Blood God Laugh

Chapter 44 Ping Moyuan chases the blood demon

Chapter 44, Ping Moyuan chases and kills the blood demon

"Feng Yang!!!" Zhang Qian shouted and burst into tears!

Feng Yang, who was bargaining with Tie Yuwen, heard this cry and shook his whole body. The little girl reacted the fastest, "It's Sister Zhang Qian!!!"

Fengyang, the five people who came out of the Dayan Martial Arts Academy were surprised at the same time!

Not long ago, I was thinking about them. Well, I met one so soon. Feng Yang was about to meet him. Suddenly, his face changed and he shouted, "Fight the enemy in formation and kill me!" Kill them all!"

The pursuers are approaching, only more than 600 meters away, and because the pursuers are approaching, Feng Yang smells the smell of the blood demon, and only the blood demon can make Feng Yang want to kill him when he sees it!

70,000 troops quickly lined up, the giant crossbow was pulled up, the rocket was ignited, and launched!

"Boom!!!" Hundreds of rockets exploded in the 50,000 army chasing, flying flesh and blood, their limbs were thrown away, killing and injuring thousands of people. The blood demon propounded up the blood field and resisted the next rocket, frightened and angry!

The pursuers can't stop the inertia of rushing forward for a while. It has approached more than 200 meters. The bandits can still release the last round of rockets and launch them again in the second round, "Boom!!!" Thousands of people were killed or injured again, and the power of the rocket was really horrible!

Tie Yuwen and iron face are not broken. Why did Feng Yang suddenly fight with the pursuers? He hasn't promised him anything!

And the rocket, it's terrible. How can humans have such a powerful weapon? Yes, that's the explosive of the dwarfs!

It's just that these two rounds of rockets cost 800 catties of gunpowder. Long Tiandu shouted that Feng Yang was a loser, but in this case, they don't have to use it. Soldiers can't go up to fight to increase casualties!

After the rocket, the soldiers circled and shot the crossbow, keeping a certain distance and slowly surrounded them. 50,000 pursuers have suffered more than 10,000 casualties under the attack of two rockets and crossbows!

The blood demon roared, and his voice was still so old, "Who is your Excellency? Why did you hurt my army of Tiemu Kingdom!"

Feng Yang slowly came out of the army and grinned. He knew this blood demon, who was Tie Zhong who was possessed by the blood demon in the imperial palace city that day!

Feng Yang: "Little Blood Demon, I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that we are really predestined. Just stay!"

The blood demon was shocked: "Is that you? I remember you, you are Fengyang! Hill source sent back the news that you killed one of my colleagues!"

Feng Yang: "Gaga, I'm sorry, I went to the hill source to talk about business. Who knew that the blood demon was in the way, so I cut it by the way!"

"Look, I was talking about business with the Iron Prince again just now, and then you chased me to get in the way. I can't say anything, so I have to kill you by the way! Kill me!"

After saying that, with a blood roar, the blood knife appeared in Feng Yang's hand. More than two meters of blood field protected the body, and the black-horned Xuanniu rushed up!

The third-level strength of the blood demon realm, but he was still scared and screamed and retreated. After the combination of Feng Yang's knife, the feeling brought to the blood demon was too terrible. It seemed that Feng Yang could kill him with one knife!

The blood demon retreated into the army and wanted to escape with hundreds of blood demon guards, but on this plain terrain, it is easy to chase, but it is difficult to escape!

Fengyang is not enough at all. With Silly II and the first squadron, the prefecture-level warriors wearing silver armor and rush up on monsters. Feng Yang and Silly II pick up scattered blood demon generals and blood demon guards!

Feng Yang: "Run, why don't you run? This grassland is very big and flat. You can run anywhere. You're welcome!"

Blood Demon: "What on earth do you want to do? As long as you let me go today, I swear in the name of Blood Demon that I will never step into this southwest corner!"

Feng Yang: "Bah! Your words are like farting. I swear in your name. Who do you think you are? Why don't you swear in your mother's name?

Blood demon: "If you kill me today, it will definitely bring great disaster to your clan. The blood demon emperor's knife has been born. At that time, the blood demon emperor will definitely lead tens of millions of blood spirits, millions of blood guards, and blood slaughter your southwest corner!"

When Feng Yang heard it, the Blood Demon Emperor? Does this blood demon still have an emperor? Ordinary blood demons are so harmful, how powerful is the blood demon emperor?

The blood knife sensed Feng Yang's doubts, and a sound of the knife came, and Feng Yang laughed, "What a demon to kill, come to the emperor to kill the emperor!" Hahahaha!"

"This blood knife in my hand is very interested in your blood demon emperor. I'm greedy and want to eat your blood demon emperor!"

The blood demon also suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha! You didn't kill me just now, but now it's too late. Blood demon coagulation-fa, gather me...!"

Among the 5,000 deserters behind the blood demon, a mass of blood fog suddenly burst, and more than 100 blood demon guards exploded at the same time. As long as the soldiers with blood fog immediately melted into blood water in the scream and condensed to the blood demon, even the soldiers who stepped on the blood water were the same result!

Five thousand warriors, most of whom turned into blood in an instant, and there seemed to be blood-colored soul bodies in the blood water, making piercing screams!

Feng Yang shouted urgently, "Brothers, stay away from me and don't let the blood demon approach!"

The bandit soldiers immediately retreated from afar and formed a circle of hundreds of meters. The huge crossbow was set up and aimed at the blood demon! Feng Yang faced the blood demon alone!

The blood demon laughed ferociously, and the blood water gathered crazily. The blood body was getting bigger and bigger, and the muscles were swollen, which was more horrible than the last time the blood demon held the field in the body!

Four meters tall and still rising, the blood vessels have the thickness of the baby's arms. Behind them, only hundreds of soldiers in the outermost part, were able to escape the disaster and automatically run out to capture the bandits!

Feng Yang did not move, just waiting for the blood demon to rise, because the blood knife has become more and more excited, super tonic, and the blood knife conveyed excited emotions to Feng Yang, "Eat it, eat it, eat it!"

The blood demon rose to five meters and finally absorbed all the blood. The voice of Xue Hong came word by word from the mouth of the troll, "You are very courageous! Unexpectedly-let-let-me-complete-, condensation-blood-magic-coagulation-blood-big-fa-! Ha-ha-ha-ha-!"

Feng Yang: "Bah! Aren't you tired of talking word by word? The more you condense, the happier my blood baby will be. Saying that you are a great tonic, you can beautify your face, breast enhancement and milk!"

Blood knife protest, it is a strong protest from a man!

"Ho, ho, ho, ho!" The blood demon roared and "banged" from his body, burst out a blood field more than eight meters in diameter, and a ring of blood surged around him, thick and bloody smelled!

Feng Yang: "You have a bone stuck in your throat. It's so difficult to scream!"

"I thought it was so powerful. Isn't it just the eighth level of the domain level? As long as you are a blood demon, you will die in front of me!"

"Ho~~~~~~~~~!" Feng Yang also roared with blood, the scales of the blood diamond appeared, and the blood demon changed, with his full power of 290,000 pounds!

In addition, he killed more than 100 blood magic guards with his own hands, temporarily soared more than 10,000 catties of blood strength, and now he has more than the power of the fourth level!

With Feng Yang's suppression of the blood demon, the blood demon can exert up to three or four layers of strength. Only the third-level strength of the domain level is enough to defeat the blood demon. If it can't be killed, it can't be two changes of the blood demon, and it can't be three changes of the blood demons!