Blood God Laugh

Chapter 8 I don't want to have children!!!

Chapter 8, I don't want to have children!!!

This is an extremely huge meat ball. The whole body sits on the poison pit, and the whole body is full of sticky holes, countless!

Suddenly, with a "ji--" sound, the hole produced a strong suction, and hundreds of Miao men in black were instantly sucked into the hole!

This shocking scene made the Miao people unrespondable. Why didn't the god destroy other human beings, but devoured the Miao people who created it?


The sticky meatballs spit out of the holes, and then a new round of suction generated, continuing to devour the Miao men!

The spitting meatballs squirmed quickly, "Puff!!!" He stretched out his sword-like claws, cut the mucous membrane outside the meat ball, and a half-human and half-worm monster drilled out!

The whole body was dripping with long mucus, the structure of the legs was modified, the body leaned forward like a fierce beast, and the arms turned into a mantis-like hand knife!

Look at that face, you can vaguely recognize that they are the Miao men who were sucked by the hole. They run away, several times faster than ordinary human beings, and fiercely killed the human army that rushed in!

The hand knife was rotated, and the movements were agile and ferocious. The attack and defense of human warriors could not keep up with the rhythm. They were cut off their heads and their bodies, and their blood splashed three feet!

The Miao people finally understood why their gods wanted to devour them, and the people who had retreated with some fear once again scrambled to stand in front of the insects and accept the transformation!

Feng Yang and Bai Yi mixed among the Gomiao women, and half-worms appeared in a steady stream, but they did not seem to lose their self-consciousness. While fighting to kill human beings, they also protected the Gomong people.

"Sister Yi, why do bugs only swallow men but not women? And protect all women?"

"Because we are the Miao women who really created it, and it treats all the women present as its mother!"


"Because the king of maggots are mothers, only women can cultivate them. Except for you, any man cultivates ordinary maggots, and insects have the habit of swallowing males to lay eggs!"

"So now there is no man in the Gomiao clan, that is, it is swallowed up by insects and demons?"


Bai Yi's tone was very calm. He spent several days in the illusion array and experienced the cruelty that others would never face in his life. What he should be afraid of and crazy has passed, and his mentality slowly calmed down.

The speed of the insect demon's transformation of the half-worm man is getting faster and faster. Tens of thousands of half-worm people have blocked most of the human warriors, but the number of human army is still too small, and although the half-worm man is powerful, they are also flesh and blood, which will fatigue, be injured and die!

A demon extermination team composed of heavenly strong men went straight in like a golden stream, followed by a group of magicians, whose target is insects and demons!

Countless half-worms tried their best to intercept, but they were not the opponents of the heavenly strong. The golden armor, the golden knife killed the demon, the blood splashed, and soon killed the the the demon!


A huge fireball hit the top of the insect demon's head, and the flames spread. The insect demon's screams still cry like a baby, but it is full of hatred and violence!


One fireball after another fell, and dozens of heavenly strong men were killed. The golden knife flew away, and the blood of the insect demon's body splashed, and the screams became more and more tragic, but the huge body could not easily kill it!


The insect demon went crazy, and a strong suction suddenly broke out in the hole, and dozens of golden strong men who besieged it were swallowed up!

The remaining heavenly strong man retreated in shock and shouted for the magic attack!

After a while, golden meat balls spit out, and the heavenly half-worm man was born. Relying on the advantage of speed, the human-level strong man retreated step by step, and it was difficult to protect himself. The magicians who lost their protection were separated by the Miao and half-worm people!

The bloody battle is still going on, and teams of human strongmen protect the magicians and rush in, water and fire double balls, space split, gold giant-gun, meteorite skills...

Countless magic attacks have scarred the insect demon, the fire is burning, the blood is splashing, and the spherical body is turbulent up and down like a pile of water, as if it is about to burst apart!


The insect screamed, and countless small meatballs suddenly shot out of the hole, which fell all over the audience like raindrops. In the rumbling, a bug broke out of the shell and had sharp teeth, but they did not attack the human army, but penetrated into the bodies of the war dead!

The corpse also began to wriggle, and the flesh and blood gradually dried up. Then countless insects emerged from the corpse. The real counterattack began, and the sea of insects spread. Every time you devouring a human warrior, more insects will be born!

Human beings were finally afraid, completely afraid, and retreated crazily, but the sea of insects did not mean to let them go at all. Wherever they fled, where the sea of insects passed, there was no blood left, and the vegetation was swallowed!

I don't know if another day has passed. In addition to the painful cry of insects and demons, the scene was very quiet. There were only hundreds of thousands of women and more than 10,000 men left!

Look at the gods they created, and then look at the earth where there is nothing. Is all this real? Is it really worth it?


The insect demon screamed, and the suction of the hole regenerated, which instantly devoured more than a thousand men. The Miao woman screamed and asked the insect demon to stop devouring!

These more than 10,000 people are the only remaining men of the Miao people. If they all die, how can the Miao people inherit?


The worm refused the request. It was very painful. It needed flesh and blood to repair the seriously injured worm. The suction was generated, and thousands of men were sucked into the holes, and the blood-stripped wounds healed little by little!

The Miao people began to escape and fled crazily, but the endless sea of insects came back. All the men were carried back by the sea of insects, but the demons released all the women. They were its mothers!

The scene changed, and Fengyang and Bai Yi appeared in the sky, overlooking all the world!

The body of the insect demon has recovered and become larger than before. The sea of insects is constantly wrapped in a famous human and a fierce beast and sent to the hole, and then produces half-worm man and half insect beast!

The sight swept through tens of thousands of miles in an instant. Except for the Zerg, there is a huge mother nest like a bug demon every thousands of miles, adding up to hundreds of them, constantly transforming the insect soldiers and generals like insect demons!

On the edge of the Zerg territory, human warriors are still resisting the Zerg invasion, but everything is futile, and no power can resist the endless sea of insects!

Hundreds of thousands of Miao women continue to migrate, but no matter where they go, as long as they see their human beings, they will be scared away, because they are the mothers of insects!

They understand the disaster caused by the insect demon and have also returned to ask the insect demon to stop devouring, but the insect demon was born in hatred, and its mission is to devouring all life!

The Miao people had no way out and finally came to the Yingshen Cliff, asking the Lord God to forgive them, asking the Lord God to make up for the heinous crimes they had committed, and asking the Lord God to keep their inheritance!

The pious sacrifice of seven days and seven nights, a white light came to the altar to welcome the divine platform, and I couldn't see the appearance of the Lord God, but I knew that the Lord God was a woman:

"Can you know the crime?"

"The Miao people know their sins and are willing to accept divine punishment. I only ask the Lord to protect our inheritance!"

The main god did not reply, the white light flashed, and the scene changed again. He came to the territory of the insect demon. The endless white light spread, the sea of insects dissipated, the mother's nest fossils, and finally all the white light converged to the insect demon!

The insect demon roared unwillingly. Suddenly, Feng Yang saw a bloody space crack around the insect demon, and an illusory huge blood claw reached into the insect demon's body and grabbed its soul!

Then a sentence came from the crack: "Hahahaha, mother god, I didn't expect that I was still alive. I want the blood soul of this insect demon, and I will come back soon. Blood washes your divine world of all dynasties!"

The cracks healed, the insects melted, and the mother nests of all fossils dissipated at the same time. The poison pits were flattened by the earth, green buds and green leaves drilled out where the white light passed, and everything grew again!

A white shadow appeared at the location of the crack healing, reached out and touched the empty space, sighed, and then the white light returned to the Yingshentai:

"The insect demon has been destroyed, and the punishment will be imprisoned under the cliff of the gods, and then give him the spring of gestation. When the son of God comes, he will be regarded as the devil, and he can break the divine punishment and see the sun again!"

"Thank God!"

The illusion array is coming to an end here, but Fengyang still has many questions, so he rushed to the white light and shouted out:

"Wait for me!"

Fengyang wants to know how to help the Miao people get out of trouble, whether he is the son of God, and who his mother is!

In the white light, he saw a noble and beautiful goddess, feeling very gentle and warm. Tears flowed down and asked in a trembling voice:

"Mother God?"

The goddess smiled at him and looked at him motionlessly like a loving mother. Feng Yang couldn't help hugging, feeling the true maternal love and sucking sweet milk!

"Lord, Lord!"

Huh? Sister Yi?"

Feng Yang turned around and saw the frightened Bai Yi and found that they had returned to the pool. Then he turned around and saw that he was holding the statue and his mouth was just facing the jade bottle!


shocked back, "Puff!" He fell from the statue into the water, then surfaced and vomited crazily, but couldn't spit anything.

"Sister Yi, did I drink the water in this jade bottle just now?"

"You seem to have been drinking. You should have drunk a lot..."

Bai Yi's teeth are shaking. Women can get pregnant as long as they take a small sip. Just now, Feng Yang drank so much that he couldn't even scream. God knows how much he drank. Will men really not get pregnant?

"Ah--! Call me the elder, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, I don't want to get pregnant, I don't want to have children..."

Feng Yang swam to the shore like chicken blood!

It seems that a few months have passed in the illusion array, but in reality it is only a short time, so more than a dozen women waiting on the shore are still there. They came forward to help him and ask:

"Lord, you're fine..."

Before they finished asking, they saw Feng Yang holding an item in his hand. Their expressions were first collectively stunned, then collectively panicked, and finally collectively screamed!


"What's your name? I haven't finished calling yet!"

"Lord, you have brought out the spring of conception!"

Feng Yang was stunned and quickly reached out to take a look. A small jade bottle was held straight in his right hand!



A group of people went crazy. It was so exciting, except for screaming!