Blood God Laugh

Chapter 83 The Body of War Ghost

Chapter 83, the body of the war ghost

It's getting late, the dusk is coming, and the battle of ghosts is still going on, but both sides without addition have tried their best. Even if there is no projection world shield, the fluctuation of power is not enough to provoke the disaster of heavenly anger.

Jin Jiantian clenched the water willow sword, "This is a good opportunity. While they are weak, we will go up to tie them and work together without giving them any chance!"

Several people looked at him in surprise. If it had been in the past, with the arrogance of the golden sword, they would never have said such a thing, let alone take advantage of the power of others, or even sneak attacks.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm serious. There must be fewer and fewer clans fighting in the battle of the world, but these two people's corpses are fighting more and more. If you don't kill them now, they will be the enemy in the future!"

"You can't kill!" Feng Yang opposes.


"They are the inheritors of the two true gods of the dead, and they are indispensable fighting power."

"How do you know they will be on the side of the human race?"

"No, they will be on the side of the Lord God."

"Are you sure?"

"Definite!" Feng Yang was very firm, "Don't ask me why. You just need to know that I am the son of God. I haven't figured out some things, so I can't explain them for the time being."

"I believe you!"

Jin Jiantian took the sword and knelt down to the wind Yang half to the sword. "Although I hate you very much, I have to admit that you have the demeanor of a divine son now. I, Jin Jiantian, would like to follow you and swear to follow to the death!"

Feng Yang was a little touched. Looking back on the first meeting, Jin Jiantian was so arrogant and awe-like that he hated Feng Yang at first sight, so he called him "Jin bitch-man."

Later, he fought in Tiannan Restaurant and felt that it was not smooth, so he changed his name to "B bitch-Jing!"

Then there is the Nine Extreme Battle, which can be said to be the growth battle of Fengyang. Except for the "Fant Flower Array" in the first battle, it did suffer a little loss.

In the next few battles, Jin Jiantian was almost abused. In the last battle, he lost his noble blonde hair and was renamed "Skin-headed" by Feng Yang again!

Along the way, Jin Jiantian did have enough reasons to hate Feng Yang and even hate him, but now he has abandoned all his former hatred and surrendered to him!

"Get up, Jiantian!"

Fengyang's sound of "Jiantian" liberated all the unpleasant nicknames buckled on the golden sword sky, showing a sincere and inexplicable emotion among several people's hearts.

"I, Kong Xi would like to follow you!"

"I, Chen Aier, would like to follow you!"

"I, Chen Yun, would like to follow you!"

"I, Yin Xueyuer originally followed you!" Several people finally know Yuer's full name, but the "Silver Snow" may be more suitable to change to "Nie Demon".

"I, Bai Yi, would like to follow the Lord for life!"

Feng Yang was very moved. He picked up several people one by one and pulled out a soul crystal on their foreheads, all of which were in his heart.

"The art of soul, one heart and one life, one life and one death!"

"With the same heart and the same life, the same life and death!" Several people spoke together, and their souls were closely connected with Fengyang.


Mo Bai was tired, and his hand holding the ghost knife couldn't help trembling. Blood flowed to the ghost knife. The ghost knife faintly flashed a little blood and devoured blood.

The hanging ruler knife emitted a slight power fluctuation, which was very light and did not attract anyone's attention. He sensed the recovery of the blood demon knife!

The corpse dragon was also tired, or the corpse woman was tired and stopped the dragon tail. The corpse woman sat cross-legged in the open dragon's mouth, and her face was even more pale.

"You are very strong, this artifact belongs to you!" The female body is weak.

"You are also very strong. If you return a corpse dragon to the dragon clan, this artifact will be given to you!" Mo Baisen said with a smile that the female corpse had been respected by him.

"This corpse dragon was given to me by the owner of the dragon body, not a preemption. Why should I return it?"

"Nonsense, this corpse dragon is the body of the dragon emperor. How can it be given to you!"

"Because I saved her child, the Fire Dragon King accidentally injured her a thousand years ago, and the dragon egg in her abdomen was seriously damaged. I happened to pass by and exchanged her life with the skill of death and injected her dragon gas into the egg in exchange. She voluntarily gave me the dragon body. That egg should be the current dragon emperor!"

"Then she is the mother of the little girl!" Mo Bai was shocked, "Then you have to return the dragon's body!"

"Even if the dragon emperor comes, she has no right to return to the dragon body, and I also need this dragon body to survive the battle of destruction, and then take back the crystal of the true god, escape from nothingness, and cling to other world!"

"Why do you want to escape from nothingness and cling to other worlds?"

"You still have a bloody body, so you have not fully received the inheritance of the god of war ghosts. When you become a real war ghost, you will know!"

Mo Bai is silent. If he achieves the body of a war ghost, he will give up his body, but who wants to become a ghost and god, without flesh and blood, no sweat, even a sense of pain, and no lover!

The sky slowly darkened, and the blood was unconsciously swallowed up by the ghost knife. This is the blood of the strong, ten thousand times better than ordinary creatures, and the knife surface is faintly blood.

At this moment, the blood demon king knife revived!

"Be careful!"

The corpse woman screamed, and the revived king's knife suddenly turned into a knife snake. The sharp snake's head curved up and pricked Mo Bai's heart. If it was stabbed in the heart, it must be full of blood!

He was weak and defenseless. Mo Bai only had time to shake off the snake knife in horror. He held the pointed snake's head with both hands, but was cut off, breaking both palms, and the snake's head continued to prick his heart!

"The art of the dead, move the corpse for life!"


In a normal state, the body of the strong man in the pseudo-divine world is so powerful, but now it is so fragile that the sharp snake's head penetrates the heart, Mo Bai's body is frozen, but his eyes are full of incredible brilliance.

In front of her, her eyes turned out to be so beautiful. Her pale blue eyes penetrated people's hearts and seemed to see through all the pain and troubles of the other party. It turned out that she was so understanding.

The face is very beautiful, the chin is very pointed, and the hair is black, very soft and smooth, with a light special aroma. It smells very comfortable and calming.

Looking at a close distance, the ruthless dead paleness is just a mask, covering her kindness and gentleness. It turns out that she is also an affectionate and righteous woman.

Mo Bai wanted to touch her black willow hair, but unfortunately he had broken his palms. Looking at the pale green corpse blood left on the corners of her mouth, his heart ached and he was angry!


The broken wrists rushed out of the ghost gas, condensed into two ghost palms, took the body of the corpse woman, grabbed the knife snake body, pulled the snake's head out of her vest, and threw it away.

The revived king knife spewed a large mouthful of green corpse blood, and the blood of the dead was useless for it. A snake roared, supported the bleeding color projection, and the three projections coincided to prevent Mo Bai and the corpse girl from opening up the two worlds of corpses.

It wants to swallow Mo Bai's war blood and soul, because he is still blood, and the blood soul of the pseudo-divine strong is better than ten thousand weak blood souls. If it swallows him, it is the blood demon emperor's knife!


Chen Aier got up and was ready to rescue Mo Bai, but Feng Yang grabbed her, "Don't go. It's really dangerous that the big knife will intervene, and many people have come around here!"

"What?" Several people have been looking with their eyes and have not detected their surroundings with their thoughts, but they are all strong people in the boundary. As long as there is a trace of fluctuation, they can feel it, so the people who come are determined to be strong.

"How many people!?" Kong Xi couldn't help asking. As the son of God, it was not surprising that Feng Yang could detect the arrival of people, but it would be amazing to say that many people came!

"Dozens, nearly a hundred!"

"How can it be that there are so many strong people in the world? Have most of the strong people gathered here?"

Some people are uneasy, but they are not afraid. As long as they are not surrounded, they can go all over the world with their strength. What is disturbing is that a large number of strong people must gather for a shocking move!


The weak ghosts are not the opponents of Wang Dao, and no strong man in the dark has helped them. If Wang Dao can really solve the ghosts, it will be a great happy event for them.

"You find a way to get through the ghost world, and I'll stop it!"

The corpse woman pushed away Mo Bai's arms, and the corpse dragon crossed the body and blocked the king's knife, but she did not control the corpse dragon to continue to fight against the king's knife, but it was a plate of dragon body, protecting Mo Bai tightly!

"Get out of here! Otherwise, destroy your spirit and cut off your spirit!" Wang Dao's voice is very old, and there is a sense of overlap, which is made of countless old voices overlapping.

"There are countless spirits in my corpse world, and they all have the mark of my dead spirit. You can't kill me yet!"

"I don't need to kill you, just cut you back to the corpse world!"

In Mobai's ten-year battlefield killing, Wang Dao silently swallowed endless blood and absorbed countless blood souls. Now that it has completely recovered, it is extremely powerful for the weak corpse woman.

The blood of the king's knife is cut, and each cut can reach the bone, and the blood of the corpse is splashed.

The corpse girl is not afraid of pain, but she is afraid of losing her corpse body, because this is given to her mother, the only one that can prove her existence, and the only one that can make her feel a trace of real existence.

Mo Bai, protected by the corpse dragon, punched the projection world desperately, but the overlap of blood projection is too powerful for him now to break through!

He heard a sound of bone chopping, which pained him like a chopping in his heart. She, who was originally a competitor, paid so much for him. Mo Bai was moved, but more angry!

He did not roar, raised his arm and looked at the ghost claws. Countless memories flashed in his heart. The first thing he saw was the eldest sister, because the eldest sister raised him and finally died in the hands of the blood demon.

Then there are familiar people, childhood playmates, their faces have blood, their bodies have blood, they are screaming at him ferociously, they are already the blood soul in the hands of the blood demon.

He saw Zhang Qian, who has a baby face like him, but she is very unique. She is very beautiful and kind in his heart. He calls her second sister. There is a kind of sister-brother relationship and a kind of sister-brother love.

But more than ten years ago, she thought he was dead. She married someone and broke the love between sister and brother. They can only be called sister and brother when they meet again. Now, he is really going to die!

The ghost claws took out their own heart and took out the beating heart. It is so bright red and energetic. It is the most precious driving force of human life. Every beating contains rich emotions.

The ghost's claws were clenched tightly, and the blood mist drifted away.

Its destruction is the end of physical perception, but it can't end the touch that once beat for love, the pain it once hurt for love, let alone the deep hatred of the soul!

At this moment, Mo Bai finally became a real war ghost, ignited the uncooled war blood, enjoyed the last perception of the body, burned the last drop of blood, and turned into an immortal war spirit!


The ghost world was opened up, and endless ghosts gushed out and got a complete inheritance of war ghosts.

The broken palms grabbed the snake's tail, and also grabbed the knife snake's head that cut the corpse woman. The ghost gas gushed at the broken wrists of the two palms, grew arms, grew out the body, and showed Mo Bai's real ghost body!

With a simple twist, the blood demon knife is like a sticky blood towel, twisting out endless blood, and then twisting it hard, and it explodes like a bloody bamboo pole.

The scattered blood gas detonated the blood projection. In the chaos, a blood rainbow rushed to the two worlds of corpses, and the king's knife escaped through the air.


The gravity of the purple-gold ruler knife was cut, and the king knife exploded again. The real body of the king knife was hidden in the scattered blood fog, and continued to escape, but it hit the purple-gold prison wall, and the space was trapped!

Wang Dao struggled desperately, but it was futile. The space prison was getting smaller and smaller, and the purple-gold luster it became stronger, reflecting an indestructible sense of thickness.

However, a blood claw actually broke into this thick purple gold wall, grabbed the king's knife, and mentioned it out, "Hahaha, there is no good weapon. This knife has been taken!"