Blood God Laugh

Chapter 25 is the Son of God and the incarnation

Chapter 25, that is, the Son of God and the incarnation (Part 1)

"Then tell me why you went to the Divine Cliff!"

"I have reached the extreme of the world for thousands of years, and the life limit has passed. I should have entered the earth, but now the world is about to be destroyed, so I asked the immortals to extend my life for another hundred years and do my last bit of weakness."

"Oh, it turns out that you are afraid of death. You want to find a way to break through the divine level to obtain immortality, but I don't think there is anything special about the top of that mountain!"

Feng Yang shrugged his shoulders and acted very relaxedly, but his mind turned tens of millions of possibilities to analyze the truth and falsehood of what the old man said.

If such a powerful person is uneasy after entering the Gomiao clan, it is impossible for the strength of the whole clan to beat him.

Long Xianlao also saw Fengyang's worries. The Gu Miao people have been isolated from the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Although they will not easily trust outsiders, they can only slowly dispel his worries.

"The cliff is originally the road to the gods. Even if the divine power is withdrawn, the charm will not dissipate, and maybe the road to heaven will be found there! In this way, all the strong people in the pseudo-divine realm of the continent can go to abo. If they can turn gods, there will be more opportunities in the battle to destroy the world!"


When Feng Yang heard this, he immediately interrupted and asked, "Isn't there many gods in this world? Why don't they care?

Long Xian was stunned and thought:

Yes, the Miao people, who have been imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years, have completely avoided the beginning and process of extinction. They know nothing about the outside world, and now they are born at the last moment, then...

Long Xianlao suddenly stood up and laughed excitedly. Originally, he was just holding the mentality of a try, but now he has greater hope. He handed the Dragon God whip to Fengyang and said generously:

"This dragon whip is yours. Be careful. The greater the strength or any other form of power you instill, the stronger the thunderstorm power released by this whip!"

Fengyang took the dragon whip and asked with a little disbelief:

"Is that what you gave me? Did you really give it to me?

"Long Xianlao said he would give it to you. Don't give it to me!"

Yuer said that she stretched out her hand to grab it and sat still, but her hand and cuffs suddenly stretched like a stream of water.

Feng Yang screamed, put the whip behind him in one hand, and the milk light in the other hand, and his palm was on Yuer's handprints.


The two split with each other, but Fengyang faced a big problem.


A silver-white electric light instantly transmits the whole body from the dragon god whip, and the silver flow fluctuates like water lines, making a "buzzing" sound.

Fengyang's whole body trembled, and his long hair towered high. The other head nodded like a chicken. After a few black smoke rings spit out in his mouth for a long time, the silver electricity stopped and heard Yuer's slap on the table and laughing!

"Son, are you all right!"

Bai Yi asked worriedly, although the dragon fairy did not look like a villain and the identity of the dragon emperor, Fengyang's identity could not be exposed at will.

Feng Yang did not answer Bai Yi. He raised his trembling finger and pointed to Yuer. His face was gray, and his mouth was still spraying black smoke. He scolded in a trembling voice:

"Bad woman, you did it on purpose!"

"Ah, aren't you slow to react? Did you feel good just now? Why don't you give me the whip and I'll change some more practical treasures for you?"

"This whip is also mine. You don't have the door you want, and you bad old man. You gave it to me by yourself. I didn't promise you anything!"

Feng Yang played tricks, took the whip, and didn't do anything.

"Don't you want to know why the god of war doesn't care?"

Long Xianlao was not worried about Feng Yang's repudiation and continued his foreword, "Because all the gods had fallen 100,000 years ago!"


Feng Yang and Bai Yi rejected at the same time. If all the gods fell, where did Feng Yang's divine son come from?

"Some long-term inheritance of this matter is well known, but the ignorance of all ethnic groups is deceived and induced by blood demons for their own self-interest, so the battle to exterminate the world is for the arrival of gods!"

"It's impossible. There were miracles from the Miao people three years ago!" Bai Yi called the arrival of Fengyang and the Miao people as a miracle.

"Real?" Long Xianlao was even more excited, and his conjecture was further confirmed.

"Thousands!" Bai Yi replied.

"What is the metaphor?"

"The divine metaphor existed tens of thousands of years ago. As long as there is a miracle, the Miao people can break the divine punishment and return to the mainland!"

"But the Lord God's Metaphor?"


"That's why you can come out. It turns out that even if the Lord God came to this day tens of thousands of years ago, there must be a way to the outside world!"

"The road outside the sky?" Feng Yang has doubts.

"The continent of the Wan Dynasty is only the divine world of the main god, and the highest achievement can only reach the pseudo-god. If you want to go further, you must go to heaven to receive the baptism of divine disaster. However, since 100,000 years ago, the main god has never opened the road outside the sky, and all pseudo-god gods have no chance to break through!"

"How to explain the miracle of the Miao people?"

"100,000 years ago, the whole divine world of the Wan Dynasty was stained with blood. At that time, the three pseudo-godors of the immortals went to investigate. As a result, two died and one injured. After the injured came back, they only said a word and died!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The gods are separated, the gods fall, and the main gods gather the crystals to suppress the demons, and are in the same town with the demons!"

Feng Yang was silent. If the main god was suppressed, how was he born?

Looking at Bai Yi, who was also thoughtful, Feng Yang doubted the identity of his divine son for the first time. Who is he?

Long Xianlao couldn't help sighing and continued:

"For 100,000 years, the seal of the main god should be weaker and weaker, and today's blood demon should be the incarnation of the demon!"

Feng Yang's heart moved and immediately asked, "Does the Lord God also have an external incarnation?"

"The whole divine world of the Wan Dynasty is the main god, so the main god is ubiquitous, but the suppression of demons by the body must be greatly limited, and even the external incarnation is limited!"

"Can the incarnation have a baby?"

"Have a baby?"

Long Xian always looked at Feng Yang with strange eyes and thought that he was just curious, so he replied:

"It is an incarnation. Of course, it's just the cohesion of rules, not an entity. How can you have children?"

Hearing this, as if hit by a bolt from the blue, Feng Yang retreated a few steps. Bai Yi quickly helped him and said in a special tone in his ear:

"Lord, whether you are the son of God or not, it must be given by the Lord God to the Miao people, and it will always be our Lord!"

Seeing the abnormal reaction of Feng Yang and Bai Yi, combined with the question just now, Long Xian Lao sipped through thousands of speculations in his heart, and finally stared at Feng Yang brightly and asked seriously:

"The miracle of the Gomiao clan has given the Son of God?"

"I don't know, I don't know, ah!!! Who the hell am I!!!"