empire!

Although it was only a remnant of soldiers, there were more than 200,000 soldiers. Large-scale human soldiers entered, causing a wide range of monsters and warcrafts in the Kabuda Mountains to panic!

Finally, an old man in gold came out from the depths of the mountains. After hearing about it, the old man in gold made two weapons and gave them to the two brothers Yan Chengdi and Chang Shengtian.

One is the dragon sword, the other is called the dragon sword, and the old man in gold is a golden dragon king!

The combination of the two brothers and swords can actually mobilize the beasts in the Kabuda Mountains. The insurgents rushed out of the mountains behind countless monsters and monsters and fought a bloody battle with the chasing black demon army outside the mountains!

The merger of Longyin Sword can not only mobilize the beasts, but also ignore the field. The two brothers fought with the Black Devil, and finally the Black Devil was killed under the Longyin Sword!

The rebel army won a great victory and entered the Black Devil City. Emperor Yancheng ordered people to completely level the Black Devil City!

The brothers gave way, and finally Emperor Yancheng ascended the throne, just in response to his name and established the Dayan Empire on the Black Devil City.

The plan of Dayan City is the Dayan City formulated by Emperor Yancheng, which integrates the army, government and the people. It is the greatest achievement of Emperor Yancheng in addition to setting down this empire!

Emperor Yancheng is a Mingjun and Rendi. He let ordinary people live in the eastern and outer urban areas, not only living a peaceful life, but also not far from the wonderful prosperity of the inner city;

The four military urban areas not only provide strong urban protection for Dayan City, but also manage the order and security of the inner and outer urban areas;

The noble and senior officials are all around the imperial city. Under the deterrence of the imperial city, there is no way to bully the people and act for the tiger;

The rest of the inner urban areas are managed separately and centrally, which not only avoids the emergence of monopoly hegemony, profiteers and street bully, but also adjusts prices, improves competition and so on!

After the slowly establishment of Dayan City, it was often defeated and was not suitable for governing the country, so it left the government and established the Dayan Martial Arts Academy in Dayan City!

Although they fight together with Emperor Yancheng, in order for future generations to avoid conflicts with Emperor Yancheng's imperial descendants, the House of Commons will never participate in politics!

Therefore, the stone sword and stone knife at the gate of Dayan Academy refers to the dragon sword, and the golden dragon is also the old man in gold, the golden dragon king!

After listening to the story told by Dewu, everyone couldn't help but respect the two founding brothers of Emperor Yancheng and Changbaitian!

When the little girl heard that the old man in gold, the Queen of the Golden Dragon calmed down. Her little face was full of memories of the past, and she muttered a few times when she muttered grandpa!

Only Feng Yang noticed that the little girl was abnormal. Feng Yang picked up the little girl and whispered, "Don't be sad, we are all your relatives, and my grandfather is your grandfather!" In the future, if Brother Feng has Xiaofeng Yang, he will call you little aunt!"

Feng Yang has confirmed in his heart that the little girl is a transformed little golden dragon. It's not that Feng Yang wants to take advantage of the little girl, but that he also has real feelings for the little girl, just like his own sister!

The little girl's mood came and went quickly. She smiled at Feng Yang and immediately came back to life. She looked at Dewu who finished the story and asked, "Where are the dragon sword and dragon sword now?"

Dewu was stunned. The little girl's question was really good. After thinking about it, she replied, "I don't know about this either. It should be in the Imperial Palace City and Dayan Martial Arts Academy!"

The little girl turned her eyes and whispered in Feng Yang's ear, "I want these two dragon swords!"

This little girl dares to ask for everything. Can ordinary people steal the artifact?

However, Feng Yang and others are really not ordinary people. Hearing what the little girl said, Feng Yang's eyes also turned!

The two conspired in front of everyone, sneaking and laughing. Everyone was extremely speechless and guessed that the two began to dream again in the daytime!

At the end of the party in the eastern part of the outer city, it was getting late. Everyone agreed to go to Taobao in the trading area tomorrow, and then go back to their respective homes for the time being and find their mothers!

Fengyang and the little girl went directly to the martial arts store of the Sifangyou Mercenary Regiment to buy information about the Longyin Sword. Unfortunately, there is not much useful information. Only it can be confirmed that the Longyin Sword is in the Imperial City and the Longyin Sword is in the Great Yan Martial Arts Institute!

However, the two still carefully studied the information of the Imperial City and the Great Fire Academy. They didn't know if they didn't look at it. They were shocked. The hidden strength of the Great Fire Martial Arts Academy was no worse than the Imperial City!

And the intelligence shows that although Dayan Martial Arts Academy never participates in politics on the surface, its real identity is the guardian of the Dayan Royal Family!

The real guardian power in the imperial palace is provided by the Dayan Martial Arts Academy, and the Royal Guard is only the ostensible guard of the imperial city!


The next day, the ten-person team remained unchanged, and the original team of people strolled around the eastern part of the city yesterday. Everyone came to the trading area and started the Taobao competition!

The most famous and lively trading area in Dayan City is not the auction cities where even demon elixir and goldware are often auctioned, but the free trading streets full of fake fake goods, inferior goods, strange and other goods full of streets and alleys!

In the free trading street, a piece of dried cow dung can also be blown as a rare treasure. Eating it can strengthen the body, beautify the face, prolong life and so on!

Some people spend tens of thousands of gold coins to buy back so-called antiques, which may be a chamber pot made of cow dung; others spend a piece of rotten stone, which may be a valuable Xuanmu fine iron, in short, relying on their own eyesight and luck!

Ten people are divided into three groups, Feng Yang, Vernier and the little girl.

Oleon, Zhou Zhazha, Silly II, three people in a group,

Zhou Zhizhi and Dewujia are two guards, and four people are in a group.

Three groups of people walked in, three free trading streets, with 10,000 gold coins as the capital. Which group of goods they found in the competition, the most valuable, the most profitable, the least lost, and lost, in the most expensive restaurant in Dayan City, treat guests to dinner!

Fengyang and the three walked around a street, and all the way were garbage animal horns, imitation antiques, broken weapons and so on.

On a stall, Fengyang saw a round pebble and painted its appearance golden. The stall owner shouted, the heavenly monster inner elixir!

I saw another large piece of wood carved into the shape of Ganoderma lucidum and dyed with color, shouting Ganoderma lucidum; anyway, there are all kinds of defective fakes!

"Woman, can you do something? After such a long time, I haven't seen you find a baby. You proposed this Taobao game. If you lose the money for the big meal, you can pay for it!" Feng Yang said.

"What's the hurry? If I can't find the baby, they won't find it!" The little girl turned back.

"There may be nothing good on this stall. Why don't we go to the stores on both sides?" Vernina proposed.

Feng Yang and the other two walked to a few stores, but there are not many good things in the store, but the value is relatively high. In this way, buying genuine products directly is not in line with the meaning of Taobao at all, and 10,000 gold coins can't buy any good things!

Three groups of people have cursed. If any group cheats, curse them to eat their teeth, walk and step on shit, sleep and have nightmares, male premature ejaculation, female disfigurement!

What a poisonous curse!