Blood God Laugh

Chapter 38 The wedding ceremony begins to celebrate the whole city

Chapter 38, the wedding ceremony begins to celebrate in the whole city

The martial arts academy has been on holiday half a month ago, and there are only a few hundred of thousands of students left. Most of them have returned to their hometowns to reunite with their relatives, and some of them have traveled outside Dayan City to play and experience.

Feng Yang sent the two flame wolves that were already as tall as big wolf dogs to the martial arts store of the Sifang mercenary regiment to take care of them, and then followed Zhou Zhazha and the viewing group from some holy demon empires into the imperial city.

The rest area of the viewing group of the Holy Demon Empire was arranged in the Eastern Palace of the eldest prince, and the wedding ceremony will not be held until the next day.

Feng Yang and others took advantage of this limited time to take Zhou Zhazha, who has restored his identity as the little demon princess, to wander around the imperial city and try to be familiar with the layout structure of the imperial city. Except for the imperial palace city, which cannot be entered at will, the other four halls can still be moved.


The next day, the fiery red carpet was spread from the Eastern Palace to the Imperial Palace of the Imperial City. The eldest prince Yan Wude and the Holy Demon Princess Zhou Zhizhi joined hands to slowly walk along the red carpet to the imperial hall.

The maids on both sides threw red rose petals into the sky. There was a special wind magician who blew the sprinkled rose petals over the carpet. When the newcomer came, the rose petals slowly fell down, red and gorgeous, with unspeakable feelings in the celebration.

Zhou Zhi wore a golden-red phoenix coat, wearing a golden phoenix crown and a happy smile on her expression. At this moment, she seemed to remember the shock brought to her by the happy smile on Vernina's face when she first met Vernina in the Fengyang Building.

Zhou Zhizhi looked at the eldest prince Yan Wude beside him tenderly and said in his heart, "I have everything now!"

The eldest prince Yan Wude was dressed in a golden dragon coat, but did not wear the golden dragon crown for the wedding ceremony, because the old emperor was waiting in the imperial hall. When the newcomer arrived, he would take off his crown and bring it to the eldest prince Yan Wude with his own hands to formally abdicate, and the coronation ceremony will be held the next day.

The two walked hand in hand on the red carpet, facing the falling rose petals, listening to the joy and celebration of the imperial city, and walking step by step to the imperial hall.

In the five months with Zhou Zhizhi, Yan Wude also fell deeply in love with the Holy Demon Princess, who coexisted with beauty and wisdom. Seeing Zhou Zhizhi's tender eyes, he gave the same response. There seemed to be a rose blooming in their eyes!

The palace of the imperial hall has been temporarily paved and transformed into a newcomer's auditorium. A pair of fiery red ribbons hang inside and outside the auditorium, with big red color balls hanging one by one, or big fiery red lanterns, the whole palace city is full of fiery red affection.

The people of Dayan City are decorated with lanterns, and magic fireworks are placed on all sides on the tower of Dayan City, waiting for the sound of ceremony to sound and thousands of flowers!

There are ceremonial seats in the inner and outer urban areas, and the cost is completely paid by the imperial city. They are happy with the people and happy with the people. The whole Dayan City is full of New Year's celebrations and blessings for new people!

In and outside the auditorium, the royal relatives, civil and military officials, and the Holy Demon Rites are waiting for the arrival of the new couple along the carpet.

Venina, dressed in the Holy Demon Empire princess dress, followed the little princess Zhou Zhazha, who was also dressed in the princess dress, standing on the left side of the auditorium in the imperial hall, with a fiery scarf on her face, making the tall Vernina more eye-catching and mysterious beauty.

A dozen noble men standing on the right side of the auditorium stared at Zhou Zhazha and Vernina from time to time.

The fourth prince Yan Wusheng even pointed his eyes straight at Vernina. He has found that Vernina's sharp ears, which are not well hidden, and the feeling of déjà vu, as if he has seen it somewhere!

Rose petals began to float inside the auditorium, and everyone looked at the newcomer who was about to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a breeze blew Vernina's red silk scarf, revealing the beautiful face like a fairy!

The red silk scarf was carried by the breeze and floated to the fourth prince Yan Wusheng. He took the red scarf. The fourth prince withdrew his eyes to meet the newcomer and happened to see Vernina take out the second same red scarf, ready to cover his charming beauty again.

Verina smiled apologetically, and then put on a red scarf again.

But that smile has occupied all the heart of the fourth prince and is obsessed with his eyes. "No, it's definitely not Huang Xixi who I've seen in Caidiexuan. She is more beautiful than Huang Xixi, and more beautiful. That smile is really touching, ah! My heart has flown away!

Hahaha, Li Chongtian, I have finally understood why you gave up that endless glory and wealth and eloped with beauty!"

Feng Yang, standing in the second row on the left side of Vernina, noticed the slightly gaffe of the fourth prince and knew that the big four fish were about to take the bait.

Feng Yang scolded in his heart, "Grandma, I dare to be lustful to my woman. I won't suck you up for a while. I don't believe in Yang. Yes, I don't believe in Yang in the first place!"

But Fengyang didn't know that the fourth prince actually thought of Huang Xixi of Caidiexuan. Fortunately, Vernina was not wearing that colorful gauze.

But this doesn't matter. The important thing is that the fourth prince has taken a fancy to the bait and can't stop. Fengyang and others are waiting for the big fish to be hooked.

No one noticed the scene of Vernina and the fourth prince, and everyone's eyes were focused on the newcomer who had just stepped into the auditorium.

In the long auditorium, the newlyweds moved forward step by step, and the fiery rose petals fell towards the newlyweds.

Coming hand in hand from the Eastern Emperor Hall, the two newlyweds walked for nearly an hour, but this hour is the happiest moment for the two and the happiest way to work together!

When Fengyang saw the fiery red beauty, he looked at Vernina in front of him and said in his heart:

"Grandma, if I marry Vernina in the future, I will spread gold coins all the way from the Silida Palace, sprinkle golden petals, marry Vernina back to Style Rida, and then hold a big bed made of gems and give birth to a pile of golden dolls, hahahaha!"

Vernina's heart is also deeply attracted by the fiery red beauty. In her heart, the scene of the imperial palace has become the royal palace of Sidari, and the newcomer has also changed to her hand in hand with Fengyang, slowly walking from the sea of roses to the father and mother in the royal palace.

If Vernina knew what Feng Yang was thinking, I don't know what she would feel. She paved the way with gold coins, sprinkled gold flowers, built stones on the bed, and gave birth to a pile of golden dolls. Oh, my God, rich, can you be more vulgar! For example, if you eat golden beans as a meal, the poop out must be golden!

The newcomer has walked to the auditorium and saluted the old emperor on the dragon chair and the queen on the phoenix chair.

The old emperor is over 70 years old, but his majesty has not diminished. He stood up from the dragon chair, stepped down, came to the newcomer, slowly took off the crown on his head, and put it on the eldest prince Yan Wude.

Then, the old emperor's majestic voice sounded, "The wedding ceremony begins!"

A ceremonial officer on each side of the left and right, one article and one martial arts.

The etiquette officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! One visit to the founding emperor, Emperor Yancheng!" In the auditorium, an imperial guard invited the former emperor's spiritual throne, and the newcomer worshipped!

Martial officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Second, the founding marshal, often defeated!" The person who invited the spiritual throne this time is Chang Chongtian, the president of the Great Yanwu Academy, and the newcomer worships twice!

The etiquette officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Three worships to the people of Dayan!" The newcomers pay their third worship to the representatives of the people in the auditorium!

Martial officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Four worships to the big fire warrior!" The newcomer faces the warrior representative in the auditorium and worships for the fourth time!

The etiquette officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Five worships to all the officials!" The newcomer faces the right side of the Dayan civil and military officials, the fifth worship!

Martial officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Six worships to the Holy Devil's Rites!" The newcomer faces the Holy Demon Empire viewing group on the left and pays his sixth visit!

The etiquette officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Seven sworn emperor, queen!" The newcomer pays the seventh worship to the old emperor and queen on the dragon and phoenix double chair!

Martial officer: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! Eight worships to the Holy Demon Emperor, Queen!" The newcomer pays the eighth worship to the little princess Zhou Zha, who represents the Holy Demon Emperor and Queen!

The civil and military official said with one voice: "Newcomers listen to the ceremony! "Bye-bye!" The new couple bowed to each other for the ninth time, and the husband and wife worshipped each other!

The civil and military officials spoke with one voice: "Nine worships are completed! Nine salutes!"

The sound of salute came from the imperial city, and the sound was finished.


Magic fireworks appeared on the four towers of Dayan City. The merchants and people in Dayan City suddenly fell into a sea of joy and took the ceremony one after another to celebrate together!

At the same time, in the imperial palace, the emperor and queen led the newcomers and civil and military officials to the auditorium to attend the appearance ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, the imperial city, like the four towers of Dayan City, at the same time, gorgeous magic fireworks!

The fiery red fireworks formed a flame phoenix over the imperial city. The golden fireworks turned into a golden dragon. The dragon and phoenix were auspicious, and a crimson rose ignited in the middle, slowly blooming from the flower bones to bright red roses.

It left an eternal mark in the hearts of the two newcomers!


When everyone was watching the fireworks outside the hall, the second prince had quietly left, and even Feng Yang did not notice it.

In a study, the second prince asked, "Master, has the action begun?" What's the situation?"

The snake-print man has now become Gao Sheng, the leader of the caravan that Fengyang and others saw outside Donglin City and was ambushed by men in black.

"The second prince can rest assured that with the nine-sounding Zhongming as the signal, the two major military districts in the southwest should have rushed to the imperial city. The Beibing District has arranged the Dongbing District to block it. In addition, the Dayan Martial Academy has also arranged enough troops to clean up.

The blood magic guards have now mixed into the imperial city. When the two major military areas attack the imperial city, with the cooperation of the blood magic guards of the four squadrons, they can immediately open the four gates of the imperial city, and the army will go straight through the four gates!" The snake-printed man's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light.

"Hahahaha, master, let's go. You have worked hard. Let's drink a few glasses of wedding wine with the prince first and wait slowly!"

After the second prince finished speaking, he returned to the imperial palace with the snake-patterned man.


In Dayan City, all the people are drinking and celebrating on both sides of the streets and alleys or at home. They didn't notice that on several major avenues in the city, dense soldiers were going to the imperial city.

Some passers-by who saw the situation also thought that it was a large army and went to other military regions to eat meat and drink. They broke their heads and didn't expect that this was a siege of the imperial city and rebellion!

The Xibing District surrounded the two gates in the northwest of the imperial city, and the Nanbing District surrounded the two gates in the southeast of the imperial city. 200,000 troops quickly approached the imperial city with the momentum of encirclement.

The eastern soldiers surrounded the Great Yanwuyuan with 30,000 soldiers, and the remaining 70,000 troops marched to the Northern Military District to prepare to contain the Northern Military District to rescue the imperial city. At the same time, a squadron of blood demon guards appeared not far from the four gates of the imperial city, wearing golden sweatshirts pretending to be imperial guards.

However, many real imperial guards in the imperial city are still drinking wedding wine in groups, and they don't know that blood-red killings are brewing in this fiery celebration!


The ceremony has begun. Everyone celebrated the drink, and the two newlyweds also raised their glasses and toast at one table. When they came to Fengyang's table, everyone got up.

Feng Yang raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "I wish the eldest prince Wude Tianxia, princess, oh, mother of the world, do it first, and then ask for something. Brother De, can you give me a VIP card of Dewu Building, the kind of food that is free!"

Everyone looked at Fengyang with ghostly eyes. They had seen blackmailed people, but they had never seen a scoundrel who even the eldest prince dared to knock on. Moreover, on such an occasion, the members of the Holy Demon Viewing Group could not help regret. How could the little princess bring such a rude person into the auditorium?

However, the eldest prince did not care about Feng Yang's unreasonable troubles, and the two of them quarreled once or twice. Feng Yang showed more sincere blessings.

On the day of their first meeting, when Feng Yang deliberately reversed his name, the eldest prince knew that Feng Yang had known his true identity.

And Feng Yang never cares about his status as a prince, and treats each other with a true temperament, so that the eldest prince has to appreciate Feng Yang very much and make friends with equal status!

"Haha, since Brother Feng has opened his mouth, my brother can't refute your face. Tomorrow, I will send you a mutton card. You can eat as much as you want to eat the most ** mutton in Dewu Building until you can't be coquettish. How about it?" The eldest prince said.

Everyone was shocked. How did even the eldest prince become so thick, and he was also known as a brother with Feng Yang. Oh, my God, is it difficult for the eldest princess to marry an emperor selling coquettish mutton?

Zhou Zhazha and Vernina are almost laughing. The eldest princess Zhou Zhizhi also squeezed her mouth and tried her best not to lose her composure and thought, "Why do these two people have to mix a few words as soon as they meet?"

The newcomer turned to the next table to toast, and Feng Yang also clinked a glass with the members of the Holy Demon Viewing Group. The fourth prince opposite him kept looking at Vernina.

Vinina whispered in Zhou Zhazha's ear, and then got up alone and left the ceremonial table.

And Feng Yang continued to drink with everyone. His enthusiasm seemed that he was very familiar with the audience, and he had never known him yet!

After Vernina left, the fourth prince secretly left the table and followed him, and Orion at the other table soon left the table in a hurry.

Feng Yang drank a large bowl of wine again, and then said to everyone, "Drink slowly. I'll put in the water first. Grandma, the amount of alcohol is much less. I can't do it so soon. I'll go back. See you later and drink later, hahahaha!"

Everyone looked at the departing Fengyang with strange and contemptuous eyes and cursed in their hearts, "You'd better fall into that urine and drown. See you later?" Bah! Never see it again!"

When Zhou Zha saw that Orion and Feng Yang had slipped away, he thought that the two guys must have made an appointment with Vernina and went somewhere to play, so he secretly followed them.

Venina found the fourth prince following her and fled on the fragments in a little panic.

Seeing this, the fourth prince laughed and followed slowly with several guards. He took out the red silk scarf that fell on his hand in the auditorium from his arms, smelled it under his nose, and enjoyed the faint fragrance with an intoxicated expression.

Fengyang bypassed the inspection of several imperial guard teams and came to an agreed maid's residence and saw Orion, who was hiding and waiting.

The whole maid's residence was silent. She wanted to go to the auditorium to wait, and there was no imperial guard around. Here, even if the fourth prince broke his voice, no one would save him!

At the door of a room in the maid's residence, there were only three guards waiting. There was a faint shout from Vernina in the room. Thinking that the fourth prince could not wait to enter the lobby of the death sentence.

Feng Yang and Orion looked at each other, took out their weapons, and quietly touched the three guards.

Two figures suddenly rushed out and each cut at a guard.

These two guards are also masters, and their strength is not as good as the eighth level. They quickly pulled out the equipped sword of the imperial guard to block the long and sharp knives.

But in the face of the raid of two heavenly masters, it was so easy to stop, and both of them were shocked that their swords pressed against their chests and vomited blood and retreated wildly.

The third guard pulled out his sword and protected his body with golden strength. He was actually a heavenly strong man. At the same time, he shouted, "Bold assassin, how dare you assassinate the prince!"

Feng Yang didn't know him at all. The treasure knife was cut down directly from the face. The strong guard waved his sword to block the big knife. His body retreated violently, and even the door was knocked open. Feng Yang's strength could not be countered by an ordinary heavenly strong man like him.

Vernina, who stopped shouting, appeared in the smashed room. The fourth prince who could not die was lying on the ground. Yan Wusheng, a thick ice thorn directly penetrated through the back of his mouth and was covered with blood-stained brain plasma.

The strong guard who retreated into the room was full of panic and suddenly roared, and the sword split a golden lightsaber and cut it at Vernina.

Orion has solved the other two guards outside the room and appeared in front of Vernina. He cut out two cyan blades on the sharp knives of his hands to defeat the golden light sword, and then rushed to the strong guard at the same time with Feng Yang, bullying the weak with a two-to-one absolute advantage.

While Feng Yang and others were fighting, Vernina was staring at the door. A person who appeared not far from the door was Zhou Zhazha, the little princess who secretly followed.

Zhou Zhazha is looking at the chaotic scene in the room with an incredible expression.