blood line

Chapter 223 Qiu Shang, Poison

Slina was so happy that she was about to shed tears. She bowed deeply to Zhao Jingtian and said very solemnly: "Thank you...master!"

Zhao Jingtian was stunned: "Master? Why the master?"

Slina also looked confused: "What's wrong with calling a master? Our apprentices and students here call their teachers masters.

Zhao Jingtian laughed and said, "So that's it. I understand." Zhao Jingtian originally wanted Slina to call himself "Master" and then kowtowed to his master three times according to the etiquette of the Holy Heaven. However, Zhao Jingtian just thought about it. He didn't really care about etiquette or anything when he accepted this apprentice. She likes to call herself a master, just follow her.

Zhao Jingtian pondered for a while, took out a stone and gave it to Slina: "This is Master... Oh, no, Master, I gave you a gift."

Selena took the stone in a pan intolery and couldn't see what the stone was for for a long time.

Zhao Jingtian knew that she didn't understand and smiled, "You put this stone on your body and try to pull up the long bow."

Selena curiously did what Zhao Jingtian said. At first, she didn't feel anything, but when she pulled up her bow, her little face turned blue.

This long bow suddenly became extremely heavy, and he used all his strength and could only pull away a little!

"Pray!" Zhao Jingtian suddenly shouted, and Slina was shocked, and her hand pulling the bow suddenly let go.

Wh! The bow and arrow flew through the wind at an indescribable speed. Before Slina's eyes blinked, the bow and arrow disappeared!

Slina looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't believe it. She believed that the arrow she had just shot had exhausted her strength, but the speed of the bow and arrow could not have reached without twice her strength!

The stone that Zhao Jingtian gave to Slina was the reactionary stone he found when looking for the blue fire. He didn't expect his unexpected idea to have such an effect and was very satisfied: "In the future, as your strength increases, the power of this bow will double. When I return to the Holy Kingdom, let someone build a good bow for you. When you can fill that bow, I believe that your bow and arrow are enough to penetrate anything hard on the continent.

Slina nodded obediently: "Well, thank you, master."

The more Zhao Jingtian looked at the little girl, the more he liked her. When he saw her, he seemed to see Zhao Xuan from He Ning City in the past.

"Let's go." Zhao Jingtian quickly woke up from his memory, waved his hand and continued to walk forward.

Slina restrained her joy and continued to follow Zhao Jingtian.

Two figures, one long and one short, are reflected on the grass and gradually moving away...

Two days later, Zhao Jingtian and Slina came to a very quiet grassland. This so-called quiet is real quiet. Originally, the ordinary grassland was also very quiet, but there were all kinds of birds and beasts passing by along the way. Only here, there was no bird shadow.

The five fires outside the sky in Zhao Jing's celestial body began to move, but this time, Zhao Jingtian could not really feel the exact location of the fire of Qiu Shang!

Zhao Jingtian and Slina's eyes were suddenly full of yellow flames, and each of them looked so real. And the five fires in Zhao Jing's celestial body have the same sense of these flames!

"What's going on?" Zhao Jingtian frowned and casually put several nearby flames into his body.

Who knows that these flames are gone, and there are more than a dozen flames next to it!

Zhao Jingtian no longer acted rashly, but looked at Slena with her eyes closed and eyebrows locked. Her little body kept trembling, and the sweat on her forehead fell straight down.

Looking at Slina's pale face, Zhao Jingtian was a little unbearable: "In order to help me, her mental strength is overdrawn! But it's strange, why does this girl have such a magical ability? Even I can't tell which one is the real Qiu Shang fire, but she can feel it?"

Just as Zhao Jingtian was thinking about these things, Slena suddenly opened her eyes, gasped and pointed to the northeast and said, "Master, that strange thing is in that direction!"

Zhao Jingtian moved when he heard the sound and moved to the northeast. With his hands moving together, Zhao Jingtian sucked hundreds of flames in the northeast into his body in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, all the flames around disappeared and ceased to exist.

After entering the fire of Qiu Shang, the five fires in Zhao Jing's celestial body fought crazily with this flame. It seems that they are the boss of this territory. This Qiu Shang is a newcomer, and naturally he should respect them.

And Qiu Shang, the dominant guy, was not convinced, so he fought with the original five bosses. Zhao Jingtian's body became their battlefield.

"Ah!" Zhao Jingtian clenched his teeth and let the six fires fight dark in his body.

bursts of scorching heat emitted from the inside out, as if even Zhao Jingtian's blood had been boiled.

If Zhao Jingtian has not practiced the taboo formula of blood behavior and is burned by these six fires, he must have exploded and died.

Even so, Zhao Jingtian was still extremely painful at this time. The feeling of burning the body is even better than cutting the skin and cone!

Slina looked at Zhao Jingtian's colorful face and became fast, unconsciously afraid and worried: "The master will be fine, definitely not..."

When she was afraid to a certain extent, Slina even began to close her eyes and pray.

Except for the heat and severe pain, Zhao Jingtian lost all his other feelings and didn't know what Selena was talking about. Until the end of the "battle" of the flames of the six regiments, six into one.

"Wow--" Zhao Jingtian breathed a long sigh of relief, and he found that the breath he spit out at this time was still steaming hot.

"Well..." Zhao Jingtian was about to stand up, and his liver hurt for no reason. He spit out a big mouthful of black blood!

Even if Zhao Jingtian experienced a strong wind and waves and faced the sudden black blood, he couldn't help but change his face: "When did I get poisoned? And it's still this kind of mixed poison!"

As soon as the black blood fell to the ground, it dyed the grass there black in an instant, emitting black smoke!

In addition to toxicity, this poison is also corrosive!

Zhao Jingtian closed his eyes and quickly searched for the past bits and pieces in his mind: "Who? Who poisoned me so much? If I hadn't merged the six fires and refined the stone of Lingshan, I wouldn't have noticed the poison at all!"

After thinking about it, Zhao Jingtian could only come up with four words in the end: Muling Villa!

Zhao Jingtian's anger burst out in an instant, and a strong murderous atmosphere rushed to the sky!

Selena has never seen Zhao Jingtian look so terrible, trembling, like a bird hiding under the eaves in the rain.

Even so, she did not take a step back. That man is his master and his hope for the future. How can he be afraid of him?

Probably because he felt that he had vented enough, Zhao Jingtian suddenly stopped and asked bitterly, "Are you scared?"

Selena's face was pale, she squeezed her lips and nodded, shaking her head again.

Zhao Jingtian laughed dryly: "It's okay. Let's go back to find your brother."

"Hmm." Slina is very clever and doesn't ask what happened. All she knows is that following this master is her own life path in the future.

Before leaving, Zhao Jingtian carefully collected the black blood he had just spit out. He wants to study slowly to see what types of poisons are contained in it.

Zhao Jingtian can't study it himself, and the people of the Muling Villa of the Holy Heaven probably won't help him study these things, and he can't worry about handing it over to them. Then the only choice...

Zhao Jingtian's mouth flashed a giggling smile. Perhaps, it is unknown to figure out the role of these poisons in Gilles.

At this time, a person flashed in Zhao Jingtian's mind, and he was fully confident that he could help him analyze the effects of these poisons.

"Master Ruth, wait, I'll come to you in a few days, haha!" Zhao Jingtian kept laughing wildly in his heart, and Master Ruth, who was thousands of miles away, stood up with his hair: "Da Damn it! Why is it so cold all of a sudden?