Blood God Laugh

Chapter 81 Battle of the Ghost

Chapter 81, Battle of the Ghost

Although he is dead, the body of the dragon emperor is still strong. He opens his mouth, and the corpse God stepped into the dragon's mouth and merged with the corpse dragon!

"Wang--!" The dragon head is raised, the dragon's eyes flashed with golden green corpse light, and the 30-foot dragon body exudes the breath of an alternative dragon emperor, still with infinite majesty!

This alternative dragon emperor's breath made several people think of the dragon fairy at the same time. Fengyang looked up, and his eyes seemed to cross the endless high altitude, penetrated the divine world of all dynasties, and saw nothingness.

The ten-foot ghost body howled, which seemed to be a little shocked. No matter how big his ghost body was, it was just condensed with the soul of war and ghost spirit. The corpse dragon in front of him was a real entity!

"Dong--!" In the projection ghost world, the empty punch, and the deep hole is full of ghost gas. Mo Bai also opened up the real ghost world, and the ghost roared:

"Come to my war ghost king..." Suddenly, he stopped summoning again. He raised his ghost's eyes and looked at the artifact knife that seemed to be hanging in the air to watch the play.

He already has an artifact, which is a king knife taken by Feng Yang from the blood demon, but it is far from comparable to the artifacts of the gods.

And the use of other artifacts in front of the big knife may cause the dissatisfaction of the big knife, so Mo Bai stopped the call of the war ghost king knife!

"Ning me to fight against the ghost!"

The slogan was changed, and countless war souls and endless ghosts rushed out of the ghost world, condensed into a seven-foot ghost knife in the hands of the ten-foot ghost body, and the fighting spirit of heaven and earth knife pointed to the corpse dragon!

The dragon's eye flashed a trace of contempt, opened its mouth and sprayed, and the corpse gas hit the ten-foot ghost body like a rapid and crazy green stream. The ghost body resisted with the knife and retreated step by step!

As soon as the dragon stopped, the ghost body rushed forward. The big ghost knife cut down against the dragon head. The dragon head was slightly biased, and the golden-green forked dragon horn easily carried the knife, turned the corner fork, stuck the ghost knife, and the dragon's tail was thrown!

"Wow..." The ghost screams are always so unpleasant. The ghost body suddenly loosened the big ghost knife, hugged the dragon tail thrown in, retreated a few feet, and did not let go.

As soon as his body was stable, he immediately exerted his strength and fierce round. The 30-foot dragon body was soaring into a green ring. The big ghost knife was summoned, and the blade automatically blocked in front of the dragon body of the wheel!

"Won!!!" The dull sound of impact, the rotation of the dragon's body suddenly stopped, and the dragon's body was not damaged at all, but the big ghost knife was smashed and flew out of the two worlds of ghosts, just in front of Fengyang and several people!

"Wow~!" Yuer exclaimed, "This corpse dragon is so strong that the dragon body can be used as an artifact!"

"She has been refined into an artifact!" Only Fengyang could see that this was a female dragon body. "It is not a corpse, but an artifact born in its dragon corpse!"

"Isn't Mo Bai unable to beat her?" Chen Aier is a little anxious. Of course, she hopes that Mo Bai can get the approval of the big knife. "She has such a strong artifact, what are you robbing!"

"The artifact does not have to be the strongest, but the most suitable person who can exert the power of the artifact. If you guess correctly, this knife should be the weapon of the giant spirit god!"

"Giant Spirit God?" Yuer looked at Kong Xi in surprise. Women's interest and thirst for strange or magical stories were far stronger than men's. "Speak up!"

"It is said that the body of the giant spirit god is a mountain stone, just like a human shape. The ancient people's respect for the gods is thousands of times higher than today, so they worshipped this mountain stone as a statue of the god. Over time, it became spiritual. Then in a mountain fire, the surface of the mountain stone fell off, and the giant spirit god was born!"

"Wow, it's the first time I've heard of it!" Yuer continued to ask, "Where did this artifact come from?"

"There is a theory of native gold in the five elements. The mountain stone of the birth of the giant spirit god contains gold and stone, which is burned into the color of purple gold in the mountain fire. Therefore, the giant spirit god is full of purple gold and gold and earth, and exercises the purple gold left inside the mountain stone into a purple gold ruler knife!"

"Oh, it's amazing. This big knife is a veritable split of God!" Yuer said to Chen Yun again, "You are such a fool. Why don't you chase this ruler knife that day!"

"Well~! Maybe he ran too fast to find it!" Chen Yun explained awkwardly, "Besides, this knife is so long that it is not suitable for me!"

"You are a pig. You can't turn into a tiger. Take a knife with your tiger's claws!"

Ah? What's going on..."

"Haha..." Everyone covered their mouths and smiled. If the big tiger stood up and held a ruler knife in his paw, he didn't have to fight, his opponent would have laughed to admit defeat!


The battle of ghouls is still going on, and there is no overwhelming power difference. If you really want to win or lose, you may have to fight for a few days and nights, but Mo Bai's ghost body is already at an absolute disadvantage.

The corpse dragon has already been free from the tail of the ghost body. The dragon tail is like a flexible whip to the ghost body, and the rolling corpse liquid is flying everywhere in **. Even the ghost body condensed by the immortal war soul is weak in corrosion!

"Ah, ah..." The ghost scream is still so unpleasant. It's really unfair to fight like this. Mo Bai finally couldn't help it, "Dong--!" Another punch opened the ghost world!

"Come and fight against the ghost king knife!!!"

A dark king knife rushed out, and the big ghost knife inserted not far in front of Feng Yang and others immediately returned. The two knives merged, and the knife head turned into a giant ghost head and roared at the corpse dragon.


This roar is a little more domineering than Mobai's ghost roar. The ghost holds the knife in his hand, sweeps the knife horizontally, and fights with the drawn dragon tail!


The ghost body retreated, "Hahahaha..." but laughing wildly, because the dragon's tail was also shaken back, and the whole dragon body was thrown back to the depths of the projection of the corpse world!


The corpse dragon was furious, and endless corpses suddenly burst out in the projection of the corpse world. Even the eyes of the sight had a sense of corroded pain, as if countless corpses rolled away to the ghost world!

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

A series of dozen fists seemed to have opened up more than a dozen ghost worlds. A famous skeleton king came across the border and met the endless corpse gas!


The two trends collided, and the scattered corpse gas showed the corpse spirit. There are all kinds of people and animals, with different shapes. It seems that they have a deep understanding of the bones. The skeleton king in the front row has been dismantled into a pile!

"Damn, this female corpse and this ghost can't be provoked!" Chen Yun was shocked and said firmly, "It's just that the strength of the body is already so strong, and there is also a corpse army. If there are not millions of troops, who can stop it!"

"Yes!" Kong Xi agreed, "One person marches, and these ghosts are everywhere. If you are against them, it is equivalent to an endless army of ghosts!"

"Let's bet on which one of them will win, how about it!" Yuer suggested that the hobby that suddenly emerged from nowhere.

"I think the female corpse is more powerful, but it must be Mo Bai who won!" Chen Aier bet, "I bet you on a dress!"

"Ah?" Yuer was stunned, "What kind of logic is this?"

Chen Aier looked at the ghost world, "I hope Mo Bai will win!"

"Although the corpse spirit is strong, its strength is the same after the damage, and the recovery is slow. If the war ghost is not destroyed, you can take the corpse on the spot and fight again. If the two armies fight on a large scale, the ghost army will win!" Kong Xi supported Chen Aier, "I bet on a fairy beast mount with you, and I want the ice water system!"

"Good!" Yuer was excited to answer, "If you lose, give me a beast soul!"

"It also depends on the environment to take the body on the spot. Although there are many bones buried in this hundred miles, the bones are rotten and unbearable!" Jin Jiantian held an objection, "I bet on the victory of the female corpse, and bet on the 100 immortal guards of your immortal clan!"

"Drink!" Yuer became excited and said, "A hundred immortal guards, do you have the right to lose a hundred divine guards to me?"

"I am already the god king, and I have the power to call 300 divine guards. I believe that with the status of you and Chen Yun, it should not be difficult for 100 immortal guards. You bet or not!" The golden sword is arrogant!

"If you bet, just bet. Don't regret it then!" Yuer was angry with the arrogance that came out from time to time, "You are so optimistic about this female corpse, can you really like her!"

"You..." Fight with women, and all of them are men. The golden sword weather is crazy.

"Bai Yi, who will win the bet?"

"Ah?" Bai Yi woke up and said, "Bet, what?"

Yuer shook her hand in front of her, "You can't do it. You can also run away. What are you thinking?"

"I don't know, but I feel that the ghost knife is very similar to another knife in the clan." Bai Yi looked at Feng Yang, and he also stared at the ghost world and the war ghost king knife in Mo Bai's hand.

"There is something wrong with that ghost knife!" Feng Yang withdrew his eyes. He could sense that the real essence of the war ghost king knife was blood, and there was also the breath of the bloody demon god.

"Lord!" Bai Yi was a little worried, "Is there anything wrong with the knife in that clan?"

"Hmm!" Feng Yang nodded, "Don't worry, the knife in the clan will be fine for the time being, but Mo Bai is not the essence of blood, and can only temporarily suppress the essence of the blood of the knife body, and this knife should swallow a lot of blood. If you lose the suppression of ghost spirit, there is a possibility of recovery!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yuer was anxious and her thirst for knowledge was overflowing. She gently threatened, "Tell me, or you will tell me in your sleep!"

"Do you really want to know?" Feng Yang looked at Yuer with extremely deep eyes, which made people feel a little horrible.

"Don't pretend to scare me, I won't eat that! Let me tell you, I've been the only one scared since I was a child!"

"Well, the real owner of the ghost knife is the blood demon god!"

"Ha~?" Several people were shocked.

"The Lord~!" Bai Yi screamed. If Feng Yang didn't say it, even if she had life and blood, she couldn't see that it was the knife of the blood demon god. "Is the knife in that clan really all right?"

"It's okay. The blood knife in the clan has changed owners. Even if the blood demon god breaks free from the seal, he can't control it!"

"I know, that's the blood demon knife!" Kong Xi guessed the origin of the ghost knife, "How can Mo Bai use the blood demon's knife as a weapon!"

"Bah!" Yuer objected, "It should be said that this ghost is so powerful that he even grabbed the knife of the blood demon!"

"Well..." is irrefutable.


The corpse army gained the upper hand, and the corpse flowed to the ghost world.

Mo Bai's ghost body was in a hurry and rushed up in person. He combined with the big ghost knife to become the length of the ghost king's knife of the first battle. He cut it horizontally and cut off more than a dozen powerful corpses!

Before they had time to take the knife and cut it again, more than a dozen broken corpses collectively exploded, "Roar!!!" It's like an explosive super watermelon, but it's not bright red sweet juice, but a strong green corpse!

The projection of the ghost world was suddenly blown up, more than half of the passages of the ghost world were closed, and Mo Bai became a green corpse!


The corpse dragon rushed out and surrounded Mo Bai like a snake body. The powerful dragon body was a hoop, the ghost mouth opened, countless war souls and ghosts rushed away, and the ghost body quickly shrank!

"Uh! You can blow it up, and I will blow it up! Explosion!!!"

The desperate posture came out, and the ghost army exploded, causing a sensation. The immortal soul of war will also be completely destroyed. The projection of the ghost world will soar, and the edge of collapse will inevitably follow!

The corpse dragon was furious, and the corpse world quickly coincided with the ghost world. It was abruptly under the power of self-detonation. All the corpses were blown up without bones and died together!