Blood God Laugh

Chapter 87 Recognize Brother and Sister

Chapter 87, Recognize Brother and Sister

"Oh? So Linger's sister also has a brother? You and I look so similar. Why don't you recognize me as your brother? Feng Yang was very happy. It turned out that his sister had not married the 90,000-year-old monster.

"Good! But I think you are more like a sister, and I already have a brother. Why don't you be a sister? Anyway, you also look like a girl!"

Feng Linger is very happy. The Yang Feng in front of her is not only similar to herself, but also feels very kind. Even her name is similar to her brother, but she just fell down.

"To be a sister?" Feng Yang trembled all over, "Well, this can't be done. Although my foreign minister is young and handsome, in fact, I have been in vicissitudes for many years. Looking back on the past is like a dream of ten thousand years, and my heart is exhausted!"

"Haha..." Feng Linger was amused. "You speak so funny. You can also recognize me as my sister, but you have to take out some good things. I heard that there are many treasures of the immortals!"

"Ah, this..." Feng Yang was really stunned. What was in front of him was his own sister. Of course, he had to give the best, but he was very poor and really didn't have any treasures to hold.

"Well, it turns out that people in the vicissitudes of life are so stingy!" Feng Linger sighed sincerely.

"Let me think about it again..." Feng Yang racked his brains. Feng Linger had never seen anything with this 90,000-year-old old monster, so it was not easy to take out something that could impress her.

"If you want to bring something bad, you'd better call me sister obediently. I'll give you a treasure..."

"Wait, I know. I'm going to cook the most sincere meal for my Linger sister!"

"Ah~? Do you want to coax a sister back after a meal? You are really not an ordinary stingy!"

"This is not an ordinary meal. Men eat strong bodies, women eat breast enhancement and milk, and it contains the mysteries of heaven and earth. You will understand after eating it!"

Is that right? It's so amazing, but if I don't like it, I won't recognize it, and you still have to call me sister!"

"Okay, it's a deal, please!"

It's not a matter of a day or two when hundreds of ethnic groups gather together. Feng Yang is not afraid to miss any old friends. He led Feng Linger and Kuang Generals to the Batian Martial Arts Museum, and the rest of the blood clan also arranged to receive them.

Yuer blinked and saw something particularly interesting. She followed and said, "Niu Zulao, you continue to be scary. I'll go and rest for a while!"

Chen Yun moved and wanted to keep up, but Niu Zu's old bull's eyes immediately stared over.

"What? Can't you calm down, too? Don't think that if you have some strength, you can listen to the guidance and stay well and listen to Niu Zu tell you the characteristics of hundreds of clans!"

"Yes, Niu Zulao! Chen Yun is carefully taught!" I feel quite wronged.


When it comes to eating, Feng Yang has always been the best in the world, but if he cooks and cooks in person, he doesn't know anything, so he specially asked Feng Linger to cook with him, and others are not allowed to follow.

When he came to the kitchen, Feng Yang grabbed two chickens and strangled them directly. The method was quite barbaric. He smiled at Feng Linger and recalled the first experience of cooking together.

At that time, he was only ten years old and Feng Linger was eight years old. The old man Feng Long went hunting in the Nanling Mountains and did not return for two days. The cooked food and leftovers left at home were all eaten by the two brothers and sisters.

"Brother, why hasn't Dad come back? I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too. Let's go to Xiaowanzi's house to eat!"

"No, I'm going to wait for my father to come back at home and then eat what my father made!" Eight-year-old Feng Linger is very cute, but tears rolled in her eyes, but she held it tightly and did not drop a drop.

"Don't be afraid, Lingzi, Dad will come back and bring back our favorite rat meat!"

"Well, I believe in Dad, but I'm still hungry!"

"Brother cooks for you. I've seen my father cook, and I can!" Ten-year-old Fengyang has been a little strong and patted his chest to promise.

"Well, then do it quickly. I'm starving!" Feng Linger is full of surprises.

"Are we going to eat chicken?"


"How many?"

"I want to eat two chicken legs and two chicken wings!"

"Then two chickens?"

"But there is no chicken in my house..."

"I have it at Xiaowanzi's house. I'm going to borrow it!" As a result, Feng Yang went to Xiaowanzi's house to steal two chickens, cruelly broke the chicken neck, hid in his crotch and brought them back.

"Brother, what's wrong with your leg? It's so swollen!"

"Haha, this is a chicken leg!" Feng Yang raised two dead chickens from his crotch.

"It's disgusting. How can you hide in your crotch?"

"I killed them, and I was afraid that they would get cold, so...!" Feng Yang explained awkwardly, "You touch it, it's still warm!"

"You stole..." Feng Linger was not stupid, "But Xiaowanzi said that what you stole was better!"

"Well, I think so too!" Feng Yang laughed treacherily and began to pluck the chicken feathers without hot water. The chicken feathers flew all over the sky, and the hair of the big roots were pulled out, leaving the dense fine fluff.

"Brother, hurry up, there are so many chicken feathers!" Feng Linger squatted beside Feng Yang, and the two of them were covered with chicken feathers.

"This chicken's thermal underwear is so close that it can't be pulled out!" Feng Yang was annoyed, "Look at me pulling it out with my clothes and skin!"

"Warm underwear, hahaha..." Feng Linger was amused, "But it's not delicious without skin!"

"That burned its skin!"

"Well, brother, you're so smart. Let's bake it!"

"Haha... OK, bake it!"

A string of iron was inserted, and the internal organs were not taken out. It was roasted on the stove alone. The smell of the burnt chicken feathers made the brother and sister drool straight down.

"Lizi, go get some salt. Dad taught me to sprinkle salt!"

"Come on, how much?" Feng Linger came with a big jar.

"Sprinkle a little first!"

Salt is sprinkled, and high flames appear in the stove, cyan, purple and green, as colorful as fireworks. Which little girl doesn't like fireworks?

"Wow, brother, it's so beautiful. I still want to watch it!"

"Then sprinkle a little more!"

"Brother, I still want to watch it!"

"Then sprinkle it again!"

"It's gone..." Feng Ling turned the jar upside down and was empty.

At this time, the chicken was crackling with oil, and the strong aroma was attractive. The two brothers and sisters drooling were smoke and black, but their eyes became brighter and brighter.

"You can eat!" Feng Yang was so hot that he shook his hand, booed twice, pulled out the juicy chicken leg and handed it to his sister.

"Thank you, brother!" I smell it deeply, "It smells so good. It must be delicious!" After taking a bite, he shook his head and stretched out his tongue, "It's so salty!"

"Well, it's a little salty!" Feng Yang nibbled his chicken wings and learned from Feng Linger to shake his head and stretch out his tongue, "Shall we steal Dad's wine to drink?"

"Dad will beat you!"

"Steal a little, he won't know!"

The wine was stolen. Although Longyan wheat wine was strong, the taste of Longyan milk was very attractive. The two brothers and sisters ate excitedly, drank intoxicatedly, and laughed wildly.

Until Fengyang bit the chicken breast, ate the internal organs, and tasted the broken bile.

"I'm suffering to death--!!!"

"Oh~~! Brother, you still have chicken shit in your mouth!"

"Ah~? I pooh!" Spitting wildly.

"Haha..., brother, this is the worst roast chicken I've ever had!"

"Then you still eat it?"

"I'm hungry. It smells good when I eat it. In the future, I will learn to cook and cook for you and Dad every day, okay?"

"Okay, come on, cheers!"


The old man Fenglong finally came back, carrying some meat. When he went into the kitchen, he saw two little mad men almost unrecognizing them. Finally, he grabbed Feng Yang and beat him severely.

At the same time, Xiaowanzi was suspected of being a chicken thief, because he did so, and the fat meat was inseparable from stealing, so he was also beaten and cursed the real chicken thief!


Now Fengyang has also begun to pull chicken feathers without boiling them with water. He is copying his memories.

It's okay to kill chickens savagely, but it still pulls out chicken feathers all over the kitchen. Feng Ling was stunned on the spot and can't think of memories for a while. Is there such a person who kills chickens to cook?

"Have you never cooked?"

"Yes, this is an exclusive secret recipe, so it's a little different from ordinary practice!" Feng Yang continued to pluck his hair and deliberately floated on Feng Linger's head.

"Damn!" Feng Linger patted the chicken feathers and was a little angry. She turned around and was about to leave, but Feng Yang's next words made her fix her body.

"Alas, this chicken's thermal underwear is so close that it can't be pulled out!" The tone was also a little irritable as before, "Look at me pulling it out with my clothes and skin!"

"No, it doesn't taste good without skin!" Feng Linger turned around and her eyes were full of excited expectations. Her brother was the only one who said that chicken feathers were thermal underwear, so she was looking forward to the next sentence.

"Well, let's burn its skin. Do you want to come with us?"

"Hmm! Bake and eat..." Feng Linger nodded and tears rolled down.

"Roast and eat!" Feng Yang stood up and opened his hands to her.



The most wonderful and precious things in the world are emotions, family affection, friendship and love. No one can understand how these emotions arise and why they are so charming and chased for a lifetime.

Ten years of separation, ten years of missing, the two hugged tightly, and the joy of brother and sister reunion rolled down with tears.

"Brother, I miss you so much, and my father and sister-in-law are thinking about you. I heard from my sisters-in-law that you are sealed in the Yingshen Cliff. How did you get out?"

Feng Linger cried and asked, "And why did you become like me?"

Feng Yang rubbed her head, just like when she was a child. "It's a long story. Let's roast chicken first and talk about anything else later!"

"Well, I'm going to sprinkle salt and watch fireworks!"

At this time, the few people waiting in the lobby also couldn't sit still.

In particular, General Kuang, the feeling of being swallowed when he came made him restless. Feng Linger's departure for so long made him more worried. He got up and walked to the kitchen.

Yuer jumped up from her seat and quickly followed. The woman's feelings told her that there must be an unknown and exciting secret between Feng Yang and Feng Linger.

Bai Yi was the only one who knew about it. He hesitated for a moment and followed.

When the three came to the kitchen, they were stunned on the spot, mixed with the fragrance of barbecue in the thick smoke, and Feng Yang and Feng Linger's drunken crazy words and sang nursery rhymes that others could not understand at all!