Blood God Laugh

Wage information:

Whird man's information:

First of all, explain what is strength:

Jinli is a magical power generated by the muscles and veins of the human body when practicing martial arts, flowing in the veins and veins of all parts of the human body.

All kinds of martial arts skills have introduced how to cooperate with the use of martial arts. In the process of hard practice, they can invisibly improve the quality and quantity of strength.

Strength is generated independently, and there is no martial art that can directly cultivate strength. It mainly depends on whether the individual's physique can be automatically generated in martial arts practice.

Some people may even have muscle strength if they have not studied martial arts, such as blacksmiths and farmers, but only by learning martial arts can they make their strength better use and grow.

There is no difference between high and low strength at the same level. It is only the exquisiteness of martial arts and the use of strength, so there is a difference between martial arts and the use of strength.

All human tribes will have some martial arts and martial arts. Generally, there will be about three people in ten people who can practice strength!

It seems that the base is not small, but more than 90% of people who have practiced strength can't break through the level of strength.

That is to say, about 30 of 100 ordinary people can practice strength, but only about 3 people can achieve ground-level strength!

And there are very few people who have reached the heavenly strength. Only human beings with very strong muscles and veins can break through the heavenly strength.


Whird man's strength classification:

The strength of warriors is divided into: human level, prefecture level, each level is divided into nine levels, sky level, but there is no upper limit, and there is also domain level and boundary level.

For example, a person's physical strength can lift 300 pounds of objects, but after using strength, it can lift 400 pounds of objects, that is, the strength has 100 pounds of power, which is the first level of human level.

In the human level, every step up, you can lift 100 catties more when using strength, and so on. The strength of the ninth level of the human level is 900 catties.

Of course, each tribe will have a magic weapon to measure strength, which will not really be judged by raising stones.

When the strength reaches 1000 jin, it is the first level of the prefecture. After the prefecture level, the strength of each level increases by 500 jin.

and so on, that is, the second-order strength of the ground level is 1500 jin;

2000 jin of land-level three-level strength;

2500 jin power in the fourth order of the prefecture;

3000 jin of power in the fifth order of the prefecture;

3500 jin power in the sixth order of the prefecture;

4000 jin of power in the seventh order of the prefecture level;

4500 catties of the eighth order of the prefecture;

The strength to the ninth level of the prefecture is 5,000 catties!

If you want to reach the first level, you need 6,000 pounds of strength. If you can reach the level of strength, you are all worldly wizards!

The ninth level seems to be similar to the first level of the heavenly level, but when the strength reaches the heavenly level, it can force out of the body, forming a golden body protective gas, which can greatly increase defense, and can kill targets from a long distance through fist and foot weapons, etc., which is extremely powerful.

And after reaching the heavenly level, it can greatly improve the human body and nearly double human life expectancy.


After the sky level, each level of improvement is 1000 jin of power!

and so on, the second-order 7000 catties of power;

Sky-level third-order 8000 kg of strength;

heavenly fourth-order 9000 kg strength;

Sky level 5 strength of 10,000 catties;

Sky level 6 11000 jin strength;


Tian-level 10 15000 jin power;

16,000 catties of heavenly level 11 strength:

After the sky level, there is no upper limit of the equal order. As long as you can't break through the domain level, you will always grow in the sky level!

Domain-level strong people do not need strength to reach the tenth level, or higher to break through, but need to use strength and have a deep understanding. As long as there is a domain field, they are domain-level strong!

When the strength breaks through to the fifth level, that is, when the strength reaches 10,000 catties, and meets another condition at the same time, you can break through and become a domain-level strong! ( For related information, please refer to domain-level information)


Body strength:

In addition to strength, physical strength is also a part of strength, so many warriors who can't break through will also strengthen their strength by refining their bodies.

However, the growth of physical strength is more difficult than strength. The average person can reach 500 catties, and some masters can only reach 1000 catties!

If your strength is the fifth level, but has 500 pounds of physical strength, that is, a total of 1,000 pounds, then you are comparable to the strength of a person with only 200 pounds of physical strength, so the final victory or defeat depends on the use of martial arts and strength!

Therefore, the real strength of the martial artist is the use of strength + physical strength + martial arts + strength.

Generally speaking, the strength level does not include physical strength. If it is comprehensive strength, it includes physical strength!