Blood God Laugh

Chapter 1 The Lord is Coming

Chapter 1, the Lord will come

Through the layers of fog, I finally saw a small mountain. In the center, there is a peak cliff rushing straight up to the clouds. Like a pillar in the sky, you can't see the cliff height. The cliff is full of clouds and fog, which is better than a fairyland on earth.

But from the other side of the cliff, it is tilted up like a staircase, and the nine-day Milky Way falls, and layers of waterfalls flow down from the stairs, which can't help but be amazing.

The Miao people call this peak cliff the Yingshen cliff, which is the closest place to God!

There is a platform on the top of the cliff, like the platform of clouds, emitting divine light in the clouds. Under the platform is a large square hundreds of meters, and hundreds of women in white kneel down under the stage!

The Miao clan is godless. They once tried to create their own gods, but they created an uncontrolled nest of insects and demons!

The nest of insects and demons is extremely powerful and can create countless powerful insects and demons by devouring everything. As a result, the insect epidemic is flooded, and countless landscapes and lives are swallowed up, bringing a huge disaster to the whole continent.

Finally, the main god came, destroyed the nest of insects and demons, and imprisoned the Miao people who committed a great disaster under the cliff of the gods. His son of God was about to surrender and regarded him as the Lord of the devil, who could break the divine punishment and see the sun again.

So hundreds of people have been under the platform day and night, waiting for their Lord to descend and lead them out of this mountain where they were imprisoned by God's punishment!


The thick clouds dispersed in an instant, and a space crack appeared in the sky. A soft white light ejected from the crack, suddenly:


A bloody thunder came out of the crack* and went straight down to the platform, full of noble and domineering atmosphere!

The blood light spread, and the whole sky was stained with blood, even covering up the white light cracks. The women in white were stimulated by the blood light to close their eyes, but they couldn't help but worship loudly excitedly!

"Welcome to the Lord! Welcome to the Lord! ......”

There is nothing wrong. Only God can come to the platform to welcome the gods. After hundreds of thousands of years of waiting, finally waiting for this day, the closed eyes of the women in white were full of tears.

The blood light faded, and the clouds and fog gathered again, but with a trace of blood that could not dissipate for a long time, the Yingshentai was intact, but the tall and powerful owner expected by the Miao people did not appear.

What's going on?

Has our wait failed?

Is the waiting for hundreds of thousands of years so empty?

An old woman in white stood up and scolded:

"Why, why did you give us hope and destroy our hopes? Why, isn't 100,000 years of punishment enough?"

A woman in white stood up and joined the act of scolding the sky. A strong anger gathered a poisonous insect of different shapes on the cliff, which was vivid and made a heart-breaking sound.

The cliff trembled violently, and countless poisonous insects climbed up under the cliff. Angrily, they seemed to swallow the whole cliff!


Suddenly, a baby's cry sounded on the Yingshen platform, and the loud cry dispelled the anger in the cliff, and all the climbing poisonous insects retreated.

The women in white were surprised and happy, and quickly knelt down and worshiped again:

"Welcome to the Lord, please forgive me for the crime of disrespect!"

After waiting for a long time without any response, is the Lord really angry?

After waiting for a long time, a young woman in white finally couldn't help standing up and stepped on the platform in the frightened eyes of other women!

Because the platform is high, they didn't find a chubby baby in the center of the table below.

"Wow! So cute!"

The woman gently picked up the baby on the table and couldn't put it down. The baby's eyes just opened, staring at the woman black and brightly, and her little hands kept grabbing the woman's chest.

Ah, are you hungry? But I don't have milk. Let me find a substitute mother for you!"

The woman said, kissed the baby's little face fiercely, and shouted to the women under the stage, "Come up, come up, come up, it turns out that the master is still a baby!"


Three months later:

"Ah, come on, come on, it's almost there!"

The little fat man looked about one year old and staggered to walk to a little beauty. Every step of his fleshy calf, his little head would move. His pink hands grabbed the ground and rushed into the arms of the little beauty.

It was this woman who rushed to the Yingshentai that day and picked up the baby. She was dressed in white veil, pure as water, and her straight black hair tied back and covered her waist.

Bend low, slowly retreating with small steps, and hugging with both hands, guiding the little fat man to learn to walk.


The little fat man's mouth made a vague cry, but his voice was full of eagerness, and his black eyes flashed with poor brilliance. If the little beauty didn't hug him again, he would cry!

"Good boy, there's still a little bit. I'll take out honey for you later. Come on!"

The little beauty smiled, and the two small dimples added a pure beauty to the smiling face. The big watery eyes flashed like black pearls that had just come out of the water.


The little fat man walked through the red line at the end and fell forward exhaustedly. Finally, he threw himself into the arms of the little beauty. His little head was buried in the beautiful woman's chest and rubbed around. If he hadn't been so cute, he would have been treated as a pervert!

She picked up the little fat man, and the little beauty's red lips and mouth kissed him on the forehead and shook it for a while, which showed how much she loved the little fat man in her arms.

An elderly woman in white came over, bowed respectfully to the little fat man, and then asked the little beauty:

"Bai Yi, how is the progress of the master today?"

"The elder, the Lord has walked a whole road today. He has grown so fast that he should run away in less than a year!"

"Well, the Lord is closest to you. In the future, you will be responsible for teaching the Lord. The clan has decided to order you to be the Daughter. When the Lord grows up, you will serve the Lord!"

"Ah~! The Lord is so small that I will be old when he grows up. How can I serve the Lord? Bai Yi's face turned red to his neck.

"With the growth rate of the master, you will become an adult in less than five years. You are only 15 years old this year. You are the most talented in the clan, and you have also got the intimacy of the master. It is up to you whether the master can break the divine punishment of the Miao clan and lead us out of this mountain!"

"Yes, Bai Yi's order will live up to the high expectations of the clan!" Bai Yi was shy and replied firmly.


Two years later, the former little fat man has grown to be ten years old and is still the image of a little fat man. His flesh trembles all over his body, but the pace under his feet is light and fast.

Gently through several low bushes, the little fat man hid behind a big stone with an evil smile on his face and a big cage in his hand.

There was a "shudling" sound of falling into the water in front of them, and the laughter of many women. One eye came out from behind the big stone and saw a waterfall pool, in which dozens of young women were bathing in the pool.

One by one, their muscles are as smooth jade, and their faces are as beautiful as clear water. The slender arms slide across the water and gently wipe them on the crystal collarbone with a touch of water. The soft movements slide down and wipe the attractive twin peaks hidden under the water.

"Come up, come up again, I haven't seen it yet?"

The little fat man said to himself anxiously. This is the Nth time he has come to peek at the bathing of a Miao woman. In the past, he could see the beauty of the breasts he wanted to see, but after being caught several times, the extent of the women's bathing has dropped to the bottom of the water, just to prevent him, the only pervert.

I grabbed my head impatiently and looked up and down the pool. This is halfway up the mountain of the Yingshen Cliff. The cliff is slightly tilted, and the waterfall flows down like a Milky Way not far from the top of the cliff, with the lingering clouds and fog, the beautiful fairyland.

If outsiders see this scene, they will definitely think that these bathing women are fairies!


The little fat man laughed, opened the lid of the big cage, and chanted a spell. Small snakes of various colors came out of the cage and slowly climbed to the pool.

A small snake opened its mouth, bit the white clothes one by one, and then slowly retreated. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that the white clothes are moving.


A woman suddenly came out of the water and towered. Under the reflection of sunshine, clouds, beads of water and water, the colorful fairy lotus was pure and beautiful!


The little fat man couldn't help but say "wow" and drooled down, but this sound inevitably exposed his existence.

"Ah!!! The Lord is here again, and the Lord is here again!!! ......”

"Ah, look, our clothes are all gone!!!"

The woman who just got out of the water frowned, pouted angrily, stood up directly from the surface of the water, and walked as she walked:

"Lord! Don't mess around, return the clothes quickly!"

The little fat man's side eyes saw the woman coming towards him. Drops of water flowed through the bath body, curved and tall, with one hand around his chest, the other hand covering between his legs, and his blue feet left beautiful footprints on the blue stone.

"Sister Yi, I know I'm wrong. I dare not do it in the future. Don't punish me, don't punish me!"

The little fat man admitted his mistake aggrievedly, lowered his head and came out from behind the big stone, holding a large handful of white clothes in his hand, and handed it to Bai Yi's hand. The fat face turned a little red and glanced at her body again, and then turned around and ran away.

"Gig..." Bai Yi smiled and said to everyone, "Well, the Lord should not come back to peek. Let's wash it again!"

The woman in the pool also laughed happily, splashed each other, and fought happily. A woman suddenly asked:

"Do you think that when the Lord grows up, will he marry us all?"

"I think so, the elder said that we are all selected to serve the Lord. Looking at the lustful appearance of the Lord, maybe we are not satisfied enough?"

"Xiaomei, you're really not ashamed. The Lord is still so young, and you want to go so far, but I also hope that the Lord will grow up quickly and take us out of here."

"But the inheritance says that the outside world is very chaotic and dangerous. In fact, I don't mind whether I can go out or not. It's good to live here for a lifetime!"

"That's what you say now. You won't think so after you drink the spring of the spring of conception!"

"Yes, although life here is very good, we don't have a single man in the Miao nationality. From hundreds of thousands when we were imprisoned, there are only more than 20,000 people now. If we don't go out, no one can go out!"

"Isn't there a master? He married us and will definitely give birth to a lot of boys. At that time, the population will definitely grow up, so that we won't go out!"

"It's not that simple. Let's not talk about whether the owner can let us give birth to a boy. Even if we give birth to a boy, when these children grow up, they will definitely be robbed of their heads. That's terrible!"

"Ok, okay, the Lord is here to take us out, not to help us have children!"

"Well, what do you think it's like to have a baby with a man?"

"You will know when the Lord grows up, hahahaha..."

"Well, let's look forward to the Lord growing up soon!"