Blood God Laugh

Chapter 40 Return to Dayan City

Chapter 40, Return to Dayan City

With Mo Bai's ghost army killing the striker, some residual blood demon forces around Xiyali were quickly cleaned up!

Then, the army swept eastward, and the bloody demon army in various countries continued to withdraw to the east. On the contrary, the Fengyang army recruited troops in various countries along the way and finally achieved millions of heroes!

Originally, there were only 30,000 blood demons and 200,000 blood demon guards outside Dayan City. Due to the large number of blood demon guards evacuated from the east, the blood demon army has soared to 40,000 blood demons and more than 500,000 blood demon guards!

But due to the arrival of Fengyang, the blood demon army seemed to be avoiding the sharpness, retreated more than 30 miles, and garrisoned on an extremely open plain!

There are still more than 700,000 million soldiers left in Dayan City, plus Fengyang's million heroes and Mo Bai's 300,000 ghost army, a total of 2 million.

But more than 80% of this 2 million troops are human warriors. It is difficult to defeat the blood demon army with a blood demon emperor on the flat ground!

The North Imperial Gate opened, and Emperor Yanwu went out to greet him in person. "Hahaha, Brother Feng came really in time. If you are ten and a half days late, we will fight the Blood Demon City again!"

Looking at the blood-stained bandages tied to the forehead of Emperor Yanwu, and then look at the soldiers on the top of the city. Although their faces were blackened by smoke and blood, the outline seemed more resolute, and one by one exuded a sharpness, like a sharp sword!

The creation of such a strong and sharp army shows how difficult and tragic the resistance of Dayan City has been in the past two months!

Feng Yangxin admired, tightened his mind, laughed and greeted him, "Hahaha, Brother De laughed. Even if my little brother doesn't come, if the blood demon army can't get reinforcements, he can't step into Dayan City for half a step!"

Emperor Yanwu looked at Mo Bai beside Fengyang, and his ferocious face made his heart beat, thinking about how there could be such a ferocious person in the world!

"Haha, this must be the ghost master Mo Bai. Sure enough, he is a hero and a teenager. At such an age, he is already the master of the world, and his future is immeasurable!"

Mo Bai bowed to Emperor Yanwu, "The ghost Lord Mo Bai has seen Emperor Yanwu!" Then he looked at Chang Chongtian behind Emperor Yanwu and bowed deeply, "Mo Bai pays homage to the dean!"

Although he is already the lord of the world, today's achievements are inseparable from the cultivation of the Dayan Martial Arts Academy, and the destruction of the Dayan Martial Arts Academy is as heavy as his stimulation, just like his destroyed home!

Chang Chongtian quickly came forward to help Mo Bai. The former prefecture-level Class 4 came out of Fengyang and Mo Bai, two generals. Even if the martial arts court was destroyed, it was quite gratifying for him.

"Get up, get up, you are all the pride of the martial arts Academy! He rebuilt the martial arts academy, and you will be the myth of the martial arts academy, hahahaha!"

Entering the city, the whole north city was in a mess, and it was burned dark and smashed into potholes. Because of the weak air force in Dayan City, it was mainly hit by the 30,000 flying-winged blood demons.

Even if Feng Yang comes, the air force is not as powerful as the blood demon army. Feng Yang is not confident enough to kill the blood demon emperor. After all, this is the real blood demon emperor, not Yan Wuxuan's fake!

But war is indeed a place to cultivate strong people. A year and a half ago, Emperor Yanwu had only three domain-level strongmen, the two elders of the Chang family and the North Marshal. Up to now, more than a dozen people in Yanwuwei have broken through the domain level, and the magic mentors have several!

Emperor Yanwu, who recaptured Dayan City, opened the real treasury. A large number of demon elixirs, magic crystals and genius treasures were provided to the most likely strong people to break through. Among them, Cao Wujiao also broke through the domain level and reached the edge of breakthrough for love!

And the former students of the Academy have also returned to help fight. In addition, Emperor Yanwu has more than 30 domain-level strong and seven magic mentors. The strength of the Great Yan Empire is really not comparable to that of ordinary small and medium-sized countries.

A group of people stood on the north city, looking at the blood demon army dozens of miles away, and Feng Yang showed his vision.

There was no blood array in the army of blood demons, and the magic eyes swept easily. Countless flashing blood spots appeared in Fengyang's mind, hundreds of which were quite blood-bright, which were all domain-level blood demon generals!

However, Feng Yang failed to feel the existence of the Blood Demon Emperor, which may have tightened the breath of his whole body. At such a long distance, even ordinary domain-level strong people can avoid the detection of illusion!

"Has the Blood Demon Emperor ever took action?" Feng Yang is a little dignified.

"Only once took action during the first siege. At that time, only one move was used to attack the soul, and tens of thousands of blood souls came out. Hundreds of soldiers lost their combat effectiveness in an instant, and more than 10,000 of them couldn't stand the blood soul erosion and turned into blood spirits!"

Emperor Yanwu recalled that he couldn't help being a little frightened that day. He looked at the sky and continued, "The biggest loss of our army was in the first battle, and nearly 200,000 soldiers died!" A few days later, the Blood Demon Emperor took action again in the Holy Demon Empire, and then he did not take action again!"

Feng Yang meditated, if he hid in the air force and rushed up, and then used the magic hundred magic skills to achieve such a lethality, but the other party used a soul attack, which shows how powerful the blood demon emperor is. If it is a split, it will definitely be eroded by the blood soul!

"Each side takes action once. In this way, the Blood Demon Emperor just wants to suppress the two empires, so that you dare not divide your troops to rescue other countries, and then eat them step by step, strengthen the blood demon army, and finally swallow the two countries with absolute advantage!"

After listening to Feng Yang's analysis, Emperor Yanwu said, "Well, we also think so. If you don't come back in time, the plan of the Blood Demon Emperor will be successful, and then the whole south will fall into the hands of the Blood Demon!"

Feng Yang summoned the ten demons who left Dayan City at the beginning. Their blood strength was already quite thin, and they no longer had the strength of the fifth level of the domain level. He swallowed them directly with a blood knife and returned them to the furnace to recreate!

"Their plan has not completely failed. It has been going south from the northeast of the Holy Demon Empire. There should be a blood demon king. It is likely to open up the eastern part of the elf forest and unite with the Japanese spirits over there!"

Feng Yang said this, and the reconstruction of the ten demons ended, but only two demons came out. "The blood demon king in the west has been solved, and the remaining blood demon army has also joined here.

I don't think the battle here will really fight. The Blood Demon Emperor will definitely return to the Tongtian Empire, and then all the troops will gather to the east. The real battlefield is not here!"

Emperor Yanwu listened to Feng Yang's analysis with appreciation, but did not know that this was the result of Orion's early analysis on the road. Feng Yang just had the cheek to regard it as his own analysis!

"Fengdi is really a general, but all countries need a certain number of soldiers to stay behind. At that time, the number of troops on both sides will change greatly, which will benefit the enemy but not me. Can Fengdi have a good strategy against it?"

Even Orion was still thinking about this question. Unexpectedly, Emperor Yan Wu asked directly. Feng Yang covered his blush and laughed, "No matter what it does so much, it's better for them to gather together, and then they will be directly in one pot!"

Emperor Yanwu laughed loudly and did not see Feng Yang's embarrassment. In fact, Feng Yang's bloody face turned red, and others thought it was blood on his face and laughed heroically!


The night was dark, the fog was rising, the cold wind was blowing, and there was a blood-black cloud over the blood demon army, and a middle-aged man stood on the cloud.

Bloody eyes and snake patterns are wrapped around, but they are not as ferocious as the blood demon king. Instead, there is a faint nobility. This is the real blood demon emperor, quietly looking at the Dayan City dozens of miles away!

In addition to the ghost army still staying in the north city, Fengyang's million army has entered the city to rest. The night watch soldiers at the top of the city are wearing coats, rubbing their hands while steaming!

In the palace, Feng Yang suddenly opened his eyes, his visionary eyes, and looked at the blood demon emperor across the air. Soon, an illusory figure appeared in front of the blood demon emperor, which was the embodiment of Fengyang!

"I will send you a message on behalf of the Lord, withdraw from the battle of destruction, or return to the Lord. After the destruction of the world, you will become the new generation of the main god of the continent!"

"Oh, can you ask who your Lord is? This is not his divine world. What right does he have to designate others as the lord of the divine world?

"It seems that you know a lot, but some things are not superficial. The Lord of the divine world is indeed not available to anyone. You are the only one, or there is also the Lord, but the Lord is not interested in the continent of the Wan Dynasty!"

"Since he is not interested, why is he going to destroy the world?"

The Blood Demon Emperor did not directly answer Feng Yang's question, but smiled faintly, turned around, and left another sentence, "Remember this proposal. You can consider the last moment of extinction, but I don't guarantee anything unpleasant happens in the middle!"

The Blood Demon Emperor left, and the blood demon army below also began to evacuate overnight. The arrival of Fengyang ended the third Battle of Dayan City ahead of schedule, and neither side won!

"If you are not interested, why do you want to destroy the world?" Feng Yang is still muttering, and countless questions arise in his heart:

Is it really just healing?

Where is the real main god of the Wan Dynasty?

Why can only you and the Lord of the Blood Demon inherit the divine world?


The shadow of Fengyang disappeared in the night sky, but this pile of problems lingered, and the last sentence of the blood emperor demon obviously had a strong threat. What on earth would happen?

Fengyang did not chase and kill the blood demon army, so he can't take any advantage of it. Let's wait for the real battle!

Thinking that there will be a war between hundreds of millions of people between the two sides, Feng Yang suddenly felt his blood boiling!


In the autumn night without a moon, the sea breeze blowing from the South China Sea has a faint fishy smell. At the same time, it blows the thin veil on its body. The beautiful gauze looks at the night sky with endless thoughts.

The Fengyang around her stood together, but she did not snuggle up in her arms, because this was not the real Fengyang. Suddenly, the split was shocked, and the strong spiritual power rolled out, making Lisha feel surprised and infinitely warm, but her mouth said angrily.

"Are you finally willing to come to see me?"