Blood God Laugh

Chapter 95 Southern Civil War

Chapter 95, Southern Civil War

Holding Vernina to walk in the void, Feng Yang told all the stories after his disappearance, the rebirth of the Miao people, the extreme battle between Tiannan City and the Golden Sword Tianjiu, the land of the far north, and his dreams.

After listening to the story, Vernina asked, "Then when are you going to change back?" You are too similar to Linger. It's very awkward.

"If I become him, will you still wake me up?"

Fengyang is the good side of the evil body, but if he unlocks the seal of the evil body, he is not sure that he will be able to dominate the evil body. He is a god, and he is also a human being. He has all the emotions of mortals, and he needs support.

"I will!" Vernina is very sure, "You have to believe in yourself, you are him, you have to make him believe in you, he is you, you have to believe in him, I believe that you will succeed!"

"I see!" Feng Yang's face was full of joy and self-confidence. "The reason why she failed is that she dares not face herself. Thank you, I will succeed!"

Feng Yang said that she was the main god and forcibly separated the evil body, so that the divine body was incomplete. The endless years saw that she would truly achieve a new world, but she summoned the blood disaster of the world and ate the consequences of evil.

"Well, you will!"

"Well, I will!"

The two opened their eyes and returned to the body. They met the cold wind blowing on the cliff. The same white veil was as ethereal as a fairy. Vernina smiled softly:

"We are like a pair of sisters. Why don't you call your sister to listen?"

"What does your sister want her to do for you?"

"Dance, sister will accompany you!"

Without waiting for Feng Yang's consent, Vernina's green leaves in her hand blew a light dance music, with expectations in her eyes, and there was also some drama.

Fengyang smiled slightly, and the Miao people can sing and dance well. Naturally, he can dance with the music, swing his skirt, and dance the first dance of his life.

Slightly energetic, the white veil has become colorful, as if returning to Caidiexuan, but the role has changed. The dance is Fengyang, and the reward is Vernina.

Wan's hands closed, moved away, softly swirled, and flew colorful folds. What danced was the colorful dance she once danced for him.

The dance music has changed, and the light beauty is integrated into the tenderness. Verina's eyes are no longer abusive, but touching. It turns out that he remembers everything. That was the first dance she danced for him!

The leisurely dance music is affectionate, and the cliff seems to be rendered, sprinkled with colorful clouds, and the cold wind turns soft, gently blowing around the clouds, like colorful clouds dancing, as if dancing with the wind and Yang.

The scene seemed to change again and came to Sidari Palace. Queen Namagil chose her son-in-law by dancing. The dancing clouds were ten colorful dancers, and Fengyang's dance body was hidden in it.

The fluctuation of the dance, the resonance of the mind, that is the resonance of their feelings, intertwined with each other's thoughts, each other's love, closely connected and eternal.

At the end of the song, the love is as deep as the sea;

At the end of the dance, the emotion ripples;

Verina once again felt the first kiss given to her by Feng Yang, so deep, so long, releasing affection, blending her body and mind, and intertwined with unswerving love!

"I will always wait for you to marry me!" Verina's eyes are full of tears of happiness.

"Fool, I will!" Feng Yang wiped away her tears.

"Go and take care of the matter first. When you come back, it's time for Yang Er to abdicize!"

The two looked in the direction of Tiannan City together and saw the battlefield. Feng Yang sighed, "Yang Er is finally credited. I'm not the main god, and I don't want to create another blood demon god!"

"As you said, the Lord God finally came to beg you!"

"I have completely separated from her and perfected myself. Now is my last step!"

"Go ahead, I believe you will succeed!"

"I will definitely pave the way with gold coins, welcome back with golden flowers, hold the gem bed, and have a pile of golden dolls, hahahaha!"

"If you dare to do that, I won't marry you!"

"How can I be willing to beat you? If you don't get married, you can directly grab the marriage. The robber is handsome, hahahaha, I haven't experienced it for a long time!"

"Well, then come and grab it!"



Outside Tiannan City, there is a sea of blood, and millions of blood slaves secretly sneak into the hinterland of the human race, which makes people have to admire the conspiracy ability of Yang Er and Heifeng Maiqi.

The blood slave ghost changes, and the blood power is not dry, and the immortality is immortal. If compared with the blood demon guard, they are much more advanced, because he has self-consciousness and can be said to be at the same level as the blood demon!

There are tens of thousands of people with bat wings. These are all blood ghosts in the domain, and all ordinary blood ghosts also have heavenly strength. Millions of heavenly blood ghosts are so terrible!

The bat wings rose into the air, danced with blood all over the sky, holding a blood gun, and there were also some blood demon shapes. A dozen blood shadows flashed, and their shape was not seen. Only a string of rapid military strikes were heard.

The sea of blood on the ground is surging, and the array composed of the speed of the world is very powerful. If it is like a bloody torrent, it is fiercely intertwined, blocking and cutting it!

There are many strong generals in the Southern Alliance. Of course, it is certain to clean up the portal.

The god tree of life reappears, projecting endless green and life in the earth. This is the real body of Greener, all that the goddess of life has left her.

Among the lush green leaves are colorful light balls, which are bred. What breaks out of the cocoon is a small elemental elf, which is very different. There are devil's double horns on the small head and a thin demon tail!

It combines the evil of the demon god and the goodness of the goddess of life, so she likes pranks very much and often makes the elves jump. The elves call them demon elves!

Although they are small, they can unconsciously confuse other people's minds, transform into the closest people around you, and then create conflicts.

For example, "I love you", the demon elf ran away, and I came, and the person who was loved replied, "I love you too!" Then I was staggered by my fist!

For example, say again, "I hate you, let's break up!" The person who was ruthlessly abandoned looked for life, and I hurried to save my true love!

is extremely evil. Fortunately, he has a kind heart and will never kill people, but the elf clan is also in danger to everyone. When you see true love and friends, you have to use the code to show your identity first!

Now they have turned into blood ghosts, mixed with various blood torrents. Together with psychedelic, the whole torrent has become Mo Bai's ghost army, making the blood ghosts kill each other!

In addition to psychedelic art, they also have the power of various elements. Although they are not very strong, it is still no problem to release a bunch of ordinary forbidden spells with hundreds of hands.

So fire clouds, thunderstorms, golden arrows, earth turning, wood thorns, storms, and all kinds of magic are falling, and the power of the god of life is undoubtedly revealed.

The elf queen Fleur and the elf clan stood on the tree of life, fluctuating the magic of the wood system, turning wood into spirits, creating an army of infinite wood spirits, scattering green seeds, and pulling up countless war tree spirits!

The Muling army collided with the torrent of blood ghosts and turned into wood chips, which seemed to be vulnerable, but in fact it had another deep meaning.

The war tree spirit arrow rain rose into the air, the fire elders ignited the arrows, and the wood system made a fire. Countless blood ghosts were burned by rockets, and ignited the wood spirit's broken wood chips and burned in the sea of fire!

Fire is the strongest force to restrain the blood ghost and blood demon guard. Burning its blood and withering blood power, whether it is immortal or not, can only turn into ashes in the sea of fire!

In such a war, Mo Bai, the ghost owner, is always the first horse, and the horse is really big, two feet four feet tall and three feet six feet long, otherwise how can he withstand Mo Bai's two feet of ghosts!

The purple gold knife vigorically waved, and the purple electricity in a ten-foot range, and the ghosts followed each other. One word "sin" was "sinking", sinking like a negative mountain, sinking like swimming against the water, and the bursting blood torrent collapsed into bloody ghosts one after another!

And the ghost army behind him is endless. The most amazing thing is the leading ten-foot ghost king, who is twice as tall as the ice and snow giant. Holding an eight-foot ghost-headed long knife, he can kill the sky and split the mountain!

The eight-foot ghost knife inserted into the ground and swept, turned up layers of earth and stone, shaking the bloody torrent, spinning the knife to split the mountain, flying flooding, scattering large areas of bloody corpses!

The ghost army came forward and removed the blood bones in the corpse, so that the resurrected blood ghost was boneless, paralyzed and weak, and the world could only crawl and squirm at a high speed!

Lulaqi became the incarnation of the god of war, three feet tall, but after all, he could not escape the title of "huge dwarf", especially the ten-foot ghost king made him indignant, and the high aura of the god of war completely changed his master!

But Lulachi's destructive power is worthy of being the incarnation of the God of War, and the hammer of the God of War is also known as the explosion hammer. The barrel-sized hammer is a golden explosive barrel!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

One explosion after another, even if it is the speed of the world, it runs fast and comes quickly. The target is the No. 1 torrent, but the No. 8 torrent is blown up. The No. 1 is bombed again, and it becomes the No. 5 torrent.

Lulaqi was furious and scolded, "Miscellaneous, run, run a ball, look at my god of war, thunder hammer!"

It's time to show off, and the time has come to show your power. Hold high the hammer of the God of War, Lulaqi shouted loudly, "Big, big, big..."

The incarnation of the God of War soared fiercely. Five feet is not big enough, ten feet is not high enough. Finally, he despised the ten-foot ghost king with a hundred feet of super hugeness, and the high war hammer has reached the sky!


It shocked the world, smashed the ghosts, and smashed the flat ground. Needless to say, a hundred miles of earth, the sea of blood soared in the sky, the heart was shocked, the shock flew, like blood beans falling, and the body soul was still flying!

"Hahaha..." Lulaqi laughed proudly and retreated, accompanied by the extreme weakness after the outbreak, "Come on, take me back for a rest!"

From the perspective of the situation, the ground battlefield is indeed dominated by the alliance, killing blood ghosts into pieces, but blood ghosts are not tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands, but millions, but endless!

Whether it is the green forest, the sea of fire, magic, or Mobai's ghost army, on the whole, they have been completely surrounded by the sea of blood, and a small piece of color in the blood may be assimilated by the sea of blood at any time!

In the sky battlefield, Yang Er turned into thousands of blood shadows, pulled out his claws, and the yellow sand field was broken like paper paste. Several demon strong men fell into the air and died.

Thousands of blood shadows came back, Yang Er swallowed several hearts, and his grimace was ferocious and unstoppable!


The special space fluctuation finally fell to the speed of heaven and earth. Due to Feng Linger, Kuang General Chen has joined the Southern Region Alliance!

Yang Er's body and mind are sinking. Except for Feng Yang, the only thing that scares him is General Kuang, because he was originally created by Feng Yang according to the existence of General Kuang, which is equivalent to the sample encountering the authentic!