blood line

Chapter 19 Blocking the Road!

"Jin Xuan, what are you doing?" Zhao Jingtian was furious and had an impulse to tear up Jin Xuan!

Jin Xuan laughed and said, "I didn't do anything. I just accidentally buried hundreds of Jin Xuanlei. They were careless. No wonder me! Brothers present, you all saw it, didn't you?"

Everyone is in a dilemma. Everyone knows that Jin Xuan has tamped, but who dares to say that he is not? Besides, these guys are enemies. If they are blown up, they will die. Who will fight for these guys?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Jin Xuan was extremely proud: "Brother, you see, if they don't talk, they all acquiesce that it is not my brother's fault. But you are not related to the enemy's defending generals, and all brothers can testify. I think you'd better think about how to explain it to your adoptive father! I'm going to patrol the city first for my brother. Say goodbye!"

Zhao Jingtian respects the oath very much. Someone once told him that people are doing it and the sky is watching. What you say to heaven must not be counted, otherwise you will be punished. Zhao Jingtian respected that man very much and naturally believed his words.

People can not believe in heaven, but they can't help but be afraid of heaven!

Looking at Jin Xuan and walking away as if nothing had happened, Zhao Jingtian clenched his fists tightly, clenched his bones, and said with hatred in his heart, "Jin Xuan, if you break your oath, sooner or later there will be your retribution!"


Iron pillar ran to the city excitedly. Like other slaves, he was originally a resident of Tieyun Mountain City because of the occupation of the Fire Dragon family and forced to become a slave. The white-haired teenager saved them. In addition to his gratitude, the first thing he did was to run home to see if his relatives were safe.

"Where's Dad, Ah Hua and Xiaozhen?" Looking at his old father alone in the dilapidated house, the iron pillar was stunned. His family is still rich, but he didn't expect it to break like this in a few months! What's more unexpected is that his wife and daughter are missing!

The wrinkled iron pillar father burst into tears: "Pzhu, they were ruined and died by those beasts and died unjustly..."

The iron pillar is as if it has been electrocuted, as if it were a wooden chicken. The loving wife, the daughter under the age of 13, living with them seems to be like yesterday, but now, they are dead!

"Ah--" The iron pillar roared!

Almost at the same time, the whole city of Tieyunshan made the same roar as the iron pillar! In the voice, with endless anger!

"What's going on?" Zhao Jingtian and Yan Yaoying just walked back to the city and heard a roar. They happened to go to Tiezhu's house, and Zhao Jingtian probably guessed what had happened.

Tiezhu knelt down under the tree in the backyard with a wooden face, and the tears on his face were not dry. He looked at two small mounds with empty eyes and muttered to himself, "Ahua, Xiaozhen..."

"Let's go and let him be quiet." Zhao Jingtian and Yan Yaoying were about to leave when Tiezhu, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly said, "This young general, can you accept me?"

In fact, Zhao Jingtian doesn't need to ask why Tiezhu has such a requirement. He wants to be a boxer and go to the battlefield in person to avenge his family!

Zhao Jingtian nodded: "Okay, you can follow me in the future."

As soon as he heard that Zhao Jingtian was willing to accept Tiezhu, Tiezhu's father laughed a few times: "Zhuzi, don't worry about your father. You must avenge your daughter-in-law and granddaughter!"

After saying that, the old man hit his head against the wall and his head was broken!

"Dad..." The corners of Tiezhu's eyes shed tears like blood!

The family is ruined and people are dead!

"How could this happen?" Although Yan Yaoying has seen the cruelty of the battlefield, she never thought that for ordinary people, war is their disaster!

"Bury your father well and come to me." Zhao Jingtian and Yan Yaoying left Tiezhu's house and always felt that their heads were pressed by something and panicked.

Not long after they left, there was a "huh" behind them. The two looked back and saw that the iron pillar's house was submerged in the fire!

Tiezhu came to Zhao Jingtian: "Young General, I can go with you now."

Zhao Jingtian nodded: "Well, let's go."


Outside Tieyun Mountain, thousands of bodies were piled up on the open space, surrounded by hay and dry wood. From time to time, one body after another was carried and thrown over and piled up on other bodies.

A cold wind blew, cutting people's skin like a knife and piercing the hearts of those living people.

The gloomy sky, the mutilated and piled up mountains of corpses, and the blood-soaked land... Although they won the battle, no one was happy. Those soldiers who have just become boxers, the pride of becoming boxers has long flown away, and all that remains is the powerless sadness.

Becoming a boxer is not as beautiful as you think, and you even have to face a more cruel fate!

"Rest in peace, brothers..." Zhao Jingtian took the torch and threw it on the pile of corpses. As soon as the fire touched the firewood, it immediately cracked up.

The cold wind continued to blow, and the fire took advantage of the wind to become more and more powerful. The black smoke went straight up to the sky, dyeing the dark clouds in the sky...


After handling the body, Zhao Jingtian toured Tieyunshan City again. He was surprised to find that the whole Tieyun Mountain City was not only wiped out, but even had not much food in stock, which was only enough for soldiers to eat for three days at most.

Jin Xuan was not in a hurry at all: "Brother, the food I brought is enough for three days. You can use these six days to properly arrange the city defense of this city. I will go back and report to my godfather first, and then get you a month's food. Instructor Yan will stay and help you. The other five instructors will come back with me, and I will send them to escort the food. When everything here is on track a month later, the godfather will send someone to take over the city. At that time, you can go back to Jinxiangtang to practice.

"I won't send it!" Zhao Jingtian didn't want to see Jin Xuan at all. He said he wanted to leave, but Zhao Jingtian couldn't ask for it.

"Farewell, my brother. Haha!" With a shake of his sleeve, Jin Xuan laughed all the way away.

Yan Yaoying vaguely felt something wrong: "Why do I feel something wrong!"

Zhao Jingtian hummed, "The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!"

Yan Yaoying shook her head: "Xiaotian, you are still a little younger..."


After five days of hard work, Tieyun Mountain City has slowly recovered a little. Zhao Jingtian was the benefactor of the city, and the soldiers admired him. Everyone obeyed him and seriously carried out the tasks he arranged, and everything became orderly.

The only thing that made Zhao Jingtian feel uneasy is that the food mentioned by Jin Xuan did not come as promised. Food can only be supplied for one day.

"Sister Yan, hasn't the person escorted the food arrived yet?" Zhao Jingtiandao.

A carrier pigeon flew into Yan Yaoying's hand. She took out a note from the feet of the pigeon, showing a little relaxed expression: "The grain team has arrived at the territory of your registered apprentice Kaishanhu, and it is estimated that it will arrive in half a day."

Zhao Jingtian's uneasy feeling came to his heart again. I don't know why, after practicing the Blood Taboo, Zhao Jingtian's foreboding of what was about to happen became stronger and stronger with the increase of his strength.


The mountain tiger has been living a full life recently. When he was free, he took his men to practice the boxing skills given to him by his boss and master Zhao Jingtian, and coupled with the boxing skills he learned himself. When there was "work", he went out to fight the autumn wind and robbed a few passers-by.

While Zhao Jingtian and Yan Yaoying received the carrier pigeon, Kaishanhu received a report from his men: "Old man... boss..."

The mountain tiger knocked on the head of the little report: "How many times have I said that I'm the second child! The boss is my master!"

"Yes...yes...yes...second brother. Outside...outside...there is a big...big fish!" Little Luo's tongue is very knotted.

The mountain tiger put on his "handsome" one-eye mask again and roared loudly: "Brothers, I'm fishing!"

Hundreds of carts passed at the foot of Fengshan, where the mountain tiger was located. The wheels rumbling, and the body shook from side to side, shaking the wooden boxes on the car. More than 200 people pulled the car forward and backward, keeping the normal speed. Three of the five instructors who left with Jin Xuan walked in front of the motorcade and two walked behind the motorcade, looking bored.

"Really, on our Jin Xiangzong's territory, he still has to escort grain and grass to Tieyun Mountain City so grandly. Is Master Jin too careful?" An instructor said dissatisfiedly that until now, he was still recalling the sao smell of the little fragrance in Wanhualou, Zhenzhou.

"Li Tian, don't complain. This is the salary for Master Jin's brother Zhao Jingtian. Naturally, Master Jin should be more cautious." Another instructor said.

Li Tian looked disdainful: "Qian Daming, come on, you and I know the relationship between Zhao Jingtian and Master Jin. They all want each other to die..."

Qian Daming took a left and right look with a cautious look: "Shh, whisper... Don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

The mountain tiger hiding in the dark gave the stuttering chestnuts to the one who just reported the letter: "You idiot, you are blind! These are all boxers! Who dares to provoke? If they don't die, we are already blessed by immortals. How dare you let us rob them! Live impatiently!"

"Who is it!?" The mountain tiger heard the scream of people outside the bushes and looked out curiously. It doesn't matter. The heart of the mountain tiger suddenly came to his throat.

Twenty masked men in black blocked the way of the escort team. The gloves worn by these people's hands flashed with a fiery red light. When the sun shone, the red light became more dazzling and exuded a suffocating breath!