Blood God Laugh

Chapter 85 He is a handsome Yang

Chapter 85 He is Bloody and Handsome Yang

It has been three days in a flash. Fengyang rushed to Tiannan, and only Bai Yi was beside him. The others left temporarily because the war had broken out in full swing.

Tiannan is very quiet. On the way to the Heavenly Martial Arts Museum, more than a dozen women and old women were also sitting quietly at the door of their homes. They were waiting for the return of the men participating in the war, or waiting for the arrival of the end of the world.

The martial arts hall is still there, and the plaque is covered with dust. People have already left. In such a battle of extermination, as long as they can afford a sword, they will fight for survival and the continuation of race.

came to the room where I used to live. The furnishings had not changed at all, and it was very clean. I felt that I was still living here yesterday, and then I had a dream. When I woke up, things were different.

The cleaning people came in. They were the elders of the Miao nationality. They looked very tired, their breath was weak, and they were seriously injured. There were also several clan women behind them. They were hundreds of people brought out by Fengyang.

"Lord, you are finally back!"

"What about the others?"

"It's all dead..."

Feng Yang did not answer, waiting for the elder to follow up.

"Just yesterday, a large number of blood demon guards killed the poisonous fog ridge. There should be more than a thousand people. The demons can't stop them at all, and the people who control the array are dead..."

Feng Yang thought slightly, "Don't worry, the seal has not been broken, and the people are still safe. The elders go to rest first, and leave the rest to me."

After the elder left, Bai Yi asked, "Lord, there is no blood demon participation in the alliance of hundreds of races. How can these blood demon guards take advantage of the deficiency?"

"Many of the hundreds of clans have the support of blood demons. It is not surprising that blood demons participate, but the blood demons and the Hundred Clan Alliance started at the same time and sneaked into this central hinterland, which was obviously premeditated."

"Do you mean that the mastermind behind the Hundred Nations Alliance is the blood demon?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is or not. What matters is their purpose. Why do they focus on the Yingshen Cliff? But in this case, you can send people to disseminate messages, and the road to heaven is about to open!"

"Ah..., didn't that attract all the attention to the cliff?"

"Let them come and become one more true god, so that they can save more vitality for hundreds of clans. Just like the dragon fairy, he should have become a true god..."


The fierce attack of the Hundred Nationalities Alliance made the clan retreat step by step. Within two days, the territory of the human race shrunk by one-third again, but the human race soon sent an invitation to the Hundred Nations. The road to heaven is about to open, and the two sides will stop the war, and the strong men of the Hundred Nationalities will rush to the cliff with a small number of elite soldiers.

Hundreds are not afraid of traps and ambushes. The strong people in the boundary are not so easy to stay. If the human race really does so, or just falsely invite another respite, they will definitely be more fiercely retaliated by the Hundred Nations Alliance.

"Bastard! I'm here. Why didn't I see a sign of the opening of the road to heaven!" The black wind Maiqi was furious, and the dragon's tail was thrown on the seal with a few cracks. The ripples were turbulent, but they were not broken.

"Hahahaha, it's just right! This seal can't be broken by the strength of you and me, and it can be broken with the help of their strength!" The speaker is Yang Er in a state of blood transformation.

There are countless blood-clothed people around, a team of hundreds of people, strongly attacking the seal. They are what the elders of the Gomiao clan call the blood magic guard, but they just dress up as the blood demon guard.

Because they are all in a state of blood transformation, blood-eyed fangs, claws and sharp fingers. This is just a change. Some have changed twice, with bat wings on their backs. They are the blood slaves in Yang Er secretly!

"Well, to put it well, the original plan of killing two birds with one stone, if all the forces come together, the human race has got a chance to breathe. How can it be easy to unite with the hundred races again? And someone from your Southern League will definitely come to protect Fengyang. If you can't kill him, your bloody position will also come to the end!"

"I have my own means!" Yang Er smiled gloomyly and said, "It was said that the road to heaven was about to be opened ten years ago. This news sent by the Protoss should be true. A large number of pseudo-divine people have embarked on the road to heaven. Isn't this battle to destroy the world dominated by you and me?"

"Aren't you going to get a blog?"

"You and I have long been in the realm of pseudo-god, but have you ever wondered why our strength can continue to grow?" Yang Er asked rhetorical.

"This..." Black Wind Maiqi was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"In fact, your and my strength is no longer weaker than that of ordinary gods. Even true gods can't help but you and me have embarked on an alternative demon god road. In this case, why should we embark on the road to heaven?"

"What about the divine position?"

"Hahahaha, Black Wind Maiqi, don't you understand that you have a blood element body and are the lord of the magic dragon? The blood element body is a natural god body, and what else does the divine position do!"

Yang Er's tone was suddenly proud, "What we want is blood, the blood of the creatures of the mainland, and the soul of the blood demon god to achieve the real blood body of the demon god!"

Black Wind Maiqi was deeply moved by this reper, and the dragon head suddenly raised high. "What the blood handsome said is that instead of becoming a blood general under the blood demon throne, it is better to eat it back and become a demon god!"

"That's right. Brother Heifeng is so domineering that he will definitely achieve great achievements!"

"The same, the same, hahahaha..."

Although most of the maggots in the poisonous fog ridge have died, the poison array that has been running for hundreds of thousands of years is still there. The thick poisonous fog is mixed with blood gas, which even aggravates the effect of the poisonous fog.

Just above the conversation between Yang Er and Heifeng Maiqi, looking up, there was only a hazy gray fog, but there was a white lotus on it, sitting on Feng Yang and Bai Yi.

"Lord..." Bai Yi didn't know what to say. From the conversation between the two below, it has been concluded that Feng Yang and Nanyu Feng Yang are the same person!

"Well, no matter who I am, you will always be my sister Yi!" Fengyang was very sincere. After knowing his other identity, the hidden memory was like a dam that opened the gate, rolling in!

"Well, I believe you!" Bai Yi smiled, but tried his best to control his sense of loss in his heart, and finally understood why the earth mother god said that Feng Yang had three daughters, and she and he were impossible!

Feng Yang closed his eyes slightly and received memories like his previous life.

He is the commander of the Iron City Kingdom;

He is the god of the demon clan;

He is the attached horse of the South China Sea royal family;

He is the son-in-law of the Kingdom of Sidari;

He is the king of the elves and the father of the son of life;

He is also the commander of the Southern League;

He is handsome Yang!

A heavy identity, a series of memories, a bloody battle, a face.

He saw his best friends from childhood to adulthood, Xiaowanzi, rolling like a ball;

Mo Fei, as thin as a monkey, is good at reconnaissance;

Fur, who has been thinking about getting a beautiful daughter-in-law all day long, lost an eye in the battle of Style Rida, and his bravery has been affirmed by the four beauties. One of them married him. Her name is Dongshi!

Then there were two brothers, Li Tairan and Li Generalan, who were upright and sincere. In the Battle of Rida, they fled to cover the clan. Li Tairan died in the battle and Li General was seriously injured.

Then, he saw a golden-scale snake swallowing her, and he cut off the snake's head with a knife to save her; he saw a giant ice stone fall on her, and he waved a knife to split the ice stone to protect her;

She is Vernina, singing and dancing for him in Caidiexuan, and the two kissed deeply;

When she went crazy and was dominated by the evil body for the first time in the Great Yan Palace, she woke him up;

When she was cut off by the wrath of heaven in the Nanling Mountains, she continued her life with her life and youth;

She is Verina, the first woman to enter his heart. In his big forest, it used to be the jade tree that she incarnated!

She is a beautiful veil. Under the ** power of the demon god, he combined with her. As a hot-blooded man, he was deeply seduced by her and could not extricate himself!

She is Meixuan, awakening him with her divine blood, and then awakening his fiery blood with her own body!

She is Friel, the elf queen. She and he are nominal, but the two have completed a love of God and gave birth to the Son of Life instead of the Devil God and the Life Girl!

She is Long Yingying, a little girl who loves to make trouble and grab the limelight. She has a surprisingly big appetite, because she is the body of the golden dragon, and now she is the Dragon Emperor!

He is a fool, a big fool picked up by Feng Yang. He is called the three stomach kings together with the little girl. He once ate the crow knife as a turkey and was recognized by the artifact!

He is Orion, with a keen ability to investigate, the military division of the Southern Alliance;

She is Zhou Zhazha, a little nymphomaniac who vowed to take Orion back to the Holy Demon Empire;

He is Mo Bai, with a baby face that does not match his body, known as the devil doll, and now he is the famous lord of war ghosts;

She is Zhang Qian, also a baby-faced beauty, commensurate with Mo Bai's sister and brother, and has sister-brother love, but married others;

He is Tie Yuwen, who signed an unequal treaty with Feng Yang, who temporarily served as a robber commander, and recaptured Tiemu Kingdom. Zhang Qian married him;

He was for love, whose original name was boldness, changed his name to love for love, and changed his name to love for Chen Aier, and was finally ruthlessly rejected;

He is Kong Xi, she is Chen Aier, at different times and in different places, he met Feng Yang twice, and his life and soul are connected, living and dying together;

He is Kong Xiang, vice president of Kong, a sloppy old man, obscene and greedy, but he is so great that Feng Yang once shed tears for his grandeur;

He is Emperor Yanwu, with both martial arts and morality and cares about the people;

She is Zhou Zhizhi, the great princess of the Holy Devil. She married the Dayan Empire for the stability of the Holy Demon Empire, but also found true love. On the wedding day, it was the battle of Dayan City and the beginning of the bloody war;

He is a hybrid dragon who has not died after losing his dragon body in two rages;

He is Yang Er, a blood monster created by Feng Yang with the immortal blood soul and blood elemental body of the blood demon, and now he opposes the blood demon god;

He, her, he, countless of him flashed by. Feng Yang saw his father Fenglong, taught him knife and took him to hunt, but what Feng Yang knew most was the lonely back. He missed his wife, Bai Xinghua.

Then there was her sister Feng Linger, who was clever and obedient, but fell in love with a 90,000-year-old monster, General Kuang, the lord of the blood clan.

He saw the blood knife again, like his arm. His child, with a blood roar, the blood knife scared off several artifacts competing to recognize him as the main, and he was so angry that he kicked the blood knife into the lava.

The memory is the disaster of heavenly anger, and the white light that can be empty. At the moment he was about to disappear, another white light led him away, which was very warm. He knew that she was his mother.

His blood body was integrated into the blood world, and his soul was conceived again by his mother. He was born with a baby who sealed all his memories. When he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Yi!

Like the past and present life, the memories of the two generations coincide. Now Fengyang finally understands that he is not the son of the main god, because his mother is Bailian!

He is the evil body lotus seed, but he is no longer the evil body of the main god, because he is the complete body bred by the white lotus again. Now it dominates his good body, and the blood world in his body is his evil body!

Between good and evil, Feng Yang is a little afraid, because he can already feel the strength and hunger of the evil body in his body. He is longing for blood, and Yang Er and Heifeng Maiqi below are delicious!

The evil body is still sealed for the time being, suppressing the bloodthirsty in his heart, opening his eyes and looking at Yang Er, who was unaware below, Feng Yang muttered:

"Yang Er, you really didn't disappoint me. You have worked hard these years!"

"Lord, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Bai Yi asked.

"This Yang Er is my stand-in in the Southern Regions. Although he has a disominence, he has contributed a great contribution!"

"Oh, shall we have a look among the Hui people?" Bai Yi also wants to go home.

"No hurry. Now the seal in the Hui clan will cause loopholes, and it may really be broken by them. Let's go back to the Batian Martial Arts Museum first, and it's not too late to go back after the strong gather together."
