Blood God Laugh

Chapter 16 Nicholas City

Chapter 16 Nicholas City

The hill source dwarf kingdom is south of Style Rida, and Style Rida is also the only tribe bordering the hill source.

If human beings want to go to the source of the hills, they must pass through Style Rida, or directly cross the Nanling Mountains, or fly directly over the Sand of Demore. Needless to say, if it is a brigade of people, they can only borrow from Style Rida!

In the mainland of the Wan Dynasty, there are a wide range of dwarves, and dwarves can be found in many places, some dwarves, and even living in human territory. This is why Lida can guard such a treasure without a big country or empire to seize territory!

The hill source dwarfs are also divided into many tribes. Their cities and tribes do not build cities on the ground like humans, but directly choose some tall and gentle hills to empty the interior layer by layer, which is not too much to be called a dungeon!

Fengyang's original team, Vernina, Orion, the little girl, the stupid two, a total of five people, embarked on a journey again to the hill source dwarf kingdom, the national capital, Qiuyuan City!

If the journey goes well, it will take less than three days to go to Qiuyuan City, because the whole hill source is only half the size of the Great Yan Empire!

Master Clad, after making a bleeding knife for Fengyang for the last time, engraved his name on the blood knife. Feng Yang can go to Qiuyuan City to find Master Clad with a blood knife, and this time he went to Qiuyuan City to negotiate with the dwarfs!

As one of the guardian cities of the elf forest, Mississippi City has obtained 2,000 war tree spirits. After the completion of the Iron City, it is the only city leading to the hill source dwarves, so it can also be regarded as the guardian city of the dwarfs. If human beings want to attack the hill source, they must first attack the Iron City!

The source of the hill has a large number of rocks with excellent texture, which can be used to build walls. The dwarves have the best blacksmiths, build a large number of high-quality weapons, and good craftsmen, make siege and defense equipment, etc. Fengyang and others just want to get some such help from the dwarves!

Fengyang five people have arrived in Nicholas City, the outermost dwarf city of the hill. They need to get permission from the dwarves before they can continue to go deep!

When Feng Yang first heard about Nicholas City, his first reaction was 'Nun Shit City?',

Because there is a kind of woman in the mainland of the Wan Dynasty who will never marry because she was abandoned by a heartless man, or for various other reasons, they are called nuns!

Nicholas City is not big. It is built under a hill about five miles in diameter. No matter how you look at it, Feng Yang and others feel like a huge grave. I really can't figure out why the dwarves have such a hobby of burying themselves in the ground or living in a grave!

Several 1-meter-high dwarf soldiers guard outside the city gate, with big beards and messy hair. They can't see their faces except their eyes, noses and mouths. They are bare upper bodies, their muscles are piled up, and they are black and black. God, don't these dwarfs need to take a shower?

Feng Yang took out the blood knife, and the signature of Master Clad on the blood knife was the best customs clearance certificate. After several dwarf soldiers looked at it, Fengyang and others walked a dwarf walk, and one of them led them into the city!

Nicholas City is at least a city. The entrance of the gate is finally 1.8 meters high. Unlike Master Clad's cave, they have to climb in. Feng Yang and others carefully bent down and passed through the entrance of the gate!

Entering the dungeon, wow, it's really wide. Of course, it's just that the center of the city is very large. There are countless one-and-a-a-half-meter-high holes on all sides, leading to eight directions, one layer after another on the four walls. They are all the so-called high-rise and luxury houses of dwarfs. No matter how you look at it, they are all a wormhole!

The dwarf who led the way went to inform first and let Feng Yang and others wait in place. A dwarf less than a meter high, fat, rushed up with a small and quick step, hugged Verina's calf and asked, "Sister, are you an elf on the other side of the Nanling Mountains?"

The dwarf's short palm, on Vernina's white dress, touches a black bear paw print, Vernina likes white, just like her ice magic, but now there is a large circle of black bear palm flowers.

But Vernina was not angry. She squatted down, pinched the fat face of the dwarf, and found that she couldn't pinch it. My God, are the dwarfs all refining monsters? It's so small that even the face is full of muscles!

Verina replied, "Well, my sister's mother is an elf on the other side of the Nanling Mountains. Her father is a human. Do you think my sister is an elf or a human?"

The dwarf thought for a moment and replied, "Mima said that the elves on the other side of the mountain are all good people, and the human beings outside the mountain are all bad people. That sister is not bad!"

With that, the dwarf pointed to Feng Yang and Silly Er and said, "They are bad people!"

Fengyang is dizzy. Do dwarves teach children like this? Such a deep understanding of human beings!

Then we have to think about this negotiation, how to make the dwarves accept human beings, at least let the dwarves accept the style!

Feng Yang took out a few pieces of sweet candy from the space ring, pulled his facial muscles around, trying to make a kind expression, and finally fixed the image of a wolf grandmother!

Feng Yang squatted down with the expression of his wolf grandmother and said to the dwarf, "Little brother, come and give you candy. I'm a good man!"

The dwarf screamed, "Ah~! I'll fight with you. I'm not a little brother. I'm a famous little beauty in Nicholas City. Whoo, I'll kill you. I'll go back and tell my mom!"

The short fist came to Feng Yang. Feng Yang was speechless. Is this called a beauty?

Adult dwarfs can still see that male and female are distinguished by not growing beards. The dwarf doesn't take off his trousers and check them carefully.

It's really painful to hit Feng Yang's body with a small circle head. Although he didn't use strength to protect himself, Feng Yang is also a monster with tens of thousands of pounds of physical strength!

This little guy's physical strength is not low, and he has also refined his strength. With one punch, no less than 1,000 catties, the dwarf race is really very powerful! No wonder even adult apprentices can make copperware.

All four of the company looked at Feng Yang with a well-beside expression. Feng Yang's face remained unchanged, and he was still like a wolf grandmother. He took out a black steel stone from the space ring and shook it in front of the dwarf.

The bear's paw grabbed the black steel stone and put it on its mouth as gold. After confirming that it was the black steel stone, he looked at Feng Yang and said, "If you want to give me this stone, I won't hit you!"

Feng Yang replied, "If you want to call me a good brother, this stone will be given to you!"

At this time, the dwarf who went to inform also came back, and the five Fengyang were going to follow. The little girl touched the dwarf's dirty hair and said, "Little beauty, if you call me sister, this black stone is yours. Don't pay attention to this big bad guy!"

No one expected that the dwarf not only did not call Feng Yang's good brother or the little girl sister, but hugged Verina's calf and shouted, "Good sister, can you give me this black steel stone?"

Vernina was very happy and said hello, then pushed away the dwarf's dirty hair, kissed her forehead, and then followed the dwarf to see the elders in the contempt of Fengyang and the little girl!

In a wide passage, there are oil lamps on both sides, but they are only 1.5 meters high. The dwarfs are straight in front of them to lead the way. In addition to the little girl, the other four people are squatting forward!

The little girl followed the front and sang happily, "One two one, two one, two four five six seven, four ducklings lined up, swinging left, shaking right,..."

Feng Yang shouted, "Wow, if you sing again, I will let you sleep in the duck's nest!"

Unfortunately, everyone's pain has just begun. There is a more terrible staircase hole in front of them, and the elders live on it!

The hole was still 1.5 meters high. I changed to climbing. Finally, I passed the stairs, and then climbed a 1.2 hole. Finally, I came to the elder's living room and took a long breath. What a hard journey!

"Welcome, Elder Clad's distinguished guests! Please sit down!"

An old dwarf said that his gray hair was difficult to distinguish except for his shiny eyes. He wore a loose gray linen coat, two words, 'Resistant to dirt!'

A long stone table with dozens of short stone piers around it, is no different from sitting down and squatting down.

Dwarf Elder: "It has been a year since Elder Clad went to Qiuyuan City. If there is nothing urgent, it's better not to go to Qiuyuan City!"

Feng Yang: "Hasn't the new king been selected yet?"

The dwarf elder was shocked: "How do you know? The human beings from the hill have been controlled by us, and it is impossible to spread the news!"

Feng Yang: "Master Clad told me before he left. As long as we know, no one else knows. Please rest assured!"

Dwarf Elder: "Since Elder Clad told you, it proves that you are worth believing that the internal threat within the dwarfs has been eliminated. Lulaqi, the first warrior of the kingdom, is temporarily promoted as king and is resisting the invasion of the gobler on both sides southwest of the hill source!"

Feng Yang: "What! Haven't the gobites always been friendly to the dwarves?

Dwarf Elder: "They are controlled by a monster called Blood Demon. They want to control the dwarf clan, turn it into a blood demon guard, and then attack human territory from the source of the hills!"

"Our dwarf clan was also almost controlled by the blood demon. In the end, the first warrior Lulaqi was recognized by our artifact 'God of War Hammer' and defeated the blood demon with the power of the artifact!"

"After a war, the blood demon fled to the territory of the gobion with some demonized clans, and the gobion clan had long been controlled by the blood demons. Soon after, the war between the two clans has been fought for more than four months!"

Feng Yang: "It's the blood demon again!"

The dwarf elder was surprised: "Do you know the blood demon?"

With the in-depth conversation, both sides have a new understanding of the blood demons. 1,000 blood demons scattered the whole continent of the ten thousand dynasties, and their purpose is to provoke the bloody war of the whole continent!

If you don't destroy all the blood demons, you will hit Style Rida sooner or later. If Lulaqi hadn't successfully expelled the blood demons, Style Rida might have been over long ago!

Originally, it was said that the Iron City would be the guardian city of the hill source, but now it is completely reversed. The hill source is the guardian country of the style Rida!

Feng Yang asked the elders and confirmed that there were a total of two blood demons on the gobster clan, one of whom escaped from the dwarf clan!

If the blood demon controls the dwarves, plus the gobites, once they enter the human territory and join hands with the blood demon emperor, the consequences are unimaginable, and the first to bear the style Rida!

The blood demon has directly threatened Style Rida. Feng Yang decided that in order to make the blood knife born again, he must click these two blood demons!