Blood God Laugh

Chapter 29 Begins the Battle

Chapter 29, the war begins

The next day, the inauguration ceremony of the Iron City began. After a series of worship ceremonies, Style Rida officially changed its name to the Iron City Kingdom. The first king was appointed by the original style Rida chief, and Feng Yang personally crowned the chief!

Although most people want Feng Yang to be the king, everyone knows that Feng Yang is a hero, but the master and management are miscellaneous, and the chief is the best candidate!

The wall of the Iron City has been built, but the construction of the Iron City has just begun. The specifications of various defense equipment have been revised several times, and the attack power should be increased to more than 10,000 jin. Thousands of drawings of rooftops have come out, because the air battles will become more and more fierce in the future!

Many countries in the south regard the Iron City as the last way out, and a continuous stream of materials converge to the Iron City, just to get a place in the Iron City!

The Iron City is half the size of Dayan City, plus the four David City, which can accommodate up to tens of millions of people, and the south and west are ready to build two outer cities like Dayan City!

Feng Yang's strong return has made all countries find the backbone. Whether Feng Yang wants to or not, now the whole south is looking at him. Wherever he goes, all kinds of letters of help will be sent!

Three days later, Feng Yang set out. The Iron City Kingdom sent 10,000 troops, and with the original 50,000 alien army, 60,000 people rushed all the way north, and Mei Xuan stayed in Tiecheng as his daughter-in-law!

Riding on the black-horned Xuanniu, Feng Yang began to miss the little girl and the stupid two, and didn't know how they were in the dragon clan and when they would come back!



In the valley of the night sky, the fire shone. A blonde woman rubbed her nose and grabbed a thick and long roasted animal leg with the other hand. "Why is your nose suddenly itchy? Is the smell of smoke too choking? Stupid two, make the fire smaller!"

In front of her was a huge sea beast, crackling on the bonfire. The fool beside her took a deep breath of the bonfire, and the flowing fire came in!

Suddenly, "Spray!" The fool sneezed and spewed out two purple flames from his nostrils like a fire cow, and the delicious sea beast was burned to ashes!

The blonde beauty beside her was smoked into a black-faced witch, and her fists flashed with thick golden light. She looked at Silly and fiercely, "Silly Er, I'll fight more!!!"

The fool rubbed his nose, "It's the boss who is thinking about me!"

The blonde beauty punched, turned her fist into claws, grabbed the stupid second shoulder and raised it, shaking in mid-air, "What are you talking about? Say it again!"

The stupid two was shaken and trembled, "It's the boss. It's the boss who is thinking about me. The boss said that if someone misses him, he will sneeze, so the boss must miss me!"

The blonde beauty let go of Silly Eryi and said excitedly, "Let's go. He must be back. Let's go find him!"

A fiery red dragon rose into the sky and stopped them from going. "Where do you want to go? The inheritance trial is not over yet. You can't go anywhere!"

The blonde beauty was angry and the golden light soared, "Father, get out of the way, or I won't be able to open your eyes!"

"Hahahaha!" Several figures came into the sky, "Fire Dragon King, your daughter is as angry as you. Well, now the dragon clan needs a hot-tempered dragon emperor!"

The blonde beauty saw that she couldn't run away today and turned her head and flew back to the Dragon Valley. "A few old guys, wait, when I become the Dragon Emperor, I will definitely beat your teeth down, hum!"


With a golden fist, a huge stone in the valley turned into pink. The blonde beauty sat on the ground and looked at the moon in the sky. Suddenly, she was excited and said, "Silly two, let's think about Brother Feng together. Think hard, think to death, and let him keep sneeze!"

"Ajiu, ahjiu!"

Feng Yang shook his body and rubbed his fingers under his nose, "Damn, which guy thinks about me in the daytime, ah, ah, ah! Bastard, have you played yet?"

"Ajiu, ahjiu!"

Feng Yang was finally forced to plug his nostrils with a cloth!


There are more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries north of Tiemu, all of which have been invaded by the blood demon army. The blood demon army does not directly attack the king city, but specializes in slaughtering small cities and tribes, extracting blood, capturing strong men, and constantly expanding the number of blood demon guards!

Fengyang's army has arrived in Tiemu, and many refugees who have barely escaped along the way are still heading south. The armies of small and medium-sized countries dare not take the initiative to attack the blood demon army at all, and can only inform the people in China to flee to Tiecheng!

A wind demon clan swirled down and said, "Your Majesty, a large blood demon guard was found 50 miles to the east, attacking a small city!"

Feng Yang looked back at Orion and said, "Arrange an elf brigade and an Iron City brigade for them to exercise, but be sure to annihilate them all!"

Orion was ordered to leave. The 10,000 soldiers of the elf clan were specially arranged to experience the cruelty of the war, and most of the army of the Iron City Kingdom had not experienced the war. Only in the face of countless bloody baptisms of life and death in the war can they be truly powerful!

The two brigades left, and the army continued to run north. Fengyang wanted to sweep all the way from the northwest of the Ironwood Kingdom to Dayan City and the Holy Demon Empire to clean up all the blood demon army in the south of mankind!



This is the sound of the launch of a giant crossbow, but it is shooting sparsely. The resistance is already weak. There are a few corpses hanging on the wall, all of which are penetrated by arrows!

A thousand blood demon guards outside the city held long bows and shot up to the sky. Thousands of arrows turned into rain, bursting into the head of the city one after another!

"Nail!" The arrow penetrated into the wall, and the arrow buzzed; "Puff!" The arrow pierced the brain and pierced the chest, and more than a dozen city guards either leaned or fell down. Blood slowly flowed out along the wound, and the blood stained the head of the city!

Looking at the approaching thousand blood demon guards, the owner of the small city climbed behind the wall, trembling and afraid of fear. If the enemy's army invaded, he would have surrendered long ago!

In a small city like him, there are only thousands of soldiers guarded, and nearly half of them are peasant soldiers, and there is not much military storage. Now it has been exhausted, and only half of the soldiers are killed or injured. As long as the blood magic guard goes to the city, everything will be over!

But he can't surrender and give up resistance, because no matter what he does, as long as the blood demon guard enters the city, it must be the result of slaughtering the city!

There is only killing in the eyes of the blood demon guard, and only bloodthirsty in the heart of the blood demon guard, kill the endless soul of blood resentment, gain more power, and create more killing!

The captain of the elf clan, his eyes reflect the cruel siege battle ahead, and the small city is about to be lost!

They have already arrived, but they lie behind the hills on the side of the small city and watch the killing in front of them!

I can no longer suppress my inner anger. I looked at the demon woman leading the team and asked, "General, why don't you go to rescue? Do you want the blood demon guard to slaughter the city before attacking?"

"The front of the small city is a flat land. If we go out now, we will definitely be attacked by the long bow and arrow rain, and the blood magic guard will retreat immediately. Our task is not only to save the small city, but also to leave the blood demon guard behind!"

As the general division, Orion did not personally lead the team. Only the demon woman, the spiritual demon woman, are all natural leaders!

"Do we just watch them kill their lives like this?"

The elf captain's tears were blurred. Every minute they waited, dozens of soldiers in the city would be killed and injured. If it goes on like this, how many soldiers will be left in the city when they attack?

The demon woman looked at the captain of the elf with sharp eyes, "If this team of blood magic guards escape, then there will be a second, third small city. Do you have to sacrifice the second and third small city in order to save the small city in front of you?"

For such a rhetorical question, the captain of the elf clan was powerless to refute, but he was extremely disgusted. He was silent for a while and asked in a low voice, "Do we decide their life and death like this?"

This is the cruelty of war. Those in power mostly focus on the overall situation and sacrifice a few people in exchange for more lives!

The kindness of the elves is their biggest weakness. The result of emotional things usually ends in a bigger tragedy!


The last dozen giant crossbows have been shot. One of the giant crossbows pierced two blood magic guards and blood holes the size of a bowl on their chest, but they did not fall down. The wounds were gradually healing and could not hurt the brain and heart. The blood magic guards were immortal!

The blood demon pointed his knife at the small city and led the charge to attack. The bloodthirsty meal began, and the blood demon guard ran to the small city fiercely with blood eyes!

The wall of the small city is less than 20 meters high, and it is pitted and dilapidated by arrows. It seems that as long as it is hit with a heavy hammer, it will collapse and collapse, and the strong blood demon guard can even jump onto the wall with one jump!

More than a thousand soldiers guarding the city held a boulder in their arms and stood at the head of the city. This is their last battle preparation. Facing a fatal ending, the soldiers' fear has retreated, and even the trembling city owner holds the boulder, rendering a heroic and tragic momentum!

Fast, 200 meters, 100 meters, ..., the demon woman raised her hand, and the moment she put it down was the time to attack!

The flying stone fell, and several blood demon guards were smashed through the blood brains and were hopeless. "Instigated!" Several heavenly blood magic guards flew over the head of the city, split the stabbed long gun and rushed up, and the blood had bitten the soldier's neck!

Other blood magic guards threw knives into the wall and climbed up, and the bloody battle broke out!

A rain of rockets came, "boom!!" The explosions under the small city were one after another, and the blood demon guard who had not had time to climb the wall was blown away!


The Iron City Brigade has circled to the front of the small city, charging from the back of the blood magic guard, and the elf brigade casts a magic light gun from the side!

There is a demon on the other side, and the blood shadow of the evil gun flows. As long as the blood demon does not escape to its side, it will not take action, but uses the evil gun with hundreds of blood demons to absorb blood!

Endless anger and hatred suppression made the captain of the elf clan look ferocious, and the machete cut off the head of the blood demon guard, roared, and greeted the leading blood demon general!

The crossbow of the Iron City Warrior has been changed to super large, and its power has doubled. He rode a monster and shot, and the blood magic guard was pierced through the heart by an arrow!

The owner of the small city was excited and shouted, "Kill!" However, a flying knife accidentally inserted into his heart and knelt on one knee. Before dying, his last thought was, "Little city is saved!"

The army has almost arrived at Ironwood King City, and the two brigades to rescue the small city finally returned, annihilating a thousand blood magic guards, and only dozens of casualties!

Looking at the sad and complex expression of the elf brigade, Feng Yang sighed softly. I don't know whether this is right or wrong. After the war of extinction, can the elf still maintain the pure and kind side!


The gate of the Ironwood King opened, and Tie Yuwen went out of the city to welcome him. Zhang Qian had married Tieyuwen. After becoming the Ironwood King, did Mo Bai really die?

Feng Yang entered the royal city with the nostalgia for the devil doll!

At the banquet, Tie Yuwen toasted Feng Yang, "Yu Wen, on behalf of the southern countries, thanked Marshal Feng for sending troops to rescue! I don't know how Commander Feng intends to use 60,000 troops to wipe out the bloody army?

In Tie Yuwen's thoughts, as Feng Yang, hundreds of thousands of foreign troops should be transferred to the north to wipe out the blood demon army in one fell swoop, but now there are only 60,000 troops, and the confidence in Feng Yang has weakened!

Feng Yang met and laughed, "You and I are old friends, and it's too much to call me Marshal Feng. You call me Brother Feng, and I call you Brother Tie. As for my plan..."

Under a bowl of wine, Feng Yang's eyes were bright and he looked directly at Tie Yuwen. "Since the southern countries are allies, they are about to exert this alliance power. I, Feng Yang, am neither a bodyguard nor a th fighter. I only brought 60,000 troops, but what do your soldiers do?"

Tie Yuwen's face is red, and the blood demon army is terrible, which has scared the courage of more than a dozen small countries. In addition to defending the city and waiting for assistance, how can he think of taking the initiative to send troops to fight!

After pouring a bowl of wine, Tie Yuwen made up his mind, "I, Tiemu, am willing to send 100,000 troops and follow the command of Marshal Feng!"

Feng Yang's face softened and raised a bowl of wine to respect him, "Hahahaha! Brother Tie, don't you think I have an army of 160,000? When I sweep all the way, are you still worried about millions of people?"

After taking the first step, he seemed to have infinite courage, and Tie Yuwen also laughed proudly, "What Brother Feng said is extremely true. We are too self-defing and ashamed of the people!

Not only did he not have the courage to unite to fight against the blood demon, but also let the blood demon army invade the country and kill a large number of people, becoming stronger and stronger!"

Feng Yang answered, "It's not too late to understand that the blood demon army is not invincible. Even without me, as long as you can unite, you can completely eliminate the blood demon army!"

The whole banquet toasted, "I wish Marshal Feng victory and exterminate the blood demon!"


160,000 troops headed northwest. Their destination is a big country called Xiyali. The king's capital is located in a left half-moon-shaped highland, with strange stones and ravines, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is known as the city that does not fall to the moon!

Before the battle of extermination broke out, Xiyali had been penetrated by blood demons. Most of the blood demon army that invaded the surrounding countries went out to Xiyali, but to reach Xiyali, it had to pass through several small countries!

"Your Majesty, more than a dozen blood demons have been found in a hundred miles ahead, and tens of thousands of people are sweeping the village and tribes all the way to the south!"

Although he had known the actions of the blood demon army, he still made Feng Yang angry and raised his knife and pointed, "The whole army will listen to the order, mainly the general team, and divide the troops for me to kill!"

The army rushed quickly and divided into more than a dozen streams and swept away like a broom. A hundred miles away, the two armies met an hour later. The strength of several times that of the enemy made the blood demon army collapse at a touch and immediately fled north!

Fengyang's army chased all the way north and saw villages and tribes full of mummified corpses, with not many traces of fighting or splashed blood!

Even the blood resentment that should have been absorbed clean by the blood demon guard. The dry corpse is like a dried fish, full of village tribes. Although it is lifeless, it does not leave a trace of death!

Except for the Xiaoxiao cool wind that has entered autumn, it is so clean and neat that even the poultry and livestock have not been let go!

Seeing this scene, the soldiers were sad and tearful. Every time they passed by a village and tribe, they would leave hundreds of people to bury the dry body!

The rest shouted blood and anger in his heart, wielding a knife and horse, "Kill!" Continue to chase and kill the bloody army that harvests everything!

A similar scene is happening all over the mainland, and it will become more and more intense in the future. Is this just the crime of blood demons?

The blood demon is just a guide. What really instigates behind the scenes is the greed of the hundred races, the peeping on the divine throne, the desire for power, and their evil manifestations even surpasses the sin of the blood demon!

Feng Yang roared up to the sky, and hundreds of evils came out, but there was no strong blow to the scattered and fleeing blood demon army at all!

The army stopped, and more than half of the whole territory only saw the army of tens of thousands of blood demons. No one people survived, but the royal city in front of him was heavily guarded!

It's just tens of thousands of bloody demons, which scares this small country to gather heavy troops to defend the royal city, regardless of the lives of the people, and still shouting for help. Is this the selfishness of human nature?

Looking at the open king's door in front of him, the brocade clothes and silk, the fat and trembling welcome envoy, Feng Yangqiang endured a knife to cut his anger and suppressed the same emotionally angry army!

Fat made a deep bow to Fengyang, "The special envoy of the United States visited Marshal Feng, thanking Marshal for saving our country!"

Feng Yang's face was fierce and he said coldly, "Do you still need to be rescued in the United States?" In addition to your royal city and several big cities, can you see people when you go out?

Is it to save you, the kings and nobles? The people are gone. What's the use of your status as Wang Gui? I really want to cut you with a knife!"

The fat man's face trembled and replied tremblingly, "It's not that we don't resist, but the blood demon guards are all monsters that can't be killed. The largest Shabei City in the north sent troops to fight. As a result, 100,000 troops were destroyed, and the blood demon army did not decrease but increased. How can we dare to send troops to fight again!"

Feng Yang was stunned, how could this be possible, "100,000 troops were destroyed? How many people are there in the blood demon army?

Seeing that Feng Yang was a little relaxed, the fat messenger immediately replied, "At first, there were only 20,000. When Shabeicheng sent troops, the blood demon army was defeated and fled!"

But when I turned around, I found that the head of the city had been occupied by tens of thousands of flying blood demons. China's 100,000 troops returned to the city to rescue, and 20,000 blood demon guards killed another gun!

Our sword could not kill several blood demon guards at all. 100,000 troops were attacked back and forth, with heavy casualties. In the end, they fled. When they fled to the royal city, there were only thousands of people left!

So the king ordered to defend the big cities and sent people everywhere to migrate south. That's all we can do.

In the end, nearly 300,000 people in Shabei City were slaughtered, and there were more and more bloody demon armies. We don't know how many there are now!"

Feng Yang snorted coldly, "Is the commander of Shabei City a pig's head?" Forget it, how many soldiers do you have in King City? Allocate half of them for my command, otherwise I will directly bypass Shabei City, and you will wait for the destruction of the country. Anyway, they are all a group of brainless pigs who are afraid of death!"

The fat envoy nodded quickly and bowed, "Yes, yes, please invite Marshal Feng to live in the city and send troops tomorrow. The king is ready to entertain the general!"

Feng Yang roared, "Get out! Half an hour later, I couldn't see half of the defenders coming out, so I immediately took a detour!"

Half an hour later, ten doors opened together, and 100,000 troops in the United States quickly left the city and merged into the wind and Yang's tent. 260,000 troops rode on the sad wind all the way, hated blood like a tide, and rolled away to Shabei City!