Blood God Laugh

Chapter 1 The First Test Waiting

Chapter 1, the first test, wait

The day after the battle of Dayan City, the second prince Yan Wuxuan ascended the throne and called himself the Blood Demon Emperor!

The Blood Demon Emperor announced that the Dayan Empire changed its name to Blood Demon Empire, Dayan City changed its name to Blood Demon City, and the army was also known as the Blood Demon Army!

Then, Dayan City was in chaos. A large number of soldiers captured Zhuangding in the eastern and western urban areas, and the inner city was also not let go!

The private soldiers of noble and senior officials were all recruited into the army. A large number of martial arts halls in Wucheng District also joined the army under the ** of money, or were forced to join!

After the strong men in Dayan City were arrested, the soldiers of the brigade went out of the city again. In the villages and tribal towns around Dayan City, they arrested people and dared to resist were killed one by one!

After capturing the strong men, the old and young left in the villages and tribes were secretly brutally slaughtered by the Blood Magic Guard, and the blood flowed, and then the blood was extracted!

The blood demon army increased to 600,000 with the supplement of a large number of strong men.

Five blood demons, using the blood of the battle of Dayan City and the blood of the fallen soldiers, added the remaining 7,000 iron guards and another 3,000 warriors, using a quick method to train all of them into blood demon guards in a month!

The blood demon guard has increased to more than 11,000, plus five domain-level blood demons and many blood demon generals, the blood demon army is unprecedentedly powerful!


The eldest prince Yan Wude, on the border of the Dayan Empire, went to Yantian City in the direction of the Holy Demon Empire, and ascended the throne as Emperor Yan, with the title of Emperor Yanwu!

Emperor Yanwu called on the dragon sword, and the major commanders of the Great Yan Empire and the city defense soldiers gathered troops to Yantian City, gathered nearly 800,000 troops, formed a demon-sring army, and marched to the Blood Demon City!

The third prince, Yan Wuxin, left as the eldest prince broke away, changed his style and became the left prime minister of the Great Yan Empire. He was awarded the title of King of Xinwu. Li Dagui, the former left prime minister, stayed in the Blood Demon City and chose to be loyal to the Blood Demon Emperor!

And the disappearance of the fourth prince Yan Wusheng, but no one questioned him!


"Brother, what's the matter? Are you thinking about Sister Nina again?" Feng Linger looked at the dazed Feng Yang and asked.

Fengyang returned to the Style Rida tribe from Dayan City half a month ago. Sitting under a big tree in the tribe, his eyes are stunned, looking at the direction of the gate of the tribe. It has been almost a month since the battle of Dayan City. Now it is the end of January and winter has passed.

Feng Yang is 19 years old, with black eyes, a two-meter-high figure, short hair erected one by one, a slightly dark complexion, strong muscles, and looks brave and steely!

Feng Linger is his sister, 17 years old, 1.7 meters, and elegant. She is a famous little beauty in the style.

Fengyang is waiting for Verina, Princess Sirida, 36 years old, a semi-elf, with a charming figure and is about to become Feng Yang's wife.

Vernina and Feng Yang came back from the Blood Demon City. After living in Style Rida for a few days, she took the guard Orion and returned to the tribal kingdom of Sirida and asked her father to marry her!

If the king of Sirida agrees, Feng Yang will go to the Sirida tribal kingdom to accept the test of the king of Sirida. Only by passing the test can he become the Sirida tribal kingdom and the son-in-law of Princess Vernina!

Feng Yang thought, it's almost time. It's been ten days. Why hasn't there been any news?

turned his head and looked at his sister, smiled and asked, "Reiko, what kind of problem do you think this king of Sirida will come up with to test me?"

Feng Linger smiled, sat down beside Feng Yang and whispered, "Actually, you have already accepted the first test!"

Feng Yang was stunned and didn't understand what his sister meant, and then asked, "Test?? Have I been tested yet?

Feng Ling smiled and came to Feng Yang's ear and said, "I'll tell you a secret. You can't say that I told you!"

Feng Yang nodded, and Feng Linger continued, "Actually, King Cilida agreed immediately after Sister Nina returned to China!"

"The third day, Brother Ao returned to our tribe, but you don't know. Your waiting for so many days is the first test, and the examiner is Brother Ao!"

Feng Yang opened his mouth in surprise. No wonder he always felt a very familiar breath. He wandered around him. There were too many familiar people in the tribe, and he didn't think much about it without any malice. After listening to his sister's words, think about it again, isn't that breath Orion's?

Feng Yang scolded himself fiercely. Why am I so stupid? But what does Orion want to test me?

Feng Linger looked around and whispered, "Brother Ao said that if you can't stand waiting and run to find Sister Nina, it will prove that you that although you like Sister Nina, you lack perseverance and confidence. Such people are easy to change their hearts! Sister Nina won't marry!"

"If you wait for this period and don't care about Nina's departure, it proves that you don't have Nina in your heart at all. This kind of person is heartless! Sister Nina won't marry!"

"If you are still looking for flowers and willows during the period of waiting, you should kill this kind of person! Sister Nina will castrate you with her own hands!"

"If you want to be like this now, wait unswervingly every day, thinking, looking forward to Sister Nina, it proves that you have perseverance, confidence, sister Nina and so on in your heart!"

"In that case, you can enter the next round of tests! I also told you that you basically passed your first test!"

After listening to this, Feng Yang felt dizzy. It turned out that he didn't know that he had been fooled. Everyone knew, but he didn't know!

No wonder that day, Xiaowanzi secretly suggested to pick up a girl, saying where, there is a beautiful woman!

No wonder these days, someone always pulls him to play this and that. They thought they were worried about themselves. It turned out to be a test!

Fuck the test, fuck, it's so despicable! Whoo, I'm going to pretend to be sick, no, I'm going to be sick!


Early the next morning, "Brother~~! Get up~~bed~~! Eat~~Me~~!" Feng Linger saw that her brother didn't get up at this time, and she used her unique trick, treble!

Feng Yang is lying in bed. He woke up early. Yesterday, he decided to get sick, but he didn't expect to be really sick today!

I saw Feng Yang's face dark, lying in bed, spitting a few mouthfuls of black blood under the bed, which was obviously bloody erosion!

Fengyang has forced all the blood poison out of the body in Dayan City, but the blood poison with strong magic is not so easy to be really removed. The remaining blood poison has been hidden in Fengyang's body and slowly growing!

When Feng Yang slept peacefully, the blood poison suddenly attacked and eroded Feng Yang's body crazily. When Feng Yang sensed it, the blood poison had entered the brain, making Feng Yang suddenly weak!

Feng Linger didn't respond when she saw her brother for a long time, "Do you get up and go out?"

But he pushed the room open and went in to have a look. Then Feng Linger's scream came out, which shocked the little girl, the fool, and her father Fenglong!

Everyone walked into Feng Yang's room and saw Feng Yang's black face staring at **. He could only slowly move his body and tried to say something, but he couldn't even make a sound!

Everyone was anxious. Feng Linger was already crying. Even Orion, who usually hid in the dark and observed and tested Feng Yang, also appeared and looked anxiously at the poisonous Fengyang!

The little girl used her little hand to help Feng Yang wipe away the black blood stains from the corners of her mouth, and then became firm. She took out a dagger and deeply cut a little golden blood mouth on her little wrist. In everyone's surprised eyes, she sent the blood mouth to Feng Yang's mouth!

The little girl is a transformed golden dragon named Long Yingying. She is in a hundred-year-old period. She looks less than 10 years old. She is small and cute. Only she knows the real age.

Feng Yang looked at the firmness on Long Yingying's face and knew that the little girl wanted to save herself with her powerful golden dragon blood, but that would definitely hurt her vitality!

Feng Yang was moved and concentrated his little strength and began to suck the golden dragon blood of the little girl.

When the dragon blood entered the body, Feng Yang immediately felt an extremely powerful force, flowing in his body. As soon as the blood poison touched this blood force, he became as excited as chicken blood. In an instant, he rushed to this dragon blood power!

The domineering dragon blood and the vicious blood poison fought in Fengyang's body, and the chaotic power in his body made his body tremble constantly in ** and make an incomplete 'ah' sound in his throat!

Everyone pressed Feng Yang to death**, and the little girl's wrist was still flowing golden dragon blood, constantly sending it into Fengyang's mouth!

Blood poison wants to erode this powerful dragon blood, and dragon blood wants to destroy this sinister blood poison. The two are constantly consumed in Fengyang's body, and more and more blood is constantly overflowing from the body surface, and the room is filled with the rotten smell of the body!

With the support of a steady stream of dragon blood, the blood poison in Fengyang's body is getting less and less, and the remaining blood poison still rushes to the dragon blood without fear.

Slowly, Feng Yang stopped shaking, and the body surface no longer overflowed with dirty blood, but the little girl's dragon blood was still flowing into his mouth!

Feng Yang can feel that the blood poison in his body is really completely removed this time, and there is no trace of blood poison hidden!

"Ov, girl, thank you!" Feng Yang finally has the power to speak.

"Drink more and save it for later. I don't want to cut my wrist every time. It hurts, you know!"

After a while, the little girl withdrew her wrist, and dozens of small golden scales appeared, blocking the wound and the blood no longer flowing out!

But the little girl's pale face was obviously bleeding and extremely weak. Feng Linger hugged the little girl in her arms and let her lean on herself!

Feng Yang used a little strength again, leaned his weak body up in **, smiled apologetically at the crowd, then looked at Orion and pretended to ask, "Did the King of Sirida agree? When can I accept the test?"

Orion looked at Feng Yang, who had just been rescued from the gate of hell, and the first thing he asked was about Vernina. He thought that the test of Feng Yang should be over!

"You have passed the first test. When you recover, you can go to Sirida to accept the test of the king and queen!" Orion said.

After the little girl saw Feng Yang say thank you, she didn't care about her lifesaver. Suddenly, she was jealous and snorted, "Dead Fengyang! I need 50 bottles of Longyan milk to restore blood gas. Bring it to me!"

When Feng Yang heard this, even his weak body was shocked. After leaving Style for nearly a year, Fenglong only went up the mountain to retrieve 30 bottles, and Fenglong also eliminated 1 bottle to match wine. In addition, Feng Yang's original 15 bottles were only 44 bottles, 50 bottles and wait for a few months!

"Well, I'll give you 40 bottles first, and the rest of the bookkeeping will definitely be made up later!"

Feng Yang replied shyly that the little girl's efforts today are far from 50 bottles of Longyan milk in Feng Yang's heart, which can be compared!

Longyan milk is a very anti-sky spiritual milk, also known as Longshen milk. The rise of Fengyang depends on a stone cave found on the periphery of the Nanling Mountains when I was a child, in which there is a dragon vein rock head, and four or five drops of dragon rock milk will drop every day!