Blood God Laugh

Chapter 113 Under the Divine Robbery

Chapter 113, Under the Divine Disaster

Long Yingying's hundred-foot dragon body has been scarred, and the golden scales have also lost most of its luster. The ninety-ninth divine disaster fell, and a gentle white light is comfortable, warm and makes people want to sleep for a long time.

In the vagueness, I saw a woman in gold slowly coming towards her. Although she had never really seen this woman in gold, Long Yingying instinctively knew who she was.

"Queen Mother?"

"Hmm!" The smile of the woman in gold has a strong maternal love, "Longer, you are injured. Will your mother hold you to sleep?"

The dragon turned into a person, and the golden blood flowed all over his body. Long Yingying walked to his mother step by step. He was tired and there were tears in his hazy eyes, which made his vision more blurred, and he wanted to sleep in his mother's warm arms.

"Mother, is it really you?"

"It's me, Long'er, come here quickly and let your mother hug you."

"No!" Long Yingying suddenly stopped, "You are not the mother, the mother is dead, dead!!!" He screamed, bent down, breathed confusedly, and spit out a mouthful of golden blood.

"Yes, it was your father who hurt your mother by mistake and killed your mother." The Fire Dragon King appeared, wearing a flame robe, a burly middle-aged figure, and a majestic dragon face full of guilt.

"No, you didn't kill the mother, it's me, it's me!!!"

Crying, Long Yingying hated her father, but she knew that what she hated was actually herself. If it hadn't been for her, her mother would not have traded with the corpse Lingya and saved her in her stomach with her life.

"Longer, the mother doesn't blame your father, let alone you. Now you are the Dragon Emperor. The mother is proud of you. The mother loves you. Come on, let the mother hug!"

"Queen Mother!"

Sobbing, tears flashed with a faint golden light. Long Yingying wanted to come forward to hug her mother, but she knew that all this was a fantasy, and that hug would sleep forever...

"Mother, I'm sorry, father, I'm sorry, Long'er also loves you, but you are not real. Go!"

The woman in gold and the Fire Dragon King disappeared, but the fantasy was not over yet. A loud laugh came, and another figure slowly came to her.

"Hahahaha, girl, come with me, I'll take you to rob the dragon clan!"

"Brother Feng!" There are some surprises and contradictions in the golden eyes.

"What? Come on, there is an old dragon in front of you. Gold, silver and jewelry must be big. We have five or five points!" Feng Yang in the fantasy continued to** her.

"Brother Feng, in fact, what makes me the happiest is not gold, silver and jewelry, but you..."

Long Yingying really wants to stay in the growth period of the past 100 years. She will always be Fengyang's follower and can always ride around the world on Fengyang's head. That was her happiest second childhood.

The greedy woman once drank a lot of Dragon God milk and even drank some King Kong juice, which accelerated her centennial growth. She was taller and could no longer ride on Fengyang's head.

She was afraid of growing up, losing Feng Yang, and losing that happiness, so she tried her best to suppress her growth, but she would eventually grow up, so she came up with the idea of marrying Feng Yang.

"Brother Feng, thank you. The days with you are the happiest and happiest. You are my relatives, just like grandpa. Please forgive me for my idea of marrying you. I will always be your little girl, and you will always be my brother Feng!"

cried. She had never cried so happily. Although the wind Yang in front of her was not real, she released all the suppressed emotions in her heart after saying all the words in her heart.

So, she cried happily.

"Well, you will always be my little girl!"

Feng Yang smiled slightly and smiled very really. His figure dissipated in the reality, and Feng Yang, who was refining the soul and blood demon god with blood fire, also smiled.

"Alas, what a stupid girl!"

Another figure replaced Fengyang's position. Longyan has a long beard. It is the fairy old man who took some children from all ethnic groups.


Long Yingying was surprised and quickly rushed to hug the old fairy, "Grandpa, where have you been? Why did you appear in my divine disaster?"

"Hahahaha, I was summoned by the divine disaster. If you treat Grandpa as a phantom, then your divine disaster will fail."

"Well, if you appear before the mother and brother Feng, I will definitely treat you as a phantom, but now that I am ready, I will also become the Dragon God!"

"In fact, your mother and Feng Yang are not all illusions. They were all real at that moment. They all heard your words!"

Ah? Doesn't Brother Feng know everything? Long Yingying blushed with embarrassment.

"That boy is not lucky to be my granddaughter, hahahaha..." The fairy old man laughed and told Long Yingying about his years of experience.

"Grandpa, do you really want to escape from nothingness with the fire of hundreds of clans?" Long Yingying was very reluctant to get together and separate.

"You have survived the last disaster. The two dragon gods, grandfather and grandson, should have been the time of the prosperity of the dragon clan, but now the destruction of the world has become inevitable. Someone will always leave a fire for the divine world of the ten thousand dynasties, so this heavy responsibility will be handed over to you!"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about!"


"Grandpa, you..."

Long Yingying slept, and the ninety-nine disaster has passed. Given the infinite star power, the immortal old man opened his mouth, spit out a colorful divine world, and integrated into Long Yingying's body together with the star power given.


A golden sword suspended under the divine disaster. When the ninety-ninth divine disaster fell, the golden sword suddenly turned into a sword and killed several aliens who crossed the disaster together.

It may be a little despicable and shameless to others, but there is no guilt in Jin Jiantian's heart. He is very firm that he wants to surpass the Golden God, so the last disaster he faces is the Golden God!

In the fantasy, he stood on the sword cliff, which was the same as the original battle with Fengyang. The golden god was on the other side of the cliff, and under the cliff was the river dyed into nine colors by the thunder of Fengyang.

There are countless golden swords and shadows on the cliff. Although the golden sword is cultivated, he is domineering and brave, but his domineering is more like the continuous waves.

"You are very good to fight the swordsmanship of my divine realm in the realm of pseudo-god!" The golden god appreciates it.

"Jiantian thanked Jinzu for his appreciation, but today Jiantian must defeat you to complete the real Golden God Kendo!"

The words of the golden sword sky are sonorous and powerful, and then the golden body shakes, and the sound of the strong sword has turned into the golden sword.

"Haha, well, I'm really glad that I have such a descendant, so I will meet with the sword of the Golden God to see if you really complete the Golden God Sword!"

The golden sword, two golden swords are cut together, and the golden light of heaven and earth is dazzling. At the same time, the golden sword under the disaster of the Void God also radiates thousands of golden light. Ninety-nine divine disasters are complete, and the star power is slowly given.


Under the divine disaster, the power of endless nightmare demons surged. In the magic, Yuer sat cross-legged with Chen Yun. In the last disaster, they returned to the village they once dreamed of. Chen Yun was Grandpa Tiger and Yuer was the snake mother-in-law.

Children still often laugh at Grandpa Tiger, "The snake mother-in-law is coming, and Grandpa Tiger is going home to kneel on the clothes board!"


Grandpa Hu's body was very strong, and a tiger roar drove away the group of annoying children, but the power on his face immediately changed to an attentive face.

"Ah, Snake Girl, why did you come out again? Go back and lie down. I'll cook for you."

"Ado? Do you think I came out too much and ruined your chance to show your power and seduce your little sister?

In addition to her gray hair, the snake mother-in-law's face was still very beautiful, but the anger on her face was so dangerous that Grandpa Hu quickly helped her.

"Ah, Snake Girl, don't be angry. You will move the fetus!!!"

The tiger hand gently stroked the snake mother-in-law's big belly, with loving expectations in her eyes. When she is old, she has a son, and her life is about to be successful.

Seeing the love in Grandpa Hu's eyes, the snake's mother-in-law's anger calmed down, and she also touched her stomach, with happy maternal love on her face.

"Ouch!" Grandma Snake's waist and abdomen suddenly felt a soreness.

"Snake Girl, what's wrong with you?" Grandpa Tiger is in a hurry.

"Brother Hu, I'm going to give birth. Help me back to my room and call the midwife, ah--"



There was a painful cry in the room. The snake mother-in-law tightly grasped Grandpa Hu's arm with both hands and her nails cut into the skin, so half of the painful cry was made by Grandpa Tiger.

The midwife shouted, "Hu harder, come out, harder, hold on a little longer, and it's about to come out... Ah, come out, ah--!"

The midwife was so scared that she almost lost the baby in her hand, quickly handed it over to the stunned Grandpa Tiger, and then desperately escaped from the delivery room.

Looking at the child in his arms, Grandpa Hu's eyes kept turning. The snake mother-in-law, who had just given birth, also saw the child, and her tired eyes were suddenly stunned.

The two old people looked at each other and shouted, "Damn it! I was really hit by Feng Yang, the tiger's head and snake's tail!"


The child was scared to cry, and the cry was childish tiger roaring. His whole body was dark and secluded. The small tiger head was quite cute, but with the long snake tail, it seemed to be incoherent.

"Ah, don't cry, don't cry. Dad doesn't dislike you. Look how powerful you are. Dad doesn't worry about you if he likes you. Don't cry, don't cry!"

The child is really easy to coax. He stopped crying and looked at the snake mother-in-law, looking forward to his mother's evaluation.

The snake mother-in-law's mood is complicated. How did she give birth to such a strange freak, but the child's small tiger eyes were very touching, and the long snake tail rolled up her palm and touched her heartstrings.

"Moer, come on, let your mother hug you. When you grow up, you will definitely shake the mountains and rivers, snakes will pour over the world, and there will be another evil god!"

"Howling, howling..." The little tiger's face was satisfied and got into the snake mother-in-law's arms to look for breast milk.

The two old man looked at each other again, with a little anger in his eyes and a few expectations. He nodded, the fantasy was blurred, the village disappeared, the delivery room disappeared, and the child in the arms of the snake mother-in-law also disappeared.

Chen Yun and Yuer under the divine disaster opened their eyes at the same time, "Puff--!" The two sneered.

"Damn Fengyang, the crow's mouth is so accurate!" Chen Yun scolded.

"Brother Yun, when will we give birth to him?" Yu'er leaned forward and leaned against Chen's chest.

"You and I have become gods. When the battle of extermination is over, we will go into reincarnation together, fall in love with snakes and tigers, and give birth to ten or eight tiger heads and snake tails, hahahaha!"

In the laughter, the two unfolded their respective physical worlds and slowly blended with each other with the gift of star power. The shouts of childish tigers spread in the new divine world.