Blood God Laugh

Chapter 55 High fever and dizziness

Chapter 55, High fever and dizziness

As soon as the crops are harvested, the snow season is coming. The snow season in the far north is for half a year. Of course, this is only for the arable land in the south. It is a snow season in the middle and north for many years!

The territory of Snow God Heaven is like a long triangle, with a long bottom line, and most of it is arable land. Only the corner capital - Snow God Heavenly Capital - is built on the ice and snow land in the south-central part!

Therefore, the road from Xuenan City to Xueshen Tiandu is not very far. The distance between things is far, and there is almost no defensive power. If the orcs really want to attack Xueshen Heavenly Kingdom, they can wipe out the thin and pointed wings with a gentle sweep on both sides!

After staying in Xuenan City for another three days, the orcs did not appear. It seems that the snow barbarians are indeed truthful, and with the big hat of the gods covered, the orcs will be more or less under some pressure!

There should be no danger in Xuenan City for the time being. A group of seven continued to go on the road. When the companion came late, the snow finally appeared under his feet, and the cold snowy wind began to blow!

Feng Yang, Bai Yi, Yuer and Chen Aier have put on white-haired snow jackets, which are made of the dozens of snow wolf skins. They are velvety, warm and comfortable!

"T turkey!" Feng Yang shouted.

"What's the matter?" Kong Xi responded with a black face. The name of this turkey was really unpleasant. He had told Feng Yang many times, but he did not change his words!

"Is your fire attribute not cold at all in this ice and snow?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You see, we are hungry after walking all day. Can you use your hair to heat the food for us to eat? Is it better to burn a fire for one night to keep us warm?"


A big fire burned to Fengyang, and Fengyang suddenly took out a red fire gourd, "instigated" and sucked all the flames in, making him laugh happily:

"Hahahaha, really good baby, sister Aier, let's play with this first!"

Ah? When did you steal my fire gourd? Chen Aier asked in shock.

"Hey, this move is called the five dragon carrier. It's really good. There are all kinds of tricks. The old man must not have done anything to steal chickens and dogs!"

Fengyang sat directly on the ground, then took out the food, set up the fire gourd, and then opened it. The hot flame burned three feet high at the mouth of the gourd, and barbecued beautifully!

"It should be Xueshentian tomorrow, but I always feel that I have done one less thing. Why don't we buy some snow trucks in Xuenan City?" Feng Yang said regretfully, with a piece of meat in his mouth.

"We walked for a day and saw the snow. Didn't we buy a snow car to walk?" Yuer also said while eating.

"At least I can take the snow car tomorrow. I haven't taken it yet!"

"When you get to Snow God, there are snow cars for you!"

"But I want to ride a snowmill now, why don't we make a snowmill and come out, and then Sister Ai'er, how many ice bears do you come out to pull the car?"

"Ah?" Chen Aier said depressedly, "That one consumes magic very much. Magicians don't compare with warriors. Our magic recovery is very slow. Besides, magic is not for playing!"

"Forget it, I knew you were as stingy as a turkey. I also gave you a snow wolf leather jacket. It's better to grab a snow car directly in this snow!"

It's really what to say. As soon as the words were finished, dozens of snow trucks surrounded them, and they were happy!

The snowmobile approached quickly, needless to say that it was attracted by the firelight of the barbecue. The firelight shone on the snow, white and white, and reflected the beating fire. Although it was vague, it also saw the people sitting on the snowmobile clearly!

The unusually strong body has a little body hair, but this little hair in this cold far north has no effect on keeping warm, but they are not afraid of the cold, only the privacy-part is surrounded by a skin!

A pair of eyes reflect the dark light under this faint firelight, revealing ferocity and greed, which makes people feel cold, because those eyes grow on tiger heads!

"seven? No, get them back!"

One of the tiger-headed people nodded and wanted to arrest people directly without asking. It seems that this should be the end of the team of humans found by the orcs outside the city!

"Hey, why do you want to take us back? Are you going to invite us to dinner? We can eat well. We can eat one truck of your food a day. Can you afford it?

Feng Yang shouted. From the number of tiger-headed people just now, it can be guessed that they should be looking for five Protoss who robbed the Snow Barbarians, but there are seven people at present, and they think it's just not.

"Eat one car a day?"

The tiger-headed man who ordered was about to turn the snowcar and leave. Feng Yang's words shocked him. Finally, he looked at Feng Yang and others. Seeing that the tiger head also had some human faces, he lowered his voice and asked:

"Are you the Protoss who robbed the snow barbarians and robbed a thousand cars of food?"

"Ah, the tiger head is not stupid, turkey, didn't you say that most orc heads are relatively dull?"

Feng Yang turned his head to look at Kong Xi and winked at several people at the same time. Yuer had protected Bai Yi and Chen Aier behind him!

The order just now has several tiger-headed people got out of the car and preparing to capture Feng Yang and others. The tall man stood up almost ten feet, and the tiger-headed man who ordered shouted again:

"Wait!" Then he asked Fengyang and others, "Let me ask you again, are you a Protoss?"

"My God, you're right about the turkey. The beast head is relatively slow. If you say it so clearly, you still have to ask!"

"You still haven't answered my question. Are you a Protoss or not!"

"Your tiger head should be changed to a pig's head. Let me tell you, we are the Protoss, and we are the ones who rob you of your food. Leave seven snow trucks, and then roll out of the Snow God Kingdom!"


Yuer and other girls laughed. Feng Yang's anti-robbery look was really funny. The thick snow wolf skin jacket put his hands on his waist and pointed to people. With words, he looked like a noble bitch no matter how he looked at it!

"Are you really Protoss?"

The tiger-headed man was not angry but happy. He didn't listen to the pig's head, keeping a car and so on, and then said loudly:

"I, the ninth son of the Tiger King, Lugula Tiger, challenge you!"


The tiger-headed people on the snow car congratulated with the tiger roar, and the tiger's face showed extremely strange excitement. Obviously, the challenge is a sacred and exciting thing for them!

"Challenge? Why don't you go together? It's really stupid and slow! But we don't accept the challenge of pig-headed people!"

Fengyang's words are very poisonous, and people with a little brains should be furious, but I don't know whether these tiger-headed people are really stupid or too good-tempered to be satirized by words at all!

Rugula proudly raised the tiger's head and said:

"I, the tiger people respect the strong. As long as the opponent is the strong, they never bully the less. In addition, the pig-headed people have been eaten up by our tiger people in ancient times, because they are too weak. If we treat the weak, we will bully the tiger people with more and less!"


Feng Yang was so angry that he really wanted to vomit blood. This time, he finally met his opponent. So the poisonous words did not hit the other party. Instead, he became arrogant and arrogant, which seriously hit Feng Yang!


Seeing Feng Yang's speechless anger that his nose was about to breathe fire, Yuer couldn't help laughing and said with a smile:

How's it going? Did you encounter a nail this time? This pig-headed man is really stupid. Just accept his challenge!"

Feng Yang suppressed a mouthful of silt and said angrily, "Okay! I accept your challenge. Let's talk about how to play. Let's see if I don't beat you into a real pig head!"

Lu Gula removed his warlike eyes from Fengyang, swept Kong Xi and Jin Jiantian, and finally stayed on Chen Yun and shouted:

"I, Rugula Tiger, challenge you!"

Feng Yang finally couldn't help it. He was completely ignored. He was so angry and hurt his self-esteem. He looked up and roared, and the powerful dragon power made the snow wolves who pulled the cart paralyzed down!

Lugula looked back in shock and said in great surprise, "You are very strong, but my tiger race never challenges women, and women do not challenge men's power!"

Long Yin's voice suddenly interrupted. Feng Yang covered his chest and took a few steps back. He was completely defeated. Bai Yi quickly went up and held him, and then Feng Yang said in a weak voice:

"Sister Yi, I'm so dizzy. I want to rest. I'm so dizzy!"

Bai Yi touched his head, which was so hot. His anger was serious, and he had a high fever directly!

Yuer and others also looked at him with pitiful eyes and shook their heads and sighed one after another. The strong man in the realm actually got a high fever with a few words, and few people would believe it even if it spread out!

Lu Gula turned his eyes to Chen Yun again:

"I feel a strong tiger power in you. Although you are not a tiger race or an orc, you definitely have a tiger vein, so I want to challenge you and I want you to submit!"

Chen Yun is very dignified, and the breath of Lugula is also very strong. The so-called mountain does not allow two tigers. Whether it is in the tiger race or the tiger in the deep mountain jungle, the result of the two tigers competing is:

Either die in battle, or the loser submits to the winner and submits forever!

With the strength of the two, it is difficult to kill each other, so this battle is almost the battle of the younger brother. If Lu Gula is defeated, Chen Yun will have a tiger younger brother.

If Chen Yun is defeated, he will follow Lu Gu to return to the tiger race!

Chen Yun looked at Yuer, and Yuer nodded to him. She knew that if she opposed Chen Yun, she would refuse to challenge, but once the courage of the tiger vein is interrupted, it will seriously affect his future development!

"Okay, I accept it!"

"Good! It is worthy of being a member of the divine clan with tiger veins. When I, Rugula subdue you and bring you back to the clan, my father will be very happy and even pass the tiger god stick to me, hahahaha!"

"How do you know you won't lose? If you lose, I want you to pull a snowcar for Chen Yun!"

Yuer sneer said, but she was inevitably a little worried and even made up her mind that if Chen Yun really failed, she would kill Lu Gula on the spot and could not lose Chen Yun anyway!