Blood God Laugh

Chapter 28, God of War (for comment)

Chapter 28, God of War Armor (please make some sincere comments, preferably shortcomings, correct mistakes, and listen with an open mind)

Because it is close to Stilas Volcano, the terrain here is relatively gentle, and there are few rocks and trees. Six style Rida warriors on the four-wheeled vehicles worked hard to press up and down the pole to provide power. The wind poplar supported the steering wheel and the four-wheeled vehicle flew on the flat ground!

Feng Yang shouted, "Refresh! Come on, press it faster!"

The little girl strangled Fengyang's neck and shouted, "It's my turn. It's my turn. Open it quickly!"

Vernina looked speechlessly, and the two small children were noisy in front of her and asked Orion beside her, "Do you think that if the girl eats the macadamia and grows up, will she be so lively?"

Orion: "Well, it's hard to say. All I know is that Fengyang should still be so shameless no matter how old he is!!!"

Vinina: "But I like his shamelessness!"

Virina fell into a shameless memory of Fengyang:

"What~? 3~~35 years old~! You are so old that you still come to participate in the young people's competition~? Referee, some people foul, and some people bully the young with the old!"

"Old woman, you put snakes and use hidden weapons, don't blame me for being rude~!"

"I'm not coming. I really admit defeat. I admit my mistake. I know it's wrong. You should take away the Yinlian quickly~!"

"Well, that aunt, oh, no, little witch, hey, it's not right, Her Royal Highness Virgina, just let me out. There are so many snakes here, I'm afraid~!"


Vernina is thinking about it, with a giggle on her face from time to time, and a loud 'bang' sound pulled Vernina back to reality~!

I saw that Fengyang and the little girl in front of him, together with six soldiers, flew up and fell to the ground. The four-wheeler crashed into a rare big stone, but nothing was damaged, but the front of the car was concave, because the body was made of fine iron!

Feng Yang: "Look, I told you not to grab it. Now it's a crash!"

Little girl: "It's all you. You're not good at driving. If you crash, you have to rely on others. Humph~shameless~!"

Then, the little girl wanted to drive, but the six soldiers shook their heads. No one dared to press the car. Not to mention tired. This is too dangerous!

The little girl cried and made trouble. Feng Yang was quarreled and had a headache. Finally, she had to press the car with Silly Er. The little girl drove the car and turned around excitedly!


The Gobump King: "Dwarf, the reinforcements are chirping, ten miles away! Blood master dripping, how to deal with the dripping guy?

Blood Demon: "Respected gobrine king, His Majesty Nas on the tree! Bremon in Rotangi City has no ability to kill my colleagues at all, and the dwarves can't annihilate your 150,000 troops alone, so the dwarves must have invited a powerful helper this time!"

"So, let them into the city first. We will directly collect troops for strict protection, and Lord Black Wind will be almost here. At that time, with the help of Lord Black Wind, it will be easy to take down the city of Stilas!"

The Godggod King: "Baga! Goblets are chirping, powerful people! Directly, kill Daqi, dwarf, don't do it!"

Blood demon: "I don't mean that. Of course, the gobbits are stronger than the dwarfs, but the helpers they hired this time are very cruel, and only the Black Wind can deal with it!"

"We only need to wait a few more days, and Lord Black Wind will definitely arrive. At that time, Lulaqi of the dwarf clan will be at your Majesty's disposal. The hammer of the God of War will match your majesty's divine clothes, and your majesty will be powerful in the world!"

The gobiki king: "Gaga, you, big drop, god hammer, god clothes, me, great power all over the world! Quack, quack!"

The blood demon is quite despised. If the self-righteous gobump king hadn't worn a protective suit on the body, the blood demon would have turned him into a blood demon general long ago, and would not have listened to him scream!

The divine clothes on the body of the god spirit king are called the armor of the god of war, which is said to be the same as the hammer of the god of war. Tens of thousands of years ago, when the dwarf and the god spirit split, the two artifacts were separated in this way!

God of War Armor can automatically protect the owner and offset 100,000 catties of strike power. When the strength is input, it can also produce a boundary similar to the field of the God of War, which can withstand 20 times the attack power of the input power!

That is to say, entering 10,000 catties of strength can generate 200,000 pounds of boundary protection, and with the armor of the God of War, it can offset 100,000 strike power. After a five-level strong man wears the armor of the God of War, it is equivalent to having 300,000 catties of defense!

However, Master Clad did not tell Feng Yang about the existence of the armor of the God of War. Because the armor of the God of War has no real spirituality, anyone can wear it. If Feng Yang knows it, it's okay. It's strange that this guy doesn't secretly grab it!

Like the goblin, the dwarfs have been trying to take back the opponent's artifacts for tens of thousands of years, because if you put on the armor of the God of War and get the recognition of the hammer of the God of War at the same time, you can exert a small part of the power of the God of War and be invincible in the world!

The gobler army that besieged the city of Stilas has retreated. Lulaqi is very puzzled. Usually, the goblins army has to fight from morning to night. It's just after noon today. Why did they retreat?

The reinforcements have seen the city of Stilas, and the govest army gave way, so that Feng Yang and Master Clad did not understand what the blood demon and the govish king had, but they have made way. We can't be polite. The reinforcements swaggered into the city of Stilas!

The blood demon saw thousands of human soldiers in the reinforcements and thought, is it really Fengyang that appeared in the Battle of Dayan City?

But how did he get here? It should be in Emperor Yanwu's army!

But even if it is Feng Yang, according to the news from Dayan City, he only has the power of sucking blood similar to the blood demon. How can he kill the blood demon?

Unless it is devoured, it is impossible. No one in the world can devour the blood demon. Those who do so will eventually be devoured by the blood demon!

What's going on? That damn fool, just die. I didn't even get a message back!

Are you dead? Hahahaha! How can I die? As long as there is one more, there are still thousands, that is, thousands of people are dead, and I still have thousands, hahahaha!

What the blood demon was thinking? Fengyang didn't care about it. Now that the reinforcements have entered the city, Lulaqi greeted him in person!

Stilas City is a half-ground city, that is to say, half of it is on the ground and half underground. Because of the underground magma river, the dungeon can only go deeper than ten meters underground, and further down is the hot rock river!

Stilas City, half of the ground is relatively flat, all of which is made of excellent black steel rock. Black steel rock is the rock of the riverbed of the underground magma river, which is strong, explosion-proof and immune to flame!

Feng Yang is getting excited again, Iron City! I need such a black steel rock, dwarves. You can treat me as a cool force. I'm going to dig all the underground rocks and rivers!

Master Clad's 'Oh!' A jujube hit Fengyang's head, "Kid, don't even think about it. This black steel rock has been exploited by the dwarves when the volcano erupted. When the volcano erupted, a large amount of magma of the rock river spewed out of the ground, lowered the riverbed, and it was exploited desperately. Do you think it's so easy!"

Feng Yang: "D demolish the city of Stilas!!!"

'Wo~!' Another date~!

Feng Yang cried and said, "Isn't I kidding?" Then he got furious again, 'Old man, fight again! I really demolished Stilas City. I really want to demolish it!"

'Wo~!' With another date, Master Clad is not threatened by Feng Yang at all!

The whole city is like a short and flat circular pyramid, starting from the outermost circle, one layer higher than one layer. As for the overall image, Fengyang still feels like a grave!

Feng Yang thought despicably, are dwarves reincarnated as living dead? Do you like living in a grave so much?

Master Clad told King Lulaki about the history of the battle of Rotangi and the alliance request of Style Rida.

Lulaqi gave a salute to Fengyang as a dwarf warrior, and then said, 'The dwarf welcomes the warrior Fengyang! Our clan is willing to form an alliance with Style Rida, but the premise is to defeat the goblin army and take back our divine clothes and the armor of the God of War!'

Master Clad shouted in his heart that it was bad. With Feng Yang's personality, if he grabs the armor of the God of War, even if he finally returns it, the dwarf clan will not drop a piece of meat to him, which is impossible!

Warriors are warriors. Lulaqi, can you use your brains? After this battle, don't be the king!

Compared with the anger in Master Clad's heart, Feng Yang's 'wow' sounded, 'God of War Armor? Wow, it must be awesome, isn't it? Where is it? I'm going to get it back now! It must be cooler than the golden armor! ............?'

Feng Yang suddenly asked more than a dozen questions and drooled. Lulaqi thought that Feng Yang wanted to contribute greatly to the Dwar clan, and also explained the role of the God of War Armor to Feng Yang!

Master Clad repented in his intestines on one side, Lulaqi! You don't have to be a king. The title of warrior should also be changed. Let's call it Lulaqi, the first fool in the kingdom!

Fengyang is now full of power, and he solemnly guarantees that he has wrapped up the blood demon and the govish king tree!

Especially the name of the gobion king, Feng Yang also praised, 'Wow~! Shit on the tree, this gobler king really has a good personality, isn't he afraid of falling~?'

"No, the armor of the God of War can't let him continue to wear it, and it's okay if he doesn't take a shower. What if he accidentally falls from the tree when he poops and the armor of the God of War is stained with shit!"

If the govous king knew that Feng Yang would comment on him like this, he might directly order the army to attack, catch Feng Yang and throw him into the pit!

The wentbish king is very clean. In fact, he is the only place in the wentbland family who has a cleanliness fetish for tens of thousands of years!

As long as you go out or meet other govities, the Gobion King will definitely support the God of War boundary to prevent odor and dust. What a rare exotic gobvities!