Blood God Laugh

Chapter 31 Arrow Dwarf Counterattack

Chapter 31, Arrow Dwarf Counterattack

The war continues to spread, and the landing technology of gobombs is getting better and better. Hundreds of gobombs come with arrows, and there are always dozens of people who can suck the wall, but it is also much more difficult to throw explosives into the defense!

The dwarfs have been prepared. There is a dwarf sitting on each defense stack. The goblin who successfully landed with a bow shot. Some explosive bags were thrown into the defense stack too early. The fuse was choked off by the dwarfs and occupied as if they were already there, or they didn't have time to strang them off, and threw them directly out of the stack!

There are also hundreds of dead gosmen under the city. One of them struggled to stand up, pick up the explosive bag around him, set it on fire, and throw it into the first ten-meter-high stack mouth!

Who knows that the power is insufficient, falling in the opposite direction, 'Boom!' Directly split tens of millions and go to meet the god of govities!

However, there are still many gobombs that can put in explosive bags and successfully detonate them!

With the great contribution of the govian arrow drive-out team, many chariots drove within 200 meters and directly began to bombard Stilas City. 200 meters, the accuracy of both sides reached the highest!

Now it's about who is more accurate, who is more ruthless, and who will blow up the other party faster!

Most of the gobmen in the chariot drilled out and rushed to the city. They threw explosive bags into the defense mouth one by one. Some suckers climbed up the wall and threw them in, and the explosion sounded into a sea of fire, a sea of fog, and broken limbs thrown around!

The govous king is overjoyed. This is the smoothest attack in four months, and the warrior will be greatly rewarded!

The gobster king continued to scream, "Black wind drops, no need to goblets, goblets, big drops invincible, kill Daqi, charge drops!"

The big attack of the gobage began, and thousands of chariots drove out, but it was not internal power. A large number of gobins were quickly pushed. Nearly 300,000 gobiki were pressed down. Only the gobion camp was left behind the gobion king, and there were tens of thousands of gobins left to protect them!

The blood demon did not stop it, because Black Wind Maiqi had sent a message with dark magic, and he was about to arrive, and there were 50,000 troops coming with him!

If the gobster can really stand under the city of Stilas, then the army of Black Wind Maiqi can directly enter the city of Stilas!

These 50,000 troops are not comparable to the goblin. Of course, they may not be able to defeat the goblin in the long battle, but in close combat, the goblin are all little sheep, and each of them is a big tiger!

Stylas City, Lulachi and Master Clad, looking at the general attack of the beeous army, can't help but have a headache. If the beevil has no explosives, they won't be afraid to come!

But now, if the gobron comes in and engages in an internal explosive war, no matter how strong the city of Stilas is, it will collapse like the city of Rotanky!

Luchi: "Order, order the warrior Darda to lead 20,000 soldiers out of the city to fight against the gobler under the city. All the piles of Stilas are opened and blow them up!"

After the rest, Feng Yang looked at the battle situation. It was indeed very bad. If it goes on like this, it must be two defeats. There are still 5,000 style Rida warriors in the city!

The battle of Rotangi City is a flying arrow blood demon. This battle is another flying arrow spirit. If you like to play flying arrows so much, I will also play flying arrows with you!

A large number of goblin rushed to the city and set up a high ladder. The goblin climbed up with explosive bags. Some goblins climbed up with suction cups on the wall. The explosive bags were put into the stack one by one, and at the same time, one counter-throwing out, roaring inside and outside at the same time!

The so-called goblin warrior is still lying on the first defense stack, and within ten meters on his side, there is no firepower attack from goblin!

The gosmen looked at him with great worship. He is the first warrior of the kingdom! I have been using my own actions to lie on the defense stack and set a great example to the gobmen!

For an hour, he has persisted on it for an hour. He is the spirit of the golls. As long as he is still lying on the defense stack, the spirit of the golls will not die!

There is only a little protruding footpoint on the stack, and with a 45-degree oblique angle at the top, the warrior goblin is firmly lying down, and the stack below is still launching a rocket!

The gobler didn't know what everyone thought. He wanted to go down, but he was afraid of falling down. He was afraid of pain. Suddenly, he found that he was afraid of death again!

At the height of Stilas City, Fengyang, Silly II, Lulaqi and dozens of heavenly dwarves have already sat on the arrow, and hundreds of dwarf warriors behind them are waiting for the next batch. Fengyang shouted, "Let's shoot arrows, let's fly!"

The gobump's camp is 1500 meters away, with people and arrows. The energy consumed by flying so far is very terrible. Each arrow has dozens of prefecture-level dwarves to input strength, so it can only be sent * at most!

There are 100 heavenly dwarves and 400 high-level dwarves in these 500. This is a very powerful force, but can nearly 40,000 govian warriors deal with the govator king?

A flying arrow carried everyone high and went straight to the camp where the gobion king was. The gobion king put down his glasses, pointed to the flying arrows in the sky, and shouted in horror, "Occasionally! Dwarves, flying arrows, stop them!"

Countless crossbows shot at the people on the flying arrows, but the first batch are all powerful heavenly dwarves, wearing silver-level armor, poured in with strength, golden light, and the protection power has been greatly improved!

Especially for the first person, a pink field of more than two meters. Unless this thousand-pound crossbow can shoot nearly 300 arrows on a small area at the same time, it will be tickling!

The first batch of flying arrows all safely fell into the goblin camp. The second and third batch of flying arrows came one after another and began to kill inside 40,000 goblins!

40,000 goblins are in chaos, and they can't organize effective attacks at all. Because they are too close, they are goblins on all sides, and even a crossbow may shoot their own people!

The masters who fell from the sky killed soundly, and the goblin is too weak. As long as they keep pestering the goblin brigade, the crossbow of the goblin will have no effect!

When tigers enter the sheep, it can't be described as the chaos caused in the govator camp. The tigers entering the sheep sea is almost the same!

At once, nearly 40,000 govian warriors were driven away by the tigers! And three fierce tigers did not chase the sheep, but went straight to the king of the goin!

The govous king shouted, "Stop it, all of them, kill the guy!"

But can you stop it?

A pink field of more than two meters. In the field, Lulaqi held the hammer of the God of War and a big knife with a dragon shining with a knife in the second-hand, one left and one right, moving with the rush of Fengyang!

Three artifacts came out, the blood knife roared, the war hammer roared, and the dragon knife roared!

It's irresistible! The gobrons fell in piles, split the bodies in two halves, and exploded!

The blood demon took the only 50 heavenly blood demon guards around him and retreated quickly. The sense of danger brought to him by Feng Yang was terrible. At the beginning, the more than a dozen pink rockets did not feel too terrible!

But Feng Yang's approach, which seems to stem from the powerful suppression of the bloodline, the power that can easily sentence him to die completely, makes the blood demon unbelievable, makes the blood demon afraid, and makes the blood demon dare not resist at all!

'Kill!' With the increase of killing, Fengyang's pink field became more and more blood red, and there was a bloodthirsty knife roar. The blood-colored knife red was strongly chopped, and it was the red of the corpse!

The ten-long golden dragon chanted a knife light, one by one, and even the stupid two killed too much, and his eyes were red. The dragon chanted constantly, and the golden light flew away!

Lulaqi was also in a mess. The hammer of the God of War was like a bomb maker, swinging out powerful hammers and falling inside the gobomb warriors, 'boom!' One by one, blowing up a pile of gobish, it's simply a crazy scum!

The flesh and blood were thrown all the way, and the blood fog was diffused. The three of them were like blood sharks in the sea, constantly strangling and devouring a large number of fish, dyeing a long sea of red. Bloody spread, and the fish's heart was scared to break, and enjoying the bloody blood shark was stimulated more brutally!

The govish king was in danger and retreated in large numbers to attack the city of Stilas. He wanted to defend and rescue the gom king, but it was easy to come, but it was difficult to leave!

In the city of Stilas, they came out and killed 140,000 troops. A large number of scattered and retreating goblins were not opponents at all. At the same time, the style Rida warriors also rushed out on monsters!

The beast roars continuously, and the ten heavenly monsters are the fastest. If they rush into the gob orchi, they will swallow a lot!

The dwarves put a bag of explosives directly on the bottom of the chariot, 'Boom!' The chariot flies! After falling to the ground, it detonated the explosives inside the chariot, or 'boom!' With a sound, the chariot disintegrates!

The battlefield is too big, and the ground advantage of the goblin is completely lost. The goblINS want to focus on counterattacking, but the 5,000-style Rida warriors quickly divide the gathered goblin into several pieces!

Rocket, crossbow, continuous crossbow shooting, large and small fireworks explosions and ups, the fight between the general attack and the counterattack, the soldiers on both sides are killing and injured in large numbers!

Master Clad commanded the soldiers to attack quickly, and ignored a small number of backward govators, chaos! Extreme chaos! But in the eyes of military strategists, this mixed victory has been decided!

Five-style Rida warriors, under the command of Longtiandu and Orion, pulled out a long human and beast dragon, scattered and divided the gathered gobsters one by one!

A large number of dwarf warriors followed the dragon of the human and beast and killed the divided goblossoms!

The gobls shot crossbows and fought separately. They were killed and abandoned their arrows and cried!

The dwarf warrior got into the abandoned chariot of the gobron, pulled away the crossbow on the chariot, ignited the fire letter, refined his own chariot, and launched a rocket at the gobillion!

A super shield, dozens of dwarves raised together, blocking hundreds of crossbows. Dozens of small fire crossbows were shot out behind the huge shield, blowing up the gobron in front of them to the sky and the earth, refining and disintegrating the corpse method!

The ten heavenly monsters were full and joined together to collide with the gob. The black-horned black cow took its head and lowered its head. There were two long, black and bright corners on its head. The demons were stirred, and the corners emitted a cold light!

The cow's hoof moved on the ground a few times, with a "wow", ten demons ran together, the gobumps flew into the sky, and then a gobler fell into the sky. The end was unbearable!

Ten flying birds and monsters, each with three or five dwarf masters, crossed the battle group and continued to airborne divine soldiers to the gobster camp!

Intense, bleeding, shouting, screaming, fleeing, chasing, roaring, rubbing into a tragic huge battlefield, the war of nearly 500,000 people on both sides, nearly 15 to 35, 35 was beaten by 15 people and tragically fled for their lives!