Blood God Laugh

Chapter 14 Magic

Chapter 14, Magic

Fengyang wants to see the sea. It is less than a thousand miles from the fire and sand to the seaside. It's only a day's journey. On such a short road, he sees some small alien territories, or small aliens raised by demons, who specialize in providing them with fertility.

However, Fengyang has ordered not to kill women who give birth to demons in the future. In addition, Maria's demon throne remains unchanged. When Fengyang is away, she will continue to rule the whole demon family.

I felt the sea breeze blowing from afar, which made people cool and had a little fishy smell. I patted the monster under my body, and Fengyang rushed to the sea impatiently.

The sea breeze here is cooler and fishy, but the vastness of the sea gives people the first feeling of atmosphere!

Xu's long hair was blown, and Feng Yang's heroic feelings rose to the sea. The people who came with him had already jumped into the sea.

Lisha stood beside Feng Yang very happily and looked at his heroic roar, which was also rendered. The high-pitched songs were sung. Unexpectedly, who had always been enchanting, could have such a loud loud sound.

Fengyang picked her up, rushed into the sea together, got his head out of the cool sea, and looked at her soaked with red veil. Her charming body was so seductive that he couldn't help kissing the red lips.

Suddenly, a small body came out of the two, and a small face cut off Feng Yang's kiss and cried strangely. "I'm going to tell Sister Nina that you were rude to me!"

Fengyang Yizhen, yes, Vernina, how can I forget her? The pain that was temporarily suppressed came to her heart again like a wave. Is she all right?

Lisha looked at the little girl who bad her good deeds fiercely. Unexpectedly, the girl's little hand quickly scratched Lisha's chest fiercely, "Ah!!!" Lisha screamed and retreated.

"That's all. When I grow up, it must be softer and bigger than yours, hum!" With that, the little girl supported her two small grapes.

Fengyang, who was originally lost in missing, was awakened by the little girl's words and was scared to death. Did this girl dare to reach puberty?

It's normal to have a fishy smell in the sea, but when a large smell of blood came, Feng Yang felt something wrong and stared into the distance and said, "There is killing over there!"

Only 95 people came to the seaside this time, but they are all strong. 10 female demons and 80 domain-level demons, together with Feng Yang's core team, are rushing in the direction of the killing.

As it approached, the smell of blood became heavier and heavier. On the beach not far from the sea, a pool of scattered and thin blood was found, which had been extending to the beach, but there were no bodies. There were footprints of the army on the sand. This was a large-scale killing!

Feng Yang frowned deeply and asked Lisha, "What race territory is in front of this?"

"Because food is relatively easy to obtain, there are many races living by the sea, but they are very scattered. The largest race there is the Wind Demon clan, a branch of the wing clan, with more than 200,000 people, basically all of which are all wind attributes, with wings on their backs, and very fast.

Except for our demon clan, there should be no race that has the strength to defeat them, and they can fly away if they can't beat them, and they can't kill other clans. Judging from the direction of these footprints, it should be the aquarium!"

"Don't care who the other party is first. Go back and transfer 300,000 troops for me. Since there is killing, it must be a blood demon!"

The speed accelerated, and Feng Yang and others finally caught up with the killing scene. There was a heavy buzzing sound from the sky in the distance. It looked like a large dark cloud, but everyone knew that it was all made up of poisonous flies, which completely cut off the sky road, and the gy� clan also participated. Sure enough, it was a blood demon!

On the ground, there are countless shark-headed fish people who can't see the end at a glance. Every other short distance, there is a huge sea monster, giant crab, giant octopus, etc., and even giant sea muchi, which is full of seawater, and dehydrated sharks will come to replenish water.

It is not only the wind demon clan that has been attacked. As long as the race on this coast has been attacked by sharks, several small tribes passed by by Fengyang and others have been exterminated, leaving nothing but blood stains in a place.

The wind demon clan has been completely surrounded. Among a large number of sharks, a water arrow was spit out, shooting down the wind demon clan flying through the siege, and then went to the shark's mouth and bit it, tore off a large piece of flesh and blood and swallowed it directly, which was extremely ferocious.

The giant octopus is even more fierce. Its eight long claws can lift 100 meters, as powerful as a snake's body. It rolled up a famous wind demon, screamed and crushed bones, twisted into flesh and blood, and then sent it to the mouth.

The giant crab spit blisters one by one. As long as they meet the wind demon people with blisters, they will be trapped and struggle in the blisters. The more they struggle, the smaller the blisters will be. Finally, they are close to their bodies and fall from the sky one by one!

"Fool, go up and burn that fly for me. The girl and Ziyi stay here waiting for the army, and the others will come with me!"

Feng Yang was at the head, and the monsters rushed under his body, and everyone's field was connected into a huge poisonous insect with a blood-headed yellow body, rushing straight into the back of the shark army.

As long as the squadron composed of domain-level strongmen is not besieged by millions of troops, it is free to come and go, sprinkled with blood all the way. Without a combination of generals, they rushed directly into the shark army before the other party reacted.

Dozens of tall shark leaders shouted, "Water, turn water into sharks, shark teeth cracked!"

I saw a water shark opening its mouth and transparent, but the shark's teeth were indeed black. They were bitten by poisonous insects from four faces, and the black teeth biting on the field, leaving dozens of tooth holes.

After the demons cut down the water shark, they found that the tooth holes in the field were difficult to heal, and there was a special force that prevented the circulation of sand.

The other party's second round of water shark is going to bite again, and at the same time, endless water arrows are also shot on the field, and now they can easily resist. But if the field is bitten sorely, can't the water arrows directly attack the body?

The blood knife defeated several water sharks and burst into flowing water. Feng Yang looked back at his subordinates. Hey, he was still too arrogant.

This shark race really has a little ability. The black tooth breaks the defense, and even the water arrow has a heavy force. It sticks to the opponent's field, which can gradually increase gravity and slow down the speed.

"Ill ignore them and rush in!"

Fengyang shouted, and at the same time, 75 demons appeared, forming a blood-red arrow to quickly open the way.

The fool in the sky rushed into the black cloud, and all the poisonous flies that rushed to him were burned into poisonous ashes, shouting, "Fire armor scattered body, fire crow burning the sky!" Burn it for me!"

I saw Silly Er's fiery clothes zoomed in at a high speed, and a continuous crow sounded, as if he was about to be as happy as freedom.


With the roar of Silly Er, the fire armor finally burst into a little purple crow and flew in all directions, which can only be described as dazzling giant fireworks.

The scattered little fire crow sang happily, covering the annoying buzz of the poisonous flies. With the stupid two as the head of the crow, it quickly formed a sky-covering fire crow and burned up pieces of black clouds.

The poisonous flies were burned to crackle, and the poisonous black ash fell, and the female demons, mainly composed of beautiful gauze, sang, "The art of illusion, storm chaos!"

After becoming the concubine, the beautiful veil absorbed the ** ball given by the demon god, and the magic skill was also promoted to the magic art. The storm summoned by the spiritual power rolled the poisonous ash, like a black fog dragon, throwing it on the sharks.

These poisonous ash are all highly poisonous. The sharks with poisoned ashes screamed and rolled on the ground one by one, constantly scratching their hands and tearing off pieces of flesh and blood.

Looking at the fire crows in the sky, the wind demons are overjoyed. Although they don't know who helped them, as long as the poisonous flies in the sky are removed, they can escape this disaster of extinction!

On the other side of the battlefield, the blood-headed shark king looked at the fire crow in the sky, "Drink!" He spit out a black blade from the blood mouth, drew a remnant of a black line, and shot straight at the crow's head.

Feng Yang was shocked. The black blade, the fool could never resist it, "Magic art, virtual and real conversion, turn it to me!"

The stupid two of the crow's head suddenly shook his whole body, and the entity quickly turned into a virtual body. At the same time, another figure appeared outside the virtual body, which was exactly a demon.

As soon as the black blade passed through, the demon screamed sadly, and a black blood hole in his chest spread rapidly. Less than a breath, it turned into nothingness, and there was another original blood demon in the blood knife!

The original position of the demon appeared. Looking at the dissipated demon in the sky, he was scared into a cold sweat. The temporarily ownerless fire crow stopped, but the fool did not dare to be the living target again.

"Fire armor is back in place, gather me!"

The sky fire crow turned into a line of fire, gathered to the stupid two on the ground, and turned back into a fiery clothes again.

Most of the poisonous flies have been burned. Countless wind demons quickly took off, and a small number of them still hold young children in their arms, but it is impossible for the sharks to let them run away like this.

A sharp black blade pierced the sky, which was extremely penetrating. A wind demon wanted to block a black blade for his wife and child behind him. As a result, the wind gun collapsed, and the black blade passed through, and the wife and child behind him fell from the air.

Fengyang shouted loudly, and the blood demons changed. They rushed to the sky with demons and 30 demons to block the black blades. The rest rushed to the shark army under the leadership of Lisha to create conditions for the wind demon clan to break through.

Fengyang kept flying away, and the blood knife patted the black blades one after another, and finally understood why these black profits were so powerful. These are the teeth of sharks!

"Shark King, that is Feng Yang. As long as he is in the south, he will definitely stop your great cause. Please be sure to leave him!"

"Oh, he hit you hard? It seems that his strength is not weak. I don't know if there are any conditions to reach the breakthrough level. If he achieves a breakthrough on his deathbed, it will be enough to hit me hard and cause a disaster of wrath and hurt my army!"

"Don't worry, the shark king, this boy just relies on a blood knife to show off his power. Without a blood knife, he may not even have the strength of the fifth level of the domain, and he absolutely does not meet the conditions to break through the boundary!"

"Okay, I'll go up for a while. This is really an opponent, hahahaha!"

The shark king took dozens of domain-level sharks into the air, blocked the demons and demons one by one, and then stopped Fengyang himself.

Looking at the blood-headed shark man in front of him, Feng Yang felt dangerous. "You are an aquarium. Why did you go ashore and kill in my demonic territory?"

"Hahahaha! It turned out to be a demon clan. No wonder it looks so familiar. Why do even men become so pleasing to the eye? I'm going to the demon clan to ask for a few beautiful women. I don't know if it's possible?

"Do you want to go to war with my demon clan? This land is not the place for you to wait for the aquarium to show their power!"

"Hahahaha! How can there be no participation in the battle of the throne of my aquarium? I advise you to still form an alliance with my shark people and conspire to the throne. The land god belongs to you and the water god belongs to me. How about that?

"Bah, you go directly to the east, west and north to land. I promise not to stop you. I want to kill in the south of my country. I'm sorry, I can't do it!"

"In this case, water, blood sharks eat the sky!" The shark king suddenly shouted, and a blood shark manifested, opened its bloody mouth and black teeth, thickly smelled, and bit Feng Yang fiercely.


The blood shark bit on the blood field, the wind Yang retreated, the blood knife cut wildly, and the blood shark roared and dispersed. The two rows of solitary black holes were very eye-catching in the blood field. The blood water poured on the blood field made the wind Yang suddenly sink and fell a few meters to stabilize his body.

The shark king did not give Feng Yang a chance to breathe, and shouted again, "Water art, shark fins divide the sea!" The black light of the dorsal fin flashed, and a knife-shaped shark-back fin cut through the void and cut into the wind Yang!

is very strong. The power of this shark should be the fusion of water magic and strength, which is more powerful than a simple magic bonus.

The shark fin broke through the air all the way, and Fengyang had no time to avoid it, so he could only defend it. "Blood demons cut four times, magic, illusion, illusion, melting the illusion of God!"

The four blood lights were combined and turned into an identical shark fin, but the wind was blood red, and the two blood-black fins collided, "Bang!"

Then the sound of "squeaky" sounded, and a large space crack was generated. Because Fengyang was close, most of the blood field was strangled and finally collapsed!

His throat was sweet and spit out a mouthful of blood. Feng Yang took advantage of the space cracks before they healed and opened the distance. Now it's his turn to show his power!

At the same time, dozens of domain-level sharks also fought with demons and demons, and the wind demon clan also came to help. The two sides fought in a melee. Domain-level sharks fought against two, but they still had a great advantage!

"Watercraft, sharks turn over the sea!"

A shark shouted loudly, and hundreds of water sharks ate two demons. The demons hit the gun and rushed out several blood demons in screaming to form a blood curtain.

Because the increase rate of the demon is provided by the blood knife, not the power of the ontology. Unless the blood knife supports one evil alone, it cannot cast the bleeding domain, but the blood knife has supported the wind Yang, so the demon can only defend with the blood evil in the blood evil gun.

The water shark hit and bit fiercely, and the blood curtain finally resisted, but the blood weapon also lost its blood light, and most of its blood power was consumed.

Two blood arrows hit back, and the shark's shark's head suddenly became bigger. One of the blood arrows was picked up by the protruding spikes on the shark's mouth and directly changed the direction. Then the shark's teeth bit it and crushed the other soaring blood arrow, which was extremely fierce!

Two strong men of the wind demon clan joined hands and shouted, "Wind cut, divide time and space!" A huge cyan ring blade rotates and cuts to a shark man, as if it will jump, directly from A to B to C, and even the traces of flight can't be seen!

The shark man laughed, "Watercraft, shark fins break through the sea!" The fin on the shark's back suddenly became bigger, and the whole shark rushed forward. When the giant ring blade reached point D, it was already divided into two and burst into a gust of wind.

The speed of the shark man rushed forward. The two strong men of the wind demon clan called out the wind dragon to resist in panic, and they could be divided into two, and one of them rushed straight. If he was passed through, the result could be imagined.

"Wind-winged body, cut!"

I saw the same figure suddenly rushing out from the wind demon clan, but this figure had a strong cutting force.


The figure was finally divided into two, and the body was also hit by the shark man, but the stamina has passed. The wind demon clan was just knocked away and the blood was empty, but the wings behind them disappeared.

The divided figure burst into a large area of blood fog, and a pair of blood wings fell to the ground. Another strong man of the wind demon clan quickly catches it and quickly retreated dozens of meters. He was shocked!

The strong people of the demon clan don't have so many tricks. When they take off, they condense enough yellow sand, especially in the field, which is equipped with nearly half of the yellow sand. A yellow sand gun in their hand shoots wildly. No matter how you do, you can defeat the enemy!

A shark man was shot mad by the sand rod. He directly tightened the field, turned into a shark, opened his blood mouth and bit him. But after all, this is not in the water, and the speed and hydraulic supplementation are greatly limited.

The strong man of the demon clan is not tight or slow, sand curtain, sand shield, sand pole, "Bang bang!" Being smashed one by one, the sky was covered with yellow sand and covering the shark's eyes. On the contrary, the strong demons were like fish in water, ghosts, and the sharks couldn't find the north like a sneak attack!

Feng Yang is condensing his spiritual strength. He is still learning magic, and he can't even use the fantasy world, but it is not difficult to attack some simple illusions!

"The magic skill, divided into a hundred illusions, and a hundred cuts into reality!"

The blood shadow flashed, and a hundred Fengyang appeared in the sky, surrounding the shark king and cutting a hundred knives together. Every blood blade has the normal power of Fengyang, and it is all true!

The shark king hurriedly shouted, "The art of melting bones, shark bones and armor!" The shark king's body quickly retreated, but the shark bone protruded in reverse, formed a set of black bone armor clothes outside the body, shining brightly!


After a series of chopping, the shark king's black water field was finally broken, and the blood blade was cut on the bone armor, "Dangling!!!" The light of blood and fire lifted the shark king dozens of meters away.

After Baizhan, the magic dissipated, and Fengyang could only achieve one blow, and the consumption of spiritual power was also a lot. However, the inheritance of this demon god is now so powerful. How horrible it will be when he becomes a great day. Feng Yang can't help looking forward to it!

The shark king was furious. This is the first time he has been beaten so awkwardly since he became the king, "The art of bone transformation, bone shark soar!"

Most of the bone armor of the shark king took off in an instant and turned into a slender black bone shark, especially the sharp bone spur at the top of its mouth, constantly vibrating and making a sound of breaking the air. The wounding soul actually had the effect of soul attack, and then suddenly soared. The speed can be described as teleportation.

Fortunately, Fengyang's spiritual power and soul are extremely strong, and the most feared thing is soul attack, but the attack and speed of the bone shark are absolutely not lower than the ordinary single forbidden spell!

Feng Yang shouted loudly, the blood angle was raised to one meter, the blood knife quickly integrated, and the blood power condensed on the tip of the corner, "Uh!!!" The straight-bone shark is soaring!