Blood God Laugh

Chapter 25 Death Race

Chapter 25, Death Race

The blood demon has become a red troll, and the defense in his body has reached 300,000 jin, but he can use the power outside the body, which is still 100,000 jin!

In such a state, if the troll can't hold on for a long time, he will explode because his body can't support it, but in this time, the troll is invincible, and he must kill Fengyang!

In this way, it doesn't matter even if the body explodes, because he doesn't have a body in the first place, but a ball of magic blood possession. After returning to the magic blood body, he can also penetrate into the ground and escape!

The blood demon can't figure out why Fengyang has such a strong suppression power against them. As long as it is the blood magic power of Fengyang, it seems to have been filtered, losing the power of blood, leaving only the most primitive magic power!

The sledgehammer slapped the wind Yang blood knife, and the troll no longer defended. One hammer after another also swayed a chain hammer wheel!

Feng Yang was not afraid of death and pain by the troll. He was forced to retreat and was very depressed!

"Roar!" Shout, Feng Yang also went crazy, took more than a dozen steps back, and directly took out a large bucket of explosives from the space ring!

Whever the dwarves around, the style of Rida warriors, all retreat wildly, jokingly, the central power of that bucket of explosive is definitely far more than 300,000 catties, and its explosion range is also absolutely horrible and huge!

More than 50 heavenly dwarfs carried the giant crossbow and ran away. The little girl climbed on the still stunned stupid head and shouted, "You are a pig, run!"

Even the troll protected his small head with his big palm. Although his body has 300,000 pounds of field defense, this head does not!

The fuse of the explosive barrel is about to burn to the bottom. Feng Yang laughed and threw the explosive barrel at the troll!

The troll was so scared that he squatted down, but the explosive barrel did not throw it at all. Feng Yang just made a fake move, and then took the opportunity to retreat more than ten steps!

This time's fuse is really to the end. If you don't lose it, Fengyang will enjoy the real fun of flying in the sky!

The second time I really threw it out, and the explosive barrel exploded before it touched the troll!

'Boom~~!' The sea of fire is like a huge round wave, spreading rapidly around, followed by a fog of gunpowder smoke!

This Fengyang is too crazy. Aren't you afraid to blow himself up?

The smoke gradually dispersed, and a huge pit more than three meters deep and nearly ten meters wide appeared. The blood demon shook the soil on his body, and the huge red body jumped out of the pit, and the troll was safe and sound!

Where is Feng Yang? Where did the person go? The troll turned around and looked around and found that Feng Yang was actually adding blood oil at the gas station!

The last more than 60 blood demon guards were inserted by Feng Yang, leaving only one or two!

The blood demon rushed up. This body won't last long. It must kill Feng Yang!

The last blood demon guard was dry, and Feng Yang's power exploded to 150,000 jin, and he fought again with the blood demon who rushed up!

Blood scales and blood to protect the body, Feng Yang no longer defends. In the bloody war, you hit me with a hammer, I cut you with a knife, and the two demon gods rolled up the blood dust all over the sky!

The spectators surrounded again have been aroused by blood. What is a real blood battle? What is a real blood-fight? This is a real blood-fight!

A blood wheel and a blood ring rubbed violently. I don't know whether the weapon splashed sparks or cut out blood power. Maybe both, just call it the flower of blood and fire!

'Bang~!' A blood ring rushed to the sky. Compared with the power of 100,000 catties, Fengyang's blood wheel was finally better, and the troll's two-handed hammer was lifted to the edge of the sky!

Cut~cut~cut~~! The troll without weapons was cut by dozens of knives by Fengyang Xuelun, and his body's blood strength was sucked and shaken away!

There are hundreds of blood stains on the troll's body. Although the blood knife can't cut in, it also scrapes the skin. The troll laughed wildly and spread out his hands to let Feng Yang cut, and his body retreated while laughing!

Tome: "Hahahaha! If you don't say that I have a thousand splits, even if you cut off this body, you can't kill me, and I still have the last blow. If you don't die, I will come to you in the future, hahahaha!"

Feng Yang: "Can't I kill you? Is that right? But my blood knife is saying that you fart!"

The troll stopped replying, just a burst of laughter, and the blood surged in his body. The three-meter-high body rose again. This time, even his head was rising, which was the last blow!

The little girl shouted, "Run, run!" The blood demon is going to blow himself up!"

Silly Er is the fastest and runs this time. He should have burned his buttocks for the explosion of the explosive barrel just now!

Watching the public, the race began again. The self-explosive power of the blood demon will never be lower than that bucket of explosive~!

The troll's laughter finally turned into the sound of 'ah, ah', and the whole head swelled to the size of a wooden basin, with seven holes bleeding, which was shocking!

The troll expanded rapidly, so that Feng Yang did not have time to retreat, but the blood knife in his hand actually comforted Feng Yang. Don't be afraid!

Feng Yang scolded, "Are you afraid? I'm not afraid of the earth. Are you still afraid of the blood demon's self-exploding?"

I'm afraid that Feng Yang's mouth is still very worried. Although he is confident to save his life under the troll's self-detonation, what if he is blown up and disfigured? He doesn't want to become Master Crad, with a scar on his face!

'Boom~!' The explosive power is far better than the explosive barrel just now. From the sea of fire to the sea of blood just now, a huge round blood wave spread rapidly around, followed by a thick blood mist!

More than a dozen dwarf warriors who ran slowly were swept by the blood waves, and their running bodies suddenly stopped. The expressions on their faces changed instantly, and the muscles on their bodies were agitated!

Then a piece of skin and flesh burst out, and thick blood flowed from the inside. More than a dozen dwarf soldiers, their bodies ' quack!' With a sound, it collapsed and directly turned into more than a dozen pools of bloody water!

The spectators who ran out of the waves of death were frightened. Just now, it was really a race of death. If you slow down, that pool of blood would be an example!

The blood wave passed, but the blood fog in the center did not disperse for a long time. Then the earlier explosive pit was another larger blood pit, five or six meters deep, two or three meters wider than the diameter of the explosive pit, twelve or three meters, and the pit was bloody black!

Somewhere in the blood pit, a blood-colored blade suddenly drilled out, and then a blood-squalled hand drilled out and slowly crawled out a humanoid monster covered with blood scales!

"Hey, it really hurts!" Feng Yang said, looked at the blood pit and made sure that the blood demon was completely self-exploding. He collected the blood scales, his whole body was red, and his whole body was full of small blood stains!

In the explosion just now, Fengyang also suffered a lot of trauma. Fortunately, there was a blood knife to resist and suck most of the blood explosion power. Otherwise, Fengyang's blood scales would be peeled off!

Some blood droplets and blood clots in the blood pit slowly squirmed. Feng Yang did not pay attention, but jumped on the blood pit, looked at the blood fog covering the blood pit, and then sat on the edge of the blood pit, took out a pot of Longyan ale from the space ring, and poured it up!