Blood God Laugh

Chapter 26 It's not God who accompanies me!

Chapter 26, it's not God who accompanies me!

"Do, Do, Do!"

Bai Yi knocked on the door and waited for a while. The door opened with a "squeak". Feng Yang didn't say anything. After opening the door, he walked back to the room, lay down and looked at it in a daze.

Approaching the bedside, Bai Yi leaned against him and lay down quietly without saying a word. After a while, Feng Yang reached out and took her under Bai Yi's neck and pulled her into his arms.

The two snuggled quietly for a long time. During this period, Bai Yi helped him wipe away the electric putty on his face with a hand towel, and told him what Long Xianlao said that he was both a god and an incarnation.

After hearing this, Feng Yang did not have any emotional ups and downs. He still looked at the top of the room and saw the memories from the baby in his eyes:

The first time he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Yi. It was a Miao woman who fed him the first mouthful of milk, and he had drunk many people, because he was too good at drinking, and many people's breasts were drunk by him.

Then Bai Yi was the one who coaxed him to sleep every day, Bai Yi who took out honey and ate for him, taught him to walk, taught him magic, and taught him to cultivate insects!

Then he often peeked at the women's bathing. He knew that the floors of Yingshen Cliff were places for young women to bathe, and those floors were places for mature women to bathe, because he had gone to peek!

I even accidentally saw the old withered elder bathing, and as a result, goose bumps fell to the ground!

When he cultivated the dragon king, there was a little red snake. He named her Little Red Red, and the whole Miao clan was boiling. This was the first time that a man had successfully cultivated the king of dragons!

Because he is the master of the Gomiao clan, he is the hope of the Gomiao clan, and he is the future god of the Gomong clan!

Remember that the two finally came to this moment when they depended on each other, and the scene returned to reality. Feng Yang shouted:

"Sister Yi!"


"Do you think the Miao people should be born?"

"I don't know. Both immortals and gods said that the battle of extermination is coming. Although it still doesn't know what's going on, it sounds very serious."

"It doesn't matter whether I am the son of God or not, because I have figured out that it is not the god who accompanies me in my life, but the Miao people, but Sister Yi!"

"But can the Miao people hide and avoid it?"

"Whether I can avoid it or not, I don't want the Miao people to be born too early before I don't have the ability to protect the clan!"

"Well, I support you!"

"Sister Yi, do you want to let the old man go to see the cliff?"

"With the two identities of the immortals and the Dragon Emperor, what he said is very credible. Anyway, he hasn't found the entrance of the diaphragm yet. Let's take a look and make a decision!"

"Well, has the battle book of the third battle of Golden Sword Sky been posted?"

"Not yet, I guess I've been stunned by you!"

"That dead woman deserves to be slapped and dares to touch me!"

"But he thought I smoked. You should leave two slaps for me. Although my hand hurts a little, it feels good to smoke!"

"Why don't we add a slap punishment in the fourth battle?"

"Forget it, this kind of thing can be done again. In fact, in addition to being arrogant, Jin Jiantian is still very good!"

"Sister Yi!"


"I'm so hungry. Let's go to dinner!"

Fengyang didn't eat his last meal, but now he is really hungry. He walked into the main hall, and the three Longxian have just started dinner.

Feng Yang sat down rudely and began to eat and drink. To his surprise, the speed and belly volume of the three Longxians were no less than him!

A table of food was wiped out in a short time, but the kitchen was half tired, and the whole three tables of food only finished the four big stomach kings!

"Ah! It's so cool. I haven't eaten so much for a long time!"

Yu'er's pregnant stomach was quite strong. She touched it with her hand a few times and touched it in a small circle. After a few strokes, it seemed that the fetus had been digested by her!

Looking at Chen Yun again, the last bowl of wine was poured down, and then the muscles of his body were blown up, and then he kept agitated for a while, and the big belly was also digested.

Finally, Long Xianlao picked up his teeth with a chicken bone, and his stomach did not have any ups and downs at all. Seeing that, he could eat ten more tables of food. After picking his teeth, he swallowed the chicken bone without chewing!

Fengyang is frightened. What kind of people are these? If the three of them eat here for ten days and a half months, the hundreds of food he snatched from Jinjiantian and those sent by Tiannan City will be directly finished. What else can he take back to the Gomiao people?

"Hey, your food is quite good. It's much better than that of the immortals!"

Yuer looked at Fengyang with interest and then asked, "You haven't told us what your name is yet?"

"My name is Prince! In addition, you will live outside tomorrow. I can't afford to support you!"

"Oh? This famous man, do you want us to go to the Protoss? Then tell the Protoss that you pretend to be a fairy?" Yu'er threatened with a smile.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, don't even think about the matter of welcoming the cliff!"

Fengyang's chips are the most important. Sure enough, Yuer turned her head with a "hum" after hearing this.

"If you fight with the Protoss in the name of the immortals, of course we will stay and help fight, and the people of the Protoss should also arrive. If you are not present, you will suffer a big loss!"

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy, and Long Xianlao broke back the disadvantage as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Well, it's better to suffer losses than to be poor by you!"

Feng Yang said so, but the Protos will definitely ask to see the elders of the immortals. At present, the old man happens to be the right choice. If you really drive away, there is no place to invite him back!

So the wind changed, and Feng Yang continued:

"But the Protoss are also staring at the Yingshen Cliff. I don't want to go back for the time being. If you make the Protoss perfunctory, I will let you stay for a few more days, but halve my food!"

Yuer's nose twitched, and her eyes immediately burst into tears and said aggrievedly:

"Yo, do you have the heart to make such a super beauty hungry?"

Fengyang scolded directly and had no sense of pity for jade:

"Your face is covered with mud and old clothes, and the ugly are almost the same. The immortals are poor and crazy. It's okay if you can't afford to wear good clothes. Is there no face washing water?"

Yuer was so angry that she stood up and pointed to Feng Yang. Her cheeks twitched to the ground. Finally, she turned her finger to Long Xianlao and scolded loudly:

"Dragon Fairy always blames you! What do you mean by dressing plainly to avoid people's ears and eyes? Look, I'm insulted by a fake woman now. I don't care. I'm going to change my clothes!"

Long Xian was speechless and continued to taste the tea after dinner. As soon as Yuer left, Jia Er came to report:

"Son, the war book of the Protoss has been posted!"

"Oh, listen and see what he can think of to revenge in the third battle!"


Jia Er unfolded the war book in the book and began to read:

/Jian received the news that the elders of the immortals moved into the Batian Martial Arts Museum today. It is rumored that the immortals are unpredictable and powerful to resolve the world's magic, and the Protos are specially trained by magic.

Rules of the third battle: At the bottom of the full moon valley, there are three people on each side, one of whom must be an elder, one by one by one, to fight with skill, only with skill, and the one who wins two wins in three games!

The Protoss fought three: God King Jin Chiya, Shenwei Jin Jiantian, and Huowei Kong Xi! /

"Hahahaha! The arrogance of the Protoss is really great. As soon as I came, I wanted to give the immortals a down. Even I had to fight in this battle!"

Long Xian laughed, and then looked at Feng Yang and asked:

"Little doll, your magic is useless in such a fight. Do you want to learn a few magic tricks from your grandfather at the last minute?"

Feng Yang is really speechless. He just had to drive people away, but now it's okay. If he doesn't turn around and beg his grandmother to leave them behind!

"Is that fairy art difficult to learn?"

"Fairy integrates all the spells in the world, learn from each other's strengths, transform thousands of tricks, and perform thousands of spells. Even my dragon clan has to accept it!"

Speaking of this, Long Xianlao stared at Fengyang and asked seriously:

"You have the gift of anti-God. If you can integrate all the immortal arts, the battle over the level is easy. Do you learn or not?"

"Isn't there an attribute requirement for learning but magic? How can I collect all the fairy arts?

Feng Yang doubted that after he got the breast strength, the elders of the Miao nationality explained to him the attributes of various strength.

Generally, after the strength reaches the sky level, it can transform the strength into the unique form of the original attributes through some evolution, which can strengthen a lot of attack and defense effects.

Long Xianlao nodded and replied:

"Others can't do it, but you can!"


"The opportunity can't be leaked!"

"Damn, what do you mean, you dead old man?"

Fengyang pulled his anger and was half-dead like the previous Bai Yi, but again and again, Bai Yi was not a fool. He seemed to understand something and asked Yuer:


Sure enough, Long Xianlao answered again, looked at Bai Yi with a kind smile and said:

"Because his breast strength is the dragon god breast strength in the dragon legend, which is the same power attribute as the dragon god!"

"Damn, he's really a cheap old man. I won't answer if I ask. I didn't call you grandpa, right? You're a bad old man and a cheap old man. You don't want me to call you grandpa!"

Feng Yang scolded self-righteously. Bai Yi quickly whispered in his ear and immediately let him look at the dragon fairy like a monster, and asked contemptuously:

"Old man, you haven't been stimulated, have you? Why don't you have such a disgusting hobby?"

"After 30,000 years, I have already learned everything. If I don't find a way to protect myself, won't anyone ask endless questions? Only with this hobby can you avoid more than half of your mouth!"

"Bah, I still need to give you a big talker's name, so what is the attribute of my Dragon God breast power?"

"There is neither attribute nor any attribute!" The dragon fairy replied briefly.

"My God! You are still pretending to be a magic stick. Please don't be so ambiguous, okay?"

Feng Yang is anxious. He hates procrastinating and saying that half of the people are left, and at this time, a red veil woman came in.